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Version 0.9
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- PyPI release! Can now install with ``pip install matador-db`` (unfortunately ``matador`` was taken, but they are sufficiently orthogonal that the package name ``matador`` is retained here.
- Much improved code structure and many additional classes that wrap the raw calculation dictionaries for e.g. :class:`matador.crystal.Crystal` and spectral classes.
- New module :mod:`matador.orm` containing useful models for data handling.

  - :class:`matador.orm.orm.DataContainer` as a base class that allows for easy
    access to underlying dictionaries.
  - :mod:`matador.orm.spectral` module that contains many useful classes for
    manipulating and plotting e.g. bandstructures, DOS and finite temperature

- New features in :mod:`matador.hull` module:

  - Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams (building towards arbitrary n-dimensional phase diagrams).
  - :class:`matador.hull.EnsembleHull` class and submodule to support the Bayesian Error Estimate Functional (BEEF) and finite temperature phase diagrams.
  - Refactoring of hull calculation into light-weight :class:`matador.hull.PhaseDiagram` class.
  - Finite temperature hulls based on :class:`matador.hull.EnsembleHull` with

- Refactored old PDF `similarity` module into new module :mod:`matador.fingerprints`.

  - Added new fingerprint class, :class:`matador.fingerprints.PXRD`, with associated plots (thanks for James Darby for some initial code). Defaults calibrated with GSAS-II.
  - :class:`matador.fingerprints.PDF` sped up by an order of magnitude using `numba`.

- :class:`matador.workflows.castep.CastepSpectralWorkflow` extended to include latest projected dispersion curve developments from OptaDOS, with associated projected dispersion plots (see tutorial).

  - Updated dispersion script to automatically perform naive Gaussian smearing if OptaDOS output not detected.

- Abstracted and simplified :mod:`matador.compute` module to allow for extension to new codes via :mod:`matador.compute.calculators` submodule.

  - Should now be more robust and transferrable, with many HPC environments automatically detected.
  - Added ``--scratch_prefix`` to run3 to allow for temporary files to e.g. be written to faster filesystem with appropriate symlinks to work folder.

- All CASTEP 19 keywords supported, as well as `devel_code` blocks.
- Several new tests: coverage now around 75% when CASTEP is available.
- New tutorials:

  - :ref:`MongoDB setup<mongo>`
  - :ref:`Spectral calculations with run3<run3_spectral>`
  - Example notebooks
  • Loading branch information
ml-evs authored May 15, 2020
2 parents 5d8ae99 + 2d1b10f commit e8506d0
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 1,151 changed files with 355,094 additions and 309,466 deletions.
17 changes: 3 additions & 14 deletions .coveragerc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,16 @@
# .coveragerc to control
branch = True
concurrency = multiprocessing
parallel = True

# Regexes for lines to exclude from consideration
ignore_errors = True
omit =
omit =
exclude_lines =
exclude_lines =
pragma: no cover
if verbosity
if self.verbosity
if debug
if self.debug
def plot_
if kwargs.get('verbosity')
if kwargs.get('debug')
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions .flake8
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# E226: whitespace around operators which can look ugly, IMO
# W503 and W504 can be contradictory: linebreaks before/after binary operators
ignore = E226, W503, W504
# same width as GH editor
max-line-length = 127
# these files are either autogenerated or no longer maintained
exclude = docs,plugins,castep_params
# unfortunately complexity is a harsh requirement on some of this project...
max-complexity = -1
# ignore star imports in chem utils that bring in all constants
per-file-ignores =
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
name: Run tests

- develop
- master

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
max-parallel: 2
python-version: [3.6]

- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v1
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
cp tests/data/matador_pipelines_conf.yml $HOME/.matadorrc
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install flake8
- name: Check for syntax errors and lint with flake8
run: |
flake8 . \
--count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
# check for bad code smell on all but the least important files...
flake8 . \
--count \
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
python-version: [3.6]

- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v1
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
cp tests/data/matador_pipelines_conf.yml $HOME/.matadorrc
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e .[test,plotting,crystal,optional]
- name: Test with pytest
run: |
py.test -rs --cov-config .coveragerc --cov=./matador/ --cov-report=xml
- name: Upload coverage to Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1
token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
file: ./coverage.xml
flags: unittests
yml: ./codecov.yml
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .pre-commit-config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- repo:
rev: master
- id: flake8
name: Flake8
60 changes: 45 additions & 15 deletions CHANGELOG.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,41 +1,71 @@

For planned developments, please see the `Boards tab <>`_ on Bitbucket.
New in release (0.9) [15/05/2020]

New in development version (rolling) (0.9a)
- PyPI release! Can now install with ``pip install matador-db`` (unfortunately ``matador`` was taken, but they are sufficiently orthogonal that the package name ``matador`` is retained here.
- Much improved code structure and many additional classes that wrap the raw calculation dictionaries for e.g. :class:`matador.crystal.Crystal` and spectral classes.
- New module :mod:`matador.orm` containing useful models for data handling.

- SpectralWorkflow extended to include latest projected dispersion curve developments from OptaDOS.
- Updated dispersion script to automatically perform naive Gaussian smearing if OptaDOS output not detected.
- :class:`matador.orm.orm.DataContainer` as a base class that allows for easy
access to underlying dictionaries.
- :mod:`matador.orm.spectral` module that contains many useful classes for
manipulating and plotting e.g. bandstructures, DOS and finite temperature

- New features in :mod:`matador.hull` module:

- Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams (building towards arbitrary n-dimensional phase diagrams).
- :class:`matador.hull.EnsembleHull` class and submodule to support the Bayesian Error Estimate Functional (BEEF) and finite temperature phase diagrams.
- Refactoring of hull calculation into light-weight :class:`matador.hull.PhaseDiagram` class.
- Finite temperature hulls based on :class:`matador.hull.EnsembleHull` with

- Refactored old PDF `similarity` module into new module :mod:`matador.fingerprints`.

- Added new fingerprint class, :class:`matador.fingerprints.PXRD`, with associated plots (thanks for James Darby for some initial code). Defaults calibrated with GSAS-II.
- :class:`matador.fingerprints.PDF` sped up by an order of magnitude using `numba`.

- :class:`matador.workflows.castep.CastepSpectralWorkflow` extended to include latest projected dispersion curve developments from OptaDOS, with associated projected dispersion plots (see tutorial).

- Updated dispersion script to automatically perform naive Gaussian smearing if OptaDOS output not detected.

- Abstracted and simplified :mod:`matador.compute` module to allow for extension to new codes via :mod:`matador.compute.calculators` submodule.

- Should now be more robust and transferrable, with many HPC environments automatically detected.
- Added ``--scratch_prefix`` to run3 to allow for temporary files to e.g. be written to faster filesystem with appropriate symlinks to work folder.

- All CASTEP 19 keywords supported, as well as `devel_code` blocks.
- Several new tests: coverage now around 75% when CASTEP is available.
- New tutorials:

+ :ref:`MongoDB setup<mongo>`
+ :ref:`Spectral calculations with run3<run3_spectral>`
- :ref:`MongoDB setup<mongo>`
- :ref:`Spectral calculations with run3<run3_spectral>`
- Example notebooks

- Added ``--scratch_prefix`` to run3 to allow for temporary files to e.g. be written to faster filesystem with appropriate symlinks to work folder.

New in current release (0.8b) [03/08/2018]
New in release (0.8b) [03/08/2018]

- Wholesale changes, complete refactoring of most of the code.
- Released open source under the MIT license!
- Documentation now hosted on `readthedocs <>`_,
- Workflows: chaining up job steps with run3:

+ spectral and phonons (combined DOS, dispersion calculations) with automated kpoint paths.
+ bulk modulus calculations and EOS fitting.
- spectral and phonons (combined DOS, dispersion calculations) with automated kpoint paths.
- bulk modulus calculations and EOS fitting.

- New tutorials:

+ :ref:`Geometry optimisations with run3<run3_geom>`
- :ref:`Geometry optimisations with run3<run3_geom>`

- Temperature-dependent convex hulls (by Angela Harper).
- Temperature-dependent convex hulls (thanks to Angela Harper).
- New per-used configuration that allows changing of plotting styles, colourschemes, database names etc.
- Improvements to compute module:

+ automatically handle walltime constraints,
+ estimate memory usage with CASTEP and skip if exceeds machine capacity,
- automatically handle walltime constraints for Slurm and PBS.
- estimate memory usage with CASTEP and skip if exceeds machine capacity,

- All CASTEP 18 keywords supported.
- Better support for electronic structure data, OptaDOS, NMR calculations, CIF files, partial occupancy.
Expand Down
42 changes: 19 additions & 23 deletions INSTALL.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,38 +4,34 @@ Installation

Installing with conda/pip
Simple installation with pip

The matador package can be found on PyPI under the name `matador-db <>`_ and installed with
``pip install matador-db``, preferably in a fresh virtual environment (see conda instructions below). Extra dependencies may be installed with e.g. ``pip install matador-db[plotting]``.

Development installing with conda/pip

The tl;dr way to install matador, on e.g. a computing cluster, is as follows:

1. Clone the matador source onto your local machine ``git clone``.
1. Clone the matador source onto your local machine ``git clone``.

Optional (but recommended) steps:

2. `Install conda <>`_, if you have not already (choose the version suitable for you, the installers Python version does not matter that much, but it may as well be 3+!).
3. Create a new conda environment to install matador into (``conda create -n matador python=3.6``)
2. `Install conda <>`_, if you have not already. There may be a package available already if you are using a supercomputer (e.g. `anaconda-compute/2.2.0-python3` on ARCHER 30/10/2017).
3. Create a new conda environment to install matador into (``conda create -n matador python=3.6``) and activate it with (``conda activate matador``).
4. Install some of the heavier requirements (e.g. NumPy and SciPy) through conda with ``conda install --yes --file requirements/requirements.txt``. You may also want to install some of the optional dependencies in this manner, e.g. ``conda install --yes --file requirements/plotting_requirements.txt``.

Required steps:

4. Run ``pip install .`` from inside the top-level matador directory, or ``pip install -e .`` for an editable developer install.
5. You now have a basic matador API installation, if you wish to use all matador features, install extra dependencies from the other requirements files inside ``requirements/`` using either conda (preferably) or pip. e.g. for plotting, running your own database and Jupyter notebook visualisation functionality, use ``pip install .[plotting,db,viz]``. If you wish to just install everything use ``pip install .[all]``.
6. To use matador, you will need to work inside the conda environment from step 2, by running ``source activate matador``.
7. You can test your installation using ``python -m unittest discover`` or simply ``py.test`` (if you have it installed).

More esoteric installation on ARCHER (30th October 2017)
5. Run ``pip install .`` from inside the top-level matador directory, or ``pip install -e .`` for an editable developer install.
6. You now have a basic matador API installation, if you wish to use all matador features, install extra dependencies from the other requirements files inside ``requirements/`` using either conda (preferably) or pip. e.g. for plotting, running your own database and Jupyter notebook visualisation functionality, use ``pip install .[plotting,db,viz]``. If you wish to just install everything use ``pip install .[all]``.
7. To use matador, you will need to activate the conda environment from step 2, by running ``conda activate matador``. You will also need this in e.g. any job scripts. You can test your installation using ``python -m unittest discover -v -b`` or simply ``py.test`` (if you have it installed). By default this will look for an executable called `castep` to run CASTEP tests, which are probably the most useful.

These steps assume you have your ``work`` directory symlinked inside

1. ``module load anaconda-compute/2.2.0-python3``
2. ``conda create -p $HOME/work/.conda/matador-env python=3.6 numpy scipy``
3. ``source activate $HOME/work/.conda/matador-env``
4. ``git clone``
5. ``cd matador``
6. Due to some weird permissions on ARCHER, we must move the git folder
so that ``pip`` works...
7. ``mv .git $HOME/matador_git_stash; pip install . ; mv $HOME/matador_git_stash .git``
1. (10/09/2019) When installing with ``conda``, if you receive the following error (or
similar): ``/home/#####/.local/conda/envs/matador/compiler_compat/ld: build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.6/psutil/_psutil_common.o: unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_info``, then you are using a modern compiler that breaks ``conda``'s attempts to be backwards compatibile (in this case it was GCC 9). The simple fix is to rename/remove the copy of ``ld`` inside your conda environment (path in the message above) such that your system ``ld`` is used.
2. (10/10/2017) On some machines (e.g. ARCHER/Thomas) you may receive permissions errors at step 5; if so, try moving matador's `.git` and install again (``mv .git $HOME/matador_git_stash; pip install . ; mv $HOME/matador_git_stash .git``).
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
recursive-include matador/config *
recursive-include docs *
recursive-include matador/tests/data *
include matador/scrapers/words
include matador/scrapers/nouns
recursive-include matador/data *
include README.rst
include CHANGELOG.rst
include INSTALL.rst
Expand Down
81 changes: 37 additions & 44 deletions README.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,66 +2,47 @@

|Bitbucket Pipelines| |Develop Pipelines| |Coverage Status| |Documentation Status| |MIT License|
|GH Actions| |Coverage Status| |Documentation Status| |MIT License|

matador is an aggregator, manipulator and runner of first-principles
calculations, written with a bent towards battery electrode materials.
The source can be found on `Bitbucket <>`_.
matador is an aggregator, manipulator and runner of first-principles calculations, written with a bent towards battery electrode materials.
The source can be found on `GitHub <>`_ and online documentation is hosted on `ReadTheDocs <>`_.

Written by `Matthew Evans <>`_ (2016-).
Example Jupyter notebooks and tutorials can be found `online <>`_ or in the ``examples/`` folder of the matador source code.

Written & maintained by `Matthew Evans <>`_ (2016-).

.. image:: docs/src/img/lipzn.png
:name: LiPZn
:align: center

Core functionality

The core functionality can be summarised by the various sub-commands of the
command-line interface. The API has many more features that can be explored
in the examples and API documentation.

1. The scraping of CASTEP/Quantum Espresso output files into flexible
Python dictionaries with a sensible schema via ``matador import``.
2. The transferal of the scraped dictionaries into a MongoDB database.
3. Powerful CLI querying of the database, with a focus on energy storage
applications using ``matador query``.
4. Calculation and presentation of binary and ternary phase diagrams
with ``matador hull``.
5. 0K voltage curves for binary and ternary systems, as well as arbitrary intercalation electrodes, using
``matador voltage``.
6. Atomic species swapping and polishing from previous calculations using
``matador swaps``.
7. Automated high-throughput geometry optimisations, electronic and vibrational properties,
plus convergence tests, using CASTEP or Quantum Espresso, with the ``run3`` entrypoint.
Tested on several supercomputers.
8. Refinement of structural and chemical data, and symmetries powered by ``spglib``, via
``matador refine``.
In the simplest case, ``pip install matador-db`` is sufficient to get up and running, preferably in a fresh virtual environment. More detailed instructions can be found in the `Installation instructions <>`_.


For basic command-line usage, please explore the help system for each sub-command. Common workflows can be found under ``examples/`` and :ref:`tutorials_index`.
For basic command-line usage, please explore the help system for each sub-command. Common workflows can be found inside ``examples/`` and in the `online docs <>`_.

The full Python API documentation can be found under :ref:`modules`.
Please consult the full `Python API documentation <>`_ for programmatic usage.

.. code-block:: text
usage: matador [-h] [--version]
MATerial and Atomic Database Of Refined structures.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
valid sub-commands
stats print some stats about the database.
query query and extract structures from the database
Expand All @@ -77,18 +58,30 @@ The full Python API documentation can be found under :ref:`modules`.
refine update structures in the database according to
specified --task
Core functionality

The core functionality can be summarised by the various sub-commands of the
command-line interface above. The API has many more features that can be explored
in the examples and API documentation.

- Scraping of CASTEP (and Quantum Espresso) input/output files into flexible
Python dictionaries/models.
- The creation and curation of MongoDB collections of geometry optimisation,
calculations, with a powerful querying CLI/API.
- Customisable, publication-ready plots for all models, e.g. phase diagrams, PDF, PXRD,
voltage profiles, electronic/vibrational bandstructures etc.
- Automated high-throughput geometry optimisations, electronic and vibrational properties
using CASTEP (and Quantum Espresso) with ``run3``. Tested on several supercomputers.
- Creation of phase diagrams and electrochemical voltage profiles from the
results of DFT calculations.

matador is available under the `MIT License <>`_.

.. |Bitbucket Pipelines| image::
.. |Develop Pipelines| image::
.. |GH Actions| image::
.. |MIT License| image::
.. |Coverage Status| image::
.. |Coverage Status| image::
.. |Documentation Status| image::

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