Simple REST API using Falcon web framework.
Falcon is a high-performance Python framework for building cloud APIs, smart proxies, and app backends. More information can be found here.
This project uses virtualenv as isolated Python environment for installation and running. Therefore, virtualenv must be installed. And you may need a related dependency library for a MySQL database. See for details.
Install all the python module dependencies in requirements.txt
Start server
./bin/ start
You need to set APP_ENV
environment variables before deployment. You can set LIVE mode in Linux/Heroku as follows.
In Linux, just set APP_ENV
to run in live mode.
export APP_ENV=live
./bin/ start
In Heroku, use the command config:set
. (See here for details)
heroku config:set APP_ENV=live
Create an user
- Request
curl -XPOST http://localhost:5000/v1/users -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"username": "test1",
"email": "",
"password": "test1234"
- Response
"meta": {
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": null
Log in with email and password
- Request
curl -XGET http://localhost:5000/v1/users/self/login -d -d password=test1234
- Response
"meta": {
"code": 200,
"message": "OK"
"data": {
"username": "test1",
"token": "gAAAAABV-TpG0Gk6LhU5437VmJwZwgkyDG9Jj-UMtRZ-EtnuDOkb5sc0LPLeHNBL4FLsIkTsi91rdMjDYVKRQ8OWJuHNsb5rKw==",
"email": "",
"created": 1442396742,
"sid": "3595073989",
"modified": 1442396742
Check the validation of requested data
- Requset
curl -XPOST http://localhost:5000/v1/users -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"username": "t",
"email": "test1@gmail.c",
"password": "123"
- Response
"meta": {
"code": 88,
"message": "Invalid Parameter",
"description": {
"username": "min length is 4",
"email": "value does not match regex '[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4}'",
"password": [
"value does not match regex '[0-9a-zA-Z]\\w{3,14}'",
"min length is 8"
Get database rollback error in response for duplicated data
- Request
curl -XPOST http://localhost:5000/v1/users -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"username": "test1",
"email": "",
"password": "test1234"
- Response
"meta": {
"code": 77,
"message": "Database Rollback Error",
"description": {
"details": "(psycopg2.IntegrityError) duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"user_email_key\"\nDETAIL: Key (email)=( already exists.\n",
"params": "{'username': 'test1', 'token': 'gAAAAABV-UCq_DneJyz4DTuE6Fuw68JU7BN6fLdxHHIlu42R99sjWFFonrw3eZx7nr7ioIFSa7Akk1nWgGNmY3myJzqqbpOsJw==', 'sid': '6716985526', 'email': '', 'password': '$2a$12$KNlGvL1CP..6VNjqQ0pcjukj/fC88sc1Zpzi0uphIUlG5MjyAp2fS'}"
Get a collection of users with auth token
- Request
curl -XGET http://localhost:5000/v1/users/100 -H "Authorization: gAAAAABV6Cxtz2qbcgOOzcjjyoBXBxJbjxwY2cSPdJB4gta07ZQXUU5NQ2BWAFIxSZlnlCl7wAwLe0RtBECUuV96RX9iiU63BP7wI1RQW-G3a1zilI3FHss="
- Response
"meta": {
"code": 200,
"message": "OK"
"data": [
"username": "test1",
"token": "gAAAAABV-UCAgRy-ee6t4YOLMW84tKr_eOiwgJO0QcAHL7yIxkf1fiMZfELkmJAPWnldptb3iQVzoZ2qJC6YlSioVDEUlLhG7w==",
"sid": "2593953362",
"modified": 1442398336,
"email": "",
"created": 1442398336
"username": "test2",
"token": "gAAAAABV-UCObi3qxcpb1XLV4GnCZKqt-5lDXX0YAOcME5bndZjjyzQWFRZKV1x54EzaY2-g5Bt47EE9-45UUooeiBM8QrpSjA==",
"sid": "6952584295",
"modified": 1442398350,
"email": "",
"created": 1442398350
"username": "test3",
"token": "gAAAAABV-UCccDCKuG28DbJrObEPUMV5eE-0sEg4jn57usBmIADJvkf3r5gP5F9rX5tSzcBhuBkDJwEJ1mIifEgnp5sxc3Z-pg==",
"sid": "8972728004",
"modified": 1442398364,
"email": "",
"created": 1442398364