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Monadic parsing in JavaScript

A Javascript implementation of (some of) the monadic parser combinators defined by G. Hutton and E. Meijer (cf. [1], see below).

You can see the combinators in action here (the combinators are used to define the parsing function): Lisp interpreter

[1] G. Hutton and E. Meijer, Monadic parsing in Haskell, Journal of Functional Programming 8, Cambridge University Press (1998), 437–444.

What is it

A (monadic) parser combinator is a higher-order function that takes simple building blocks and produces a more specific and complex parsing unit. In our context a parser can be understood as a funcion that takes a string, x say, and returns a list of tuples [(a_1, y_1), ...,(a_n, y_n)], where the a_i are of some previously fixed data type A and the y_i are strings as well, i.e.

type Parser = String ---> [(A,String)].

The first component of the tupel can be understood as the result of the parser (e.g. another string, a single character, or a abstract synthax tree), whereas the second component is the remaining string (i.e. the part of the string that hasn't yet been "consumend" by the parser). The empty list [] indicates a failed approach of parsing the given string. The term monadic refers to the fact that we can endow the the set of parsers with an additional structure -- we'll dive into that later.

Example. Here is a simple parsing function that consumes the letter "z":

var z = function (string) {
  var first = string.charAt(0),
      rest  = string.slice(1);
  if (first === "z") return [["z", rest]];
  else return [];

z("zoo"); // [["z", "oo"]] 
z("shoe"); // [] 

Example. Here is another simple parsing function that consumes the first letter of a string, or fails if the string is empty:

var item = function (string) {
	return string.length === 0 ? [] : [ [string.charAt(0), string.slice(1)] ];

item("zoo"); // [["z", "oo"]] 
item("shoe"); // [["s", "hoe"]] 
item(""); // [] 

Example. Lets conclude the section with a trivial example. The function that always fails:

var zero = function (string) {
	return [];

zero("whatever"); // [] 

Monadic behaviour

Bind. Let's forget for a moment that a parsing function actually returns a list of results [(a_1, y_1), ...,(a_n, y_n)] and assume that it just returns single tupel (a, y). Furthermore suppose we are given two parsing functions P and Q. One could easily define a new parsing function P*Q by

P*Q: x |---> P(x)=(a, y) |---> Q(y)=(b, z).

There is nothing wrong with this approach, however the final result (b,z) does not depend on the intermediate result a of the first function P at all. The natural evolution of the above approach would be the following

P `bind` f: x |---> P(x) = (a, y) |---> (f(a))(y)=(b, z).

Note that we replaced Q by a function f: A ---> Parser, i.e. given some a the received function value f(a) is a parsing function itself.

Result. In the previous section we saw how to combine a parser with a function f: A ---> Parser. Among these functions there is a neutral candidate that stands out. It is called result and is defined as follows

result x: input |---> [(x,input)].

It behaves neutral in the sense that we have

P `bind` result = P.