- Clone the repository
- Run from both directories
npm install
to install both app dependencies - Run from both directories
npm start
oryarn start
to start both apps
- Create a database and change the database name in
file. - Change the database credentials in
and also in models files frommodels/*
file with your own credentials. - Run
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
to run the migrations. - Now you are ready to go.
- express (Express used as a web framework)
- mysql2 (MySQL used as a database)
- sequelize (Sequelize used as an ORM)
- sequelize-cli (Sequelize-cli used to run migrations)
- cors (CORS used to enable cross-origin resource sharing)
- connect-flash (Connect-flash used to flash messages)
- express-session (Express-session used to manage sessions)
- express-validator (Express-validator used to validate form data)
- method-override (Method-override used to override HTTP methods)
- EJS (EJS used as a templating engine)
- nodemon (Nodemon used to restart the server on file changes)
- MVC architecture
- ORM by using Sequelize
- MySQL database
- Models
- Views
- Controllers
- Request validation / Requests
- Routes
- Session Flash Messages
- Method Override
- Migrations
- View Engine / Templating Engine
- Error Handling
- 404 Error Handling
- 500 Error Handling
- etc & more
- Get all tasks - POST
- Create a new task - GET
- Get a task by id - GET
- Get a task by id to edit - PUT
- Update a task by id - DELETE
- Delete a task by id
Note: The backend app is configured to use PORT 5000. Make sure that this port is not used by any other apps on your machine.
Note: The backend app is configured to use the MySQL database on port 3306. Make sure that this port is not used by any other apps on your machine.