Released on April 15, 2015.
Non-Backward Compatible changes:
- migrate multiplexed protocol implementation to the same with upstream, via #117.
Released on April 15, 2015.
- add an experimental tracking feature in thriftpy.contrib, via #96.
- add limitation on thrift reserved keyword for compatible with upstream, via #115.
- bugfix EOF grammar error, via #103.
- bugfix for mis-mach transport in client caused server crash, via #119.
- bugfix for typedef on included thrift files, via #121.
Released on March 3, 2015.
- support for default enum values that reference the original enum, via #69.
- support for require keyword, via #72.
- support for allow use and definition of types in the same file, via #77.
- support for multiplexing for services, via #88.
- support for cython accelerated memory transport and framed transport, via #93
- bugfix for transport clean in read_struct in cybin, via #70.
- bugfix for large reading size in framed transport, via #73.
- bugfix for cython build failed in older CentOS, via #92.
- bugfix for thrift file version mis-match caused message corrupt in read_struct, via #95.
Non-Backward Compatible changes:
- refined new parser, the parser now behaves very similar to Apache Thrift, and supports a lot more features than the old one, via #80. Refer to the pull request for more detailed changes.
- refined transport, all transports have cython accelerated version. The cython version of protocol and transport are enabled by default now.
Released on December 12, 2014.
- add MIT LICENSE file as requested.
- tests refines with tox and pytest fixtures.
- support for a mostly cythonized version of framed transport, via #66.
- bugfix for unix socket param in rpc.
- bugfix for receiving 0-length strings & framed transport, via #63.
- bugfix for json protocol unicode decode error, via #65.
- bugfix for operator __ne__ implementation error, via #68.
Released on November 8, 2014.
- support for python2.6.
- support for testing by tox.
- support for oneway keyword, via #49.
- bugfix for wrong type args, via #48.
- bugfix for thrift file include keyword, via #53.
- bugfix for skip method not found in protocol, via #55.
- bugfix for set type support, via #59.
- bugfix for 'api' arg name collision in client.
Released on September 24, 2014.
- bugfix for TPayload not able to be hashed in py3, via #44.
- bugfix for cython buffered transport read issue, via #46.
Released on September 18, 2014.
- bugfix for lack of skip func in cython binary protocol, via #43.
Released on September 16, 2014.
- bugfix for init func generator for TStruct.
- bugfix for set constants in parser, via #39.
- add support for "includes" and service "extends", via #37.
- add close() to servers, via #38.
- implement non-strict mode for binary protocol, via #40.
- removed cython ext in pypy, and add pypy3 support.
- some args updates: * add trans_factory arg to make_server * rename rbuf_size in buffered transport to buf_size. * rename isOpen to is_open, readFrame to read_frame.
Released on September 4, 2014.
- bugfix for memory free in cython buffered transport, via #35.
- new thrift parser by PLY, removed cache since the performance is much more faster now, via #36.
Released on September 1, 2014.
- refine cython binary protocol, add cython buffered transport, via #32.
- param name change, rename transport_factory to trans_factory in rpc.
Released on August 28, 2014.
Released on August 19, 2014.
- use args instead of kwargs in api calling to match upstream behavior.
- cython binary protocol auto grow buffer size, via #29.
- bugfix for void api exception handling in processor.
- bugfix for cybin protocol buffer overflow and memcpy, via #27 and #28.
Released on August 14, 2014.
- json protocol, via #21.
- more standard module for loaded sdk, now generated TPayload objects can be pickled when module_name provided, via #22.
- gunicorn_thrift integration pingpong example, via #24.
- token cache now only checks python's major and minor version.
- bugfix for exception handling in void api in RPC request.
- bugfix for negative number value not recognized.
- bugfix for cybin protocol to allow None value in struct.
- bugfix for double free or corruption in cybin protocol, via #26.
Released on July 25, 2014.
- tornado client, server and framed transport support with tornado 4.0, via #15.
- immediately read from TMemoryBuffer after writing to it, via #20.
- cache load function to avoid duplicate module generation.
- support client with socket timeout
- enum struct now has VALUES_TO_NAMES and NAMES_TO_VALUES.
Released on July 17, 2014.
- parser token cache, speed boost for thrift file parsing, via #12.
- new cython binary protocol with speed very close to c ext, via #16.
Released on June 19, 2014.
- support for union, binary fields, support for empty structs, support for Apache Storm thrift file, via #14.
- bugfix for import hook
- bugfix for skip function in binary protocols
Released on June 7, 2014.
- disabled the magic import hook by default. and add install/remove function to switch the hook on and off.
- reworked benchmark suit and add benchmark results.
- new __init__ function code generator. get a noticable speed boost.
- bug fixes
First public release.