- Feature parity across all MongoDB API platforms.
- Improved Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB (RU) interface.
- MongoDB Scrapbook support added for all MongoDB API-supported databases.
- Unified context menus across all experiences.
- Supporting TenantId for CosmosDB authentication
- Improved support for local emulators.
- Added support for the Cosmos DB Emulator on Linux and MacOS (Intel)
- Optimized resource tree exploration.
- Time-consuming queries are now executed only when interacting with a selected cluster.
- Migrated Tree View API from V1 to V2.
- Create server/account command opens Azure Portal with corresponding blade instead of going through command palette wizard.
- Enhanced error handling.
- Improved index metrics display.
- Made minor adjustments.
- Fixed several issues around keyboard access and accessibility in general.
- NoSQL query editor toolbar now folds to a menu to fit the window size keeping all elements accessible.
- Fixed some minor issues.
- Added support for Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore. Azure Resources now lists existing MongoDB vCore clusters.
- Added support for universal MongoDB Cluster connectivity using a connection string (MongoDB Cluster Connections). This supports both MongoDB vCore clusters as well as other MongoDB cluster platforms.
- New UI for executing queries in the NoSQL account. UI supports viewing results in a table, tree or a JSON view, showing the query stats, the RU cost and Index Metrics.
- New UI for executing search queries in the vCore account. UI supports viewing results in a table, tree or a JSON view.
- New UI for creating, viewing and editing documents in a separate tab.
- New UI supports VS Code theming (except Monarch).
- Bumped dependencies to latest versions. Extension still supports Node 18 and VS Code 1.82.0.
- Updated eslint and prettier configurations.
- Gulp was removed from the project.
- Husky was removed from the project.
- Use Entra ID automatically for NoSQL accounts with local auth disabled.
- Don't fetch NoSQL account keys when using Entra ID.
- Added RBAC permission error handling for NoSQL accounts. If RBAC permission is missing, show a notification with an option to assign a contributor role for the current account and a link to RBAC documentation.
- Added support to authenticate with CosmosDB NoSQL database accounts using MS Entra ID.
- Updated the supported Mongo version when creating a MongoDB database server. #2223
- Fixed a bug which blocks creating a Postgres database. #2250
- Added support to execute a SQL style NoSQL query in a NoSQL query editor. #2217
- Added support to execute a NoSQL stored procedure. #2235
- Added support to view, create or delete NoSQL triggers. #2236
- Added support to view the offer information of a NoSQL collection. #2252
- Fixed a bug where the azure user session cannot be auto detected for Postgres Flexible server. #2209
This release adds the initial Azure AD authentication support for PostgreSQL flexible database servers and fixed various bugs. See 0.20.0 for all closed issues.
- The extension is migrated to use vscode secretStorage module for storing user credentials #2137. If you have local attachments that are broken due to this change, please re-attach them.
- The CosmosDB Graph extension has been removed from the marketplace. Attempting to open the graph explorer will open a documentation suggesting alternative tools for viewing graphs #2086.
- The extension now supports connecting to PostgreSQL flexible database server as Azure AD users. Read this wiki to learn more.
- Add support for the upcoming Azure Resources Focus feature
- Forward compatibility with Azure Resources API v2 @alexweininger in #2095
- Remove Preview label for Postgres Flexible by @tonybaloney in #2058
- Fix revealing attached database by @alexweininger in #2092
- Remove version checker action by @alexweininger in #2046
- Replace public-ip with our own util to fix CVE-2022-33987 by @alexweininger in #2048
- Migrate to vscode-azext-dev by @alexweininger in #2050
- Update AppInsights key by @bwateratmsft in #2052
- Add post release version bumper by @alexweininger in #2053
- Use shared Azure Id parsing utils by @alexweininger in #2054
- Rename info-needed-closer by @bwateratmsft in #2056
- Move workflow from root to workflows folder by @alexweininger in #2057
- Change filter for treeItemPicker by @nturinski in #2063
- Finalize CodeQL settings by @bwateratmsft in #2068
- Fix readme badges by @bwateratmsft in #2070
- Skip test suite to enable CodeQL build by @nturinski in #2081
- Add .nvmrc file by @alexweininger in #2085
- Use updated AzExtTreeFileSystem by @alexweininger in #2094
- Bump extension version post release by @alexweininger in #2045
- Bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.4 by @dependabot in #2049
- Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2 by @dependabot in #2077
- Bump yargs-parser and yargs by @dependabot in #2078
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 by @dependabot in #2083
- Bump qs from 6.10.1 to 6.11.0 by @dependabot in #2084
- Bump @xmldom/xmldom from 0.7.5 to 0.7.8 by @dependabot in #2074
- Bump flat and mocha by @dependabot in #2088
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 by @dependabot in #2089
- Update @vscode/extension-telemetry to 0.6.2 #2042
- Update @vscode/extension-telemetry to 0.5.2 #2032
We've made some large design changes to the Azure extensions for VS Code. View App Centric release notes
- Minimum version of VS Code is now 1.57.0
- Fixed the ETIMEDOUT issue when signing into a PostgreSQL Flexible server on multiple machines
- Postgres Flexible Servers (Preview) includes support for Databases, Functions and Stored Procedures
- Postgres Single Server defaults to version "11"
- SKU type option is now available while creating PostgreSQL servers
- Option to select either "Provisioned throughput" or "Serverless" model while creating CosmosDB accounts
- Icons updated to match VS Code's theme. Install new product icon themes here
- Now depends on the "Azure Resources" extension, which provides a "Resource Groups" and "Help and Feedback" view
- Grouped items in all context menus to improve access and readability
- "Attached Emulator..." option added to Attach Database Accounts context menu
- "Report an Issue" button was removed from errors. Use the "Help and Feedback" view or command palette instead
- Newly created Azure CosmosDB - MongoDB servers default to version “3.6”
- Minimum version of VS Code is now 1.48.0
- Improved extension activation time (by switching to the azure-sdk-for-js)
- Attach PostgreSQL servers by connection string
- PostgreSQL support for integration with App Service extension
- PostgreSQL server defaults to version "10"
- Use the setting "azureDatabases.batchSize" to configure the Mongo "DBQuery.shellBatchSize" attribute and the batch size when loading children in the tree view.
- Create and edit stored procedures in PostgreSQL. NOTE: only applies to PostgreSQL server versions 11 and above.
- Results from executing most Mongo commands open in a single read-only editor.
In this release, we're rebranding the Cosmos DB Extension to Azure Databases to expand our database support beyond just Cosmos DB. This release also marks the first new database engine: PostgreSQL with other database engines coming later this year.
- PostgreSQL support
- Create and view PostgreSQL servers, databases, and functions.
- Create, edit, and execute PostgreSQL queries
- Viewing and querying Azure Cosmos DB graphs has been moved to a separate graph-specific extension, vscode-cosmosdbgraph
- Language client is not ready yet #1334
- When updating a Mongo document, the operation would fail with the following error:
update operation document must contain atomic operators.
#1298 - When importing a
document into a Mongo collection, it would throw the following error:Error: r.insertedIds is not iterable
- Support for Private Endpoint Connections
- Collapse All button for Cosmos DB explorer
- When using
in MongoScrapbooks, it would not work properly with chained commands #981 - Bugs fixed
- Due to a change in the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator, users must explicitly enable the Mongo DB port when starting the emulator. Updated error messages to point to debugging tips at https://aka.ms/AA5zah5. #1137, #1000
- Better shell error handling, add mongo.shell.args setting #1101, #1092, #1071, #988, #838, #820
- Increase mongo.shell.timeout default value from 5 to 30 #1115
- Fix document save prompt message #1021
- Handle opening resources to use native vscode APIs
- Running the extension in older versions of VS Code
- Report an issue opening a blank webpage due to a large stack frame
- Wizards are more informative and allow you to redo some steps
- Graph views moved from using previewHtml (deprecated) to Webview API
- Improved startup and installation performance
- Accounts created in portal are not recognized as graph/mongo by the extension #1018
- Confusing error message when running 'Import Document into a Collection' with no Workspace opened #961
- Improve emulator connection error messages #1016
- API support for integration with App Service extension
- Multiple documents, collections, or stored procedures can be viewed/edited at once (thanks @tec-goblin)
- Refresh button doesn't refresh attached accounts #904
- Some scrapbook parse errors were causing an error alert #959
- Downgrade event-stream version due to event-stream#116
- Mongo
- Support for ObjectId, ISODate and regular expression (/pattern/flag) syntax in the scrapbook
- Support for method chaining.
- Ability to change timeout for commands in scrapbook
- Support importing documents into CosmosDB and Mongo databases.
- Support for soveriegn clouds
- Support creation of fixed collections and graphs #295 and #504
- Collections having two documents of the same id will render properly #588 and #892
- Some UI fixes #576 and #873
- Additional bugs fixed
A big thank you to the following contributors that helped make the extension even better!
- Nicolas Kyriazopuolos-Panagiotopoulos @tec-goblin:
- Nguyen Long Nhat @torn4dom4n, for updating our tasks PR#887
- Improved scrapbook experience with better error handling. We now highlight errors on the scrapbook as you type!
- See your stored procedures for graph accounts too!
- Document labels in the tree view are now more descriptive.
- Scrapbook: can now parse commands with single quotes or no quotes. Examples from the mongo docs should now work when directly pasted.
- Fewer timeout errors on running commands in the emulator.
- We correctly parse collection names with dots
- Invalid database accounts will not prevent the tree from loading
- Additional bugs fixed
- Support DNS Seedlist Connection Format for mongo connection strings (mongodb+srv://). Thanks @plusn-nuri!
- Support for Extended JSON in scrapbook queries
- Updating mongo documents without an ObjectID in the ID field
- Log of fixed bugs
- Fixed error "Unexpected Experience Value" when retrieving database accounts
- CodeLens support for scrapbook
- Execute all commands in a scrapbook, allowing you to use scrapbooks as scripts
- Support for ObjectIDs, ISODate, and extended JSON data types in document views
- View, open, edit and update Stored Procedures
- Error messages are now modal
- Open newly created docs in editor
- Moved Azure CosmosDB Explorer to new Azure view container instead of file explorer
- Better error messages for connection strings
- Don't throw errors on dropping non-existent collections
- Errors no longer written to output in the middle of writing a scrapbook command
- Additional bugs fixed
- mongo.shell.path setting no longer required if shell is in system path
- Allow mongo.shell.path to be specified in workspace settings as well as user settings
- No longer asking for an id for new documents
- Connected database is now persisted between sessions
- Improvements to scrapbook setup and error handling
Azure subscriptions
- New "filter" button on subscription nodes
- New "Open in Portal" menu item for subscriptions
- New "Report an Issue" button on error dialogs
- Allow access to multi-tenant mongo server
- Can only run the first command in a Mongo Scrapbook on Windows
- Projections Not Working In Mongo Scrapbooks
- Additional bugs fixed
- DocumentDB and Mongo
- Allow updating documents and collections re-opened from a previous VS Code session
- Mongo
- Delete databases
- Attach to Cosmos DB emulator
- Run commands from the command palette
- Attach Cosmos DB accounts by connection string
- Graph:
- Customize the color and display text of vertices through VS Code settings
- By default display vertex IDs and labels and choose vertex color based on label
- Honor current VS Code theme
- View, edit, and persist a Mongo collection
- Edit and persist the result of a Mongo command
- Graph bugs fixed
- Source to target arrows are backwards
- Side effects from executing a Gremlin query can occur twice
- Duplicate vertices can show up in graph viewer
- Query performance improved for large graphs
- Graph:
- View/Create/Delete databases and graphs
- Click on a graph to visualize data
- Query graph using Gremlin
- DocumentDB:
- View/Create/Delete databases, collections, and documents
- Mongo
- View documents in the explorer
- DocumentDB and Mongo:
- Click on a document to open in the editor
- Edit a document and persist changes to the cloud
- View Mongo documents in 'result.json' by clicking on a collection in the explorer
- Edit and persist the result of a Mongo scrapbook command
- Correctly set version to preview
- Cosmos DB UI component (sash)
- Connect to local MongoDB
- Create Cosmos DB (with MongoDB adaptor)
- Connect to Cosmos DB via MongoDB adaptor
- Command to launch the
shell - Rich MongoDB intellisense in scrapbooks