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Releases: mklemm2/graphit-tool

graphit-tool 0.4.1

16 Oct 14:04
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Changes in this release:

  • Don't require MARSNodes in JSON format to include ogit/_type

graphit-tool 0.4

16 Oct 12:49
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New features in this release:

  • the ci create command now accepts the ogit/id of the new CI to be specified on the command line
  • implemented vertex del command, no need to abuse mars del any more
  • mars put can process JSON as generated by the XMLToMARSTranslator or by exporting the MARSNode vertex from GraphIT

Changes in this release:

  • new dependency: python-jsonschema
  • MARS schema updated to 5.3.6

graphit-tool 0.3.5

04 Sep 11:41
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graphit-tool 0.3.5 Pre-release

Changes in this release:

  • ci create now works with --attr=ogit/id
  • fixed vertex get, so no more need for using vertex query when you already know the ogit/_id

graphit-tool 0.3.4

20 Apr 10:29
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graphit-tool 0.3.4 Pre-release

New features in this release:

  • ci create command to create additional ConfigurationItems
  • vertex setattr command to set attributes of GraphitNodes

graphit-tool 0.3.3

17 Apr 21:26
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graphit-tool 0.3.3 Pre-release

Changes in this release:

  • performance improvements for concurrent operations
  • enhanced logging when uploading MARSNodes

graphit-tool 0.3.2

13 Apr 07:02
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graphit-tool 0.3.2 Pre-release

Changes in this release:

  • mars put for already existing MARSNodes now uses POST instead of PUT per default. The old behavior can be restored with the --replace command line switch.

graphit-tool 0.3.1

30 Mar 13:45
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graphit-tool 0.3.1 Pre-release

Changes in this release:

  • Workaround for docopt default values not working on RHEL

graphit-tool 0.3

30 Mar 11:37
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graphit-tool 0.3 Pre-release

New features in this release:

  • The mars list and vertex query commands got a new parameter --count to just print the number of results.
  • The vertex query command got a new parameter --list to just list the ogit/_id's of the results.
  • The mars put and mars delcommands got a new parameter --chunk-size to adjust the number of concurrent operations.
  • New command mars sync to count or list MARSNodes that are not yet synced to the HIRO Engine. If called with the NodeIDs, it will try to re–trigger the sync by resetting ogit/Automation/isDeployed and ogit/Automation/deployStatus.

Changes in this release:

  • By default, mars del does not delete corresponding ConfigurationItems any more. If you need this behavior, you can use the --del-ci option.

graphit-tool 0.2.2

20 Mar 19:32
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graphit-tool 0.2.2 Pre-release

Changes in this release:

  • Adapt to a small but undocumented change in the GraphIT API that came with HIRO 5.4.2
  • Update the model schema to 54.29

graphit-tool 0.2.1

20 Feb 10:06
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graphit-tool 0.2.1 Pre-release

Changes in this release:

  • When trying to create a MARS node with a nonexistent owner organization, the organization is automatically created.