Java Client binding for Macaca is a Java WebDriver client implemented most of the APIs in the WebDriver Protocol. It was originally designed for Macaca (A Node.js powered WebDriver server), but also available for any other implementation of WebDriver server such as Selenium, Appium and etc.
Details changes for each release are documented in the
$ mvn -s settings.xml clean source:jar deploy
$ make doc
$ npm i git-contributor -g
$ git-contributor
xudafeng |
zhuyali |
adfghzhang |
hustzyd |
ziczhu |
chenDoInG |
kyowang |
wuweicoco |
baozhida |
quxiaozha |
This project follows the git-contributor spec, auto upated at Thu Aug 16 2018 16:59:45 GMT+0800
The MIT License (MIT)