EP3 | Pencil TV 🔴 Hoy unboxing de Next 13.1 el framework de React!! Javascript!! Vercel!! y Turbo!!
- Visita la web: https://framework-pylar.vercel.app/
- Lee el código: https://github.com/miguelgargallo/Next13-unboxing-next131-Turbo
- Usa el Framework:
git clone https://github.com/miguelgargallo/Next13-unboxing-next131-Turbo
Turbopack is a new incremental bundler optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust by the creators of Webpack and Next.js at Vercel. On large applications Turbopack updates 10x faster than Vite and 700x faster than Webpack (benchmark). For the biggest applications the difference grows even more stark with updates up to 20x faster than Vite.
This playground is a mirror of the Next.js v13 App Directory Playground, but uses Turbopack as the Next.js development server (next dev --turbo
As a reminder, Turbopack is currently in alpha and not yet ready for production. We appreciate your ongoing support as we work to make it ready for everyone.
- Install dependencies:
- Start the dev server:
yarn dev
Note: The playground uses Tailwind CSS via PostCSS.
For more information, see: https://turbo.build/pack/docs/features/css#tailwind-css