This project is a collection of small objects that consist into a big library.
The project is divided in two main sub-projects:
- Void Pointer data structures - which are generic data structures implemented using the void pointer.
- Macros data structures - which are the void pointer tructures reimplemented using macros.
- Fractions codification - which are an implementation of the fractions using the numerator and denumerator, in order to preserve data loss at every operation.
In orther to use the c-language-data-structures project, make sure to navigate to the readmes of every project appart and to take step by step every documentation of a different data struction, even though they practically represent the same idea, the implementations and the examples are quite different from structure to structure.
I am very open for contributing, however if you want to take part of this project you will have to follow some set of rules:
- First you should respect the code styling, some references are C Style
- You should provide documentation (respecting doxygen standard) for every function or piece of code
- You should come with some tests or examples to show how to work with your new functions
- Be happy and don't stop coding