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Note manager with rich text editing and file uploading function.


Todonaut is a Ruby on Rails application with a small set of features that allows users to create and manage notes.

In 2018 the app started off using Rails 5, ruby 2.5, Webpacker and Capistrano. It has been constantly updated ever since, introducing new Rails ecosystem features and updating the stack to the latest versions.

It now uses Rails 7, ruby 3.3, Import maps and Kamal.

Stack, tools, libraries used

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Import maps for importing JavaScript modules
  • Sprockets for compiling assets
  • Tailwind CSS for frontentd CSS classes using a utility-first CSS framework
  • Turbo (from Hotwire) for the speed of an SPA without having to write any JavaScript
  • Active Storage for uploading files to Google Cloud Storage
  • Action Text for rich text content and editing
  • Kamal for deploying to cloud VM
  • PostgreSQL as database
  • reCAPTCHA for protection from fraud and abuse


Before you begin, ensure you have installed the following on your machine:

  • ruby version 3.3.2
  • PostgreSQL



This installs the necessary gems and sets up the database.


Start the puma server, which also starts the Tailwind CSS build watcher:

rails s


If you want to contact me you can reach me at


This project uses the MIT license.