Releases: microbiomedata/nmdc-schema
Releases · microbiomedata/nmdc-schema
What's Changed
No changes to existing modeling.
Decreases ...No namespace defined for... warnings when loading the schema.
- Add raw GH ids for schema files by @turbomam in #812
- pyproject.toml update/cleanup by @turbomam in #814
- Expressing biosample -> two libraries, with existing terms by @turbomam in #817
- add nmdc_yaml prefix; comment out some others by @turbomam in #816
Full Changelog: v7.4.12...v7.4.13
What's Changed
- added mixs slots req by submission schema to Biosample by @turbomam in #808
- more mixs slots and better testing by @turbomam in #810
Includes better testing of the jsonshema artifacts and fixes the workflow for adding MIxS slots to the Biosample class adn dynamically regenerating the mixs.yaml
Full Changelog: v.7.4.11...v7.4.12
What's Changed
- classes on index page should be hierarchically indented by @sujaypatil96 in #800
- Notebook instantiates a ReadQcAnalysisActivity with multiple base/read counts and validates by @turbomam in #802
- add 7.4.11 version to nmdc.yaml by @turbomam in #804
- change pyproject.toml version 0.0.0 to 7.4.11 by @turbomam in #805
Full Changelog: v7.4.10...v.7.4.11
What's Changed
- DataObject examples by @turbomam in #758
- better grammar in src/docs/ -> 'Schema validation' by @turbomam in #762
- initial boolean ranges script by @turbomam in #769
- add comparison of boolean usage to global slot by @turbomam in #770
- terser modeling by @turbomam in #765
- non file type enum changes by @turbomam in #779
- remove all DNAse mentions in src/schema by @turbomam in #785
- no more bioscales.yaml by @turbomam in #786
- file type enum changes only by @turbomam in #778
- Fix some minor typos in the file type enums by @turbomam in #787
- add static docs in deploy-docs.yaml GH action by @turbomam in #788
- wfmsa typecode for MetagenomeSequencingActivity by @turbomam in #791
- Some MIxS ranges should be set to something other than TextValue, like GeolocationValue for lat_lot by @turbomam in #790
Full Changelog: v7.4.9...v7.4.10
What's Changed
- Expose usage report by @turbomam in #743
- Added air_PM_concen and 'air particulate matter concentration' just in case by @turbomam in #744
- backmerge main into new mixs terms branch by @turbomam in #745
- Add abs_air_humidity for sheets and friends by @turbomam in #746
- Batch addition of MIxS terms from sheets friends by @turbomam in #747
- added abs_air_humidity (again?) by @turbomam in #750
- bulk with abs_air_humidity by @turbomam in #751
- remove mixs backups by @turbomam in #752
- regen plus DataObject-MB-unknown-enum-pv.yaml example; mixs_template.yaml cleanup; link cleanup in static MD docs by @turbomam in #753
Full Changelog: v7.4.8...v7.4.9
What's Changed
- Associate host_taxid with Biosample via sheets_and_friends "do shuttle" by @turbomam in #733
- Add host_taxid example by @turbomam in #736
- new path to jsonschema artifact by @turbomam in #738
- removed old NMDC metadata downloads link by @turbomam in #740
- Minimal submission portal retrieval by @turbomam in #741
Full Changelog: v7.4.7...v7.4.8
What's Changed
- try using sheets-and-friends subsetter here! by @turbomam in #715
- start cleaning up assets esp python by @turbomam in #717
- Fix automated deployment of docs by @turbomam in #722
- Out of control regen by @turbomam in #726
- Refactor names of generated artifacts by @turbomam in #729
- update file_name_patterns by @Michal-Babins in #704
New Contributors
- @Michal-Babins made their first contribution in #704
Full Changelog: v7.4.5...v7.4.6
What's Changed
- Issue 709 wekrflow refreshed by @turbomam in #710
- Werkflow branch by @turbomam in #706
- Create Biosample usage report, with from_mixs indicator by @turbomam in #707
- Subsetted mixs by @turbomam in #702
- patterns materialized in jsonschema artifact by @turbomam in #713
Full Changelog: v7.4.4...v7.4.5