This file hosts the complete changelog of this plugin.
- added bold and link functionality to the paragraph block
- fixed a security issue for file upload
- fixed a security issue for file upload
- fixed a bug and tested up to bumped to 6.6.1
- added more translation
- bugfix
- security patch
- json form sanitization
- fixed a problem with the recaptcha form
- frontend step title bug fix
- removed option to add HTML to Paragraph block
- added nonce checks to msf form admin delete and duplicate
- fixed the vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- tested up to bumped to 6.3.1
- fixed a bug with the select block
- Accessibility improvements
- tested up to bumped to 6.1.1
- Fixed some bugs
- Improved sanitization
- tested up to bumped to 6.0
- New EMail Block Option: Confirmation
- tested up bumped to 5.8
- tested up to bumped to 5.7
- More small improvements
- Small improvements
- Per form settings for email copy to user
- Added variable get parameter field
- String replacements for email subject and headline
- Internal code structure changes
- Better Troubleshooting page
- Save a form using Ctrl-S/Command-S
- Replaced reCAPTCHA v3 with v2 because v3 caused too many problems
- Default E-Mail Bugfix
- Section Name Bugfix
- New Troubleshooting page allows faster debugging and better support
- Confirmation dialog before form deletion
- Fixed bug with additional email headers
- Display max. filesize for upload fields
- User copy bugfix
- Small changes
- Wordpress 5.4 compatibility tested
- Bugfix: wp_register_ error message
- Custom Reply-To email from input
- JSON Quote Bugfix
- Removed limitation on element count
- Better code quality
- Higher compatibility with caching plugins
- Gutenberg Bugfix
- Select Bugfix
- Upgraded vendor scripts
- JS Media Bugfix
- New, more stable core
- More translations
- Media block
- Embed shortcode in paragraph
- Form upload bugfix
- Captcha Bugfix
- Gutenberg support
- reCAPTCHA v3 support
- JavaScript Bugfixes
- Code cleanup
- HTML email header span changed
- Bugfix: Backend i-icons were misplaced
- CSS Chrome icon fix
- Datepicker year range resized
- Removed need for Google Fonts
- Sanitazation changed: Restricted HTML in paragraphs and radio buttons
- JavaScript gets only loaded on pages using the form
- Custom HTML ids for the most input fields
- Bugfix: email validation on android
- Bugfix: linebreaks in emails
- Other small changes
- Added numeric input field
- Many small bugfixes
- Small fixes
- Fix style issues
- Bundle external assets
- Fix a security issue
- Fix date format not saving as specified
- Choose month/year with dropdown menus in datepicker
- Custom Email Headers (Reply-To, BCC...)
- Relevant error message for invalid Email
- Small Bugfixes
- Upload multiple files with a single form element
- Conditional Field fix
- Multi Step Form Plus compatibility
- Bugfixes
- Import & Export Forms as JSON
- CSS fix: input icons
- preparing for PLUS
- settings menu has moved to MSF-menu
- ISO date format by default
- Datepicker Hotfix
- Implemented Action Hooks
- Select/Dropdown required works now
- Allow custom date format
- Bugfixes
- Duplicating forms and steps feature
- Compatibility improvements
- Prepared the plugin for translation
- Fixed form rendering position
- New, less generic shortcode
- Fixed bug where summary was disappearing
- Warning Message on exiting page only showing if a file was uploaded
- Layout Clearfix added
- Critical Bugfix
- Minor CSS fixes
- Dynamic File Upload
- Extended E-Mail Settings
- Bugfixes
- Breakpoint transitions now fluid
- Adjust font sizes
- Display progress bar differently when there is less space
- fixed progress-bar style importance
- you can now choose to send a cc mail to the user (optional)
- redirect to a custom URL after submit (optional)
- search functionality in select boxes (optional)
- backend side menu is sticky now
- Make plugin multisite compatible
- Step title rendering bugfix
- WordPress 4.7 compatibility
- E-mail validation bugfix
- Modify default colors
- Change wording in settings
- Initial release