DNSimple let you do some very cool and useful things with domains via their REST API.
This library was created for internal use by Nimble Servers, hopefully it will be useful to others too.
There is currently only support for authentication with your API key, not your password.
DnsimpleContext context = new DnsimpleContext("email@domain.com", "apikey");
List<Domain> domains = context.getDomains();
Domain firstDomain = domains.get(0);
List<Record> records = context.getRecords(firstDomain);
Not all of DNSimple's features are implemented, here is what we have so far:
- Getting details about a specific domain
- Listing all domains
- Checking domain availability
- Enabling/disabling auto-renewal for domains
- Setting name servers for domains
- Getting DNS records for a domain
- Adding DNS records
- Updating DNS records
- Few dependencies (just GSON and Apache HttpClient).
- Simple and easy to read code structure.
- Thread safety.
This library is not on Maven central (yet) so must be compiled by yourself.
- Download and install Maven 3.
- Get the dnsimple-java source code, either with Git:
- with Git:
git clone git://github.com/milkmansrevenge/dnsimple-java.git
- or from the Zip file.
- with Git:
- Compile with Maven (from within the same directory as
):mvn install
- In the
directory there should be two JAR files. The larger one contains all the other dependencies.dnsimple-java-<version>.jar