This repository contains various examples of using jclouds.
project | description |
Compute Basics (Java) | Example code to add nodes to a group and execute commands on them using the portable ComputeService API |
Compute Basics (Clojure) | Example code using compute2 to create a node, execute a command and destroy the node. |
BlobStore Basics (Java) | Example code to create a container, blob, and list your blobs using the portable BlobStore API |
BlobStore Basic (Clojure) | Example code to create a container, and list your containers using the portable blobstore2 functions |
BlobStore via Karaf Shell | Example to read and write to a blobstore from inside the Apache Karaf Shell. |
Use EC2 Extensions in ComputeService (Java) | Example code to create a spot instance on EC2 using ComputeService API extensions |
EC2 Create LAMP (Java) | Example code to create a LAMP server on EC2 using the provider-specific EC2Client |
Deploy a webapp (ant) | Example code to deploy a web application to the cloud using Cargo and the jclouds ant plugin |
Large Blob support (Java) | Example code to create a container and use a parallel strategy to upload a large blob, the portable BlobStore API |
Copyright (C) 2011 Cloud Conscious, LLC.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0