API Documentation: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/24037989/2s93CSprTf#71e5231c-2d56-43c8-897b-599a8e4cc570
- Search for an artist by name based on the service provided by artist.search, and return all the results for this artist.
- Writes the result to a user-supplied CSV filename.
- The CSV file includes the following information (name, mbid, url, image_small, image)
- If no results are returned from the endpoint, retrieve random artist names from a JSON dictionary source file.
- Node.js
- Express
- express
- axios
- morgan
- body-parser
- json2csv
Clone the repository...
git clone https://github.com/minhajislam674/artist-search-api.git
Install all the project dependencies by using the command below.
npm install
Run the server by using the command below.
npm start
ornode index.js
Go to http://localhost:8080/ to interact with the API.
Open Postman to test the API endpoints.
When we access the end point on http://localhost:8080/artists/, and pass value to artistName query params, we receive the JSON data with response status code of 200.
When we access the end point on http://localhost:8080/artists/:artistName/csv/:fileName, and pass value to both path variables artistName and fileName, we receive the data in csv format with response status code of 200.