C-library to interface with shiftregisters on the Raspberry Pi Pico (or compatible boards). This library was originally developed on a Raspberry Pi Pico using 74HC595 and 74HC165 shiftregisters. It supports SIPO (Serial-In-Parallel-Out; SHIFTREGISTER_OUTPUT-type), PISO (Parallel-In-Serial-Out; SHIFTREGISTER_INPUT-type) and hybrid configurations (both SIPO and PISO). In a hybrid configuration both SIPO and PISO registers share the clock and latch lines.
As the RP2040 processor is 32 bits the size of the buffers is limited to 4 octets (32 bits). This limits the amount of cascaded shiftregisters to 4. To change to 64 bits:
- Change "uin32_t" in the code to "uint64_t".
...and adjust your code accordingly. A buffersize of 64 bits will work on the RP2040, but will require an additional CPU cycle per request.
Delays for clock and latches can be adjusted by modifying ClockDelayUS and LatchDelayUS to meet the speed of devices; for instance gamecontrollers use fast shiftregisters (values can be set to '1') while display controllers like the HD44780 require a value of 50 usec.
Output can be inverted by setting InvertOutput to 'true'. This can be useful for controlling relaisboards like the HW-316 that require the output to be inverted.
An example application is provided to control generic 8 bit controllers/"joysticks", like the legacy 8-bit Gameboy controller. Check the comments in the sourcecode on how to use it. Wiring diagram below:

The source code is distributed under the GPLv3 license.