🔭 We're currently working on Building Autonomous Mars Rover and automatic robotic arm
👯 We're looking to collaborate on Autonomous Systems
👨💻 All of our projects are available at https://github.com/mission-mangal
📝 we regularly write articles on https://www.linkedin.com/company/mars-research-station/
💬 Ask us about ROS, embedded systems, CAD/CAM, management etc.
📫 How to reach us mars@iiitdm.ac.in
📄 Know about our experiences https://www.linkedin.com/company/mars-research-station/
⚡ Fun fact We are from MaRS!!
- IIITDM Kancheepuram
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/mars-research-station/
- mars@iiitdm.ac.in
Pinned Loading
- frontier_exploration Public
- marsiiitdmk-docs Public
- perspective_n_point_pose_computation Public
Pose Estimation for Navigation: Python code utilizing OpenCV to estimate camera pose from an arrow mark board. Calculate yaw angle and lateral distance in the x-y plane for navigation tasks. Includes camera calibration, distortion correction, and object-to-image point correspondences.
- stepper-diff-drive Public
Wheel encoder to odometry messages for custom built stepper differential drive rover
- ros-action-control Public
The code provides a hands-on demonstration of a basic action server and client setup, highlighting the seamless process of sending goals with diverse data types. Explore how this example handles various data, including angles, coordinates, and boolean information.
- six-wheel-rover-odometry Public Forked from Vishnu-Kr/six-wheel-rover-odometry
It subscribes to ticks topics and publishes odometry done by vishnu colead
- Pick-Place-Robotic-Arm Public Forked from Vishnu-Kr/Pick-Place-Robotic-Arm
The tutorial explains about the control system of 5 a DoF Robotic Arm , vishnu co lead