- Working DirectPV plugin. To install the plugin, refer to the plugin installation guide.
- Working DirectPV CSI driver in Kubernetes. To install the driver, refer to the driver installation guide.
The DirectPV plugin command is referred to as kubectl directpv
in this document. If you are using the direct binary instead, replace with kubectl-directpv
DirectCSI command | DirectPV command |
kubectl directcsi drives list |
kubectl directpv list drives |
kubectl directcsi volumes list |
kubectl directpv list volumes |
kubectl directcsi format |
kubectl directpv discover , then kubectl directpv init |
All of the plugin commands can use the following global flags.
Flag | Argument | Description |
--kubeconfig |
string | Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests |
--quiet |
- | Suppress printing error messages |
-h , --help |
- | help for directpv |
--version |
- | version for directpv |
List of subcommands are below
Subcommand | Description |
install |
Install DirectPV in Kubernetes |
discover |
Discover new drives |
init |
Initialize the drives |
info |
Show information about DirectPV installation |
list |
List drives and volumes |
label |
Set labels to drives and volumes |
cordon |
Mark drives as unschedulable |
uncordon |
Mark drives as schedulable |
migrate |
Migrate drives and volumes from legacy DirectCSI |
move |
Move volumes excluding data from source drive to destination drive on a same node |
clean |
Cleanup stale volumes |
suspend |
Suspend drives and volumes |
resume |
Resume suspended drives and volumes |
remove |
Remove unused drives from DirectPV |
uninstall |
Uninstall DirectPV in Kubernetes |
Install DirectPV in Kubernetes
directpv install [flags]
--node-selector strings Select the storage nodes using labels (KEY=VALUE,..)
--tolerations strings Set toleration labels on the storage nodes (KEY[=VALUE]:EFFECT,..)
--registry string Name of container registry (default "quay.io")
--org string Organization name in the registry (default "minio")
--image string Name of the DirectPV image (default "directpv:v4.0.6")
--image-pull-secrets strings Image pull secrets for DirectPV images (SECRET1,..)
--apparmor-profile string Set path to Apparmor profile
--seccomp-profile string Set path to Seccomp profile
-o, --output string Generate installation manifest. One of: yaml|json
--kube-version string Select the kubernetes version for manifest generation (default "1.27.0")
--legacy Enable legacy mode (Used with '-o')
--openshift Use OpenShift specific installation
-h, --help help for install
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Install DirectPV
$ kubectl directpv install
2. Pull images from private registry (eg, private-registry.io/org-name) for DirectPV installation
$ kubectl directpv install --registry private-registry.io --org org-name
3. Specify '--node-selector' to deploy DirectPV daemonset pods only on selective nodes
$ kubectl directpv install --node-selector node-label-key=node-label-value
4. Specify '--tolerations' to tolerate and deploy DirectPV daemonset pods on tainted nodes (Example: key=value:NoSchedule)
$ kubectl directpv install --tolerations key=value:NoSchedule
5. Generate DirectPV installation manifest in YAML
$ kubectl directpv install -o yaml > directpv-install.yaml
6. Install DirectPV with apparmor profile
$ kubectl directpv install --apparmor-profile directpv
7. Install DirectPV with seccomp profile
$ kubectl directpv install --seccomp-profile profiles/seccomp.json
Discover new drives
directpv discover [flags]
-n, --nodes strings discover drives from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings discover drives by given names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--all If present, include non-formattable devices in the display
--output-file string output file to write the init config (default "drives.yaml")
--timeout duration specify timeout for the discovery process (default 2m0s)
-h, --help help for discover
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Discover drives
$ kubectl directpv discover
2. Discover drives from a node
$ kubectl directpv discover --nodes=node1
3. Discover a drive from all nodes
$ kubectl directpv discover --drives=nvme1n1
4. Discover all drives from all nodes (including unavailable)
$ kubectl directpv discover --all
5. Discover specific drives from specific nodes
$ kubectl directpv discover --nodes=node{1...4} --drives=sd{a...f}
Initialize the drives
directpv init drives.yaml [flags]
--timeout duration specify timeout for the initialization process (default 2m0s)
--dangerous Perform initialization of drives which will permanently erase existing data
-h, --help help for init
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Initialize the drives
$ kubectl directpv init drives.yaml
Show information about DirectPV installation
directpv info [flags]
-h, --help help for info
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
List drives and volumes
directpv list [command]
-n, --nodes strings Filter output by nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings Filter output by drive names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
-o, --output string Output format. One of: json|yaml|wide
--no-headers When using the default or custom-column output format, don't print headers (default print headers)
-h, --help help for list
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
drives List drives
volumes List volumes
Use "directpv list [command] --help" for more information about this command.
List drives
directpv list drives [DRIVE ...] [flags]
drives, drive, dr
--status strings Filter output by drive status; one of: error|lost|moving|ready|removed
--show-labels show all labels as the last column (default hide labels column)
--labels strings Filter output by drive labels; supports comma separated kv pairs. e.g. tier=hot,region=east
--all If present, list all drives
-h, --help help for drives
-n, --nodes strings Filter output by nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings Filter output by drive names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
-o, --output string Output format. One of: json|yaml|wide
--no-headers When using the default or custom-column output format, don't print headers (default print headers)
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. List all ready drives
$ kubectl directpv list drives
2. List all drives from a node
$ kubectl directpv list drives --nodes=node1
3. List a drive from all nodes
$ kubectl directpv list drives --drives=nvme1n1
4. List specific drives from specific nodes
$ kubectl directpv list drives --nodes=node{1...4} --drives=sd{a...f}
5. List drives are in 'error' status
$ kubectl directpv list drives --status=error
6. List all drives from all nodes with all information.
$ kubectl directpv list drives --output wide
7. List drives with labels.
$ kubectl directpv list drives --show-labels
8. List drives filtered by labels
$ kubectl directpv list drives --labels tier=hot
List volumes
directpv list volumes [VOLUME ...] [flags]
volumes, volume, vol
--drive-id strings Filter output by drive IDs
--pod-names strings Filter output by pod names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. minio-{0...4}
--pod-namespaces strings Filter output by pod namespaces; supports ellipses pattern e.g. tenant-{0...3}
--pvc Add PVC names in the output
--status strings Filter output by volume status; one of: pending|ready
--show-labels show all labels as the last column (default hide labels column)
--labels strings Filter output by volume labels; supports comma separated kv pairs. e.g. tier=hot,region=east
--all If present, list all volumes
-h, --help help for volumes
-n, --nodes strings Filter output by nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings Filter output by drive names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
-o, --output string Output format. One of: json|yaml|wide
--no-headers When using the default or custom-column output format, don't print headers (default print headers)
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. List all ready volumes
$ kubectl directpv list volumes
2. List volumes served by a node
$ kubectl directpv list volumes --nodes=node1
3. List volumes served by drives on nodes
$ kubectl directpv list volumes --nodes=node1,node2 --drives=nvme0n1
4. List volumes by pod name
$ kubectl directpv list volumes --pod-names=minio-{1...3}
5. List volumes by pod namespace
$ kubectl directpv list volumes --pod-namespaces=tenant-{1...3}
6. List all volumes from all nodes with all information include PVC name.
$ kubectl directpv list drives --all --pvc --output wide
7. List volumes in Pending state
$ kubectl directpv list volumes --status=pending
8. List volumes served by a drive ID
$ kubectl directpv list volumes --drive-id=b84758b0-866f-4a12-9d00-d8f7da76ceb3
9. List volumes with labels.
$ kubectl directpv list volumes --show-labels
10. List volumes filtered by labels
$ kubectl directpv list volumes --labels tier=hot
Set labels to drives and volumes
directpv label [command]
-n, --nodes strings If present, filter objects from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, filter objects by given drive names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--all If present, select all objects
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
-h, --help help for label
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
drives Set labels to drives
volumes Set labels to volumes
Use "directpv label [command] --help" for more information about this command.
Set labels to drives
directpv label drives k=v|k- [flags]
drives, drive, dr
--status strings If present, select drives by status; one of: error|lost|moving|ready|removed
--ids strings If present, select by drive ID
--labels strings If present, select by drive labels; supports comma separated kv pairs. e.g. tier=hot,region=east
-h, --help help for drives
-n, --nodes strings If present, filter objects from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, filter objects by given drive names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--all If present, select all objects
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Set 'tier: hot' label to all drives in all nodes
$ kubectl directpv label drives tier=hot --all
2. Set 'type: fast' to specific drives from a node
$ kubectl directpv label drives type=fast --nodes=node1 --drives=nvme1n{1...3}
3. Remove 'tier: hot' label from all drives in all nodes
$ kubectl directpv label drives tier- --all
Set labels to volumes
directpv label volumes k=v|k- [flags]
volumes, volume, vol
--drive-id strings Filter output by drive IDs
--pod-names strings Filter output by pod names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. minio-{0...4}
--pod-namespaces strings Filter output by pod namespaces; supports ellipses pattern e.g. tenant-{0...3}
--status strings Filter output by volume status; one of: pending|ready
--labels strings If present, select by volume labels; supports comma separated kv pairs. e.g. tier=hot,region=east
--ids strings If present, select by volume ID
-h, --help help for volumes
-n, --nodes strings If present, filter objects from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, filter objects by given drive names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--all If present, select all objects
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Set 'tier: hot' label to all volumes in all nodes
$ kubectl directpv label volumes tier=hot --all
2. Set 'type: fast' to volumes allocated in specific drives from a node
$ kubectl directpv label volumes type=fast --nodes=node1 --drives=nvme1n{1...3}
3. Remove 'tier: hot' label from all volumes in all nodes
$ kubectl directpv label volumes tier- --all
Mark drives as unschedulable
directpv cordon [DRIVE ...] [flags]
-n, --nodes strings If present, select drives from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, select drives by given names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--status strings If present, select drives by drive status; one of: error|lost|moving|ready|removed
--all If present, select all drives
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
-h, --help help for cordon
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Cordon all drives from all nodes
$ kubectl directpv cordon --all
2. Cordon all drives from a node
$ kubectl directpv cordon --nodes=node1
3. Cordon a drive from all nodes
$ kubectl directpv cordon --drives=nvme1n1
4. Cordon specific drives from specific nodes
$ kubectl directpv cordon --nodes=node{1...4} --drives=sd{a...f}
5. Cordon drives which are in 'error' status
$ kubectl directpv cordon --status=error
Mark drives as schedulable
directpv uncordon [DRIVE ...] [flags]
-n, --nodes strings If present, select drives from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, select drives by given names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--status strings If present, select drives by status; one of: error|lost|moving|ready|removed
--all If present, select all drives
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
-h, --help help for uncordon
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Uncordon all drives from all nodes
$ kubectl directpv uncordon --all
2. Uncordon all drives from a node
$ kubectl directpv uncordon --nodes=node1
3. Uncordon a drive from all nodes
$ kubectl directpv uncordon --drives=nvme1n1
4. Uncordon specific drives from specific nodes
$ kubectl directpv uncordon --nodes=node{1...4} --drives=sd{a...f}
5. Uncordon drives which are in 'error' status
$ kubectl directpv uncordon --status=error
Migrate drives and volumes from legacy DirectCSI
directpv migrate [flags]
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
-h, --help help for migrate
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Migrate drives and volumes from legacy DirectCSI
$ kubectl directpv migrate
Move volumes excluding data from source drive to destination drive on a same node
directpv move SRC-DRIVE DEST-DRIVE [flags]
move, mv
-h, --help help for move
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Move volumes from drive af3b8b4c-73b4-4a74-84b7-1ec30492a6f0 to drive 834e8f4c-14f4-49b9-9b77-e8ac854108d5
$ kubectl directpv drives move af3b8b4c-73b4-4a74-84b7-1ec30492a6f0 834e8f4c-14f4-49b9-9b77-e8ac854108d5
Cleanup stale volumes
directpv clean [VOLUME ...] [flags]
-n, --nodes strings If present, select volumes from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, select volumes by given drive names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--all If present, select all volumes
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
--drive-id strings Select volumes by drive IDs
--pod-names strings Select volumes by pod names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. minio-{0...4}
--pod-namespaces strings Select volumes by pod namespaces; supports ellipses pattern e.g. tenant-{0...3}
-h, --help help for clean
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Cleanup all stale volumes
$ kubectl directpv clean --all
2. Clean a volume by its ID
$ kubectl directpv clean pvc-6355041d-f9c6-4bd6-9335-f2bccbe73929
3. Clean volumes served by drive name in all nodes.
$ kubectl directpv clean --drives=nvme1n1
4. Clean volumes served by drive
$ kubectl directpv clean --drive-id=78e6486e-22d2-4c93-99d0-00f4e3a8411f
5. Clean volumes served by a node
$ kubectl directpv clean --nodes=node1
6. Clean volumes by pod name
$ kubectl directpv clean --pod-names=minio-{1...3}
7. Clean volumes by pod namespace
$ kubectl directpv clean --pod-namespaces=tenant-{1...3}
Suspend drives and volumes
directpv suspend [command]
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
-h, --help help for suspend
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
drives Suspend drives
volumes Suspend volumes
Use "directpv suspend [command] --help" for more information about this command.
Suspend the drives (CAUTION: This will make the corresponding volumes as read-only)
directpv suspend drives [DRIVE ...] [flags]
-n, --nodes strings If present, suspend drives from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, suspend drives by given names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--dangerous Suspending the drives will make the corresponding volumes as read-only
-h, --help help for drives
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Suspend all drives from a node
$ kubectl directpv suspend drives --nodes=node1
2. Suspend specific drive from specific node
$ kubectl directpv suspend drives --nodes=node1 --drives=sda
3. Suspend a drive by its DRIVE-ID 'af3b8b4c-73b4-4a74-84b7-1ec30492a6f0'
$ kubectl directpv suspend drives af3b8b4c-73b4-4a74-84b7-1ec30492a6f0
Suspend the volumes (CAUTION: This will make the corresponding volumes as read-only)
directpv suspend volumes [VOLUME ...] [flags]
-n, --nodes strings If present, suspend volumes from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, suspend volumes by given drive names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--pod-names strings If present, suspend volumes by given pod names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. minio-{0...4}
--pod-namespaces strings If present, suspend volumes by given pod namespaces; supports ellipses pattern e.g. tenant-{0...3}
--dangerous Suspending the volumes will make them as read-only
-h, --help help for volumes
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Suspend all volumes from a node
$ kubectl directpv suspend volumes --nodes=node1
2. Suspend specific volume from specific node
$ kubectl directpv suspend volumes --nodes=node1 --volumes=sda
3. Suspend a volume by its name 'pvc-0700b8c7-85b2-4894-b83a-274484f220d0'
$ kubectl directpv suspend volumes pvc-0700b8c7-85b2-4894-b83a-274484f220d0
Resume suspended drives and volumes
directpv resume [command]
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
-h, --help help for resume
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
drives Resume suspended drives
volumes Resume suspended volumes
Use "directpv resume [command] --help" for more information about this command.
Resume suspended drives
directpv resume drives [DRIVE ...] [flags]
-n, --nodes strings If present, resume drives from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, resume drives by given names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
-h, --help help for drives
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Resume all suspended drives from a node
$ kubectl directpv resume drives --nodes=node1
2. Resume specific drive from specific node
$ kubectl directpv resume drives --nodes=node1 --drives=sda
3. Resume a suspended drive by its DRIVE-ID 'af3b8b4c-73b4-4a74-84b7-1ec30492a6f0'
$ kubectl directpv resume drives af3b8b4c-73b4-4a74-84b7-1ec30492a6f0
Resume suspended volumes
directpv resume volumes [VOLUME ...] [flags]
-n, --nodes strings If present, resume volumes from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, resume volumes by given drive names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--pod-names strings If present, resume volumes by given pod names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. minio-{0...4}
--pod-namespaces strings If present, resume volumes by given pod namespaces; supports ellipses pattern e.g. tenant-{0...3}
-h, --help help for volumes
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Resume all volumes from a node
$ kubectl directpv resume volumes --nodes=node1
2. Resume specific volume from specific node
$ kubectl directpv resume volumes --nodes=node1 --volumes=sda
3. Resume a volume by its name 'pvc-0700b8c7-85b2-4894-b83a-274484f220d0'
$ kubectl directpv resume volumes pvc-0700b8c7-85b2-4894-b83a-274484f220d0
Remove unused drives from DirectPV
directpv remove [DRIVE ...] [flags]
-n, --nodes strings If present, select drives from given nodes; supports ellipses pattern e.g. node{1...10}
-d, --drives strings If present, select drives by given names; supports ellipses pattern e.g. sd{a...z}
--status strings If present, select drives by drive status; one of: error|lost|moving|ready|removed
--all If present, select all unused drives
--dry-run Run in dry run mode
-h, --help help for remove
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages
1. Remove an unused drive from all nodes
$ kubectl directpv remove --drives=nvme1n1
2. Remove all unused drives from a node
$ kubectl directpv remove --nodes=node1
3. Remove specific unused drives from specific nodes
$ kubectl directpv remove --nodes=node{1...4} --drives=sd{a...f}
4. Remove all unused drives from all nodes
$ kubectl directpv remove --all
5. Remove drives are in 'error' status
$ kubectl directpv remove --status=error
Uninstall DirectPV in Kubernetes
directpv uninstall [flags]
-h, --help help for uninstall
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
--quiet Suppress printing error messages