This project demonstrates a robot navigating in a Gazebo environment using the Bug-0 algorithm and a wall-following behavior. The navigation leverages an Action Server for non-blocking communication, allowing the user to cancel the robot's goal anytime. The project also provides the robot's previous goal destination through a service.
- Action Server Navigation: Users can input target coordinates (x, y), and the robot navigates to the location using the Bug-0 and wall-following algorithms.
- Goal Cancellation: The action server allows users to cancel the current goal at any time.
- Service to Retrieve Last Goal: The
service returns the most recently set goal coordinates. - ROS Noetic Compatibility: Built and tested with ROS Noetic and Gazebo.
The system is composed of the following nodes and topics:
- Nodes:
: Publishes the robot's joint states./go_to_point
: Implements the Bug-0 and wall-following algorithms./bug_action_service
: Handles goal management through the Action Server./userdestination
: Service for fetching the last goal set by the user.
- Topics:
: Command velocity to control the robot's motion./odom
: Provides odometry data./reaching_goal/goal
: Sets a new goal for the robot./reaching_goal/status
: Indicates the status of the robot's goal (reached, cancelled, etc.).
Refer to the RQT graph below for a detailed overview of the node connections:
- ROS Noetic
- Gazebo
(for visualization)- Necessary ROS packages for action servers, odometry, and geometry messages.
Run the Gazebo environment with the robot model:
roslaunch assignment1_part2 assignment1.launch
Wait for RViz and Gazebo to start up!
Input the goal coordinates via the terminal:
Set the goal coordinates!
Enter x coordinate: <value>
Enter y coordinate: <value>
Valid coordinate range: x ∈ [-9, 9], y ∈ [-9, 9].
While the robot is moving, press q and hit Enter to cancel the current goal.
To retrieve the last goal, use the /lastdestination service:
rosservice call /lastdestination