Please go through this link Maintainer Responsibility
Fork minio-dotnet upstream source repository to your own personal repository.
$ git clone$USER_ID/minio-dotnet
$ cd minio-dotnet
MinIO .NET Library uses nuget for its dependency management
The steps below assume that the package is being built on Ubuntu 16.04, with following dependencies met.
- Mono 4.4.2 or later
- dotnet-sdk-2.1
For installation instructions follow this script
- Update Minio/Minio.csproj with the next version in the tag
- Update Minio/MinioClient.cs with the next version in the
$ dotnet build -c Release
$ cd Minio.Functional.Tests
$ dotnet run
$ nuget restore
$ msbuild /t:pack ./Minio/Minio.csproj /p:Configuration=Release
... package built ...
Login to and find the API Key for MinIO
$ export MINIO_API_KEY=??
$ nuget setApiKey $MINIO_API_KEY
$ nuget push .\Minio\artifacts\Minio.1.0.9.nupkg -Apikey $MINIO_API_KEY -src
Verify that latest versions of MinIO packages are available on Nuget.
Tag and sign your release commit, additionally this step requires you to have access to MinIO's trusted private key. $ git tag -s 2.0.0 $ git push $ git push --tags
Announce new release by adding release notes at from account. Release notes requires two sections highlights and changelog. Highlights is a bulleted list of salient features in this release and Changelog contains list of all commits since the last release.
To generate changelog
git log --no-color --pretty=format:'-%d %s (%cr) <%an>' <last_release_tag>..<latest_release_tag>