The react-infinite-slider-carousel
is a React component for creating advanced, customizable sliders with support for infinite sliding, autoplay, responsive sizing, and smooth animations. The slider operates in two Scrollable and Advanced modes.
Version | Compatibility |
0.x | React 18.2+ |
It also use below libraries as dependencies:
"classnames": "^2.3.2",
"emittery": "^1.0.1",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"mobx": "^6.6.2",
"mobx-react-lite": "^3.4.0"
$ npm install react-infinite-slider-carousel
The component export is <Slider>
Here's how to use it:
// ES6
import { Slider } from 'react-infinite-slider-carousel'; // <Slider component>
<Slider config={ config } >
{ children }
interface SliderConfig {
// Behavior
infinite?: boolean; // Enable infinite sliding (default: false)
autoPlay?: boolean; // Enable autoplay mode (default: false)
autoPlayInterval?: number; // Time autoPlayInterval for autoplay in ms (default: 5000)
rtl?: boolean; // Right-to-left sliding direction (default: false)
// Appearance
centerMode?: boolean; // Center active slide (default: false)
scaleUpOnActive?: boolean; // Scale up the active slide (default: false)
visibleSlidesCount?: number; // Number of slides visible at a time
sliderWidth?: number; // Set specific width for the slider container
gapBetweenSlides?: number; // Gap between slides in pixels (default: 0)
offset?: number; // Gap before/after first/last slide in pixels
slideWidth?: number; // Fixed width for each slide
slideClassName?: string; //Optional CSS class name to apply to each slider item.
hasDots?: boolean; // Display dots for slide navigation (default: false)
hasArrows?: boolean; // Display navigation arrows (default: false)
// Animation
animationDuration?: number; // Slide transition duration in ms (default: 400)
minimumSwipeDistance?: number; // Minimum threshold to trigger slide (default: 50)
slidesToMove?: number; // Number of slides to move in one transition (default: 1)
<Slider useScroll={true}>
{ children }
children: Array<ReactElement>
config={ config }
{ children }
- sliderClassName?: string
- sliderWrapperClassName?: string
- set
to have infinity. - If you need the center mode set
. - To scale up of the active slide you should use
config={ {
infinite: true,
centerMode: true,
scaleUpOnActive: true,
} }
{ children }
- Use
to move automatically on each 5000ms. - If you need the change the autoPlayInterval time set
. The unit is millisecond and it recommended to be bigger than 1000ms. - To change the moving direction on autoPlayInterval you should set
config={ {
autoPlay: true,
autoPlayInterval: 15000,
rtl: true,
} }
{ children }
The default animation duration of the changing slide is 400ms, which you can change it by
. The unit is millisecond and it recommended to be less than 1000ms. -
There is a 50px default threshold to prevent small touchs to changing slide, which you can change it by
. The unit is px and it recommended to be bigger than 30px. -
The default count of slide changing is 1, which you can change it by
config={ {
animationDuration: 400,
minimumSwipeDistance: 100,
slidesToMove: 2,
} }
{ children }
There are 3 ways to render slides:
- Don't define any config and allow the Slider to use children size and styles.
- Set
, andoffset
to compute the width of children by it's parrent and show count value.
- Set
- Set specific
, andoffset
- Set specific
is the gap between slides. -
is the first and last gap of items.
config={ {
visibleSlidesCount: 1,
offset: 40 ,
gapBetweenSlides: 20,
} }
{ children }
config={ {
autoPlay: true,
autoPlayInterval: 15000,
rtl: false,
infinite: true,
centerMode: true,
scaleUpOnActive: true,
animationDuration: 500,
minimumSwipeDistance: 100,
slidesToMove: 1,
visibleSlidesCount: 3,
offset: 40,
gapBetweenSlides: 20,
slideClassName: 'slide',
hasDots: true,
hasArrows: true;
} }
{ children }
In the project directory, you can run:
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Change the version of package in the package.json and the run the command to build and publish the new version of the library.
Builds the app to see the publish files on the dist
Your app is ready to be deployed!