Welcome to Robotics: Science and Systems!
In this lab, we will learn about and gain experience with Linux operating systems, Docker images, Git and GitHub.
In this class, you will be using the Debian Linux distribution as your operating system, as it is widely used in robotics and supports the robotics software we will be using. Since you may not want to replace your current operating system, you can use a Docker image to run another operating system within your current operating system.
This class relies heavily on team software development, so we will need tools for collaborating and synchronizing each other’s work. Git is the version control system that we will be using for this purpose. All the Git-controlled projects, including the Lab instructions and support software, will be accessible on GitHub, an online service for hosting Git repositories.
For this lab, you will need access to a Debian-based (e.g. Debian or Ubuntu) shell. Install the course software using the base_installation instructions.
Lab 1A: Intro to Linux | https://github.com/mit-rss/intro_to_linux/ |
Lab 1B: Intro to Git | https://github.com/mit-rss/intro_to_git/ |
You can find due dates and submission information below as well as at the beginning of each lab linked above.
Deliverable | Due Date |
Base Installation (nothing to submit) | Monday, February 5th at 5:00PM EST |
Intro to Linux Gradescope Submission | Wednesday, February 14th at 1:00PM EST |
Intro to Git Gradescope Submission | Wednesday, February 14th at 1:00PM EST |
Problem | Weight (total: 6.0) |
Intro to Linux Parts 1a - 3d each | .1 |
Intro to Linux Parts 4a - 4b each | .5 |
Intro to Linux Part 4c | .4 |
Intro to Git clean working directory | .2 |
Intro to Git Part 1: Linux exercise push | .3 |
Intro to Git Part 1: Starter files push | .4 |
Intro to Git Part 1: History push | .3 |
Intro to Git Part 2 | 1.2 |
Intro to Git Part 3 | .6 |