A record problems/bugs encountered during the build, for future learning.
No solution found, worked around by putting in some values
babel-cli needs to be installed globally
If on master
git push heroku master
If on a working branch
git push heroku [yourBranch]:master
webpack loaders are read from right to left. sass-loader must go at the end of the array!
only specified react
webpack.config specified both react
and es2015
mocha uses babel and looks for presets in .babelrc
removed presets query from webpack config, now all babel config exist in .babelrc
and shared between mocha and webpack
To do with assignment quirk in reducer
React Hot Loader: The Webpack loader is now exported separately. If you use Babel, we recommend that you remove "react-hot-loader" from the "loaders" section of your Webpack configuration altogether...
- Configuration for loaders has changed: (https://teamtreehouse.com/community/anyone-else-getting-an-error-when-including-react-hot-loader-in-the-webpack-config)
Warning: Unknown prop ariaHidden
on tag.
aria-* and data-* attributes do not need to be camel cased, unlike all other DOM properties/attributes in React DOM Elements in React