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mkulseth authored Feb 1, 2021
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57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions NBM Weather Elements - MDL - Virtual Lab.csv
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"Weather Element","grib2 ID","text ID","Definition","Notes"
"18 dBZ echo top height","echotop","(n/a)","Maxiumum height at which 18dBZ refectivity is present in a vertical column",""
"apparent temperature","appt","(n/a)","Perceived temperature derived from either a combination of temperature and wind (Wind Chill) or temperature and humidity (Heat Index) for the indicated time. When the temperature at a particular grid point falls to 50 F or less wind chill will be used for that point for the Apparent Temperature. When the temperature at a grid point rises above 80 F the heat index will be used for Apparent Temperature. Between 51 and 80 F the Apparent Temperature will be the ambient air temperature.",""
"calibrated probability of precipitation","qmd_pop(xx)","(n/a)","Calibrated xx-hour probability of precipitation using a quantile mapping method. The details of the calibration procedure are described in a publication by Hamill 2017.",""
"ceiling height","cig","CIG","Height from surface of the lowest layer of clouds (or obscuring phenomena) when reported as broken overcast or obscuration and not classified ""thin"" or ""partial."" The ceiling is termed unlimited when the foregoing conditions are not satisfied",""
"dew point","dewp","DPT","Temperature to which air must be cooled for saturation to occur at 2 meter height valid at forecast time",""
"flat (""total"") ice accumulation","flatice(xx)","I(xx)","Amount of new ice accretion on all exposed surfaces accumulated over a given time period ending at the specificed time",""
"Fosberg fire weather index (6-hour maximum)","maxffwi","(n/a)","A non-linear filter of meteorological data developed by first transforming temperature and relative humidity to equilibrium moisture content then transforming the equilibrium moisture content to combustion efficiency; NBM uses blended MAEW 2m temp 2m RH and 10m wind speed used according to Goodrick 2002 (International Journal of Wildland Fire)",""
"Haines Index (6-hour maximum)","maxhi","(n/a)","Snapshot index based on stability and moisture used for Fire Weather",""
"line ice accumulation","lineice(xx)","(n/a)","Amount of ice forecast to accumulate on radial surfaces (e.g. power lines tree branches) over a given period computed utilizing the Freezing Rain Accumulation Model.",""
"low-level wind shear direction","llwsdir","(n/a)","Direction of wind at maxiumum low-level wind shear height",""
"low-level wind shear height","llwshgt","(n/a)","Height of the top of the maximum wind shear layer between 0-2000 ft above ground level [1]","[1]: Shear is computed for the following 10 layers. These shear values are then normalized and the layer of max normalized wind shear is determined: (1) 0-500 ft (2) 0-1000 ft (3) 500-1000 ft(4) 0-1500 ft (5) 500-1500 ft (6) 1000-1500 ft (7) 0-2000 ft (8) 500-2000 ft (9) 1000-2000 ft (10) 1500-2000 ft"
"low-level wind shear speed","llwspd","(n/a)","Speed of wind at maxiumum low-level wind shear height",""
"lowest cloud base","cldbse","LCB","Lowest altitude at which the air contains a perceptible quantity of cloud particles",""
"maximum reflectivity (1-hour 1km)","maxref","(n/a)","Maxiumum observed radar reflectivity (dBZ) at 1km over the previous hour",""
"maximum relative humidity","maxrh","(n/a)","Maximum relative humidity (%) expected for the 12-hour period between 06Z-18Z",""
"maximum temperature","maxt","X","Maximum temperature during an 18-hour period between 12Z-06Z",""
"maximum wetbulb temperature aloft","mxwbalft","(n/a)","Maximum wet bulb temperature in the layer between 2000 feet above ground level up to 400 hPA - used to assess precipitation type.",""
"minimum relative humidity","minrh","(n/a)","Minimum relative humidity (%) expected for the 12-hour period between 18Z-06Z",""
"minimum temperature","mint","N","Minimum temperature during an 18-hour period between 00Z-18Z",""
"mixing height","mixhgt","(n/a)","Height where the fire sounding (surface temperature + 0.5K) crosses the environmental sounding (where the model virtual potential temp is higher than the fire potential temp); based on Stull method",""
"negative energy of near surface cold layer","negengy","(n/a)","Bourgouin precipitation type method parameter totaling the amount of area colder than 0 deg C below the warm nose aloft",""
"oceanic 10 m wind gust CDF","gust_cdf-(PP)p","(n/a)","Oceanic domain 10 m wind gust. 50th percentile obtained from cumulative distribution function.",""
"oceanic 10m wind speed CDF","wspd_cdf-(PP)p","(n/a)","Oceanic domain 10 m wind speed. Percentiles obtained from cumulative distribution function.",""
"oceanic 2 m temperature CDF","temp_cdf-(PP)p","(n/a)","Oceanic domain temperature at 2 m height. 50th percentile obtained from cumulative distribution function",""
"oceanic mean sea level pressure CDF","mslp_cdf-(PP)p","(n/a)","Oceanic domain atmospheric pressure at sea level. Percentiles obtained by cumulative distribution function",""
"oceanic visibility CDF","vis_cdf-(PP)p","(n/a)","Oceanic domain surface visibility. 50th percentile obtained from cumulative distribution function",""
"positive energy of warm nose aloft","posengy","(n/a)","Bourgouin precipitation type method parameter totaling the amount of area warmer than 0 deg C above 2000 ft AGL",""
"precipitation potential index","ppi(xx)","(n/a)","A means to show confidence as to the location of precipitation at each forecast time across the forecast area. PPI values range from 0 to 100 and resemble PoP12 values in magnitude. The PoP12 for any 12- hour period can be derived by taking the maximum PPI value within the desired period.",""
"predominant weather","predomwx","(n/a)","Expected weather (precipitating or non-precipitating) valid at the indicated hour. Precipitating weather includes type probability and intensity information. In cases of convective weather coverage may be substituted for probability",""
"probabilistic calibrated QPF","qmd_qpf(xx)p(PP)","Q(xx)P(P)","Calibrated 6-hour QPF with (P)0th-percent probability of non-exceedance. There is a (P)0% chance that less than the given number of inches of precipitation will fall during the previous (xx) hours ending at the valid time. (Example: 12Z Q12P1 = 0.10"" means there is a 10% chance between 0-0.10"" of precipitation will fall between 00z and 12z and there is a 90% chance that more than 0.10"" of precipitation will fall.)",""
"probability of dry thunder","dryts(xx)","(n/a)","Probabliliy of widespread or numerous thunderstorms that produce little wetting rain (<0.10 in) where dried fuels exist",""
"probability of freezing rain","prfzrn","PZR","Probability that if precipitation occurs it will fall in the form of freezing rain",""
"probability of ice present","probiceprsnt","(n/a)","Precipitation type diagnostic parameter: the probability that ice nuclei exists in the clouds and where the mean RH > 85% through the lowest 1 km AGL",""
"probability of precipitation","pop(xx)","P(xx)","Probability that a threshold amount (the equivalent of 0.01 inches) of precipitation will fall during a time period ending at the specified time. (Example: 00Z PoP12 lists the probability precipitaition will fall between GMT noon to midnight)",""
"probability of rain","prrain","PRA","Probability that if precipitation occurs it will fall in the form of rain",""
"probability of re-freeze sleet","probrefzslt","(n/a)","Probability that liquid precipitation falling through a sub-freezing layer will refreeze into sleet before reaching the surface",""
"probability of sleet","prsleet","PPL","Probability that if precipitation occurs it will fall in the form of sleet or ice pellets",""
"probability of snow","prsnow","PSN","Probability that if precipitation occurs it will fall in the form of snow grains or pure snow",""
"probability of thunderstorms","ptsm(xx)","T(xx)","Probability of 1 or more cloud-to-ground lightning strikes in a 40-km grid box during the period",""
"quantitative precipitation forecast","qpf(xx)","Q(xx)","Amount of liquid-equivalent precipitation expected to fall over a time period ending at the specified time. (Example: 12Z qpf06 forecasts the amount of precip that will fall between 06Z and 12Z)",""
"relative humidity","rh","(n/a)","Ratio expressed as a percent of the amount of atmospheric moisture present relative to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated. It is a function of both moisture content and temperature.",""
"significant wave height","sigwv","SWH","Average height (from trough to crest) of the one-third highest waves valid for the top of the designated hour. Wave Height is a combination of wind waves and swell",""
"sky cover","sky","SKY","Percent of the sky with opaque cover at the forecast time",""
"sleet accumulation","sleet(xx)","(n/a)","Total accumulation of new sleet during a period ending at the specified time",""
"snow accumulation","snow(xx)","S(xx)","Total accumulation of new snow during a period ending at the specified time",""
"snow level","snowlvl","SLV","Height below which only rain is observed (all snow has melted); used as a proxy for freezing level in NBM",""
"snow liquid ratio","slrblend","(n/a)","Number of inches of snow expected per one inch of precipitable water",""
"temperature","temp","TMP","Temperature at 2 meter height valid at forecast time",""
"transport wind direction","trwdir","(n/a)","Vector of average U and average V from surface to mixing height",""
"transport wind speed","trwspd","(n/a)","Average wind speed magnitude from surface to mixing height",""
"ventilation rate","vrate","(n/a)","Product of transport wind speed and mixing height",""
"vertically integrated liquid","vil","(n/a)","Vertical integral of liquid water content obtained from radar observations at different elevation angles within a precipitation echo (mass/area); the liquid water is calculated using equivalent reflectivity factor Ze using the Marshall-Palmer drop-size distribution. The presence of hail in a storm produces larger VIL values than otherwise would be expected.",""
"visibility","vis","VIS","Maximum number of (statute) miles an object can be seen and identified in the horizontal. The maximum distance is determined for a minimum area of one half of the horizon circle. Visibility greater than six statute miles is considered unrestricted.",""
"wind direction","wdir","WDR","Average 10 meter wind direction calculated from u-wind and v-wind components. (Note: v3.1 winds used a clustered weighted average method [1])","[1]: Wind directions from each model are placed into 8 bins (4 bins if at 120 h projection or later) and then bins are sorted from highest to lowest number of members. The bin with the largest number of members is then averaged to obtain a mean wind direction within that bin. In the case of a tie among 2 or more bins the bin with the lowest MAE is chosen and averaged"
"wind gust","wgust","GST","Maximum wind speed within 10 minutes of the top of the hour. (10 meter height)",""
"wind speed","wspd","WSP","Mean wind speed at 10m height (30m and 80m are also available)",""
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