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Configure MongoDB Replica Set and implement example MongoDB transaction #1089

Configure MongoDB Replica Set and implement example MongoDB transaction

Configure MongoDB Replica Set and implement example MongoDB transaction #1089

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow will install Python dependencies, run tests and lint with a single version of Python
# For more information see:
name: Python application
# Note: The following events will trigger this workflow:
# 1. Someone pushes a commit to `main` that includes changes to any of the listed files.
# 2. Someone opens a pull request that includes changes to any of the listed files.
# 3. Someone clicks the "Run workflow" button on the "Actions" tab on GitHub.
# References:
# -
# -
branches: [ main ]
- '.github/workflows/python-app.yml'
- 'Makefile'
- '**/Dockerfile'
- '**.py'
- 'requirements/main.txt'
# Every file in the `data` directory or in any of its subdirectories:
- 'metadata-translation/notebooks/data/**'
- '.github/workflows/python-app.yml'
- 'Makefile'
- '**/Dockerfile'
- '**.py'
- 'requirements/main.txt'
- 'metadata-translation/notebooks/data/**'
# Allow developers to trigger this workflow manually via the "Actions" page on GitHub.
# Reference:
workflow_dispatch: { }
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4 # update version to maintain consistency across workflows
# Prepare the MongoDB keyfile to be mounted by the `mongo` container.
# Note: This is to prevent MongoDB from reporting the error:
# > "permissions on /path/to/keyfile are too open"
# Note: In containers using the `mongo` image, UID 999 refers to a user named `mongodb`
# and GID 999 refers to a group named `mongodb`, which that user belongs to.
# You can verify this by looking at the Dockerfile layers on Docker Hub.
# Reference:
# Note: Since the GHA Runner will not allow me to `chown` the file to `999:999`, I use
# a Docker container to (effectively) to it. Since, after I use the Docker container
# to `chown` the file, the GHA Runner will not allow me to then `chmod` it, I do
# that within the Docker container as well. I still appreciate the fine folks at
# GitHub, Inc. letting me use their computer for all this.
# Reference:
- name: Restrict access to MongoDB keyfile
run: |
stat ./mongoKeyFile
mkdir -p _tmp
docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd)/mongoKeyFile:/originalFile \
-v $(pwd)/_tmp:/out \
alpine \
sh -c 'cp /originalFile /out/mongoKeyFile && chmod 600 /out/mongoKeyFile && chown 999:999 /out/mongoKeyFile'
mv _tmp/mongoKeyFile ./mongoKeyFile
rmdir _tmp
stat ./mongoKeyFile
- name: Set up Python 3.10
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.10'
# deprecated: Consider merging and lint.yml
# - name: Lint with flake8
# run: |
# pip install flake8
# make lint
- name: Remove volumes left over from previous workflow runs
run: |
docker volume ls
make down-test
docker volume ls
- name: Build and run containers upon which test runner depends
run: make up-test
- name: Build test runner container image
run: make test-build
- name: Run tests
run: make test-run