Ember-Leaflet aims to make working with Leaflet layers in your Ember app as easy, declarative and composable as templates make working with DOM.
Ember Leaflet works in Ember 3.16+ with no deprecations.
To install it run:
ember install ember-leaflet
This will also add the leaflet
package to your project.
ember-leaflet is compatible with leaflet 0.7+. If you need to use a legacy version, you can just install it via npm / yarn:
npm install --save-dev leaflet@0.7
yarn add -D leaflet@0.7
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Documentation and examples are hosted at https://miguelcobain.github.io/ember-leaflet/. Please file any issues if you see that something can be improved.
In your ember-cli-build.js
add the following snippet:
let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
// Add options here
fingerprint: {
exclude: [
ember-cli does fingerprinting (appending an md5 checksum to the end of every file) for production builds by default (http://ember-cli.com/user-guide/#fingerprinting-and-cdn-urls). Exclude the leaflet assets so that your production build produces them correctly.
Web apps frequently need to display geographic data, especially if it has a direct relationship with the real world. That isn't new, and has been done previously in all kinds of formats, particularly with raster and vector data.
Ember apps naturally may have the same requirements and until now, devs have been either using mapping libraries outside of ember scope, or using previous versions of ember-leaflet.
The problem was that both approaches were hard. Frequently existing libraries have regular javascript imperative APIs and html in mind. We all know and love how ember makes us flow the data in our app. Previous approaches simply didn't fit where ember really shines: templates, actions, routing, and above all, expressiveness.
Ember-leaflet allows you to express your maps right in your templates. Also, it is streamlined for ember in general. You have things like actions, components and the ability to use regular handlebars helpers like {{#if
or {{#each
We can't go wrong with delegating the mapping part to the battle tested, performant and lightweight Leaflet library.
So, let the mapping begin.
Think of your map as a set of layers inside a container. Your main container will be the <LeafletMap>
component. This component creates the map container where your tiles, vectors and markers will be added to. Let's see an example of how it looks:
npm run lint:js
npm run lint:js -- --fix
ember test
β Runs the test suite on the current Ember versionember test --server
β Runs the test suite in "watch mode"ember try:each
β Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions
ember serve
- Visit the dummy application at http://localhost:4200.
For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.
See the Contributing guide for details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.