- 2024-06-09: Bergführer Ausbildung Südtirol 2024: Schnee im Klimawandel (Folien)
- 2024-01-12: Gipfelgespräche 2024, Berg und Klima, organisiert von Globoalpin: Schnee im Klimawandel (Folien)
- 2022-11-17: Environmental Meteorology Seminar series, Univerity of Trento, part of the programme of the MSc in Environmental Meteorology: Snow in the European Alps (slides)
- 2022-10-19: INARCH 2022 Workshop: Downscaling approaches for climate model projections in complex terrain (slides)
- 2022-05-26: EGU22: How to manage code and data for open science (and yourself) (slides)
- 2021-05-12: Eurac internal course on "Advanced plotting in R": Introduction to ggplot2 and publication-ready plots with ggplot2 (slides part one, two, three, four); material from all presenters here
- 2020-11-07: Correlcon 2020: Introduction to Geodata in R (slides); other content from the conference here
- 0000-00-00: Test Github Pages and xaringan slides