Ruby package to manipulate records in Medusa.
A series of command-line utilities that manipulates records in Medusa. The utilities list, name, and find records in Medusa as GNU utilities do to files.
Ruby 2.5, 2.6, or 2.7.
Install the package by yourself as:
$ gem source -a
$ gem install orochi-for-medusa
The program reads a configuration file ~/.orochirc
. The file should look like below.
user: admin
password: admin
Commands are summarized as:
command | description |
orochi-cd | Change the orochi working box |
orochi-ditto | Clone box recursively |
orochi-download | Download full datasets for poly families |
orochi-find | Search Medusa by keyword |
orochi-help | Show series of commands |
orochi-label | Create barcode label of Medusa-ID and stone-name |
orochi-ls | List box contents |
orochi-mkstone | Create a stone (or box) and print barcode |
orochi-mv | Store a stone to a box |
orochi-name | Return name of record specified by Medusa-ID |
orochi-open | Open record by default browser |
orochi-place | Search Medusa and return latitude and longitude |
orochi-pwd | Print name of the orochi working box |
orochi-refresh-tile | Refresh tiles in layers on a surface |
orochi-rename | Rename record or change attribute |
orochi-rm | Remove each specified record |
orochi-stone-in-box | Convert stone to box |
orochi-uniq | Repeat only one stone in family |
orochi-image | Download image files in current directory |
orochi-upload | Upload jpg files in current directory |
orochi-url | Show record in standard output by curl and w3m |
See online document with option --help
Show message either on standard input with verbose option or standard error as following format.
print "--> stonename |#{stonename}|\n" if OPTS[:verbose]
STDERR.print "--> stonename |#{stonename}|\n"
if OPTS[:verbose]
print "--> parent_obj "
p parent_obj
Before commit the revision, test the code by following method using rspec.
$ cd ~/devel-godigo/orochi-for-medusa
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundler
$ bundle exec rspec spec/orochi_for_medusa/commands/stone_in_box_spec.rb
$ bundle exec rspec spec/orochi_for_medusa/commands/stone_in_box_spec.rb --tag show_help:true