This repository contains the TypeScript codebase of a website for "Jardinieresmasquees" - A local volunteer group in Tours, France. Owing shared garden and providing local residents opportunities to enjoy gardening. The platform serves information for future garden enthusiasts to share their creative gardening ideas, actions, and inspirations. 🌿🌿🌿
- Achieved scalable architecture: by TypeScript + React
- Obtains contents always up-to-date: Assembled with Facebook API & Flickr API.
- Appeal to the eye: Enhance visuals with react-image-gallery and styled-component.
- Deployment automation: Integrate Github Actions for smoother development.
Here is the link
To view or contribute to the "Jardinieresmasquees" project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Jardinieresmasquees
Explore the codebase, contribute your own garden designs, or engage with the community.
※This project employs a commitlinter; when committing, please make a commit message following with Conventional Commits.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Explore, create, and connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts through "Jardinieresmasquees." Join and let your creativity blossom!