diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6fe77ea..99f1089 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,205 +1 @@
-# NMDC External Metadata Awareness
-## Background
-NMDC brings unique value to environmental microbial research by
-- emphasizing multi-omics experiments
-- processing data with standardized workflows
-- describing relevant material entities and processes with a LinkML schema
-But NMDC is not the source of any of that data or metadata, and the NMDC schema is strongly influenced by external
-standards and ontologies.
-## High Level Goals
-We have developed the NMDC schema to ensure that our metadata is FAIR, meaning that once a user has basic familiarity
-with the Data Portal or our APIs, they should be able to retrieve metadata about study X as easily as they can retrieve
-metadata about study Y. They should also be able to generate trustworthy summaries of the metadata across studies. None
-of that should require any prior familiarity with any of those studies.
-NMDC launched a Value Set Squad in August 2024 to formalize which ontology terms (especially from EnvO) are suitable for
-populating MIxS' `env_broad_scale`, `env_local_scale` and `env_medium` fields, in the context of a particular MIxS
-Extension (aka environment). See more below.
-## Challenges
-We haven't completely achieved that goal yet, which means that some NMDC team members need the ability to retrieve the
-external metadata in their native form, analyze them systematically, and possibly integrate subsets of two or more
-metadata sources. We also need the ability to compare these external metadata against the schemas that accompany them.
-The interpretation of metadata can be especially challenging when the values that are allowed for a particular slot or
-field come from some hierarchy in an ontology.
-## Individual vs Collaborative Approaches
-There is no shortage of expertise on our various metadata sources within NMDC. However, if person A asks their colleague
-B about some metadata, and B does some web searches followed by a mashup analysis on their laptop, then A (or someone
-else) won't be in a better position to build on that in the future. That means that external metadata exploration
-requires automation and the use of machine-readable file formats. This doesn't mean that B's web searching skills aren't
-valuable. It just means that B and A are responsible for converting the successful web search strategy into something
-that can be automated.
-## How to Contribute
-This repo uses the following technologies:
-- Linux/MacOS command line tools like `yq` and `runoak`
-- Python scripts
-- Makefiles, which show how the command line tools and Python scripts can be chained together to achieve a goal (usually
- a final output file)
-Everyone is welcome to contribute to the Python scripts and Makefile targets, although that is not necessary.
-The greatest contribution that an NMDC team member can make is to add value-added file to the `contributed` directory.
-Ideally, these files would be in a machine-readable format like TSV, CSV, YAML, or JSON. Contributors who have XLSX
-files or Google Sheets are asked to save them as TSV or CSV. Please be aware of any knowledge that is captured in a way
-that would be lost upon conversion to TSV or CSV, like color coding or comments. See Mark for help.
-### TSV vs CSV
-Many LinkML-related tools like `runoak` generate TSV output even when CSV is requested. However, many of the LLM web
-interfaces will accept CSV uploads but reject TSV uploads. In a similar vein, YAML files are usually easier to read, but
-LLMs are more likely to accept JSON files. This means that conversion between formats is a common task in the Makefiles.
-### Role of LLMs
-Large language models like ChatGPT can provide valuable insights about the metadata and their standards, but there are
-many caveats about loading data and prompts into LLMs and about interpreting their output. NMDC team members are
-encouraged to experiment with LLMs for metadata and schema exploration, even if it is through a web interface. However,
-all use of LLMs in this repo will be automated with the `llm` command line tool.
-While many vendors provide a free tier for using their LLMs, those are usually not sufficient for NMDC metadata/schema
-exploration tasks. That's partially due to the fact that the free tiers don't use the most advanced models, but also due
-to the fact that the free (or even less expensive) models are more limited in the number of tokens (words or portions of
-words) they will accept as input, and the number of tokens they will emit as a response.
-https://artificialanalysis.ai/ provides a nice analysis of the available LLM vendors and models, along with some quality
-metrics, token limits, and pricing.
-Your institution may provide some level of free access to the more advanced LLMs. Most BBOP team members have access to
-a LBL-paid OpenAI/GPT account for API access (but not web access). LBL also provides the CBORG multi-model
-interface https://cborg.lbl.gov/
-The LLMs that Mark has found most useful are Anthropic Claude Sonnet 3.5 (200k tokens input), OpenAI GPT 4 and 4o (
-128k), and Google Gemini 1.5 pro (2M).
-The time and financial cost of developing LLM methods is not trivial, and there's no guarantee that the results will be
-accurate, comprehensive, or repeatable. In the long run, the best use of LLMs may be in interpreting input data in order
-to generate code that solves a problem algorithmically.
-## Value set task
-NMDC follows the MIxS practice of requiring Biosamples to be annotated with a triad of environmental context
-fields, [env_broad_scale](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0000012/), [env_local_scale](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0000013/),
-and [env_medium](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0000014/). The EnvO repo
-provides general [guidance for using
-EnvO terms to fill these fields](https://github.com/EnvironmentOntology/envo/wiki/Using-ENVO-with-MIxS) (and that
-guidance is mirrored very closely by the descriptions of the MIxS fields
-linked above).
-For example, the guidance for `env_broad_scale` is to use an identifier for some subclass
-of [biome](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/envo/classes/http%253A%252F%252Fpurl.obolibrary.org%252Fobo%252FENVO_00000428).
-But MIxS recognizes that Biosamples come from a wide variety of environments, which it models
-as [Extensions](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/#extensions). [mediterranean sea biome](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/envo/classes/http%253A%252F%252Fpurl.obolibrary.org%252Fobo%252FENVO_01000047?lang=en)
-and [broadleaf forest biome](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/envo/classes/http%253A%252F%252Fpurl.obolibrary.org%252Fobo%252FENVO_01000197?lang=en)
-are both subclasses of `biome`, but we **intuitively** wouldn't expect
-a [Soil](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0016012/) sample to have a `env_broad_scale` annotation
-of `mediterranean sea biome`, nor would we **intuitively** expect
-a [Water](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0016014/) sample to have a `env_broad_scale` annotation
-of `broadleaf forest biome`.
-[NMDC's prioritization of environments (as MIxS Extensions)](https://github.com/microbiomedata/issues/issues/468)
-The problem here is that **intuition** shouldn't be required for either providing metadata about Biosamples, or for
-searching over Biosample metadata. NMDC should take a stance on which ontology terms are appropriate for each
-combination of a MIxS environmental context field and a MIxS Extension, and NMDC should provide metadata submission and
-search tools that are aware of those per-Extension guidance sets.
-The construction of value sets is intended to support submitters in faithfully describing their Biosamples, even in the
-context of innovative science, while also supporting data searchers. There will inevitably be some tension between these
-two goals.
-EnvO has 127 `biome` subclasses, including an `aquatic biome` with 55 subclasses of its own. Should we include all of
-them in the Water/env_broad_scale value set? For how many of our Water-environment studies
-will [marine white smoker biome](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/envo/classes/http%253A%252F%252Fpurl.obolibrary.org%252Fobo%252FENVO_01000052?lang=en)
-be relevant? If it is relevant for one, should we all of its siblings in the value set too, or leave it
-Analogously, there are 71 subclasses of `biome` that are not subclasses of `aquatic biome`. Should we include all of
-them in a Soil/env_broad_scale value set? Even `subtropical moist broadleaf forest biome`?
-There have been multiple previous attempts to define NMDC value sets for these fields, either in a standalone manner, or
-in the context of something else like the highly curated but less machine-actionable GOLD ecosystem paths. The methods
-have been variously ML-based, completely manual, SPARQL-based, etc. The outputs of these efforts may be spread across
-many GitHub repos and Google Docs.
-Value sets for the three MIxS environmental context fields, for the Soil environment, have been retained as static
-enumerations in the NMDC submission-schema.
-## Implementation Questions
-- Should the submission of ontology terms for these fields be absolutely limited to the value sets, or should a string
- pattern be allowed as a fallback?
- - If submitters provide a term outside of the value set, are they responsible for providing the term ID, the label,
- or both?
- - If we are validating on a pattern only, and the ID and label don't match, how will we know which one the submitter
- really meant?
-- Should any attempt be made to display the ontology term value sets in a hierarchical view? If so, and there are
- multiple paths from a term up to its root, should all of those paths be shown?
-- Should they be saved as LinkML static enumerations, LinkML dynamic enumerations, or something else?
-- If LinkML enumerations, should the permissible values be saved as IDs, labels, or both (in label [id] format?)
-- What's a reasonable maximum number or permissible values for each value set?
-Note that this repo provides tooling for manually reviewing the ontology terms that have been associated with each NMDC
-## Value Set Google Sheets
-- [Soil-value-sets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UUA-WfZG2-UMtIuX5TPsE7hCfPFaOCHhjUYwZPjiAjQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0)
-## MIxS Environmental Triad Notes
-- There are many other MIxS fields that are about the Biosample's environment, and that take ontology class IDs as
- their values. Don't assume that all knowledge about the environmental context has to be captured in the triad slots.
-## Requesting New Terms from the Source for the Value Set
-In some cases it may be necessary to request new terms from EnvO (or another ontology) to reflect the true environmental
-context of a sample.
-## System Dependencies:
-_Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and MacOS Sonoma 12.0.1. Not all dependencies are required for all tools in this repo._
-- [yq](https://github.com/mikefarah/yq) (Mike Farah/GO)
- - [go](https://go.dev/)
-- [robot](https://robot.obolibrary.org/)
- - Java
-- wget
-- completed `local/.env`, based on `local/.env.template`
-- ssh tunnel to the BBOP/NMDC Postgres server on NERSC
-- LBL CBORG llm users will want to create a extra-openai-models.yaml file (at ~/Library/Application
- Support/io.datasette.llm/ on MacOS)
-- [yamlfmt](https://github.com/google/yamlfmt)
- - [go](https://go.dev/)
-- [jq](https://github.com/jqlang/jq)
-- [gh CLI](https://cli.github.com/)
-- [efetch](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK179288/)?
-## Related resources
-- https://github.com/microbiomedata/nmdc-ontology
-- https://github.com/microbiomedata/submission-schema
-- ~~https://github.com/turbomam/llm-github~~
- - https://github.com/linkml/linkml-store
-- ~~https://github.com/microbiomedata/context-collaboration~~
-- ~~https://github.com/turbomam/biosample-xmldb-sqldb~~
-## Ideas
-- Try [litellm](https://litellm.vercel.app/) as a proxy for [llm](https://llm.datasette.io/en/stable/)?
- - llm, especially when configured to use CBORG, should be adequate for this purpose
-- Extract `Extension`s with [linkml-map](https://linkml.io/linkml-map/) instead of yq?
- - No `robot extract`-like CLI yet. Would require custom Python scripting.
+# todo
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/.gitignore b/config/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/contributed/.gitignore b/contributed/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/for-lexmatch.sh b/lexmatch-shell-scripts/for-lexmatch.sh
similarity index 57%
rename from for-lexmatch.sh
rename to lexmatch-shell-scripts/for-lexmatch.sh
index 3e64021..15f1b30 100755
--- a/for-lexmatch.sh
+++ b/lexmatch-shell-scripts/for-lexmatch.sh
@@ -13,30 +13,30 @@ rm -rf lexmatch-errors.txt
while IFS= read -r ontology; do
if [ -n "$ontology" ]; then
-# echo "nmdc mixs vs $ontology"
-# poetry run runoak \
-# -i nmdc.db \
-# -a sqlite:obo:$ontology \
-# lexmatch \
-# --add-pipeline-step CaseNormalization \
-# --add-pipeline-step WhitespaceNormalization \
-# --add-pipeline-step WordOrderNormalization \
-# --output lexmatch-output/nmdc_mixs_vs_${ontology}.SSSOM.tsv \
-# i^mixs @ .all \
-# 2>>lexmatch-errors.txt
-# echo "nmdc nmdc vs $ontology"
-# poetry run runoak \
-# -i nmdc.db \
-# -a sqlite:obo:$ontology \
-# lexmatch \
-# --add-pipeline-step CaseNormalization \
-# --add-pipeline-step WhitespaceNormalization \
-# --add-pipeline-step WordOrderNormalization \
-# --output lexmatch-output/nmdc_nmdc_vs_${ontology}.SSSOM.tsv \
-# i^nmdc @ .all \
-# 2>>lexmatch-errors.txt
+ echo "nmdc mixs vs $ontology"
+ poetry run runoak \
+ -i nmdc.db \
+ -a sqlite:obo:$ontology \
+ lexmatch \
+ --add-pipeline-step CaseNormalization \
+ --add-pipeline-step WhitespaceNormalization \
+ --add-pipeline-step WordOrderNormalization \
+ --output ../lexmatch-output/nmdc_mixs_vs_${ontology}.SSSOM.tsv \
+ i^mixs @ .all \
+ 2>>lexmatch-errors.txt
+ echo "nmdc nmdc vs $ontology"
+ poetry run runoak \
+ -i nmdc.db \
+ -a sqlite:obo:$ontology \
+ lexmatch \
+ --add-pipeline-step CaseNormalization \
+ --add-pipeline-step WhitespaceNormalization \
+ --add-pipeline-step WordOrderNormalization \
+ --output ../lexmatch-output/nmdc_nmdc_vs_${ontology}.SSSOM.tsv \
+ i^nmdc @ .all \
+ 2>>lexmatch-errors.txt
# echo "submission schema vs $ontology"
# poetry run runoak \
# -i nmdc_submission_schema_no_from_schema_no_brackets.db \
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ while IFS= read -r ontology; do
--add-pipeline-step CaseNormalization \
--add-pipeline-step WhitespaceNormalization \
--add-pipeline-step WordOrderNormalization \
- --output lexmatch-output/env_triad_pvs_vs_${ontology}.SSSOM.tsv \
+ --output ../lexmatch-output/env_triad_pvs_vs_${ontology}.SSSOM.tsv \
i^nmdc_sub_schema @ .all \
diff --git a/for-lexmatch.txt b/lexmatch-shell-scripts/for-lexmatch.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from for-lexmatch.txt
rename to lexmatch-shell-scripts/for-lexmatch.txt
diff --git a/notebooks/bbop-sem-sql-catalog-filtered.tsv b/notebooks/bbop-sem-sql-catalog-filtered.tsv
deleted file mode 100644
index cb3dd87..0000000
--- a/notebooks/bbop-sem-sql-catalog-filtered.tsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-Key basename extension LastModified Size obo_foundry_title bioportal_name registry_url
-README.md README md 2021-05-25T02:37:23.000Z 21
-ado.db ado db 2022-10-17T16:07:06.000Z 17653760 Alzheimer's Disease Ontology Alzheimer's Disease Ontology
-ado.db.gz ado db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 4266828 Alzheimer's Disease Ontology Alzheimer's Disease Ontology
-aeo-relation-graph.tsv.gz aeo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-15T13:38:01.000Z 7761 Anatomical Entity Ontology Anatomical Entity Ontology
-aeo.db aeo db 2022-10-17T16:07:06.000Z 1159168 Anatomical Entity Ontology Anatomical Entity Ontology
-aeo.owl aeo owl 2022-06-15T13:38:01.000Z 407236 Anatomical Entity Ontology Anatomical Entity Ontology
-agro-relation-graph.tsv.gz agro relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:05.000Z 988343 Agronomy Ontology AGRonomy Ontology
-agro.db agro db 2022-10-17T16:07:06.000Z 43225088 Agronomy Ontology AGRonomy Ontology
-agro.db.gz agro db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 11851963 Agronomy Ontology AGRonomy Ontology
-agro.owl agro owl 2022-06-20T01:47:05.000Z 6978509 Agronomy Ontology AGRonomy Ontology
-aio.db aio db 2022-10-17T16:07:06.000Z 532480 Artificial Intelligence Ontology https://raw.githubusercontent.com/berkeleybop/artificial-intelligence-ontology/main/aio.owl
-aio.db.gz aio db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 384897 Artificial Intelligence Ontology https://raw.githubusercontent.com/berkeleybop/artificial-intelligence-ontology/main/aio.owl
-aism-relation-graph.tsv.gz aism relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:05.000Z 6168091 Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system (AISM) Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system
-aism.db.gz aism db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 48241287 Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system (AISM) Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system
-aism.owl aism owl 2022-06-20T01:47:05.000Z 23598556 Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system (AISM) Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system
-allotrope.db allotrope db 2022-10-17T16:07:06.000Z 49381376
-amphx-relation-graph.tsv.gz amphx relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:05.000Z 11918 The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology
-amphx.db amphx db 2022-10-17T16:07:15.000Z 1798144 The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology
-amphx.db.gz amphx db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 295618 The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology
-amphx.owl amphx owl 2022-06-20T01:47:11.000Z 589457 The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology
-apo-relation-graph.tsv.gz apo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:12.000Z 6665 Ascomycete phenotype ontology Ascomycete Phenotype Ontology
-apo.db apo db 2022-10-17T16:07:17.000Z 1576960 Ascomycete phenotype ontology Ascomycete Phenotype Ontology
-apo.db.gz apo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 305306 Ascomycete phenotype ontology Ascomycete Phenotype Ontology
-apo.owl apo owl 2022-06-20T01:47:15.000Z 716033 Ascomycete phenotype ontology Ascomycete Phenotype Ontology
-apollo_sv-relation-graph.tsv.gz apollo_sv relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:16.000Z 235542 Apollo Structured Vocabulary
-apollo_sv.db apollo_sv db 2022-10-17T16:07:18.000Z 14520320 Apollo Structured Vocabulary
-apollo_sv.db.gz apollo_sv db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 3588893 Apollo Structured Vocabulary
-apollo_sv.owl apollo_sv owl 2022-06-20T01:47:16.000Z 2521317 Apollo Structured Vocabulary
-aro-relation-graph.tsv.gz aro relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:16.000Z 437321 Antibiotic Resistance Ontology Antibiotic Resistance Ontology
-aro.db aro db 2022-10-17T16:07:18.000Z 41005056 Antibiotic Resistance Ontology Antibiotic Resistance Ontology
-aro.db.gz aro db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 8533973 Antibiotic Resistance Ontology Antibiotic Resistance Ontology
-aro.owl aro owl 2022-06-20T01:47:17.000Z 11798509 Antibiotic Resistance Ontology Antibiotic Resistance Ontology
-bad-ontology.db bad ontology.db 2022-10-17T16:07:18.000Z 532480
-bad-ontology.db.old bad ontology.db.old 2022-04-21T01:10:06.000Z 532480
-bao.db.gz bao db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 6039743 BioAssay Ontology http://www.bioassayontology.org/bao/bao_complete.owl
-bcio.db.gz bcio db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:16.000Z 1318132 http://humanbehaviourchange.org/ontology/bcio.owl
-bco-relation-graph.tsv.gz bco relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:17.000Z 11482 Biological Collections Ontology Biological Collections Ontology
-bco.db bco db 2022-10-17T16:07:19.000Z 2641920 Biological Collections Ontology Biological Collections Ontology
-bco.db.gz bco db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:18.000Z 554772 Biological Collections Ontology Biological Collections Ontology
-bco.owl bco owl 2022-06-20T01:47:19.000Z 899384 Biological Collections Ontology Biological Collections Ontology
-bero-relation-graph.tsv.gz bero relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-05-31T03:00:06.000Z 187302382 Biological and Environmental Research Ontology https://github.com/berkeleybop/bero/releases/download/2022-05-26/bero.owl
-bero.db.gz bero db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:19.000Z 1601603888 Biological and Environmental Research Ontology https://github.com/berkeleybop/bero/releases/download/2022-05-26/bero.owl
-bero.owl bero owl 2022-05-31T03:00:12.000Z 1080249848 Biological and Environmental Research Ontology https://github.com/berkeleybop/bero/releases/download/2022-05-26/bero.owl
-bfo-relation-graph.tsv.gz bfo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:19.000Z 560 Basic Formal Ontology Basic Formal Ontology
-bfo.db bfo db 2022-10-17T16:07:20.000Z 561152 Basic Formal Ontology Basic Formal Ontology
-bfo.db.gz bfo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:22.000Z 111344 Basic Formal Ontology Basic Formal Ontology
-bfo.owl bfo owl 2022-06-20T01:47:19.000Z 157931 Basic Formal Ontology Basic Formal Ontology
-bfo2020.db.gz bfo2020 db.gz 2025-02-01T21:44:34.000Z 94876 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/bfo/2020/bfo.owl
-bfo2020_core.db.gz bfo2020_core db.gz 2025-02-01T21:44:34.000Z 79866 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/bfo/2020/bfo-core.owl
-bfo2020_notime.db.gz bfo2020_notime db.gz 2025-02-01T21:44:36.000Z 66738 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/bfo/2020/notime/bfo.owl
-bfo2020_time.db.gz bfo2020_time db.gz 2025-02-01T21:44:36.000Z 94857 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BFO-ontology/BFO-2020/master/src/owl/profiles/temporal%20extensions/temporalized%20relations/owl/bfo-temporalized-relations.owl
-biolink.db biolink db 2022-10-17T16:07:21.000Z 4399104 Biolink Model https://w3id.org/biolink/biolink-model.owl.ttl
-biolink.db.gz biolink db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:23.000Z 873668 Biolink Model https://w3id.org/biolink/biolink-model.owl.ttl
-biopax.db biopax db 2022-09-05T01:22:28.000Z 700416 http://www.biopax.org/release/biopax-level3.owl
-biopax.db.gz biopax db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:24.000Z 646 http://www.biopax.org/release/biopax-level3.owl
-biopragmatics-reactome.db.gz biopragmatics reactome.db.gz 2025-02-01T21:44:37.000Z 46
-biovoices.db.gz biovoices db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:25.000Z 435152 https://zenodo.org/record/5589773/files/ontology.owl?download=1
-bspo-relation-graph.tsv.gz bspo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:19.000Z 11416 Biological Spatial Ontology Spatial Ontology
-bspo.db bspo db 2022-10-17T16:07:22.000Z 1478656 Biological Spatial Ontology Spatial Ontology
-bspo.db.gz bspo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:25.000Z 369318 Biological Spatial Ontology Spatial Ontology
-bspo.owl bspo owl 2022-06-20T01:47:20.000Z 635854 Biological Spatial Ontology Spatial Ontology
-bto-relation-graph.tsv.gz bto relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:20.000Z 181633 BRENDA tissue / enzyme source BRENDA Tissue and Enzyme Source Ontology
-bto.db.gz bto db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:25.000Z 5230421 BRENDA tissue / enzyme source BRENDA Tissue and Enzyme Source Ontology
-bto.owl bto owl 2022-06-20T01:47:21.000Z 10645778 BRENDA tissue / enzyme source BRENDA Tissue and Enzyme Source Ontology
-caro-relation-graph.tsv.gz caro relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:22.000Z 166302 Common Anatomy Reference Ontology Common Anatomy Reference Ontology
-caro.db.gz caro db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:25.000Z 5248698 Common Anatomy Reference Ontology Common Anatomy Reference Ontology
-caro.owl caro owl 2022-06-20T01:47:23.000Z 12075775 Common Anatomy Reference Ontology Common Anatomy Reference Ontology
-cco.db.gz cco db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:26.000Z 1376935 Cell Cycle Ontology http://www.ontologyrepository.com/CommonCoreOntologies/Mid/AllCoreOntology
-cdao-relation-graph.tsv.gz cdao relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:23.000Z 2974 Comparative Data Analysis Ontology Comparative Data Analysis Ontology
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-cdno-relation-graph.tsv.gz cdno relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:47:26.000Z 83968 Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology
-cdno.db.gz cdno db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:27.000Z 5793673 Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology
-cdno.owl cdno owl 2022-06-20T01:47:28.000Z 5693932 Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology
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-chiro.owl chiro owl 2022-06-20T01:49:35.000Z 24233872 CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/chiro.owl
-chmo-relation-graph.tsv.gz chmo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:49:35.000Z 138187 Chemical Methods Ontology Chemical Methods Ontology
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-chmo.db.gz chmo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:41.000Z 3030651 Chemical Methods Ontology Chemical Methods Ontology
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-chr.db.gz chr db.gz 2025-02-01T21:45:00.000Z 6614905 Monochrom https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-initiative/monochrom/master/chr.owl
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-cido.db.gz cido db.gz 2025-02-05T06:24:42.000Z 110457845 Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology
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-cio-relation-graph.tsv.gz cio relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:49:40.000Z 677 Confidence Information Ontology Confidence Information Ontology
-cio.db cio db 2022-10-17T16:07:42.000Z 532480 Confidence Information Ontology Confidence Information Ontology
-cio.db.gz cio db.gz 2025-02-05T06:25:14.000Z 77898 Confidence Information Ontology Confidence Information Ontology
-cio.owl cio owl 2022-06-20T01:49:43.000Z 124172 Confidence Information Ontology Confidence Information Ontology
-cl-relation-graph.tsv.gz cl relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:49:44.000Z 17196197 Cell Ontology Cell Ontology
-cl.db.gz cl db.gz 2025-02-05T06:25:20.000Z 89285401 Cell Ontology Cell Ontology
-cl.owl cl owl 2022-06-20T01:49:46.000Z 59048755 Cell Ontology Cell Ontology
-clao-relation-graph.tsv.gz clao relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:49:49.000Z 129743 Collembola Anatomy Ontology Collembola Anatomy Ontology
-clao.db clao db 2022-10-17T16:08:01.000Z 8949760 Collembola Anatomy Ontology Collembola Anatomy Ontology
-clao.db.gz clao db.gz 2025-02-05T06:25:49.000Z 1649307 Collembola Anatomy Ontology Collembola Anatomy Ontology
-clao.owl clao owl 2022-06-20T01:49:54.000Z 1754601 Collembola Anatomy Ontology Collembola Anatomy Ontology
-clo-relation-graph.tsv.gz clo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:49:55.000Z 10848291 Cell Line Ontology Cell Line Ontology
-clo.db.gz clo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:25:52.000Z 80237626 Cell Line Ontology Cell Line Ontology
-clo.owl clo owl 2022-06-20T01:49:59.000Z 51785600 Cell Line Ontology Cell Line Ontology
-clyh-relation-graph.tsv.gz clyh relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:10.000Z 7596 Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology
-clyh.db clyh db 2022-10-17T16:08:27.000Z 987136 Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology
-clyh.db.gz clyh db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:12.000Z 184803 Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology
-clyh.owl clyh owl 2022-06-20T01:50:12.000Z 301349 Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology
-cme.db cme db 2022-10-17T16:08:28.000Z 1216512
-cmo-relation-graph.tsv cmo relation-graph.tsv 2022-06-20T01:50:12.000Z 1028279 Clinical measurement ontology Clinical Measurement Ontology
-cmo.db.gz cmo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:14.000Z 3666691 Clinical measurement ontology Clinical Measurement Ontology
-cmo.db.tmp cmo db.tmp 2022-06-20T01:50:13.000Z 532480 Clinical measurement ontology Clinical Measurement Ontology
-cmo.owl cmo owl 2022-06-20T01:50:13.000Z 5689123 Clinical measurement ontology Clinical Measurement Ontology
-co_324.db co_324 db 2022-10-17T16:08:29.000Z 4780032 https://cropontology.org/ontology/CO_324/rdf
-co_324.db.gz co_324 db.gz 2025-02-01T21:45:36.000Z 877878 https://cropontology.org/ontology/CO_324/rdf
-cob-relation-graph.tsv.gz cob relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:14.000Z 1474 Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine
-cob.db cob db 2022-10-17T16:08:29.000Z 532480 Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine
-cob.db.gz cob db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:16.000Z 59279 Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine
-cob.db.old cob db.old 2022-02-12T09:14:36.000Z 487424 Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine
-cob.owl cob owl 2022-06-20T01:50:14.000Z 55733 Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine
-colao-relation-graph.tsv.gz colao relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:15.000Z 56639 Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology (COLAO) Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology
-colao.db colao db 2022-10-17T16:08:30.000Z 10297344 Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology (COLAO) Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology
-colao.db.gz colao db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:17.000Z 2029792 Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology (COLAO) Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology
-colao.owl colao owl 2022-06-20T01:50:15.000Z 3148474 Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology (COLAO) Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology
-comet.db.gz comet db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:17.000Z 243014 LinkML Common Metadata Elements and Terms https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linkml/linkml-common/main/project/owl/linkml_common.owl.ttl
-complexportal.db.gz complexportal db.gz 2025-02-01T21:45:39.000Z 7123645 https://github.com/biopragmatics/obo-db-ingest/raw/main/export/complexportal/2022-02-03/complexportal.owl.gz
-comploinc.db.gz comploinc db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:19.000Z 13763653 https://github.com/loinc/comp-loinc/releases/download/v2022-11-05/merged_reasoned_loinc.owl
-cosmo.db.gz cosmo db.gz 2025-02-01T21:45:41.000Z 164430063 https://micra.com/COSMO/COSMO.owl
-cpont.db.gz cpont db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:23.000Z 22282993 https://w3id.org/cpont/cpont.owl
-credit.db.gz credit db.gz 2025-02-01T21:45:51.000Z 28174 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biopragmatics/obo-db-ingest/main/export/credit/credit.owl
-cro-relation-graph.tsv.gz cro relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:16.000Z 1492 Contributor Role Ontology Contributor Role Ontology
-cro.db cro db 2022-10-17T16:08:34.000Z 667648 Contributor Role Ontology Contributor Role Ontology
-cro.db.gz cro db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:23.000Z 138887 Contributor Role Ontology Contributor Role Ontology
-cro.owl cro owl 2022-06-20T01:50:17.000Z 191462 Contributor Role Ontology Contributor Role Ontology
-cso.db.gz cso db.gz 2025-02-01T21:45:52.000Z 7313167 Clinical Study Ontology https://cso.kmi.open.ac.uk/download/version-3.3/CSO.3.3.owl.zip
-cteno-relation-graph.tsv.gz cteno relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:17.000Z 79344 Ctenophore Ontology Ctenophore Ontology
-cteno.db cteno db 2022-10-17T16:08:37.000Z 4435968 Ctenophore Ontology Ctenophore Ontology
-cteno.db.gz cteno db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:23.000Z 871102 Ctenophore Ontology Ctenophore Ontology
-cteno.owl cteno owl 2022-06-20T01:50:18.000Z 1068205 Ctenophore Ontology Ctenophore Ontology
-cto-relation-graph.tsv.gz cto relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:18.000Z 8165 CTO: Core Ontology of Clinical Trials Clinical Trials Ontology
-cto.db cto db 2022-10-17T16:08:38.000Z 1810432 CTO: Core Ontology of Clinical Trials Clinical Trials Ontology
-cto.db.gz cto db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:24.000Z 403709 CTO: Core Ontology of Clinical Trials Clinical Trials Ontology
-cto.owl cto owl 2022-06-20T01:50:18.000Z 600735 CTO: Core Ontology of Clinical Trials Clinical Trials Ontology
-cvdo-relation-graph.tsv.gz cvdo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:19.000Z 20253 Cardiovascular Disease Ontology Cardiovascular Disease Ontology
-cvdo.db cvdo db 2022-10-17T16:08:38.000Z 3125248 Cardiovascular Disease Ontology Cardiovascular Disease Ontology
-cvdo.db.gz cvdo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:27.000Z 965784 Cardiovascular Disease Ontology Cardiovascular Disease Ontology
-cvdo.owl cvdo owl 2022-06-20T01:50:19.000Z 1015820 Cardiovascular Disease Ontology Cardiovascular Disease Ontology
-dbpediaont.db.gz dbpediaont db.gz 2023-01-05T20:14:23.000Z 1981807
-dbpendiaont.db.gz dbpendiaont db.gz 2025-02-01T21:45:55.000Z 1969392 https://databus.dbpedia.org/ontologies/dbpedia.org/ontology--DEV/2023.01.03-072003/ontology--DEV_type=parsed.owl
-ddanat-relation-graph.tsv.gz ddanat relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:19.000Z 5133 Dictyostelium discoideum anatomy Dictyostelium Discoideum Anatomy Ontology
-ddanat.db ddanat db 2022-10-17T16:08:39.000Z 958464 Dictyostelium discoideum anatomy Dictyostelium Discoideum Anatomy Ontology
-ddanat.db.gz ddanat db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:30.000Z 170447 Dictyostelium discoideum anatomy Dictyostelium Discoideum Anatomy Ontology
-ddanat.owl ddanat owl 2022-06-20T01:50:20.000Z 301721 Dictyostelium discoideum anatomy Dictyostelium Discoideum Anatomy Ontology
-ddpheno-relation-graph.tsv.gz ddpheno relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:20.000Z 24970 Dictyostelium discoideum phenotype ontology Dictyostelium Discoideum Phenotype Ontology
-ddpheno.db ddpheno db 2022-10-17T16:08:41.000Z 4390912 Dictyostelium discoideum phenotype ontology Dictyostelium Discoideum Phenotype Ontology
-ddpheno.db.gz ddpheno db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:31.000Z 787511 Dictyostelium discoideum phenotype ontology Dictyostelium Discoideum Phenotype Ontology
-ddpheno.owl ddpheno owl 2022-06-20T01:50:20.000Z 1830781 Dictyostelium discoideum phenotype ontology Dictyostelium Discoideum Phenotype Ontology
-dhba.db.gz dhba db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:31.000Z 3513312 https://github.com/brain-bican/developing_human_brain_atlas_ontology/raw/main/dhbao-base.owl
-dideo-relation-graph.tsv.gz dideo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:21.000Z 23407 Drug-drug Interaction and Drug-drug Interaction Evidence Ontology Drug Interaction and Evidence Ontology
-dideo.db dideo db 2022-10-17T16:08:41.000Z 3915776 Drug-drug Interaction and Drug-drug Interaction Evidence Ontology Drug Interaction and Evidence Ontology
-dideo.db.gz dideo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:34.000Z 859809 Drug-drug Interaction and Drug-drug Interaction Evidence Ontology Drug Interaction and Evidence Ontology
-dideo.owl dideo owl 2022-06-20T01:50:21.000Z 1505243 Drug-drug Interaction and Drug-drug Interaction Evidence Ontology Drug Interaction and Evidence Ontology
-disdriv-relation-graph.tsv.gz disdriv relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:21.000Z 263 Disease Drivers Ontology Disease Drivers Ontology
-disdriv.db disdriv db 2022-10-17T16:08:42.000Z 532480 Disease Drivers Ontology Disease Drivers Ontology
-disdriv.db.gz disdriv db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:33.000Z 37944 Disease Drivers Ontology Disease Drivers Ontology
-disdriv.owl disdriv owl 2022-06-20T01:50:22.000Z 19678 Disease Drivers Ontology Disease Drivers Ontology
-dmba.db.gz dmba db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:37.000Z 1530656 https://github.com/brain-bican/developing_mouse_brain_atlas_ontology/raw/main/dmbao-base.owl
-doid-relation-graph.tsv.gz doid relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:22.000Z 1165625 Human Disease Ontology Human Disease Ontology
-doid.db.gz doid db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:38.000Z 21632402 Human Disease Ontology Human Disease Ontology
-doid.owl doid owl 2022-06-20T01:50:22.000Z 31775742 Human Disease Ontology Human Disease Ontology
-dpo-relation-graph.tsv.gz dpo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:22.000Z 5879140 Drosophila Phenotype Ontology Drosophila Phenotype Ontology
-dpo.db.gz dpo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:41.000Z 3380237 Drosophila Phenotype Ontology Drosophila Phenotype Ontology
-dpo.owl dpo owl 2022-06-20T01:50:30.000Z 22041151 Drosophila Phenotype Ontology Drosophila Phenotype Ontology
-dron-relation-graph.tsv.gz dron relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:50:36.000Z 50253436 The Drug Ontology The Drug Ontology
-dron.db.gz dron db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:44.000Z 625135150 The Drug Ontology The Drug Ontology
-dron.owl dron owl 2022-06-20T01:50:47.000Z 595491084 The Drug Ontology The Drug Ontology
-drugbank.db.gz drugbank db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:05.000Z 19697241 https://github.com/biopragmatics/obo-db-ingest/raw/main/export/drugbank/5.1.9/drugbank.owl.gz
-dtype.db.gz dtype db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:08.000Z 39509 http://www.linkedmodel.org/schema/dtype
-duo-relation-graph.tsv.gz duo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:51:00.000Z 10231 Data Use Ontology The Data Use Ontology
-duo.db duo db 2022-10-17T16:09:50.000Z 1785856 Data Use Ontology The Data Use Ontology
-duo.db.gz duo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:47.000Z 412386 Data Use Ontology The Data Use Ontology
-duo.owl duo owl 2022-06-20T01:51:05.000Z 598267 Data Use Ontology The Data Use Ontology
-ecao-relation-graph.tsv.gz ecao relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:51:06.000Z 269761 The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology
-ecao.db ecao db 2022-10-17T16:09:51.000Z 9105408 The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology
-ecao.db.gz ecao db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:49.000Z 36574741 The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology
-ecao.owl ecao owl 2022-06-20T01:51:07.000Z 950405 The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology
-eccode.db.gz eccode db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:09.000Z 50932953 https://w3id.org/biopragmatics/resources/eccode/eccode.owl.gz
-eco-relation-graph.tsv.gz eco relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:51:09.000Z 354987 Evidence and Conclusion Ontology Evidence and Conclusion Ontology
-eco.db.gz eco db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:54.000Z 5377679 Evidence and Conclusion Ontology Evidence and Conclusion Ontology
-eco.owl eco owl 2022-06-20T01:51:11.000Z 6883952 Evidence and Conclusion Ontology Evidence and Conclusion Ontology
-ecocore-relation-graph.tsv.gz ecocore relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:51:12.000Z 5073887 An ontology of core ecological entities An ontology of core ecological entities
-ecocore.db.gz ecocore db.gz 2025-02-05T06:26:56.000Z 30587831 An ontology of core ecological entities An ontology of core ecological entities
-ecocore.owl ecocore owl 2022-06-20T01:51:17.000Z 20700022 An ontology of core ecological entities An ontology of core ecological entities
-ecosim.db.gz ecosim db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:14.000Z 1371838 ecosim ontology https://data.bioontology.org/ontologies/ECOSIM/submissions/1/download?apikey=8b5b7825-538d-40e0-9e9e-5ab9274a9aeb
-ecso.db.gz ecso db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:14.000Z 1471205 The Ecosystem Ontology 'https://data.bioontology.org/ontologies/ECSO/submissions/64/download?apikey=8b5b7825-538d-40e0-9e9e-5ab9274a9aeb'
-ecto-relation-graph.tsv.gz ecto relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:51:18.000Z 13196717 Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology
-ecto.db.gz ecto db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:03.000Z 56675702 Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology
-ecto.owl ecto owl 2022-06-20T01:51:24.000Z 62406135 Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology
-edam.db edam db 2022-10-17T16:11:19.000Z 11829248 EDAM - The data analysis and management ontology http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
-edam.db.gz edam db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:15.000Z 2383711 EDAM - The data analysis and management ontology http://edamontology.org/EDAM.owl
-efo.db.gz efo db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:15.000Z 150940306 Experimental Factor Ontology http://www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/efo.owl
-emapa-relation-graph.tsv.gz emapa relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:51:41.000Z 701518 Mouse Developmental Anatomy Ontology Mouse gross anatomy and development, timed
-emapa.db emapa db 2022-10-17T16:12:34.000Z 44933120 Mouse Developmental Anatomy Ontology Mouse gross anatomy and development, timed
-emapa.db.gz emapa db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:04.000Z 7529078 Mouse Developmental Anatomy Ontology Mouse gross anatomy and development, timed
-emapa.owl emapa owl 2022-06-20T01:52:00.000Z 10907105 Mouse Developmental Anatomy Ontology Mouse gross anatomy and development, timed
-enanomapper.db enanomapper db 2022-10-17T16:12:41.000Z 57860096 http://enanomapper.github.io/ontologies/enanomapper.owl
-enanomapper.db.gz enanomapper db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:08.000Z 15018326 http://enanomapper.github.io/ontologies/enanomapper.owl
-enanomapper.owl.old enanomapper owl.old 2022-06-15T13:40:53.000Z 5645 http://enanomapper.github.io/ontologies/enanomapper.owl
-enigma_context.db.gz enigma_context db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:20.000Z 233359 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jmchandonia/CORAL/main/example/enigma/ontologies/context_measurement_ontology.obo
-envo-relation-graph.tsv.gz envo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:00.000Z 1700415 Environment Ontology Environment Ontology
-envo.db-journal envo.db journal 2022-02-12T09:14:58.000Z 8720
-envo.db.gz envo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:14.000Z 14980101 Environment Ontology Environment Ontology
-envo.owl envo owl 2022-06-20T01:52:04.000Z 10129540 Environment Ontology Environment Ontology
-envthes.db.gz envthes db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:18.000Z 3841677 Thesaurus for long-term ecological research, monitoring, experiments https://vocabs.lter-europe.net/rest/v1/envthes/data?format=text/turtle
-epio-relation-graph.tsv.ttl.tmp epio relation-graph.tsv.ttl.tmp 2022-06-20T01:52:09.000Z 4708339 Epilepsy Ontology EpilepsyOntology
-epio.db.gz epio db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:19.000Z 2863708 Epilepsy Ontology EpilepsyOntology
-epio.owl epio owl 2022-06-20T01:52:10.000Z 3259140 Epilepsy Ontology EpilepsyOntology
-eupath-relation-graph.tsv.gz eupath relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:12.000Z 302403 VEuPathDB ontology VEuPathDB Ontology
-eupath.db eupath db 2022-10-17T16:12:55.000Z 19828736 VEuPathDB ontology VEuPathDB Ontology
-eupath.db.gz eupath db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:21.000Z 4512627 VEuPathDB ontology VEuPathDB Ontology
-eupath.owl eupath owl 2022-06-20T01:52:14.000Z 4650296 VEuPathDB ontology VEuPathDB Ontology
-exo-relation-graph.tsv.gz exo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:15.000Z 4889 Exposure ontology Exposure Ontology
-exo.db exo db 2022-10-17T16:12:57.000Z 749568 Exposure ontology Exposure Ontology
-exo.db.gz exo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:20.000Z 148819 Exposure ontology Exposure Ontology
-exo.owl exo owl 2022-06-20T01:52:18.000Z 255174 Exposure ontology Exposure Ontology
-fao-relation-graph.tsv.gz fao relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:18.000Z 4529 Fungal gross anatomy Fungal Gross Anatomy Ontology
-fao.db fao db 2022-10-17T16:12:58.000Z 741376 Fungal gross anatomy Fungal Gross Anatomy Ontology
-fao.db.gz fao db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:22.000Z 147441 Fungal gross anatomy Fungal Gross Anatomy Ontology
-fao.owl fao owl 2022-06-20T01:52:19.000Z 235282 Fungal gross anatomy Fungal Gross Anatomy Ontology
-fbbi-relation-graph.tsv.gz fbbi relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:20.000Z 13880 Biological Imaging Methods Ontology Biological Imaging Methods Ontology
-fbbi.db fbbi db 2022-10-17T16:12:59.000Z 2019328 Biological Imaging Methods Ontology Biological Imaging Methods Ontology
-fbbi.db.gz fbbi db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:22.000Z 384717 Biological Imaging Methods Ontology Biological Imaging Methods Ontology
-fbbi.owl fbbi owl 2022-06-20T01:52:21.000Z 768600 Biological Imaging Methods Ontology Biological Imaging Methods Ontology
-fbbt-relation-graph.tsv.gz fbbt relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:22.000Z 22011872 Drosophila gross anatomy
-fbbt.db.gz fbbt db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:23.000Z 444173464 Drosophila gross anatomy
-fbbt.owl fbbt owl 2022-06-20T01:52:28.000Z 76269898 Drosophila gross anatomy
-fbcv-relation-graph.tsv.gz fbcv relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:35.000Z 445046 FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary
-fbcv.db.gz fbcv db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:27.000Z 3845661 FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary
-fbcv.owl fbcv owl 2022-06-20T01:52:44.000Z 5749634 FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary
-fbdv-relation-graph.tsv.gz fbdv relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:45.000Z 222394 Drosophila development
-fbdv.db fbdv db 2022-10-17T16:13:18.000Z 7684096 Drosophila development
-fbdv.db.gz fbdv db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:23.000Z 1318202 Drosophila development
-fbdv.owl fbdv owl 2022-06-20T01:52:46.000Z 802844 Drosophila development
-fhkb.db.gz fhkb db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:27.000Z 74056
-fibo.db.gz fibo db.gz 2025-02-01T21:46:28.000Z 13814070 https://spec.edmcouncil.org/fibo/ontology/AboutFIBOProd/
-fideo-relation-graph.tsv.gz fideo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:47.000Z 10181 Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology
-fideo.db fideo db 2022-10-17T16:13:20.000Z 12722176 Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology
-fideo.db.gz fideo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:25.000Z 1849785 Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology
-fideo.owl fideo owl 2022-06-20T01:52:49.000Z 334714 Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology
-flopo-relation-graph.tsv.gz flopo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:52:50.000Z 7571055 Flora Phenotype Ontology Flora Phenotype Ontology
-flopo.db.gz flopo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:27.000Z 51794371 Flora Phenotype Ontology Flora Phenotype Ontology
-flopo.owl flopo owl 2022-06-20T01:52:51.000Z 62498877 Flora Phenotype Ontology Flora Phenotype Ontology
-fma.db.gz fma db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:31.000Z 628017413 Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (subset) Foundational Model of Anatomy http://sig.biostr.washington.edu/share/downloads/fma/release/latest/fma.owl
-fobi-relation-graph.tsv.gz fobi relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:53:02.000Z 80931 Food-Biomarker Ontology FOBI (Food-Biomarker Ontology)
-fobi.db fobi db 2022-10-17T16:14:16.000Z 8892416 Food-Biomarker Ontology FOBI (Food-Biomarker Ontology)
-fobi.db.gz fobi db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:37.000Z 1620826 Food-Biomarker Ontology FOBI (Food-Biomarker Ontology)
-fobi.owl fobi owl 2022-06-20T01:53:06.000Z 2640677 Food-Biomarker Ontology FOBI (Food-Biomarker Ontology)
-foo.db foo db 2021-05-18T01:34:24.000Z 57344
-foodon-relation-graph.tsv.gz foodon relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:53:08.000Z 4036406 Food Ontology The FoodOn Food Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/foodon.owl
-foodon.db.gz foodon db.gz 2025-02-05T06:27:39.000Z 50458969 Food Ontology The FoodOn Food Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/foodon.owl
-foodon.owl foodon owl 2022-06-20T01:53:09.000Z 40123872 Food Ontology The FoodOn Food Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/foodon.owl
-fovt-relation-graph.tsv.gz fovt relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:53:17.000Z 7836316 FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits
-fovt.db.gz fovt db.gz 2025-02-05T06:28:01.000Z 74703499 FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits
-fovt.owl fovt owl 2022-06-20T01:53:43.000Z 20156463 FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits
-fypo-relation-graph.tsv.gz fypo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:53:48.000Z 9720548 Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology
-fypo.db.gz fypo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:28:18.000Z 58415565 Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology
-fypo.owl fypo owl 2022-06-20T01:53:51.000Z 100255019 Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology
-gard.db.gz gard db.gz 2025-02-05T06:28:48.000Z 2336625 https://github.com/monarch-initiative/mondo-ingest/releases/latest/download/gard.owl
-gecko-relation-graph.tsv.gz gecko relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:54:02.000Z 2550 Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology
-gecko.db gecko db 2022-10-17T16:15:04.000Z 536576 Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology
-gecko.db.gz gecko db.gz 2025-02-05T06:28:53.000Z 113020 Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology
-gecko.owl gecko owl 2022-06-20T01:54:04.000Z 160220 Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology
-genepio.db.gz genepio db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:01.000Z 6527289 Genomic Epidemiology Ontology Genomic Epidemiology Application Ontology
-geno-relation-graph.tsv.gz geno relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:54:05.000Z 38495 Genotype Ontology Genotype Ontology
-geno.db geno db 2022-10-17T16:15:04.000Z 2899968 Genotype Ontology Genotype Ontology
-geno.db.gz geno db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:02.000Z 615005 Genotype Ontology Genotype Ontology
-geno.owl geno owl 2022-06-20T01:54:07.000Z 634329 Genotype Ontology Genotype Ontology
-geo-relation-graph.tsv.gz geo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:54:07.000Z 3188 Geographical Entity Ontology Geographical Entity Ontology
-geo.db geo db 2022-10-17T16:15:05.000Z 1003520 Geographical Entity Ontology Geographical Entity Ontology
-geo.db.gz geo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:01.000Z 214032 Geographical Entity Ontology Geographical Entity Ontology
-geo.owl geo owl 2022-06-20T01:54:07.000Z 325667 Geographical Entity Ontology Geographical Entity Ontology
-gno-relation-graph.tsv.gz gno relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:54:08.000Z 4236790 Glycan Naming and Subsumption Ontology (GNOme) Glycan Naming Ontology
-gno.db.gz gno db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:02.000Z 133918902 Glycan Naming and Subsumption Ontology (GNOme) Glycan Naming Ontology
-gno.owl gno owl 2022-06-20T01:54:09.000Z 111657840 Glycan Naming and Subsumption Ontology (GNOme) Glycan Naming Ontology
-go-amigo.db.gz go amigo.db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:02.000Z 1155586241 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-go-lego.db.gz go lego.db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:04.000Z 1777838118 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-go-nucleus-relation-graph.tsv.gz go nucleus-relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-05-31T05:50:36.000Z 21749 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-go-nucleus.db go nucleus.db 2022-10-17T16:15:12.000Z 1847296 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-go-nucleus.db.old go nucleus.db.old 2022-05-31T05:50:44.000Z 1310720 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-go-nucleus.owl go nucleus.owl 2022-05-31T05:50:47.000Z 495695 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-go-plus.db go plus.db 2022-10-17T16:15:13.000Z 532480 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-go-relation-graph.tsv.gz go relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:54:30.000Z 36560630 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-go.db.gz go db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:23.000Z 285882090 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-go.owl go owl 2022-06-20T01:54:41.000Z 226540271 Gene Ontology Gene Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl
-goa_uniprot_all.db goa_uniprot_all db 2022-10-17T16:15:39.000Z 8192
-goldterms.db.gz goldterms db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:52.000Z 2949396 GOLD Ecosystem Classification https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmungall/gold-ontology/main/gold.owl
-gsso-relation-graph.tsv gsso relation-graph.tsv 2022-06-20T01:55:08.000Z 8193063 Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation (GSSO) ontology Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Ontology
-gsso.db.gz gsso db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:52.000Z 644 Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation (GSSO) ontology Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Ontology
-gsso.db.tmp gsso db.tmp 2022-06-20T01:55:08.000Z 532480 Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation (GSSO) ontology Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Ontology
-gsso.owl gsso owl 2022-06-20T01:55:08.000Z 17904543 Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation (GSSO) ontology Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Ontology
-gtdb.db.gz gtdb db.gz 2025-02-01T21:47:15.000Z 63417498 https://w3id.org/biopragmatics/resources/gtdb/gtdb.owl
-hancestro-relation-graph.tsv.gz hancestro relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:10.000Z 11268 Human Ancestry Ontology Human Ancestry Ontology
-hancestro.db hancestro db 2022-10-17T16:15:41.000Z 2437120 Human Ancestry Ontology Human Ancestry Ontology
-hancestro.db.gz hancestro db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:52.000Z 1698060 Human Ancestry Ontology Human Ancestry Ontology
-hancestro.owl hancestro owl 2022-06-20T01:55:13.000Z 837074 Human Ancestry Ontology Human Ancestry Ontology
-hao-relation-graph.tsv.gz hao relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:14.000Z 402852 Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology
-hao.db hao db 2022-10-17T16:15:42.000Z 35266560 Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology
-hao.db.gz hao db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:52.000Z 4518100 Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology
-hao.owl hao owl 2022-06-20T01:55:15.000Z 6923086 Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology
-hba.db.gz hba db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:53.000Z 1379099 https://github.com/brain-bican/human_brain_atlas_ontology/raw/main/hbao-base.owl
-hcao.db.gz hcao db.gz 2025-02-01T21:47:26.000Z 155640919 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HumanCellAtlas/ontology/master/hcao.owl
-hgnc.db.gz hgnc db.gz 2025-02-01T21:47:36.000Z 74978911 HUGO Gene Nomenclature https://github.com/biopragmatics/obo-db-ingest/raw/main/export/hgnc/2022-06-01/hgnc.owl.gz
-hgnc.genegroup.db.gz hgnc genegroup.db.gz 2025-02-01T21:47:39.000Z 1423023 HUGO Gene Nomenclature https://github.com/biopragmatics/obo-db-ingest/raw/main/export/hgnc/2022-06-01/hgnc.owl.gz
-hom-relation-graph.tsv.gz hom relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:16.000Z 958 Homology Ontology Ontology of Homology and Related Concepts in Biology
-hom.db hom db 2022-10-17T16:15:49.000Z 532480 Homology Ontology Ontology of Homology and Related Concepts in Biology
-hom.db.gz hom db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:53.000Z 79271 Homology Ontology Ontology of Homology and Related Concepts in Biology
-hom.owl hom owl 2022-06-20T01:55:19.000Z 128079 Homology Ontology Ontology of Homology and Related Concepts in Biology
-hp-relation-graph.tsv.gz hp relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:19.000Z 21273554 Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) Human Phenotype Ontology
-hp.db.gz hp db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:53.000Z 87804954 Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) Human Phenotype Ontology
-hp.owl hp owl 2022-06-20T01:55:23.000Z 95344503 Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) Human Phenotype Ontology
-hpinternational.db.gz hpinternational db.gz 2025-02-01T21:47:44.000Z 152804685 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/hp/hp-international.owl
-hsapdv-relation-graph.tsv.gz hsapdv relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:25.000Z 24410 Human Developmental Stages Human Developmental Stages Ontology
-hsapdv.db hsapdv db 2022-10-17T16:16:04.000Z 2342912 Human Developmental Stages Human Developmental Stages Ontology
-hsapdv.db.gz hsapdv db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:57.000Z 398716 Human Developmental Stages Human Developmental Stages Ontology
-hsapdv.owl hsapdv owl 2022-06-20T01:55:27.000Z 610323 Human Developmental Stages Human Developmental Stages Ontology
-hso-relation-graph.tsv.gz hso relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:29.000Z 24327 Health Surveillance Ontology Health Surveillance Ontology
-hso.db hso db 2022-10-17T16:16:06.000Z 3870720 Health Surveillance Ontology Health Surveillance Ontology
-hso.db.gz hso db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:57.000Z 797134 Health Surveillance Ontology Health Surveillance Ontology
-hso.owl hso owl 2022-06-20T01:55:31.000Z 1360649 Health Surveillance Ontology Health Surveillance Ontology
-htn-relation-graph.tsv.gz htn relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:32.000Z 33183 Hypertension Ontology Hypertension Ontology
-htn.db htn db 2022-10-17T16:16:07.000Z 3723264 Hypertension Ontology Hypertension Ontology
-htn.db.gz htn db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:57.000Z 828221 Hypertension Ontology Hypertension Ontology
-htn.owl htn owl 2022-06-20T01:55:34.000Z 1322052 Hypertension Ontology Hypertension Ontology
-iao-relation-graph.tsv.gz iao relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:35.000Z 9087 Information Artifact Ontology Information Artifact Ontology
-iao.db iao db 2022-10-17T16:16:08.000Z 1691648 Information Artifact Ontology Information Artifact Ontology
-iao.db.gz iao db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:57.000Z 389256 Information Artifact Ontology Information Artifact Ontology
-iao.owl iao owl 2022-06-20T01:55:38.000Z 560430 Information Artifact Ontology Information Artifact Ontology
-icd10cm.db.gz icd10cm db.gz 2025-02-01T21:47:46.000Z 26205683 International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 - Clinical Modification https://github.com/monarch-initiative/mondo-ingest/releases/latest/download/icd10cm.owl
-icd10who.db.gz icd10who db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:57.000Z 3305653 https://github.com/monarch-initiative/mondo-ingest/releases/latest/download/icd10who.owl
-iceo-relation-graph.tsv.gz iceo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:38.000Z 6388459 Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology
-iceo.db.gz iceo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:57.000Z 61229308 Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology
-iceo.owl iceo owl 2022-06-20T01:55:40.000Z 37318862 Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology
-ico-relation-graph.tsv.gz ico relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:49.000Z 38381 Informed Consent Ontology Informed Consent Ontology
-ico.db ico db 2022-10-17T16:16:26.000Z 4485120 Informed Consent Ontology Informed Consent Ontology
-ico.db.gz ico db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:59.000Z 991919 Informed Consent Ontology Informed Consent Ontology
-ico.owl ico owl 2022-06-20T01:55:52.000Z 1510583 Informed Consent Ontology Informed Consent Ontology
-ido-relation-graph.tsv.gz ido relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:53.000Z 12075 Infectious Disease Ontology Infectious Disease Ontology
-ido.db ido db 2022-10-17T16:16:27.000Z 2220032 Infectious Disease Ontology Infectious Disease Ontology
-ido.db.gz ido db.gz 2025-02-05T06:29:59.000Z 469497 Infectious Disease Ontology Infectious Disease Ontology
-ido.owl ido owl 2022-06-20T01:55:56.000Z 766591 Infectious Disease Ontology Infectious Disease Ontology
-ino-relation-graph.tsv.gz ino relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:55:57.000Z 12218 Interaction Network Ontology Interaction Network Ontology
-ino.db ino db 2022-10-17T16:16:28.000Z 1495040 Interaction Network Ontology Interaction Network Ontology
-ino.db.gz ino db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:00.000Z 330515 Interaction Network Ontology Interaction Network Ontology
-ino.owl ino owl 2022-06-20T01:55:59.000Z 492962 Interaction Network Ontology Interaction Network Ontology
-inst.db inst db 2022-10-17T16:16:30.000Z 532480
-interpro.db.gz interpro db.gz 2025-02-01T21:47:53.000Z 14256550 https://w3id.org/biopragmatics/resources/interpro/interpro.obo
-iof.db.gz iof db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:00.000Z 387093 https://spec.industrialontologies.org/ontology/AboutIOFProd/
-ito.db.gz ito db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:00.000Z 57605730 Intelligence Task Ontology https://github.com/OpenBioLink/ITO/raw/master/ITO.owl.zip
-ito.db.gz.old ito db.gz.old 2024-08-14T02:24:38.000Z 61265807 Intelligence Task Ontology https://github.com/OpenBioLink/ITO/raw/master/ITO.owl.zip
-kegg.genome.db.gz kegg genome.db.gz 2025-02-01T21:47:59.000Z 35
-kgcl.db.gz kgcl db.gz 2025-02-01T21:47:59.000Z 184756 Knowledge Graph Change Language https://w3id.org/kgcl/kgcl.owl.ttl
-kin.db.gz kin db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:02.000Z 40642 http://purl.org/ga4gh/kin.owl
-kisao-relation-graph.tsv.gz kisao relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:56:01.000Z 33519 Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology
-kisao.db kisao db 2022-10-17T16:16:30.000Z 6971392 Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology
-kisao.db.gz kisao db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:03.000Z 770672 Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology
-kisao.owl kisao owl 2022-06-20T01:56:02.000Z 1094726 Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology
-labo-relation-graph.tsv.gz labo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:56:04.000Z 5557 clinical LABoratory Ontology clinical LABoratory Ontology
-labo.db labo db 2022-10-17T16:16:32.000Z 1175552 clinical LABoratory Ontology clinical LABoratory Ontology
-labo.db.gz labo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:03.000Z 257741 clinical LABoratory Ontology clinical LABoratory Ontology
-labo.owl labo owl 2022-06-20T01:56:07.000Z 380157 clinical LABoratory Ontology clinical LABoratory Ontology
-lepao-relation-graph.tsv.gz lepao relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:56:07.000Z 137078 Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology
-lepao.db lepao db 2022-10-17T16:16:33.000Z 11046912 Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology
-lepao.db.gz lepao db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:04.000Z 1940269 Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology
-lepao.owl lepao owl 2022-06-20T01:56:15.000Z 3044039 Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology
-ma-relation-graph.tsv.gz ma relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:56:17.000Z 177539 Mouse adult gross anatomy Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology
-ma.db ma db 2022-10-17T16:16:37.000Z 10653696 Mouse adult gross anatomy Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology
-ma.db.gz ma db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:04.000Z 1874063 Mouse adult gross anatomy Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology
-ma.owl ma owl 2022-06-20T01:56:23.000Z 2699120 Mouse adult gross anatomy Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology
-mamo-relation-graph.tsv.gz mamo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:56:25.000Z 3408 Mathematical modeling ontology Mathematical Modelling Ontology
-mamo.db mamo db 2022-10-17T16:16:40.000Z 778240 Mathematical modeling ontology Mathematical Modelling Ontology
-mamo.db.gz mamo db.gz 2022-09-12T02:11:36.000Z 104395 Mathematical modeling ontology Mathematical Modelling Ontology
-mamo.owl mamo owl 2022-06-20T01:56:27.000Z 126934 Mathematical modeling ontology Mathematical Modelling Ontology
-matcher-test.db.old matcher test.db.old 2022-04-21T01:20:16.000Z 532480
-maxo-relation-graph.tsv.gz maxo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:56:28.000Z 15729464 Medical Action Ontology Medical Action Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/maxo.owl
-maxo.db.gz maxo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:05.000Z 23192576 Medical Action Ontology Medical Action Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/maxo.owl
-maxo.owl maxo owl 2022-06-20T01:56:36.000Z 57224995 Medical Action Ontology Medical Action Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/maxo.owl
-mba.db.gz mba db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:05.000Z 1687843 https://github.com/brain-bican/mouse_brain_atlas_ontology/raw/main/mbao-base.owl
-mco-relation-graph.tsv.gz mco relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:56:52.000Z 968810 Microbial Conditions Ontology Microbial Conditions Ontology
-mco.db.gz mco db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:05.000Z 11990654 Microbial Conditions Ontology Microbial Conditions Ontology
-mco.owl mco owl 2022-06-20T01:57:11.000Z 17308396 Microbial Conditions Ontology Microbial Conditions Ontology
-mesh.db.gz mesh db.gz 2023-01-05T20:18:13.000Z 87556908 Medical Subject Headings
-mf-relation-graph.tsv.gz mf relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:57:16.000Z 19827 Mental Functioning Ontology Mental Functioning Ontology
-mf.db mf db 2022-10-17T16:16:54.000Z 1818624 Mental Functioning Ontology Mental Functioning Ontology
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-mixs.db.gz mixs db.gz 2025-02-01T21:48:05.000Z 1647820 Minimal Information about any Sequence Ontology https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GenomicsStandardsConsortium/mixs/main/project/owl/mixs.owl.ttl
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-mondo.db.gz mondo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:30:11.000Z 225098136 Mondo Disease Ontology Mondo Disease Ontology
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-mpath-relation-graph.tsv.gz mpath relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T01:58:52.000Z 19453 Mouse pathology ontology Mouse Pathology Ontology
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-ms.db.gz ms db.gz 2025-02-05T06:31:17.000Z 2749432 Mass spectrometry ontology Mass Spectrometry Ontology
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-ncro.db ncro db 2022-10-17T16:21:24.000Z 15265792 Non-Coding RNA Ontology Non-coding RNA Ontology
-ncro.db.gz ncro db.gz 2025-02-05T06:31:34.000Z 2574435 Non-Coding RNA Ontology Non-coding RNA Ontology
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-neo.db.gz neo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:31:36.000Z 950579020 Neurologic Examination Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/noctua/neo.owl
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-nomen.db nomen db 2022-10-17T16:21:28.000Z 712704 NOMEN - A nomenclatural ontology for biological names NOMEN - A nomenclatural ontology for biological names
-nomen.db.gz nomen db.gz 2025-02-05T06:33:30.000Z 131749 NOMEN - A nomenclatural ontology for biological names NOMEN - A nomenclatural ontology for biological names
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-oae.db.gz oae db.gz 2025-02-05T06:33:32.000Z 17183365 Ontology of Adverse Events Ontology of Adverse Events
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-obib.db obib db 2022-10-17T16:22:16.000Z 7725056 Ontology for Biobanking Ontology for Biobanking
-obib.db.gz obib db.gz 2025-02-05T06:34:00.000Z 1618167 Ontology for Biobanking Ontology for Biobanking
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-obiws.db.gz obiws db.gz 2025-02-01T21:49:27.000Z 286354 Bioinformatics Web Service Ontology https://data.bioontology.org/ontologies/OBIWS/submissions/2/download?apikey=8b5b7825-538d-40e0-9e9e-5ab9274a9aeb
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-occo.db.gz occo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:34:02.000Z 3085307 Occupation Ontology Occupation Ontology https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Occupation-Ontology/OccO/main/src/ontology/occo-merged.owl
-oeo.db.gz oeo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:34:03.000Z 2244824 https://openenergyplatform.org/ontology/oeo/releases/oeo-full.owl
-ogco.db.gz ogco db.gz 2025-02-05T06:34:05.000Z 3918363 OriGinal Chemical Ontology https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmungall/chemessence/refs/heads/main/src/ontology/components/ogco.owl
-ogg-relation-graph.tsv.gz ogg relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:03:16.000Z 14740930 The Ontology of Genes and Genomes Ontology of Genes and Genomes
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-ogg.owl ogg owl 2022-06-20T02:04:48.000Z 161502996 The Ontology of Genes and Genomes Ontology of Genes and Genomes
-ogms-relation-graph.tsv.gz ogms relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:04:53.000Z 3953 Ontology for General Medical Science Ontology for General Medical Science
-ogms.db ogms db 2022-10-17T16:23:17.000Z 991232 Ontology for General Medical Science Ontology for General Medical Science
-ogms.db.gz ogms db.gz 2025-02-05T06:34:53.000Z 207297 Ontology for General Medical Science Ontology for General Medical Science
-ogms.owl ogms owl 2022-06-20T02:04:54.000Z 298806 Ontology for General Medical Science Ontology for General Medical Science
-ogsf-relation-graph.tsv.gz ogsf relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:04:56.000Z 42998 Ontology of Genetic Susceptibility Factor Ontology for Genetic Susceptibility Factor
-ogsf.db ogsf db 2022-10-17T16:23:18.000Z 3489792 Ontology of Genetic Susceptibility Factor Ontology for Genetic Susceptibility Factor
-ogsf.db.gz ogsf db.gz 2025-02-05T06:34:57.000Z 657879 Ontology of Genetic Susceptibility Factor Ontology for Genetic Susceptibility Factor
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-ohd-relation-graph.tsv.gz ohd relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:04:59.000Z 429540 Oral Health and Disease Ontology The Oral Health and Disease Ontology
-ohd.db.gz ohd db.gz 2025-02-05T06:34:59.000Z 4772328 Oral Health and Disease Ontology The Oral Health and Disease Ontology
-ohd.owl ohd owl 2022-06-20T02:05:06.000Z 3143280 Oral Health and Disease Ontology The Oral Health and Disease Ontology
-ohmi-relation-graph.tsv.gz ohmi relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:07.000Z 216723 Ontology of Host-Microbiome Interactions Ontology of Host-Microbe Interactions
-ohmi.db ohmi db 2022-10-17T16:23:21.000Z 12918784 Ontology of Host-Microbiome Interactions Ontology of Host-Microbe Interactions
-ohmi.db.gz ohmi db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:00.000Z 2476880 Ontology of Host-Microbiome Interactions Ontology of Host-Microbe Interactions
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-ohpi.db.gz ohpi db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:03.000Z 38851955 Ontology of Host Pathogen Interactions Ontology of Host-Pathogen Interactions
-ohpi.owl ohpi owl 2022-06-20T02:05:12.000Z 29016104 Ontology of Host Pathogen Interactions Ontology of Host-Pathogen Interactions
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-olatdv.db olatdv db 2022-10-17T16:23:29.000Z 593920 Medaka Developmental Stages Medaka Developmental Stages
-olatdv.db.gz olatdv db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:10.000Z 102983 Medaka Developmental Stages Medaka Developmental Stages
-olatdv.owl olatdv owl 2022-06-20T02:05:15.000Z 131690 Medaka Developmental Stages Medaka Developmental Stages
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-omim.db.gz omim db.gz 2025-02-01T21:49:50.000Z 19077950 Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man https://github.com/monarch-initiative/mondo-ingest/releases/latest/download/omim.owl
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-omo-relation-graph.tsv.gz omo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:26.000Z 657 OBO Metadata Ontology OBO Metadata Ontology
-omo.db omo db 2022-10-17T16:23:38.000Z 532480 OBO Metadata Ontology OBO Metadata Ontology
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-omp-relation-graph.tsv.gz omp relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:27.000Z 109442 Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes
-omp.db omp db 2022-10-17T16:23:39.000Z 11735040 Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes
-omp.db.gz omp db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:22.000Z 2156995 Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes
-omp.owl omp owl 2022-06-20T02:05:28.000Z 4511169 Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes
-omrse-relation-graph.tsv.gz omrse relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:29.000Z 33672 Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
-omrse.db omrse db 2022-10-17T16:23:40.000Z 4001792 Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
-omrse.db.gz omrse db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:22.000Z 986819 Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
-omrse.owl omrse owl 2022-06-20T02:05:31.000Z 1236549 Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities
-one-relation-graph.tsv.gz one relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:31.000Z 332145 Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology
-one.db.gz one db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:25.000Z 5210572 Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology
-one.owl one owl 2022-06-20T02:05:32.000Z 7030218 Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology
-ons-relation-graph.tsv.gz ons relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:33.000Z 863224 Ontology for Nutritional Studies Ontology for Nutritional Studies
-ons.db ons db 2022-10-17T16:23:42.000Z 50122752 Ontology for Nutritional Studies Ontology for Nutritional Studies
-ons.db.gz ons db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:27.000Z 3709183 Ontology for Nutritional Studies Ontology for Nutritional Studies
-ons.owl ons owl 2022-06-20T02:05:37.000Z 9215150 Ontology for Nutritional Studies Ontology for Nutritional Studies
-ontie.db.gz ontie db.gz 2025-02-01T21:50:01.000Z 1704675 https://ontology.iedb.org/file/ontie.owl
-ontoavida-relation-graph.tsv.gz ontoavida relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:41.000Z 6082 OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform
-ontoavida.db ontoavida db 2022-10-17T16:23:44.000Z 1298432 OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform
-ontoavida.db.gz ontoavida db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:28.000Z 200495 OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform
-ontoavida.owl ontoavida owl 2022-06-20T02:05:42.000Z 472853 OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform
-ontobiotope.db.gz ontobiotope db.gz 2025-02-01T21:50:02.000Z 1839706 'https://data.agroportal.lirmm.fr/ontologies/ONTOBIOTOPE/download?apikey=1de0a270-29c5-4dda-b043-7c3580628cd5&download_format=rdf'
-ontoneo-relation-graph.tsv.gz ontoneo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:42.000Z 119625 Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology
-ontoneo.db ontoneo db 2022-10-17T16:23:45.000Z 9498624 Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology
-ontoneo.db.gz ontoneo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:29.000Z 2032047 Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology
-ontoneo.owl ontoneo owl 2022-06-20T02:05:43.000Z 2945937 Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology
-oostt-relation-graph.tsv.gz oostt relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:43.000Z 29998 Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems
-oostt.db oostt db 2022-10-17T16:23:46.000Z 3624960 Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems
-oostt.db.gz oostt db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:30.000Z 953597 Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems
-oostt.owl oostt owl 2022-06-20T02:05:43.000Z 1158678 Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems
-opl-relation-graph.tsv.gz opl relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:43.000Z 38852 Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle
-opl.db opl db 2022-10-17T16:23:47.000Z 3174400 Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle
-opl.db.gz opl db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:30.000Z 780173 Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle
-opl.owl opl owl 2022-06-20T02:05:44.000Z 965825 Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle
-opmi-relation-graph.tsv.gz opmi relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:45.000Z 803242 Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation
-opmi.db.gz opmi db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:31.000Z 5328325 Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation
-opmi.owl opmi owl 2022-06-20T02:05:45.000Z 4181905 Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation
-orcid.db.gz orcid db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:33.000Z 308823 https://w3id.org/orcidio/orcidio.owl
-ordo.db.gz ordo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:34.000Z 19529635 Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology https://github.com/monarch-initiative/mondo-ingest/releases/latest/download/ordo.owl
-ornaseq-relation-graph.tsv.gz ornaseq relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:45.000Z 4959 Ontology of RNA Sequencing Ontology of RNA Sequencing
-ornaseq.db ornaseq db 2022-10-17T16:23:47.000Z 663552 Ontology of RNA Sequencing Ontology of RNA Sequencing
-ornaseq.db.gz ornaseq db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:36.000Z 144027 Ontology of RNA Sequencing Ontology of RNA Sequencing
-ornaseq.owl ornaseq owl 2022-06-20T02:05:45.000Z 166036 Ontology of RNA Sequencing Ontology of RNA Sequencing
-ovae-relation-graph.tsv.gz ovae relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:46.000Z 540388 Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events
-ovae.db.gz ovae db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:39.000Z 4833387 Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events
-ovae.owl ovae owl 2022-06-20T02:05:47.000Z 4593976 Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events
-pathbank.db.gz pathbank db.gz 2025-02-01T21:50:06.000Z 32 https://w3id.org/biopragmatics/resources/pathbank/pathbank.obo.gz
-pato-min.owl pato min.owl 2022-05-31T15:29:44.000Z 6078387 Phenotype And Trait Ontology Phenotypic Quality Ontology
-pato-relation-graph.tsv.gz pato relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:48.000Z 5276983 Phenotype And Trait Ontology Phenotypic Quality Ontology
-pato.db.db pato db.db 2022-10-17T16:23:50.000Z 532480 Phenotype And Trait Ontology Phenotypic Quality Ontology
-pato.db.gz pato db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:40.000Z 28238571 Phenotype And Trait Ontology Phenotypic Quality Ontology
-pato.owl pato owl 2022-06-20T02:05:50.000Z 28431839 Phenotype And Trait Ontology Phenotypic Quality Ontology
-pba.db.gz pba db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:41.000Z 439299 https://github.com/brain-bican/primate_brain_atlas_ontology/raw/main/pbao-base.owl
-pcl-relation-graph.tsv.gz pcl relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:50.000Z 12888327 Provisional Cell Ontology Provisional Cell Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/pcl.owl
-pcl.db.gz pcl db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:43.000Z 218074460 Provisional Cell Ontology Provisional Cell Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/pcl.owl
-pcl.owl pcl owl 2022-06-20T02:05:55.000Z 92915378 Provisional Cell Ontology Provisional Cell Ontology http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/pcl.owl
-pco-relation-graph.tsv.gz pco relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:05:57.000Z 10775 Population and Community Ontology Population and Community Ontology
-pco.db pco db 2022-10-17T16:23:56.000Z 1765376 Population and Community Ontology Population and Community Ontology
-pco.db.gz pco db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:50.000Z 377853 Population and Community Ontology Population and Community Ontology
-pco.owl pco owl 2022-06-20T02:05:59.000Z 595304 Population and Community Ontology Population and Community Ontology
-pdro-relation-graph.tsv.gz pdro relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:00.000Z 11916 The Prescription of Drugs Ontology The Prescription of Drugs Ontology
-pdro.db pdro db 2022-10-17T16:23:57.000Z 1794048 The Prescription of Drugs Ontology The Prescription of Drugs Ontology
-pdro.db.gz pdro db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:52.000Z 393536 The Prescription of Drugs Ontology The Prescription of Drugs Ontology
-pdro.owl pdro owl 2022-06-20T02:06:02.000Z 567148 The Prescription of Drugs Ontology The Prescription of Drugs Ontology
-pdumdv-relation-graph.tsv.gz pdumdv relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:04.000Z 906 Platynereis Developmental Stages Platynereis Developmental Stages
-pdumdv.db pdumdv db 2022-10-17T16:23:58.000Z 532480 Platynereis Developmental Stages Platynereis Developmental Stages
-pdumdv.db.gz pdumdv db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:56.000Z 56959 Platynereis Developmental Stages Platynereis Developmental Stages
-pdumdv.owl pdumdv owl 2022-06-20T02:06:05.000Z 73234 Platynereis Developmental Stages Platynereis Developmental Stages
-peco-relation-graph.tsv.gz peco relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:07.000Z 976744 Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology
-peco.db peco db 2022-10-17T16:24:00.000Z 41930752 Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology
-peco.db.gz peco db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:56.000Z 6373073 Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology
-peco.owl peco owl 2022-06-20T02:06:11.000Z 6981357 Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology
-pfam.db.gz pfam db.gz 2025-02-01T21:50:14.000Z 4447181 https://w3id.org/biopragmatics/resources/pfam/pfam.owl
-phenio-relation-graph.tsv.gz phenio relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-05-31T15:32:02.000Z 256510586 https://github.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/releases/latest/download/phenio.owl.gz
-phenio.db.gz phenio db.gz 2025-02-05T06:35:58.000Z 3240059836 https://github.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/releases/latest/download/phenio.owl.gz
-phenio_test.db.gz phenio_test db.gz 2025-02-05T06:36:26.000Z 23958 https://github.com/monarch-initiative/phenio/releases/latest/download/phenio-test.owl
-phipo-relation-graph.tsv.gz phipo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:12.000Z 869776 Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology
-phipo.db.gz phipo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:36:29.000Z 11847181 Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology
-phipo.owl phipo owl 2022-06-20T02:06:16.000Z 13889278 Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology
-plana-relation-graph.tsv.gz plana relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:20.000Z 150002 planaria-ontology Planarian Anatomy and Developmental Stage Ontolgoy
-plana.db plana db 2022-10-17T16:24:10.000Z 9658368 planaria-ontology Planarian Anatomy and Developmental Stage Ontolgoy
-plana.db.gz plana db.gz 2025-02-05T06:36:36.000Z 1950784 planaria-ontology Planarian Anatomy and Developmental Stage Ontolgoy
-plana.owl plana owl 2022-06-20T02:06:20.000Z 2719628 planaria-ontology Planarian Anatomy and Developmental Stage Ontolgoy
-planp-relation-graph.tsv.gz planp relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:21.000Z 709281 Planarian Phenotype Ontology Planarian Phenotype Ontology
-planp.db planp db 2022-10-17T16:24:13.000Z 41021440 Planarian Phenotype Ontology Planarian Phenotype Ontology
-planp.db.gz planp db.gz 2025-02-05T06:36:38.000Z 7788658 Planarian Phenotype Ontology Planarian Phenotype Ontology
-planp.owl planp owl 2022-06-20T02:06:21.000Z 10529138 Planarian Phenotype Ontology Planarian Phenotype Ontology
-po-relation-graph.tsv.gz po relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:23.000Z 397334 Plant Ontology Plant Ontology
-po.db.gz po db.gz 2025-02-05T06:36:41.000Z 4625396 Plant Ontology Plant Ontology
-po.owl po owl 2022-06-20T02:06:24.000Z 7155145 Plant Ontology Plant Ontology
-poro-relation-graph.tsv.gz poro relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:25.000Z 121654 Porifera Ontology Porifera Ontology
-poro.db poro db 2022-10-17T16:24:17.000Z 5443584 Porifera Ontology Porifera Ontology
-poro.db.gz poro db.gz 2025-02-05T06:36:41.000Z 1072024 Porifera Ontology Porifera Ontology
-poro.owl poro owl 2022-06-20T02:06:27.000Z 1133756 Porifera Ontology Porifera Ontology
-ppeo.db ppeo db 2022-10-17T16:24:18.000Z 655360 http://purl.org/ppeo/PPEO.owl
-ppeo.db.gz ppeo db.gz 2025-02-01T21:50:22.000Z 96547 http://purl.org/ppeo/PPEO.owl
-ppo-relation-graph.tsv.gz ppo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:28.000Z 28809 Plant Phenology Ontology Plant Phenology Ontology
-ppo.db ppo db 2022-10-17T16:24:18.000Z 4341760 Plant Phenology Ontology Plant Phenology Ontology
-ppo.db.gz ppo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:36:42.000Z 895740 Plant Phenology Ontology Plant Phenology Ontology
-ppo.owl ppo owl 2022-06-20T02:06:28.000Z 1589925 Plant Phenology Ontology Plant Phenology Ontology
-pr-relation-graph.tsv.gz pr relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:28.000Z 38863718 PRotein Ontology (PRO) Protein Ontology
-pr.db.gz pr db.gz 2025-02-05T06:36:43.000Z 746989142 PRotein Ontology (PRO) Protein Ontology
-pr.owl pr owl 2022-06-20T02:06:29.000Z 1241028150 PRotein Ontology (PRO) Protein Ontology
-pride.db.gz pride db.gz 2025-02-05T06:36:42.000Z 161534298 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PRIDE-Archive/pride-ontology/master/pride_cv.obo
-proco.db proco db 2022-10-17T16:24:58.000Z 5332992 Process Chemistry Ontology Process Chemistry Ontology
-proco.db.gz proco db.gz 2025-02-05T06:37:22.000Z 1089119 Process Chemistry Ontology Process Chemistry Ontology
-prov.db.gz prov db.gz 2025-02-01T21:50:52.000Z 140215 http://www.w3.org/ns/prov.owl
-psdo-relation-graph.tsv.gz psdo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:35.000Z 105243 Performance Summary Display Ontology Performance Summary Display Ontology
-psdo.db psdo db 2022-10-17T16:24:59.000Z 8785920 Performance Summary Display Ontology Performance Summary Display Ontology
-psdo.db.gz psdo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:37:26.000Z 2061689 Performance Summary Display Ontology Performance Summary Display Ontology
-psdo.owl psdo owl 2022-06-20T02:06:41.000Z 2354320 Performance Summary Display Ontology Performance Summary Display Ontology
-pso-relation-graph.tsv.gz pso relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:42.000Z 477144 Plant Stress Ontology PatientSafetyOntology
-pso.db.gz pso db.gz 2025-02-05T06:37:29.000Z 7569144 Plant Stress Ontology PatientSafetyOntology
-pso.owl pso owl 2022-06-20T02:06:55.000Z 4290382 Plant Stress Ontology PatientSafetyOntology
-pw-relation-graph.tsv.gz pw relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:06:56.000Z 67320 Pathway ontology Pathway Ontology
-pw.db pw db 2022-10-17T16:25:06.000Z 11108352 Pathway ontology Pathway Ontology
-pw.db.gz pw db.gz 2025-02-05T06:37:34.000Z 2256411 Pathway ontology Pathway Ontology
-pw.owl pw owl 2022-06-20T02:06:59.000Z 4965358 Pathway ontology Pathway Ontology
-quantitykind.db.gz quantitykind db.gz 2025-02-01T21:50:56.000Z 2379055 http://qudt.org/vocab/quantitykind
-qudtunit.db.gz qudtunit db.gz 2025-02-01T21:50:57.000Z 4629520 http://qudt.org/vocab/unit
-rbo-relation-graph.tsv.gz rbo relation-graph.tsv.gz 2022-06-20T02:07:01.000Z 3216235 Radiation Biology Ontology Radiation Biology Ontology
-rbo.db.gz rbo db.gz 2025-02-05T06:37:34.000Z 38971276 Radiation Biology Ontology Radiation Biology Ontology
-rbo.owl rbo owl 2022-06-20T02:07:28.000Z 11108994 Radiation Biology Ontology Radiation Biology Ontology
-reacto.db.gz reacto db.gz 2025-02-05T06:37:49.000Z 74792946 http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/reacto.owl
-reactome-Homo-sapiens.db.gz reactome Homo-sapiens.db.gz 2024-05-26T16:01:47.000Z 228616167
-reactome-hs.db.gz reactome hs.db.gz 2025-02-01T21:51:12.000Z 172819909
-reactome-mm.db.gz reactome mm.db.gz 2025-02-01T21:51:28.000Z 101799558
diff --git a/notebooks/bbop-semsql-ontologies-from-registry-yaml.txt b/notebooks/bbop-semsql-ontologies-from-registry-yaml.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ae745cf..0000000
--- a/notebooks/bbop-semsql-ontologies-from-registry-yaml.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-sweetAll Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology
-uberoncm composite-metazoan
-upa unipathway_ontology
-vaem Vocabulary for Attaching Essential Metadata
-vccf Vasculature Common Coordinate Framework Ontology
-wifire https://wifire.ucsd.edu/ ?
-xsmo Xenopus Small Molecules Ontology
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/notebooks/bioportal_ontology_class_counts.tsv b/notebooks/bioportal_ontology_class_counts.tsv
deleted file mode 100644
index abc9330..0000000
--- a/notebooks/bioportal_ontology_class_counts.tsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1181 +0,0 @@
-acronym name class_count
-ABA-AMB Allen Brain Atlas (ABA) Adult Mouse Brain Ontology 913
-ABD Anthology of Biosurveillance Diseases 1445
-ACESO Adverse Childhood Experiences Ontology 296
-ACGT-MO Cancer Research and Management ACGT Master Ontology 1770
-ACVD_ONTOLOGY Atherosclerotic Cerebrovascular Disease Ontology 1719
-AD-DROP Alzheimer Disease Relevance Ontology by Process 25
-ADALAB AdaLab ontology
-ADALAB-META AdaLab-meta ontology
-ADAR Autism DSM-ADI-R ontology 791
-ADCAD Arctic Data Center Academic Disciplines Ontology 67
-ADHER_INTCARE_EN Adherence and Integrated Care 264
-ADHER_INTCARE_SP Adherence and Integrated Care in Spanish
-ADMF alzhaimer dessiese main factors
-ADMIN Nurse Administrator
-ADMO Alzheimer Disease Map Ontology 10943
-ADO Alzheimer's Disease Ontology
-ADW Animal Natural History and Life History Ontology 364
-AEO Anatomical Entity Ontology 250
-AERO Adverse Event Reporting Ontology 497
-AFO Allotrope Merged Ontology Suite 3367
-AFPO African Population Ontology 473
-AGRO AGRonomy Ontology 4163
-AGROCYMAC Control y Monitoreo de afecciones en los cultivos
-AGROMOP Control de Cacao
-AHOL Animal Health Ontology for Livestock 339
-AHSO Animal Health Surveillance Ontology 38
-AI Artificial Intelligence 444
-AI-RHEUM Artificial Intelligence Rheumatology Consultant System Ontology 808
-AIO Artificial Intelligence Ontology 443
-AISM Ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system 7443
-ALLERGIDOC Allergy Ontology 106
-ALLERGYDETECTOR Allergy Detector II 12
-ALTPROTON An Ontology for integration and interoperability of multi-aspect data of Protein food production chains 300
-AMINO-ACID Amino Acid Ontology 46
-AMPHX The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology 403
-AO Asthma Ontology 289
-APACOMPUTER Computer Cluster 114
-APADISORDERS Disorders cluster 822
-APAEDUCLUSTER Educational Cluster 509
-APAOCUEMPLOY APA Occupational and Employment cluster 448
-APAONTO Psychology Ontology 6037
-APASTATISTICAL APA Statistical Cluster 140
-APATANDT APA Tests and Testing cluster 208
-APATREATMENT APA Treatment Cluster 480
-APO Ascomycete Phenotype Ontology 619
-APOLLO-SV Apollo Structured Vocabulary 1717
-APRO Ancient Poet Resource Ontology
-ARCRC Arctic Report Card 95
-ARO Antibiotic Resistance Ontology 8526
-ASDF testiiii1
-ASDPTO Autism Spectrum Disorder Phenotype Ontology 284
-ASPECT ASPECT: wind energy vAriableS, ParametErs and ConsTants 2
-ASSAYNODE Assaynode 48
-ATC Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification 6934
-ATO Amphibian Taxonomy Ontology 6135
-ATOL Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock 2352
-ATOM Atlas Ontology Model 93
-AURA KB_Bio_101 27396
-BAO BioAssay Ontology 7781
-BAO-GPCR G Protein-Coupled Receptor BioAssays Ontology 904
-BCGO Breast Cancer Grading Ontology 133
-BCI-O Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI) Ontology 182
-BCLION Breast Cancer Lifestyle Ontology 30
-BCMO Breast Cancer-Microbiome Ontology
-BCO Biological Collections Ontology 254
-BCON Breast Cancer Ontology 66
-BCS7 Breast Cancer Staging - 7th Edition 22
-BCS8 Breast Cancer Staging - 8th Edition 31
-BCSR-ONTO Breast cancer screening recommendation ontology 34
-BCTEO Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering Ontology 253
-BCTT Behaviour Change Technique Taxonomy 110
-BDO Bone Dysplasia Ontology 3668
-BE Bioentities 442
-BERO Biological and Environmental Research Ontology 392307
-BFLC LC BIBFRAME 2.0 Vocabulary Extension
-BFO Basic Formal Ontology 35
-BHN Biologie Hors Nomenclature 2534
-BHO Bleeding History Phenotype Ontology 544
-BIBLIOTEK-O The Biblioteko Ontology 278
-BIFO Biofilm Ontology 78
-BIM Biomedical Image Ontology
-BIN Body in Numbers project terminology
-BIODIVTHES Biodiversity Thesaurus 4
-BIOLINK Biolink Model 505
-BIOMO Biological Observation Matrix Ontology 1596
-BIOMODELS BioModels Ontology 187520
-BIPOM Biological interlocked Process Ontology for metabolism 142
-BIPON Bacterial interlocked Process ONtology 1746
-BIRNLEX Biomedical Informatics Research Network Project Lexicon 3580
-BIRTHONTO BirthOnto: Birth Data Analysis 87
-BKO Bricks ontology 669
-BLLM Large Language Model Ontology
-BMONT The Biomarker Ontology 542
-BMS-LM BioMedical Study Lifecycle Management 154
-BMT Biomedical Topics 253
-BNO Bionutrition Ontology 100
-BOF Biodiversity Ontology 189
-BOSHI boshra
-BP BioPAX Ontology of Biological Pathways 69
-BP-METADATA BioPortal Metadata Ontology 102
-BPFORMS Ontology of chemically concrete, composable DNA, RNA, and protein residue and crosslinks
-BPT Biological Pathway Taxonomy 3875
-BRAIN-COF Computational Ontology Framework for Brain Profiles 125
-BRAZI Estados, Municipios, Bairros e Regiões do Brasil
-BRCT Brain Region & Cell Type terminology 1654
-BRIDG Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model 325
-BRO Biomedical Resource Ontology 488
-BRSO Biological Resource Schema Ontology 15
-BSAO Botryllus schlosseri anatomy and development ontology 104
-BSPO Spatial Ontology 170
-BT BioTop Ontology 390
-BT-ONTOLOGY BrainTeaser Ontology (BTO) 180
-BTO BRENDA Tissue and Enzyme Source Ontology 6569
-BTO-BFO Brinell Test Ontology-BFO 182
-BTO-EMMO Brinell Test Ontology-EMMO 2227
-BTO-PROVO Brinell Test Ontology-PROVO 253
-BTO_ONTOLOGY Brain Tumour Ontology 28
-C19M COVID-19
-CABRO Computer Assisted Brain Injury Rehabilitation Ontology 59
-CANCO Cancer Chemoprevention Ontology 127
-CANONT Upper-Level Cancer Ontology 56
-CAO Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) Analysis Ontology 205
-CARELEX Content Archive Resource Exchange Lexicon 339
-CARO Common Anatomy Reference Ontology 721
-CAROLIO Caroli's Disease and Syndrome Ontology 87
-CARRE CARRE Risk Factor ontology 175
-CASE-BASE-ONTO Case-base ontology for gastric dystemperament in Persian medicine
-CBO Cell Behavior Ontology 246
-CCF Human Reference Atlas Common Coordinate Framework Ontology 41
-CCO Cell Cycle Ontology 264891
-CCON Cerrado concepts and plant community dynamics 86
-CCONT Cell Culture Ontology
-CCTOO Cancer Care: Treatment Outcome Ontology 1133
-CDAO Comparative Data Analysis Ontology 165
-CDMONTO Common Diabetes Medications Ontology 303
-CDNO Compositional Dietary Nutrition Ontology
-CDO Chinese Diabetes Mellitus Ontology
-CDOH Commercial determinant of Health Ontology 357
-CDPEO Chronic Disease Patient Education Ontology 40
-CEDARPC CEDAR Provisional Classes
-CEDARVS CEDAR Value Sets 34
-CEPH Cephalopod Ontology 1569
-CHD Congenital Heart Defects Ontology 511
-CHEAR Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource 14864
-CHEBI Chemical Entities of Biological Interest Ontology 220816
-CHEMBIO Systems Chemical Biology and Chemogenomics Ontology 104
-CHEMINF Chemical Information Ontology 849
-CHIRO CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology 13286
-CHMO Chemical Methods Ontology 3100
-CHO ChemoOnto 14
-CHR Monochrom 2650
-CHRO Chromatin Regulator Ontology 1204
-CIDO Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology 31924
-CIDOC-CRM CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model 85
-CIINTEADO Ciona intestinalis Anatomy and Development Ontology 880
-CIO Confidence Information Ontology 44
-CISAVIADO Ciona savignyi Anatomy and Development Ontology 880
-CKDO Chronic Kidney Disease Ontology 280
-CL Cell Ontology 16667
-CLAO Collembola Anatomy Ontology 1516
-CLO Cell Line Ontology 43327
-CLYH Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology 265
-CMDO Clinical MetaData Ontology 188
-CMECS Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard Catalog 1690
-CMO Clinical Measurement Ontology 4047
-CMPO Cellular microscopy phenotype ontology 813
-CMR-QA Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Quality Assessment Ontology 110
-CN computer network 537
-CNO Computational Neuroscience Ontology 386
-CO Crop Ontology
-CO-WHEAT Wheat Trait Ontology 176
-COB Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine 68
-CODO CODO: an Ontology for collection and analysis of COviD-19 data 385
-COGAT Cognitive Atlas Ontology 4053
-COGPO Cognitive Paradigm Ontology 199
-COHSI2STUDY cohsi2study 2
-COHSI2TERMSWEEKX cohsi2termsweekx 2
-COID Combined Ontology for Inflammatory Diseases 1185
-COKPME COKPME - COVID19 Ontology for analyzing the Karnataka Private Medical Establishments Data 25
-COLAO Coleoptera Anatomy Ontology 894
-COMET LinkML Common Metadata Elements and Terms 207
-COMO Context and Measurement Ontology 445
-CONDOR Liver Cancer Ontology Diagnosis Treatment 55
-CONTSONTO Continuity of care 171
-COPDO COPD Ontology 108
-COSTART Coding Symbols for a Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms 1707
-COVID-19 COVID-19 Ontology 2270
-COVID-19-ONT-PM COVID-19OntologyInPatternMedicine 299
-COVID19 COVID-19 Surveillance Ontology 32
-COVID19-IBO Covid19 Impact on Banking Ontology 159
-COVIDCRFRAPID WHO COVID-19 Rapid Version CRF semantic data model 396
-CPRO Computer-Based Patient Record Ontology 128
-CPT CPT - Current Procedural Terminology 14403
-CPTAC CPTAC Proteomics Pipeline Infrastructure Ontology 19
-CRENO Culture, Race, Ethnicity and Nationality Ontology 1107
-CRISP Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects Thesaurus 9039
-CRO Contributor Role Ontology 124
-CRYOEM Cryo Electron Microscopy 111
-CS Coping Strategies for Adverse Drug Events Ontology
-CSEO Cigarette Smoke Exposure Ontology 20085
-CSO Clinical Study Ontology 37
-CSSO Clinical Signs and Symptoms Ontology 303
-CST Cancer Staging Terms
-CSTD Clinical smell and taste disorders 98
-CTCAE Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events 4049
-CTENO Ctenophore Ontology 668
-CTGO Clinical Trials Gov Ontology 121
-CTO Clinical Trials Ontology 273
-CTO-NDD Clinical Trials Ontology - Neurodegenerative Diseases 377
-CTONT Epoch Clinical Trial Ontology 43
-CTU_BEREADY_GEM CTU Bern BEReady Gemeinden 3
-CTX Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis Ontology 479
-CU-VO Venom Ontology 11
-CVAO STO 1712
-CVDO Cardiovascular Disease Ontology 720
-CWD Consumer Wearable Device 46
-D3O DSMZ Digital Diversity Ontology 294
-DATACITE SPAR DataCite Ontology 21
-DC Dublin Core 11
-DCAT Data Catalog Vocabulary
-DCAT-FDC Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) 73
-DCCDFV Dublin Core Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary 1
-DCM DICOM Controlled Terminology 4866
-DCMITYPE DCMI Type Vocabulary 18
-DCO Dispedia Core Ontology 49
-DCT DC Terms 25
-DCTERMS DCMI Metadata Terms: properties in /terms/ namespace 25
-DDANAT Dictyostelium Discoideum Anatomy Ontology 135
-DDI Ontology for Drug Discovery Investigations 156
-DDIEM Drug Database for Inborn Errors of Metabolism (DDIEM) Ontology 208
-DDPHENO Dictyostelium Discoideum Phenotype Ontology 1373
-DDSS Health_ontology 712018
-DEB Devices, Experimental scaffolds and Biomaterials Ontology 601
-DERMLEX Dermatology Lexicon 6106
-DERMO Human Dermatological Disease Ontology 3521
-DFO Databank Family Ontology 12
-DHMO RADx Data Hub Metadata Ontology 145
-DIAB BioMedBridges Diabetes Ontology 375
-DIAGONT Diagnostic Ontology 96
-DIDEO Drug Interaction and Evidence Ontology 617
-DIKB Drug Interaction Knowledge Base Ontology 161
-DILON Dietary lifestyle ontology 262
-DINTO The Drug-Drug Interactions Ontology 28178
-DISDRIV Disease Drivers Ontology 18
-DLORO Dependency Layered Ontology for Radiation Oncology 295
-DMDSONT Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis and Support Ontology 8
-DMTO Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Ontology
-DOCCC Diagnosis Ontology of Clinical Care Classification 204
-DOID Human Disease Ontology 18897
-DOREMUS-KEYS Doremus List of Keys 3
-DOVES Digital medicine Outcomes Value Set (DOVeS) Ontology 27531
-DPCO Diabetes Pharmacology Ontology
-DPO Drosophila Phenotype Ontology 1382
-DRANPTO Dementia-Related Agitation Non-Pharmacological Treatment Ontology 569
-DREAMDNPTO Dementia-Related Emotional And Mood Disturbance Non-Pharmacological Treatment Ontology 1258
-DRMO Dental Restorative Material Ontology
-DRON The Drug Ontology 747494
-DRPSNPTO Dementia-Related Psychotic Symptoms Non-Pharmacological Treatment Ontology 610
-DSEO Data Science Education Ontology 131
-DSIP Pharmacy mock data
-DSIP1V DSIP1_vocabulary 2
-DSIP2324_DEMO DSIP2324_Demonstration 2
-DSIP7 DSIP_FieldLab_7 2
-DSIPF7 DSIP FiledLab7 2
-DSIPFL7 DSIP_Fieldlab_7 2
-DTO Drug Target Ontology 10075
-DUO The Data Use Ontology 307
-E-PPO Enhanced Personal Profile Ontology 54
-EBP EmpowerBP 50
-ECAO The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology 7160
-ECDO Elderly Care Dementia Ontology 2
-ECG Electrocardiography Ontology 1124
-ECM4M-MD-VOCABS EarthCube M4M Metadata Vocabulary 2
-ECO Evidence and Conclusion Ontology 2284
-ECOCORE An ontology of core ecological entities 5586
-ECOSIM ecosim ontology 1684
-ECP Electronic Care Plan 32
-ECSO The Ecosystem Ontology 2094
-ECTO Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology
-EDAM EDAM - The data analysis and management ontology 3511
-EDAM-BIOIMAGING EDAM Bioimaging Ontology 341
-EDDA EDDA Study Designs Taxonomy 502
-EDDA_PT EDDA Publication Types Taxonomy 93
-EDEM-CONNECTONTO eDEM-Connect: Ontology of Dementia-related Agitation and Relationship between Informal Caregivers and Persons with Dementia 241
-EFO Experimental Factor Ontology 63496
-EGO Epigenome Ontology 2952
-EHDA Human Developmental Anatomy Ontology, timed version 8340
-EHDAA Human Developmental Anatomy Ontology, abstract version 1 2314
-EHDAA2 Human Developmental Anatomy Ontology, abstract version 2 2743
-ELD EthiopianListOfDiseases 2
-ELECTRICA Ontology for ELEctronic tool for Clinicians, Trainers and Researchers In Child Abuse 1741
-ELIG Eligibility Feature Hierarchy 29
-ELTER_CL eLTER Controlled Lists 23
-EMAP Mouse Gross Anatomy and Development Ontology 19444
-EMAPA Mouse gross anatomy and development, timed 8768
-EMIF-AD EMIF-AD ontology 700
-EMO Enzyme Mechanism Ontology
-ENDOH Environmental Determinants of Health 102
-ENM eNanoMapper 25795
-ENTITY ISO-15926-2_2003_entityMembership 203
-ENVO Environment Ontology 7030
-ENVTHES Thesaurus for long-term ecological research, monitoring, experiments 6
-EO Ethnicity Ontoloy
-EO1 Example Ontology 2
-EOL Environment Ontology for Livestock 648
-EP Cardiac Electrophysiology Ontology 232
-EPIE Epigenetic Entity 392
-EPILONT Epilepsy Ontology 138
-EPIO EpilepsyOntology 1916
-EPIP Epigenetic Process 263
-EPISEM Epilepsy Semiology 1594
-EPO Early Pregnancy Ontology
-EPSO Epilepsy and Seizure Ontology 2160
-ERO Eagle-I Research Resource Ontology 4061
-ESFO Enzyme Structure Function Ontology 22
-ESO_C Epilepsy Semiology Ontology 179
-ESSO Epilepsy Syndrome Seizure Ontology 2705
-ETHOPD Ethiopian OPD 2
-EUPATH VEuPathDB Ontology 5110
-EVI Evidence Graph Ontology 31
-EVS Exposure Value Set 2
-EXACT An ontology for experimental actions 162
-EXMO Exercise Medicine Ontology
-EXO Exposure Ontology 152
-EXON Experimental Ontology 5
-EXTRACT EXTeRnAl Conditions Taxonomy (EXTRACT) 2
-FALDO Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology 19
-FALL MyOntoServiceFull_FallDetection 51
-FALLS falls prevention 30
-FAO Fungal Gross Anatomy Ontology 120
-FAST-CHRONO FAST (Faceted Access of Subject Terminology) Chronological Facet 3
-FAST-EVENT FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Event 4
-FAST-EVENT-SKOS FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Event Facet 4
-FAST-FORMGENRE FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) FormGenre facet 3
-FAST-GENREFORM FAST (Faceted Access of Subject Terminology) GenreForm 4
-FAST-TITLE FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Title Facet 3
-FASTO HL7 FHIR and SSN ontology based Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Ontology
-FB-BT Drosophila Gross Anatomy Ontology 28344
-FB-CV FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary 2332
-FB-DV Drosophila Development Ontology 222
-FB-SP Fly Taxonomy 6600
-FBbi Biological Imaging Methods Ontology 649
-FCC1 Fernald Community Cohort N 9
-FDC-GDMT Ontology for Generic Dataset Metadata Template 2
-FDT-O FAIR Data Train Ontology 47
-FENICS Functional Electrophysiology Nomenclature for Ion Channels 153
-FG FAIR Genomes 9
-FGNHNS FoodGroupNHNS 6087
-FHHO Family Health History Ontology 238
-FIDEO Food Interactions with Drugs Evidence Ontology 3543
-FIRE Fire Ontology 53
-FISH-AST FISH Archaeological Sciences Thesaurus 2
-FISHO Fish Ontology 386
-FITBIT Fitbit Vocabulary
-FIT_BIT Fitbit Vocabularies 2
-FIX Physico-Chemical Methods and Properties 1163
-FLDLB3 FIELDLAB3_2023_2 2
-FLOPO Flora Phenotype Ontology 26873
-FLU Influenza Ontology 585
-FMA Foundational Model of Anatomy 104721
-FMPM Food Matrix for Predictive Microbiology 162
-FNS-H FNS-Harmony 31464
-FO Fern Ontology
-FOAF Friend of a Friend Vocabulary 22
-FOBI FOBI (Food-Biomarker Ontology) 1334
-FOODON The FoodOn Food Ontology 39435
-FOVT FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits 11322
-FPLX FamPlex
-FRMO Fall Risk Management Ontology 890
-FTC Functional Therapeutic Chemical Classification System 61426
-FYPO Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology 16770
-G-PROV Guideline Provenance 138
-G4-DSIP Group 4-Data Science in Practice 2
-GALEN Galen Ontology 23141
-GALLONT Plant Gall Ontology 395
-GAMUTS Radiology Gamuts Ontology 16876
-GAZ Gazetteer 668838
-GB GlycanBind 13
-GBM Glioblastoma
-GCBO Global Code Book Ontology 3395
-GCO Genome Component Ontology 5
-GDCO Data Collection Ontology 73
-GDMT Generic Dataset Metadata Template Vocabulary
-GDOA Graphic Descriptor Ontology Anatomy Extension 188
-GECCO COVID-19 Common Datamodel
-GECKO Genomics Cohorts Knowledge Ontology 154
-GENAI Generative AI Ontology 55
-GENDER Gender Identity 2
-GENE-CDS Genomic Clinical Decision Support Ontology 2265
-GENEPIO Genomic Epidemiology Application Ontology 7208
-GENEVIEVE Charlotte
-GENO Genotype Ontology 425
-GEO Geographical Entity Ontology 328
-GEOSPECIES GeoSpecies Ontology 86
-GEXO Gene Expression Ontology 166254
-GFFO Genetic Feature Format Ontology 1
-GFO General Formal Ontology 45
-GFO-BIO General Formal Ontology for Biology 168
-GFVO Genomic Feature and Variation Ontology 102
-GLYCO Glycomics Ontology
-GLYCOCOO GlycoConjugate Ontology 51
-GML Ontology for Geography Markup Language (GML3.0) 175
-GMM GoMapMan 1896
-GMO Growth Medium Ontology 1559
-GNO Glycan Naming Ontology 194565
-GO Gene Ontology 51641
-GO-EXT Gene Ontology Extension 35873
-GO-PLUS go-plus 84145
-GOLDTERMS GOLD Ecosystem Classification 1825
-GPML Graphical Pathway Markup Language 19
-GRO Gene Regulation Ontology 507
-GRO-CPD Cereal Plant Development Ontology 238
-GRO-CPGA Cereal Plant Gross Anatomy Ontology 1548
-GSSO Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation Ontology 13192
-GVO Genome Variation Ontology 77
-HAAURAADO Halocynthia aurantium Anatomy and Development Ontology 856
-HAMIDEHSGH Inherited Retinal Dystrophy 407
-HANCESTRO Human Ancestry Ontology 1259
-HAO Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology 2597
-HAROREADO Halocynthia roretzi Anatomy and Development Ontology 856
-HASCO Human-Aware Science Ontology 2490
-HC Habronattus Courtship Ontology
-HCDR Homelessness and Clinical Data Recording 119
-HCODONONT HGeneCodonOntology 98
-HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System 7778
-HDMPONTO HierarchicalDMProcessOnto 377
-HECON HECON: Health Condition Evolution Ontology 16
-HED Hierarchical Event Descriptors 1358
-HEIO Regional Healthcare System Interoperability and Information Exchange Measurement Ontology 125
-HELIFIT HeLiFit-Ontology 511
-HENECON Head and Neck Cancer Ontology 1841
-HENEGEO Head and Neck Cancer - Clinical and Gene Ontology 29996
-HERO Healthcare Monitoring and Emergency Response Ontology 1205
-HFO Heart Failure Ontology 1652
-HGNC HUGO Gene Nomenclature 32918
-HGNC-NR HGNC New Releases Ontology 49026
-HHEAR Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource
-HHEARP HHEAR Properties 2489
-HINO Human Interaction Network Ontology 37630
-HIO Hearing Impairment Ontology 496
-HIV HIV ontology
-HIVCRS HIVCompoundRels 8
-HIVHPVFGS HIV, HPV, FGS vocabulary 2
-HIVMT HIVMutation 161
-HIVO004 HIVOntologymain.owl
-HL7 Health Level Seven Reference Implementation Model, Version 3 9095
-HMADO Human Microbiome Associated Disease Ontology
-HMIS033B HMIS 033 0
-HMISLAB0115 HMIS LAB 011 5 2
-HNS HNS_Ontolgoy
-HO Histological Ontology
-HOIP Homeostasis imbalance process ontology 14018
-HOM Ontology of Homology and Related Concepts in Biology 66
-HOME Health Ontology for Minority Equity 82
-HOOM HPO - ORDO Ontological Module
-HORD Holistic Ontology of Rare Diseases 14558
-HP Human Phenotype Ontology 22929
-HPIO Host Pathogen Interactions Ontology 275
-HPO Hypertension-Ontology 114
-HP_O Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ontology 199
-HRA Human Reference Atlas 11587
-HRAVS HuBMAP Research Attributes Value Set 2
-HRDO Disease core ontology applied to Rare Diseases 13539
-HSAPDV Human Developmental Stages Ontology 260
-HSCLO38 Homo sapiens Chromosomal Location Ontology for GRCh38
-HSO Health Surveillance Ontology 426
-HSPO Health and Social Person-centric Ontology 52461
-HTN Hypertension Ontology 603
-HTO Horridge Test Ontology 3
-HUPSON Human Physiology Simulation Ontology 2920
-HW wsm 7
-I-ADOPT I-ADOPT Framework Ontology 5
-I2SV Integration and Implementation Sciences Vocabulary 2
-IAML-MOP IAML Medium of Performance Vocabulary 2
-IAO Information Artifact Ontology 264
-IBD Indian Biodiversity Ontology 362
-IBIO IndianBiodiversity 362
-IBO Imaging Biomarker Ontology 555
-ICD-O-3 International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd edition 2753
-ICD10 International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 12445
-ICD10CM International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 - Clinical Modification 98030
-ICD10PCS International Classification of Diseases, Version 10 - Procedure Coding System 192236
-ICD11-BODYSYSTEM Body System Terms from ICD11 30
-ICD9CM International Classification of Diseases, Version 9 - Clinical Modification 22533
-ICDO International Classification of Diseases Ontology 1388
-ICECI International Classification of External Causes of Injuries 2232
-ICEO Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology 30914
-ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health 1596
-ICHOM-PROMS-PCB ICHOM Set Pregnancy and Childbirth 2
-ICNP International Classification for Nursing Practice 4476
-ICO Informed Consent Ontology 963
-ICPC2P International Classification of Primary Care - 2 PLUS 7537
-ICPS International Classification for Patient Safety 398
-ICW International Classification of Wellness 121
-ID-AMR Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance 2
-IDEM IDEM: wInD Energy Models Taxonomy 2
-IDG_GL IDG gene list 419
-IDO Infectious Disease Ontology 362
-IDO-COVID-19 The COVID-19 Infectious Disease Ontology 486
-IDOBRU Brucellosis Ontology
-IDODEN Dengue Fever Ontology 5019
-IDOMAL Malaria Ontology 3158
-IDQA Image and Data Quality Assessment Ontology 260
-IFAR Fanconi Anemia Ontology 4530
-IK Irabi kassim
-ILLNESSINJURY Illness and Injury 21
-IMGT-ONTOLOGY Immunogenetics Ontology 1429
-IMOBO Intelligent Medicine oriented Biobank Ontology
-INBANCIDO Assessment of Indian Economy During Covid-19 7834
-INBIO Invasion Biology Ontology
-INBIODIV An Ontology for Indian Biodiversity Knowledge Management 628
-INCENTIVE INCENTIVE Community Controlled Vocabulary 2
-INFECTION_TRANS Infection Transmission Ontology 22
-INFRA-EN Infrastructure
-INFRARISK InfraRisk Ontology 33
-INJURYTYPES Injury Types 2
-INO Interaction Network Ontology 328
-INSECTH insectH 162
-INTO Indian Terrorism Ontology 261
-INTVEETYPE Interviewee Type 2
-INTVMODE Interview Mode 2
-INVERSEROLES ISO-15926-2_2003_inverseRoles 203
-IOBC Interlinking Ontology for Biological Concepts 126847
-IPD injury process description ontology 8
-IRD Inherited Retinal Dystrophies 541
-IRDG Data harmonization ontology for cross border malaria surveillance 49
-ISO-15926-2_2003 ISO-15926-2_2003_oil 203
-ISO-ANNOTATIONS ISO-15926-2_2003_annotations 203
-ISO-FOOD A formal representation of the knowledge within the domain of Isotopes for Food Science
-ISO19108TO ISO 19108 Temporal Objects 17
-ISO19110 ISO 19110 Methodology for Feature Cataloguing 36
-ISO19115 ISO 19115 135
-ISO19115CC ISO 19115 Common Classes 21
-ISO19115CI ISO 19115 Citation Information 23
-ISO19115CON ISO 19115 Constraints Information 14
-ISO19115DI ISO 19115 Distribution Information 18
-ISO19115DTC ISO 19115 Date Type Code 19
-ISO19115EX ISO 19115 Extent Information 14
-ISO19115ID ISO 19115 Identification Information 30
-ISO19115MI ISO 19115 Metadata Information 23
-ISO19115PR ISO 19115 Codelists 46
-ISO19115ROLES ISO 19115 Role Codes 2
-ISO19115SRS ISO 19115 Reference Systems 7
-ISO19115TCC ISO 19115 Topic Categories 20
-ISO639-1 ISO 639-1: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages - Part 1: Two-letter codes for languages 2
-ISO639-2 ISO 639-2: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages 11
-ISPO Integrated Ontology for Symptom Phenotype Terminologies 3148
-ISSVA International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) Ontology 194
-ITEMAS Medical Technology Innovation in healthcare centers 134
-ITO Intelligence Task Ontology 16283
-IXNO Interaction Ontology 64
-JERM Just Enough Results Model Ontology 295
-KENYAANC kenyaancfile 2
-KGCL Knowledge Graph Change Language 100
-KISAO Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology 525
-KORO Knowledge Object Reference Ontology 110
-KTAO Kidney Tissue Atlas Ontology 11211
-KUSIIMA naava
-LABO clinical LABoratory Ontology 169
-LAND-SURFACE Land Surface classifiers 19
-LANDFORM Landform classifiers 19
-LBO Livestock Breed Ontology 1137
-LC-CARRIERS Library of Congress Carriers Scheme
-LC-MEDIA Library of Congress Media Types Scheme 6
-LCDGT Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms 4
-LCGFT Library of Congress Genre/Form Thesaurus for Library and Archival Materials 12
-LDA Ontology of Language Disorder in Autism
-LDBASE LDbase 2
-LEGALAPA legalapa 227
-LEGALAPATEST2 apalegal 227
-LEO Living Environment Ontology 234
-LEPAO Lepidoptera Anatomy Ontology 822
-LHN Loggerhead Nesting Ontology 308
-LIBRARY wsm24
-LICO Liver Case Ontology (LiCO) 93
-LIFO Life Ontology 215
-LION LipidOntology 63567
-LIPRO Lipid Ontology 276
-LOINC Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes 292064
-LONGCOVID Long Covid Phenotype Ontology 9
-LPT Livestock Product Trait Ontology 504
-LSFO Lifestyle Factor Ontology 5598
-LUNGMAP-HUMAN Anatomic Ontology for Human Lung Maturation 304
-LUNGMAP-MOUSE Anatomic Ontology for Mouse Lung Maturation 308
-LUNGMAP_H_CELL Cell Ontology for Human Lung Maturation 80
-LUNGMAP_M_CELL Cell Ontology for Mouse Lung Maturation 92
-M May
-M4M-20-SUBJECTS M4M.20 FAIRWare Subjects 10
-M4M-20-VARIABLES M4M.20 FAIRWare Variables 10
-M4M-21-SUBJECTS M4M.21 FAIRWare Subjects 10
-M4M-21-VARIABLES M4M.21 FAIRWare Variables 10
-M4M19-SUBS M4M19 Subjects 2
-M4M19-VARS M4M19 Variables 2
-MA Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology 3257
-MACROALGAETRAITS Macroalgae Traits Thesaurus 2
-MADS-RDF Metadata Authority Description Schema in RDF 67
-MAMO Mathematical Modelling Ontology
-MAMO-SCR-ONTO Mammography Screening Ontology 11
-MARC-LANGUAGES MARC List for Languages
-MARC-RELATORS MARC Code List for Relators
-MAT Minimal Anatomical Terminology 2166
-MATERIALSMINE MaterialsMine Ontology 687
-MATR Material 28
-MATRCOMPOUND Material Compound 8
-MATRELEMENT Material Element 24
-MATRROCK Material Rock 22
-MATRROCKIGNEOUS Material Rock Igneouus 44
-MAXO Medical Action Ontology 7057
-MCBCC Breast Tissue Cell Lines Ontology 385
-MCCL Cell Line Ontology [by Mahadevan] 5475
-MCCV Microbial Culture Collection Vocabulary 23
-MCO Microbial Conditions Ontology 3384
-MCO4HKE Multiplex Classification Ontology for the HyperKvasir Experiment 19
-MCO4MCRE Multiplex Classification Ontology for the MultiCaRe Experiment 36
-MCRO Model Card Report Ontology 938
-MCR_TX MultiCaRe Taxonomy 163
-MDDB Master Drug Data Base Clinical Drugs 13817
-MDM Mapping of Drug Names and MeSH 2022 44789
-MEDDRA Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA) 81485
-MEDEON Medical Error Ontology 71
-MEDICALINFO mymedicalinformation 12
-MEDLINEPLUS MedlinePlus Health Topics 2265
-MEDO Mouse Experimental Design Ontology 83
-MEGO Mobile Genetic Element Ontology 375
-MELLO-D MEdical LifeLog Ontology for people with Disability
-MELO Melanoma Ontology 528
-MEO Metagenome and Microbes Environmental Ontology 2518
-MEPO Mapping of Epilepsy Ontologies 5687
-MERA Medical Educational Resource Aggregator 5
-MESH Medical Subject Headings 355057
-METABUS metaBUS controlled vocabulary for organizational and applied psychology research 5184
-MF Mental Functioning Ontology 401
-MFMO Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology 268
-MFO Medaka Fish Anatomy and Development Ontology 4358
-MFOEM Emotion Ontology 623
-MFOMD MFO Mental Disease Ontology 879
-MGBD MGB Drug List 10
-MHC Major Histocompatibility Complex Ontology 7929
-MHCRO MHC Restriction Ontology 51411
-MI Molecular Interactions 1619
-MIAPA MIAPA Ontology 232
-MIDO Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Ontology 51838
-MIM Molecular Interaction Map 88
-MINERAL Material Mineral 16
-MINI-FAST-1 mini fast test 2
-MIO Myocardial Infarction Ontology 3090
-MIRNAO MicroRNA Ontology 676
-MIRO Mosquito Insecticide Resistance 4409
-MIXS Minimal Information about any Sequence Ontology 1549
-MIXSCV Minimal Information about any Sequence (MIxS) Controlled Vocabularies 519
-MLTX Machine Learning Methodology Taxonomy Mapping 13
-ML_MCR_TX MultiCaRe Taxonomy (ML Labels) 81
-MM mm
-MMO Measurement Method Ontology 851
-MMUSDV Mouse Developmental Stages 113
-MNR Material Natural Resource 23
-MNV VODANA Migrants 2
-MO Microarray and Gene Expression Data Ontology 236
-MOC Material Organic Compound 27
-MODSCI Modern Science Ontology 264
-MOMCARE MomCareVocabulary 2
-MONDO Mondo Disease Ontology 30040
-MONO Monogenean Ontology 18
-MOOCCIADO Molgula occidentalis Anatomy and Development Ontology 856
-MOOCCUADO Molgula occulta Anatomy and Development Ontology 856
-MOOCULADO Molgula oculata Anatomy and Development Ontology 856
-MOP Molecular Process Ontology 3686
-MOSAIC The MOSAiC Ontology 242
-MP Mammalian Phenotype Ontology 15420
-MPATH Mouse Pathology Ontology 891
-MPIO Minimum PDDI Information Ontology 51
-MPO Microbial Phenotype Ontology 326
-MRO Defen
-MS Mass Spectrometry Ontology 3636
-MSO Multiple sclerosis ontology 1172
-MSR Mammography screening recommendation 16
-MSTDE Minimal Standard Terminology of Digestive Endoscopy 1826
-MSV Metagenome Sample Vocabulary 649
-MVAONT Mosquito Vector Association Ontology with Biocontrol Agents 175
-MWLA Medical Web Lifestyle Aggregator 32
-MY_SYRIANCINEMA MWS-WSM Syrian Cinema Ontology 7
-N-CDOH Non Clinical Determinants of Health 361
-NANDO Nanbyo Disease Ontology 2921
-NATPRO Natural Products Ontology 9465
-NBO Neuro Behavior Ontology 4548
-NCBITAXON National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Organismal Classification 736927
-NCCNEHR NCCN EHR Oncology Categories 14
-NCCO Nursing Care Coordination Ontology 400
-NCIT National Cancer Institute Thesaurus 184165
-NCRO Non-coding RNA Ontology 11883
-NDDF National Drug Data File 32611
-NDDO Neurodegenerative Disease Data Ontology 1731
-NDFRT National Drug File - Reference Terminology 36202
-NEIC-ONTO Unoffical NeIC Organisation Vocabulary 2
-NEICBEER The NeIC PaRI beer vocabulary 2
-NEIO Neural Electronic Interface Ontology 174
-NEMO Neural ElectroMagnetic Ontology 1847
-NEO Neurologic Examination Ontology 1610
-NEOMARK3 Neomark Oral Cancer Ontology, version 3 55
-NEOMARK4 Neomark Oral Cancer Ontology, version 4 325
-NERO Named Entity Recognition Ontology 63
-NEUDIGS Neuroscience Domain Insight Graph 23
-NEUMORE Neural Motor Recovery Ontology 33
-NEUROBRG NeuroBridge Ontology 667
-NGBO Next Generation Biobanking Ontology
-NGSONTO NGS ontology 59
-NHSQI2009 NHS Quality Indicators
-NIC Nursing Interventions Classification
-NIFCELL Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Cell Ontology 374
-NIFDYS Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Dysfunction Ontlogy 11256
-NIFSTD Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Standard Ontology 177974
-NIFSUBCELL Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Subcellular Ontology 412
-NIGO Neural-Immune Gene Ontology 4842
-NIHSS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Ontology 19
-NIO Neuropsychological Integrative Ontology 3303
-NIST_GEL NIST Genome Editing Lexicon 52
-NLMVS NIH NLM Value Sets 5
-NLN NLighten Ontology 411
-NMDCO NMDC Ontology 13683
-NMOBR NeuroMorpho.Org brain region ontologies 3883
-NMOSP NeuroMorpho.Org species ontology 1673
-NMR NMR-Controlled Vocabulary 788
-NND_CH NND_Clinical_history 114
-NND_ND NND_Neuropathological_Diagnosis 111
-NOMEN NOMEN - A nomenclatural ontology for biological names
-NONRCTO Non-Randomized Controlled Trials Ontology 156
-NPI Non-Pharmacological Interventions (NPIs) 45
-NPO NanoParticle Ontology 1904
-NPOKB Neuron Phenotype Ontology 6314
-NRO NeuralReprogrammingOntology 563
-O-REXTECH OSIRIS-REx Analytical Technique 5
-OA Web Annotation Ontology 25
-OAE Ontology of Adverse Events 10589
-OARCS Ontology of Arthropod Circulatory Systems 308
-OBA Ontology of Biological Attributes 72799
-OBCS Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics 1211
-OBI Ontology for Biomedical Investigations 4941
-OBIB Ontology for Biobanking 1804
-OBIWS Bioinformatics Web Service Ontology 228
-OBI_BCGO Beta Cell Genomics Ontology 2270
-OBI_IEE The Ontology for Biomedical Investigation based Inner Ear Electrophysiology 3507
-OBOE The Extensible Observation Ontology 292
-OBOE-SBC Santa Barbara Coastal Observation Ontology 631
-OBOREL Relations Ontology 58
-OBS OntoBioStat 57
-OCCO Occupation Ontology 1769
-OCD OCD ontology 2475
-OCDM Ontology of Craniofacial Development and Malformation 0
-OCE Ontology of Chemical Elements 249
-OCHV Ontology of Consumer Health Vocabulary 115645
-OCIMIDO Ocular Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases Ontology 661
-OCMR Ontology of Chinese Medicine for Rheumatism 3359
-OCO OpenCareOntology 196
-OCRE Ontology of Clinical Research 389
-OCVDAE Ontology of Cardiovascular Drug Adverse Events 2948
-ODAE Ontology of Drug Adverse Events 3672
-ODHT Digital Health Technologies 39
-ODNAE Ontology of Drug Neuropathy Adverse Events 1544
-OF OntoFood
-OFSMR Open Predictive Microbiology Ontology 159
-OGCO OriGinal Chemical Ontology 8776
-OGDI Ontology for Genetic Disease Investigations 386
-OGG Ontology of Genes and Genomes 69689
-OGG-MM Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Mouse 69433
-OGI Ontology for Genetic Interval 184
-OGMD Ontology of Glucose Metabolism Disorder 134
-OGMS Ontology for General Medical Science 187
-OGR Ontology of Geographical Region 39
-OGROUP Orthologous Group Ontology 4
-OGSF Ontology for Genetic Susceptibility Factor 389
-OHD The Oral Health and Disease Ontology 2910
-OHMI Ontology of Host-Microbe Interactions 1025
-OHPI Ontology of Host-Pathogen Interactions 11292
-OLAM Ontology of Laboratory Animal Medicine 280
-OLAS Ontology of Laboratory Animal Science 984
-OLATDV Medaka Developmental Stages 47
-OM Ontology of units of Measure 814
-OMDO OligoMetastatic Disease Ontology 15314
-OMIM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man 109070
-OMIT Ontology for MicroRNA Target 90916
-OMO OBO Metadata Ontology 34
-OMP Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes 2309
-OMRSE Ontology for Modeling and Representation of Social Entities 645
-OMV Ontology Metadata Vocabulary 16
-ONE Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology 3835
-ONL-DP Dataset processing 541
-ONL-MR-DA Magnetic Resonance Dataset Acquisition Ontology 702
-ONL-MSA Mental State Assessment 769
-ONL-TASKS Cognitive Reserves Assessment Tasks 47
-ONLIRA Ontology of Liver for Radiology 56
-ONS Ontology for Nutritional Studies 4735
-ONSTR Ontology for Newborn Screening Follow-up and Translational Research 1866
-ONTOAD Bilingual Ontology of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Diseases 5899
-ONTOAVIDA OntoAvida: ontology for Avida digital evolution platform 675
-ONTODM-ALGORITHM OntoDM-core/algorithms 377
-ONTODM-CORE Ontology of Core Data Mining Entities 1729
-ONTODM-KDD Ontology of Data Mining Investigations 264
-ONTODT Ontology of Datatypes 377
-ONTOKBCF Ontological Knowledge Base Model for Cystic Fibrosis 408
-ONTOLURGENCES Emergency care ontology 10031
-ONTOMA Ontology of Alternative Medicine, French 436
-ONTONEO Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology
-ONTOPARON Ontology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, all modules 2464
-ONTOPARON_SOCIAL Ontology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, social module 1282
-ONTOPBM Ontology for Process-Based Modeling of Dynamical Systems (OntoPBM) 178
-ONTOPNEUMO Ontology of Pneumology 1153
-ONTOPSYCHIA OntoPsychia, social module 1719
-ONTOSIM The Ontology of Information System on Mortality 11
-ONTOSINASC Ontology of Information System on Live Births 8
-ONTOTOX Chemotherapy Toxicities Ontology 16
-ONTOTOXNUC Ontology of Nuclear Toxicity 650
-ONTRISCAL Ontology of Risk Stratification in Mental Health 332
-OOEVV Ontology of Experimental Variables and Values 68
-OOSTT Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems 823
-OPB Ontology of Physics for Biology 858
-OPDE OPD-Ethiopia 2
-OPDRE OPD Regitry Ethiopia 0
-OPDRONT OPD Register Ontology 2
-OPDT opd_test 2
-OPE Ontology of Physical Exercises 634
-OPL Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle 561
-OPMI Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation 3153
-OPTIMAL OPTImAL: An ontology for patient adherence modeling in physical activity domain 142
-OPTION-ONTOLOGY Optimization Algorithm Benchmarking Ontology 347
-ORCS Ontology for Representing CDM Semantics 861
-ORDO Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology 15579
-OREX-SAM OSIRIS-REx sample type 5
-OREX-WG OSIRIS-REx sample analysis workgroups 5
-ORNASEQ Ontology of RNA Sequencing 164
-ORTH Orthology Ontology 34
-OTO Obesity Tracking Ontology
-OVAE Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events 1555
-OntoVIP Medical image simulation
-PACO Physical Activity Ontology 224
-PAE Plant Anatomy 1548
-PAINO Pain Ontology
-PANDA Probabilistic Knowledge Assembly Ontology 75
-PANET PaN Experimental technique 379
-PARTUMDO postpartum depression ontology 734
-PATAXO Technical Taxonomies for Patents 0
-PATCT Placental Cell Type 153
-PATEL Archana Patel 123
-PATGV Placental Genetic Variance 73
-PATHLEX Anatomic Pathology Lexicon 1786
-PATIT Placental Investigative Technique 139
-PATMHC Placental Maternal Health Conditions 228
-PATO Phenotypic Quality Ontology 8688
-PAV PAV Provenance, Authoring and Versioning 2
-PAYMENTMODE Payment Mode 2
-PAYOR Payor 2
-PBO Plant Breeding Ontology 2272
-PBPKO Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic ontology
-PCALION Prostate Cancer Lifestyle Ontology
-PCAO Prostate Cancer Ontology 633
-PCL Provisional Cell Ontology 197879
-PCMO Pediatric Consultation and Monitoring Ontology 20
-PCO Population and Community Ontology 221
-PDO Pathogenic Disease Ontology
-PDON Parkinson's Disease Ontology 632
-PDO_CAS Plant Diversity Ontology 380
-PDQ Physician Data Query
-PDRO The Prescription of Drugs Ontology 703043
-PDUMDV Platynereis Developmental Stages 21
-PE Pulmonary Embolism Ontology 97
-PE-O Pre-eclampsia Ontology 1251
-PEAO Plant Experimental Assay Ontology 2298
-PECO Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology 3135
-PEDTERM Pediatric Terminology 1771
-PEO Parasite Experiment Ontology 143
-PEO_ONTOLOGY Prompt Engineering Ontology 124
-PESONT Preposition_enabled Spatial Ontology 160
-PGHD-BP PGHD Auxillary - BP 2
-PHAGE Phylogenetics Ontology 51495
-PHARE Pharmacogenomic Relationships Ontology 229
-PHARMGKB PharmGKB Ontology
-PHENX PhenX Phenotypic Terms 533
-PHFUMIADO Phallusia fumigata Anatomy and Development Ontology 880
-PHIPO Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology 3978
-PHMAMMADO Phallusia mammillata Anatomy and Development Ontology 880
-PHY physiotherapy 5
-PHYLONT Phylogenetic Ontology 148
-PIERO Enzyme Reaction Ontology for annotating Partial Information of chemical transformation 36
-PINO Pregnancy Information Needs Ontology 267
-PLANA Planarian Anatomy and Developmental Stage Ontolgoy 876
-PLANP Planarian Phenotype Ontology 3562
-PLANTSO Plant Stress Ontology 3933
-PLIO Protein-ligand interaction ontology 376
-PLOSTHES PLOS Thesaurus 4
-PMA Portfolio Management Application 2084
-PMAPP-PMO PMO Precision Medicine Ontology 76155
-PMD Persian Medicine Diseases Ontology 529
-PMDO Parkinson and Movement Disorder Ontology 629
-PMO Performed Music Ontology 45
-PMO-SPEED PMO Playing Speed Vocabulary 2
-PMR Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1597
-PNADO Pneumonia Diagnosis Ontology
-PO Plant Ontology 2026
-POEM Psychometric Ontology of Experiences and Measures 1636
-PORO Porifera Ontology 896
-PP Pipeline Patterns Ontology 15
-PPLC Placental Pathology Lesion Classification
-PPO Plant Phenology Ontology 543
-PR Protein Ontology 360877
-PREGONTO Pregnancy Ontology 39
-PREMEDONTO Precision Medicine Ontology 543
-PREO Presence Ontology 276
-PROCCHEMICAL Chemical Process 53
-PROCO Process Chemistry Ontology 922
-PROJ Project ontology 46
-PROPREO Proteomics Data and Process Provenance Ontology 401
-PROVO Provenance Ontology 31
-PSDO Performance Summary Display Ontology 1123
-PSDS Plant Structure Development Stage 345
-PSIMOD Protein Modification Ontology 2098
-PSO PatientSafetyOntology 567
-PSO_2 PatientSafetyOntologyRevisted 291
-PTO Plant Trait Ontology 1691
-PTRANS Pathogen Transmission Ontology 35
-PTS Pathway Terminology System 6623
-PU PUPR Dataset
-PVONTO Pharmacovigilance Ontology 33
-PW Pathway Ontology 2700
-QUDT Quantities, Units, Dimensions, and Types Ontology 133
-QUDT2 Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types (QUDT) Schema - Version 2.0 114
-QUDT2-1 Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types (QUDT Version 2.1)
-RADLEX Radiology Lexicon 46840
-RADMO RADx Metadata Ontology
-RADXTT-MVREASONS RADx Tiger Team Missing Value Reasons 2
-RAO Rheumatoid Arthritis ontology 280
-RB RegenBase ontology 442
-RBO Radiation Biology Ontology 8799
-RCD Read Codes, Clinical Terms Version 3 (CTV3)
-RCTONT Randomized Controlled Trials Ontology 195
-RCTV2 Read Clinical Terminology Version 2 88854
-RDA-CONTENT RDA Content type 2
-RDA-ISSUANCE RDA Mode of Issuance 2
-RDFS The RDF Schema vocabulary 7
-RDL RDL 203
-RDO Reusable Biodiversity Ontology 362
-REPO Reproductive Trait and Phenotype Ontology 96
-REPOS repository 5
-RETO Regulation of Transcription Ontology 147738
-REX Physico-Chemical Process 552
-REXO Regulation of Gene Expression Ontolology 158239
-RGD RRB Group D
-RH-MESH Robert Hoehndorf Version of MeSH 305349
-RNAO RNA Ontology 692
-RNPRIO Research Network and Patient Registry Inventory Ontology 79
-RO Radiomics Ontology 458
-ROLEO Role Ontology 2125
-ROO Radiation Oncology Ontology 1307
-ROS Radiation Oncology Structures Ontology 416
-RPO Resource of Asian Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (RAPID) Phenotype Ontology 1545
-RS Rat Strain Ontology 5363
-RSA Reference Sequence Annotation 10
-RVO Research Variable Ontology 12
-RXNO Name Reaction Ontology 1074
-SALMON Salmon Ontology 1121
-SAO Subcellular Anatomy Ontology 764
-SARSMUTONTO Ontology for SARS-CoV-2 lineages and mutations 2388
-SASAP The State of Alaska's Salmon and People Ontology 30
-SATO SATO (IDEAS expAnded wiTh BCIO): workflow for designers of patient-centered mobile health behaviour change intervention applications 1264
-SBO Systems Biology Ontology 695
-SBOL Synthetic Biology Open Language Visual Ontology 41
-SCDO Sickle Cell Disease Ontology 2072
-SCHEMA Schema.org core and all extension vocabularies 822
-SCIO Spinal Cord Injury Ontology 320
-SCO Study Cohort Ontology 2712
-SCO_F23 Syrian Cinema Ontology - ahmad - F23
-SCO_V1 Sustainability Core Ontology 80
-SD3 Simulation Delivery and Documentation Deviations 57
-SDO Sleep Domain Ontology 1382
-SDOED Social Determinants of Education Ontology 231
-SDOHO social determinants of health ontology-TaoLab 385
-SEDI Semantic DICOM Ontology 1423
-SENSO Sensitive Data Ontology 4
-SEP Sample Processing and Separation Techniques Ontology 223
-SEPIO Scientific Evidence and Provenance Information Ontology 127
-SEPON Sepsis Ontology 1908
-SHR Student Health Record Ontology 295
-SIBO Social Insect Behavior Ontology 525
-SIMM In Silico Methodologies Ontology for MAATrica metric 304
-SIMON Simple Measurement Ontology
-SIO Semanticscience Integrated Ontology 1584
-SITBAC Situation-Based Access Control Ontology 178
-SK Digital Forensic 38
-SLEEP SLEEP ontology
-SLSO Space Life Sciences Ontology 2397
-SMO Syrian Movies Ontology
-SNMI Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine, International Version 109150
-SNPO Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Ontology 90
-SO Sequence Types and Features Ontology 2736
-SOCPRES Social Prescribing Ontology 54
-SOHO Social Determinants of Health Ontology 172
-SOIL-PROF Soil Profile classifiers
-SOPHARM Suggested Ontology for Pharmacogenomics 117
-SOS emergência
-SOY Soy Ontology 1835
-SP SMART Protocols 507
-SPD Spider Anatomy Ontology 832
-SPO Skin Physiology Ontology 339
-SPTO Solanaceae Phenotype Ontology 501
-SP_ONTOLOGY SmartPITeS Proyect Ontology for Complex Chronic Patients 334
-SSE Surgical Secondary Events 244
-SSN Semantic Sensor Network Ontology 23
-SSO Syndromic Surveillance Ontology 176
-STATO Statistics Ontology 1004
-STMSO symptomatic treatment of multiple sclerosis ontology 626
-STO-DRAFT The Stroke Ontology 1712
-STRONG STress ONtoloGy 155
-STY Semantic Types Ontology 127
-SUGARBIND SugarBind 13
-SURGICAL Nurse Surgical 51
-SVU_MWS_WSM Syrian Cinema Ontology 7
-SVU_MWS_WSM_F23 MWS-WSM-F23 Syrian Cinema Ontology 7
-SWEET Semantic Web for Earth and Environment Technology Ontology 10239
-SWO Software Ontology 1971
-SYMP Symptom Ontology 1019
-SYRIAN-CINEMA Syrian Cinema
-SYRIANDRUGS Syrian Drugs and medicines 3
-T4FS terms4FAIRskills 564
-TADS Tick Gross Anatomy Ontology 628
-TAO Teleost Anatomy Ontology 3428
-TAON Therapeutic Antibody Ontology
-TAXRANK Taxonomic Rank Vocabulary 74
-TCDO Traditional Chinese Drug Ontology
-TCO Thyroid Cancer Ontology 578
-TDWGSPEC TDWG Specimen LSID Ontology 9
-TEDDY Terminology for the Description of Dynamics 167
-TEMPO TempO 1
-TEO Time Event Ontology 965
-TEPHRAM4MEXAMPLE Tephra M4M Example 2
-TEST-M4M20-PAV test-m4m20-subjects-pav 2
-TESTEX test1 102
-TEST_CBI test_cbi 4
-TGMA Mosquito Gross Anatomy Ontology 1864
-THESISDEMO thesisdemo 12
-THREE-ST 3-Step Theory of suicide 48
-TIME OWL-Time 21
-TIMEBANK Timebank Ontology 133
-TM-CONST Traditional Medicine Constitution Value Set 20
-TM-MER Traditional Medicine Meridian Value Sets 20
-TM-OTHER-FACTORS Traditional Medicine Other Factors Value Set 12
-TM-SIGNS-AND-SYMPTS Traditional Medicine Signs and Symptoms Value Set 325
-TMA Tissue Microarray Ontology 7
-TML trasformative machine learning metadata 12
-TMO Translational Medicine Ontology 225
-TOK Terminological and Ontological Knowledge Resources Ontology 193
-TOP-MENELAS Menelas Project Top-Level Ontology 458
-TP4 Oualid
-TP_REL_FAM Relation familiales 8
-TRAK Taxonomy for Rehabilitation of Knee Conditions 1619
-TRANS Nurse Transitional 46
-TRIAGE Nurse triage 32
-TRON Tribolium Ontology 965
-TST7 FIELDLAB3_2023 2
-TTO Teleost Taxonomy Ontology 38705
-TXPO Toxic Process Ontology 9407
-TYPON Microbial Typing Ontology 44
-UBERON Uber Anatomy Ontology 26853
-UGANDA_DISEASES Uganda_diseases 2
-UHC-METADATA UHC Metadata 103
-UMMS FirstOntologyForUMMS 28
-UNITSONT Units Ontology 64
-UO Units of Measurement Ontology 572
-UPA Unipathway 4673
-UPHENO Combined Phenotype Ontology 191559
-VANDF Veterans Health Administration National Drug File 31038
-VARIO Variation Ontology 495
-VBO Vertebrate Breed Ontology 19577
-VDOT Viral Disease Ontology Trunk 519
-VEO Visualized Emotion Ontology 730
-VFB_DRIVERS vfb_drivers 20832
-VHOG Vertebrate Homologous Organ Group Ontology 1185
-VICO Vaccination Informed Consent Ontology 710
-VIDO Virus Infectious Disease Ontology 432
-VIMM In Vitro Methodologies Ontology for MAATrica metric 260
-VIO Vaccine Investigation Ontology 80
-VIVO VIVO Ontology for Researcher Discovery 418
-VIVO-ISF VIVO-Integrated Semantic Framework 414
-VO Vaccine Ontology 14459
-VRD Vaccineresearchdata 13
-VSAO Vertebrate Skeletal Anatomy Ontology 314
-VSO Vital Sign Ontology 159
-VT Vertebrate Trait Ontology 3920
-VTO Vertebrate Taxonomy Ontology 107254
-VVMM In Vivo Methodologies Ontology for MAATrica metric 125
-WB-BT C. elegans Gross Anatomy Vocabulary 7612
-WB-LS C. elegans Development Vocabulary 752
-WB-PHENOTYPE C. elegans Phenotype Vocabulary 2712
-WC Whole-cell modeling ontology 272
-WEAR WEAR: Wind Energy mAteRials Taxonomy 2
-WEAVE WEAVE: Wind Energy ActiVitiEs 2
-WETAXTOPICS NEAT: wiNd Energy tAxonomy of Topics 2
-WHO-ART World Health Organization (WHO) Adverse Reaction Terminology 1851
-WIKIPATHWAYS WikiPathways 33
-WSIO Web-Service Interaction Ontology 31
-WWECA Women with Epilepsy of Child-bearing Age Ontology 691
-XAO Xenopus Anatomy Ontology 1846
-XCO Experimental Conditions Ontology 1552
-XEO XEML Environment Ontology 145
-XLMOD mass spectrometry cross-linking and derivatization reagents
-XPO Xenopus Phenotype Ontology 29416
-XREF-FUNDER-REG CrossRef Funder Registry 5
-ZEA Maize Gross Anatomy Ontology 179
-ZECO Zebrafish Experimental Conditions Ontology 161
-ZFA Zebrafish Anatomy and Development Ontology 3285
-ZFS Zebrafish Developmental Stages 54
-ZONMW-ADMIN-MD ZonMW Administrative Metadata Vocabulary 2
-ZONMW-GENERIC ZonMw Generic Terms 2
-ZP Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology 63811
-pseudo Pseudogene 23
-suicideo suicideonto 311
diff --git a/notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/generate_voting_sheet.ipynb b/notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/generate_voting_sheet.ipynb
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--- a/notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/generate_voting_sheet.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/generate_voting_sheet.ipynb
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
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"cell_type": "code",
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
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+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:17.799041Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
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"cell_type": "code",
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
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+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:17.971635Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.031092Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.028490Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:57.508159Z"
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"cell_type": "code",
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@
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+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.119072Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@
"metadata": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:57.769660Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.168193Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.164573Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@
"id": "d526be618b8b9129",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:57.860202Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:57.856367Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.213251Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.210670Z"
"source": [
@@ -276,8 +276,8 @@
"id": "11c0cba800e33ac6",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:57.980861Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.261114Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.257876Z"
"source": [
@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.098414Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.094459Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.307605Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.304513Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -304,8 +304,8 @@
"id": "7795121f47307a00",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.195577Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.191415Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.354699Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.351213Z"
"source": [
@@ -320,12 +320,12 @@
"id": "f1b99451d88ce356",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.284496Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.280750Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.402025Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.398619Z"
"source": [
- "ncbi_duckdb_url = 'https://portal.nersc.gov/project/m3408/biosamples_duckdb/ncbi_biosamples_2024-09-23.duckdb.gz'\n",
+ "ncbi_duckdb_url = 'https://portal.nersc.gov/project/m3408/biosamples_duckdb/old/ncbi_biosamples_2024-09-23.duckdb.gz'\n",
"# ncbi_duckdb_url = 'https://portal.nersc.gov/project/m3408/biosamples_duckdb/ncbi_biosamples.duckdb.gz'"
"outputs": [],
@@ -336,8 +336,8 @@
"id": "51e5d41b02b19eec",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.379629Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.375350Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.448710Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.445950Z"
"source": [
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@
"id": "e1d9f705fad2efa9",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.466920Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:22:58.463802Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.494434Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.491532Z"
"source": "goldterms_semsql_url = \"https://s3.amazonaws.com/bbop-sqlite/goldterms.db.gz\"",
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@
"metadata": {
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@@ -429,8 +429,8 @@
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@@ -503,8 +503,8 @@
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@@ -516,8 +516,8 @@
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@@ -559,8 +559,8 @@
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@@ -628,8 +628,8 @@
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:43:18.969235Z",
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@@ -699,8 +699,8 @@
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@@ -741,8 +741,8 @@
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@@ -766,8 +766,8 @@
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@@ -779,29 +779,14 @@
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:45:59.066816Z",
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"cell_type": "code",
"source": "po_adapter = get_adapter(po_adapter_string)",
"id": "44294b3150c3053a",
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- "text/plain": [
- "Downloading po.db.gz: 0.00B [00:00, ?B/s]"
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- },
- "metadata": {},
- "output_type": "display_data"
- }
- ],
+ "outputs": [],
"execution_count": 32
@@ -813,8 +798,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:25:36.748494Z"
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@@ -918,8 +903,8 @@
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:23.803994Z",
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"source": [
@@ -937,8 +922,8 @@
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"metadata": {
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:23.868597Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:23.864807Z"
"source": [
@@ -952,8 +937,8 @@
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:23.985273Z",
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"source": [
@@ -967,8 +952,8 @@
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:24.125524Z",
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"metadata": {
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@@ -1155,8 +1140,8 @@
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:31.722875Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1170,8 +1155,8 @@
"id": "5a9492fa605534f2",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:29:21.081888Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:39.639269Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:39.636336Z"
"source": [
@@ -1185,8 +1170,8 @@
"id": "214c2e6c9a7089a8",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:39.696785Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1200,8 +1185,8 @@
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:49:43.761639Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1327,8 +1312,8 @@
"id": "656e23e9eab154b0",
"metadata": {
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:31.665921Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1387,8 +1372,8 @@
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:40.018349Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:51.563015Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:35.644580Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -1439,7 +1424,39 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "Loading nmdc_biosample_asserted_normalized_and_inferred_env_package.tsv into nmdc_biosample_contexts_frame...\n"
+ "nmdc_biosample_asserted_normalized_and_inferred_env_package.tsv not found. Predicting from asserted records and mam-env-package-overrides.tsv...\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Value counts for normalized_env_package column:\n",
+ "normalized_env_package\n",
+ "None 5673\n",
+ "soil 1707\n",
+ " 666\n",
+ "plant-associated 401\n",
+ "water 192\n",
+ "sediment 165\n",
+ "miscellaneous natural or artificial environment 140\n",
+ "host-associated 61\n",
+ "hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs 23\n",
+ "Name: count, dtype: int64\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "(9028, 14)\n",
+ " precision recall f1-score support\n",
+ "\n",
+ " host-associated 1.00 1.00 1.00 28\n",
+ " hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs 1.00 0.86 0.92 7\n",
+ "miscellaneous natural or artificial environment 1.00 1.00 1.00 51\n",
+ " plant-associated 1.00 1.00 1.00 106\n",
+ " sediment 1.00 1.00 1.00 46\n",
+ " soil 1.00 1.00 1.00 518\n",
+ " water 0.98 1.00 0.99 51\n",
+ "\n",
+ " accuracy 1.00 807\n",
+ " macro avg 1.00 0.98 0.99 807\n",
+ " weighted avg 1.00 1.00 1.00 807\n",
+ "\n",
+ "env_package predictions saved to nmdc_biosample_asserted_normalized_and_inferred_env_package.tsv\n"
@@ -1448,8 +1465,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:45.034086Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:45.018098Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:55.626749Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:55.619014Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -1460,9 +1477,9 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
- "soil 5916\n",
- "water 1603\n",
- "plant-associated 476\n",
+ "soil 6304\n",
+ "water 1637\n",
+ "plant-associated 512\n",
"sediment 165\n",
"host-associated 156\n",
"miscellaneous natural or artificial environment 140\n",
@@ -1500,8 +1517,8 @@
"id": "d5c6aa902c7187e0",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:50.209768Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:50.205263Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:59.561399Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:59.557729Z"
"source": [
@@ -1511,7 +1528,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
- "(8570, 15)"
+ "(9028, 15)"
"execution_count": 48,
@@ -1526,8 +1543,8 @@
"id": "2b241bcacf4bb100",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:50.275283Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:50.268818Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:59.601895Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:59.595985Z"
"source": [
@@ -1542,8 +1559,8 @@
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"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:50.333732Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:50.328990Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:59.638427Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:59.634705Z"
"source": [
@@ -1553,7 +1570,7 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
- "(476, 15)"
+ "(512, 15)"
"execution_count": 50,
@@ -1584,8 +1601,8 @@
"id": "3be362b73dbda47a",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:59.057588Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:30:55.534550Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:02.106938Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:50:59.698406Z"
"source": "ncbi_frame = ncbi_conn.execute(ncbi_X_per_annotation_query).fetchdf()\n",
@@ -1598,7 +1615,7 @@
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"metadata": {},
@@ -1612,8 +1629,8 @@
"id": "306ee79ce77f745e",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:31:04.369223Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:02.138903Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1627,8 +1644,8 @@
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"metadata": {
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:06.201583Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:06.199249Z"
"source": [
@@ -1653,8 +1670,8 @@
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"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:10.229306Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:10.224118Z"
"source": [
@@ -1666,8 +1683,8 @@
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:31:20.535255Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:14.086076Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:14.081121Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -1684,8 +1701,8 @@
"id": "f8c2e13cee8818cb",
"metadata": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:31:25.585048Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:18.103549Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:18.099248Z"
"source": [
@@ -1699,8 +1716,8 @@
"id": "edeaac7b5ce53cd5",
"metadata": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:31:30.612749Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:22.092411Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1725,8 +1742,8 @@
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"metadata": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:31:35.937231Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:25.961502Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:25.946556Z"
"source": [
@@ -1740,8 +1757,8 @@
"id": "bc8b89960c12f6e6",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:31:41.679626Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:31:41.675393Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:33.664365Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1775,8 +1792,8 @@
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"metadata": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:31:46.775501Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:33.688251Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:33.670124Z"
"source": [
@@ -1790,8 +1807,8 @@
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"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:31:51.801644Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:37.510876Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1805,8 +1822,8 @@
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"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:02.552602Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:41.567748Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1820,8 +1837,8 @@
"0 4759\n",
"1 531\n",
"3 15\n",
- "2 1\n",
"7 1\n",
+ "2 1\n",
"Name: count, dtype: int64"
@@ -1860,8 +1877,8 @@
"id": "7b256380eceaceaa",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:03.237125Z",
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:46.135706Z",
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"source": [
@@ -1875,8 +1892,8 @@
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"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:03.283595Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:03.278954Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:46.173114Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:46.169308Z"
"source": [
@@ -1900,8 +1917,8 @@
"id": "a9316f11da9ee0c8",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:03.316587Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:03.299256Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:46.197830Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:46.181082Z"
"source": [
@@ -1912,22 +1929,22 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" serial_number content count \\\n",
- "505 496 ENVO:00000316 2 \n",
- "2796 2728 Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] 1 \n",
- "4449 4340 Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] 1 \n",
- "5106 4992 ENVO 1 \n",
+ "541 524 ENVO:00000316 2 \n",
+ "2121 2068 ENVO 1 \n",
+ "3446 3358 Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] 1 \n",
+ "4491 4387 Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] 1 \n",
" content_list content_count envo_count \\\n",
- "505 ENVO:00000316 1 1 \n",
- "2796 Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] 1 1 \n",
- "4449 Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] 1 1 \n",
- "5106 ENVO 1 1 \n",
+ "541 ENVO:00000316 1 1 \n",
+ "2121 ENVO 1 1 \n",
+ "3446 Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] 1 1 \n",
+ "4491 Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] 1 1 \n",
" extracted_label extracted_curie \n",
- "505 ENVO:00000316 None \n",
- "2796 Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] None \n",
- "4449 Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] None \n",
- "5106 ENVO None "
+ "541 ENVO:00000316 None \n",
+ "2121 ENVO None \n",
+ "3446 Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] None \n",
+ "4491 Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] None "
"text/html": [
@@ -1960,8 +1977,8 @@
" \n",
" \n",
- " 505 | \n",
- " 496 | \n",
+ " 541 | \n",
+ " 524 | \n",
" ENVO:00000316 | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" ENVO:00000316 | \n",
@@ -1971,36 +1988,36 @@
" None | \n",
" \n",
- " 2796 | \n",
- " 2728 | \n",
- " Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] | \n",
+ " 2121 | \n",
+ " 2068 | \n",
+ " ENVO | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] | \n",
+ " ENVO | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] | \n",
+ " ENVO | \n",
" None | \n",
" \n",
- " 4449 | \n",
- " 4340 | \n",
- " Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] | \n",
+ " 3446 | \n",
+ " 3358 | \n",
+ " Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] | \n",
+ " Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] | \n",
+ " Tropical woodland biome [ENVO01000220] | \n",
" None | \n",
" \n",
- " 5106 | \n",
- " 4992 | \n",
- " ENVO | \n",
+ " 4491 | \n",
+ " 4387 | \n",
+ " Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " ENVO | \n",
+ " Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " ENVO | \n",
+ " Tropical shrubland biome [ENVO01000214] | \n",
" None | \n",
" \n",
@@ -2026,8 +2043,8 @@
"id": "9bdebd91856ff679",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:09.834412Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:08.457521Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:51.193908Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:50.107625Z"
"source": "ncbi_frame['real_label'] = ncbi_frame['extracted_curie'].apply(po_adapter.label)",
@@ -2048,8 +2065,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:09.887293Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:09.884228Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:51.228407Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:51.225853Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -2082,8 +2099,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:09.927229Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:09.924072Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:51.271724Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:51.268683Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -2097,8 +2114,8 @@
"id": "d06d899567db022e",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:44.503903Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:15.027750Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:19.247323Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:51:51.375064Z"
"source": [
@@ -2113,39 +2130,7 @@
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:00000112,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=
,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:00001996,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01000225,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01000227,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001495,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001621,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001626,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001627,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001628,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001644,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
"ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001644,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=None,value=Carbonate which is formed as the result of some biological process.,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: Carbonate which is formed as the result of some biological process. is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001645,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001646,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001647,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001649,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001650,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001651,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001652,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001685,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001692,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001743,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001799,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001801,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001823,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001878,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001879,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001880,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:01001881,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:02000093,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:02000094,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:03501363,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:06105112,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
- "ERROR:root:Skipping statements(subject=ENVO:06105112,predicate=oio:hasDbXref,object=,value=None,datatype=None,language=None,); ValueError: is not a valid URI or CURIE\n",
"WARNING:root:Skipping as it is not a valid CURIE\n",
"WARNING:root:Skipping as it is not a valid CURIE\n",
"WARNING:root:Skipping as it is not a valid CURIE\n",
@@ -2170,8 +2155,8 @@
"id": "2d0d090813223db3",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:51.884149Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:49.647558Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:21.358218Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:19.293467Z"
"source": "ncbi_frame['longest_annotation_label'] = ncbi_frame['longest_annotation_curie'].apply(aggregated_text_annotator_interface.label)",
@@ -2183,8 +2168,8 @@
"id": "940cd4e688adb239",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:57.781550Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:32:57.769201Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:25.337752Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:25.327698Z"
"source": [
@@ -2194,44 +2179,44 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
- " serial_number content count content_list content_count \\\n",
- "0 1 not applicable 262 not applicable 1 \n",
- "1 2 missing 199 missing 1 \n",
- "2 3 not collected 127 not collected 1 \n",
- "3 4 Orchard 87 Orchard 1 \n",
- "4 5 NA 79 NA 1 \n",
- "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
- "5302 5186 FOODON:00001327 1 FOODON:00001327 1 \n",
- "5303 5187 FOODON:00001367 1 FOODON:00001367 1 \n",
- "5304 5188 FOODON:00001368 1 FOODON:00001368 1 \n",
- "5305 5189 Abandoned fields 1 Abandoned fields 1 \n",
- "5306 5190 marine 1 marine 1 \n",
+ " serial_number content count content_list \\\n",
+ "0 1 not applicable 262 not applicable \n",
+ "1 2 missing 199 missing \n",
+ "2 3 not collected 127 not collected \n",
+ "3 4 Orchard 87 Orchard \n",
+ "4 5 NA 79 NA \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "5302 5186 Pinus densiflora 1 Pinus densiflora \n",
+ "5303 5187 Citrate;3-day;Gen 1;E3 1 Citrate;3-day;Gen 1;E3 \n",
+ "5304 5188 Malate;3-day;Gen 9;T2 1 Malate;3-day;Gen 9;T2 \n",
+ "5305 5189 Glucose;7-day;Gen 1;T1 1 Glucose;7-day;Gen 1;T1 \n",
+ "5306 5190 Glucose;7-day;Gen 6;E4 1 Glucose;7-day;Gen 6;E4 \n",
- " envo_count extracted_label extracted_curie real_label \\\n",
- "0 0 not applicable None None \n",
- "1 0 missing None None \n",
- "2 0 not collected None None \n",
- "3 0 Orchard None None \n",
- "4 0 NA None None \n",
- "... ... ... ... ... \n",
- "5302 0 FOODON 00001327 None None \n",
- "5303 0 FOODON 00001367 None None \n",
- "5304 0 FOODON 00001368 None None \n",
- "5305 0 Abandoned fields None None \n",
- "5306 0 marine None None \n",
+ " content_count envo_count extracted_label extracted_curie \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 not applicable None \n",
+ "1 1 0 missing None \n",
+ "2 1 0 not collected None \n",
+ "3 1 0 Orchard None \n",
+ "4 1 0 NA None \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "5302 1 0 Pinus densiflora None \n",
+ "5303 1 0 Citrate;3-day;Gen 1;E3 None \n",
+ "5304 1 0 Malate;3-day;Gen 9;T2 None \n",
+ "5305 1 0 Glucose;7-day;Gen 1;T1 None \n",
+ "5306 1 0 Glucose;7-day;Gen 6;E4 None \n",
- " longest_annotation_curie longest_annotation_label \n",
- "0 None None \n",
- "1 None None \n",
- "2 None None \n",
- "3 ENVO:00000115 orchard \n",
- "4 None None \n",
- "... ... ... \n",
- "5302 CHEBI:33290 food \n",
- "5303 CHEBI:33290 food \n",
- "5304 CHEBI:33290 food \n",
- "5305 ENVO:01000352 field \n",
- "5306 None None \n",
+ " real_label longest_annotation_curie longest_annotation_label \n",
+ "0 None None None \n",
+ "1 None None None \n",
+ "2 None None None \n",
+ "3 None ENVO:00000115 orchard \n",
+ "4 None None None \n",
+ "... ... ... ... \n",
+ "5302 None None None \n",
+ "5303 None None None \n",
+ "5304 None None None \n",
+ "5305 None None None \n",
+ "5306 None None None \n",
"[5307 rows x 11 columns]"
@@ -2355,68 +2340,68 @@
" \n",
" 5302 | \n",
" 5186 | \n",
- " FOODON:00001327 | \n",
+ " Pinus densiflora | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " FOODON:00001327 | \n",
+ " Pinus densiflora | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " FOODON 00001327 | \n",
+ " Pinus densiflora | \n",
+ " None | \n",
+ " None | \n",
" None | \n",
" None | \n",
- " CHEBI:33290 | \n",
- " food | \n",
" \n",
" 5303 | \n",
" 5187 | \n",
- " FOODON:00001367 | \n",
+ " Citrate;3-day;Gen 1;E3 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " FOODON:00001367 | \n",
+ " Citrate;3-day;Gen 1;E3 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " FOODON 00001367 | \n",
+ " Citrate;3-day;Gen 1;E3 | \n",
+ " None | \n",
+ " None | \n",
" None | \n",
" None | \n",
- " CHEBI:33290 | \n",
- " food | \n",
" \n",
" 5304 | \n",
" 5188 | \n",
- " FOODON:00001368 | \n",
+ " Malate;3-day;Gen 9;T2 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " FOODON:00001368 | \n",
+ " Malate;3-day;Gen 9;T2 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " FOODON 00001368 | \n",
+ " Malate;3-day;Gen 9;T2 | \n",
+ " None | \n",
+ " None | \n",
" None | \n",
" None | \n",
- " CHEBI:33290 | \n",
- " food | \n",
" \n",
" 5305 | \n",
" 5189 | \n",
- " Abandoned fields | \n",
+ " Glucose;7-day;Gen 1;T1 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " Abandoned fields | \n",
+ " Glucose;7-day;Gen 1;T1 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " Abandoned fields | \n",
+ " Glucose;7-day;Gen 1;T1 | \n",
+ " None | \n",
+ " None | \n",
" None | \n",
" None | \n",
- " ENVO:01000352 | \n",
- " field | \n",
" \n",
" 5306 | \n",
" 5190 | \n",
- " marine | \n",
+ " Glucose;7-day;Gen 6;E4 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " marine | \n",
+ " Glucose;7-day;Gen 6;E4 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " marine | \n",
+ " Glucose;7-day;Gen 6;E4 | \n",
" None | \n",
" None | \n",
" None | \n",
@@ -2455,8 +2440,8 @@
"id": "951ca41984b81e7d",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.251573Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.182714Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.427524Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.371692Z"
"source": [
@@ -2480,8 +2465,8 @@
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"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.319636Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.313849Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.513509Z",
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"source": [
@@ -2510,8 +2495,8 @@
"id": "e6a8c0273f36e906",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.838195Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.833108Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.580254Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.576741Z"
"source": [
@@ -2525,8 +2510,8 @@
"id": "334e7c646337a914",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.896389Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.892161Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.652563Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.648955Z"
"source": [
@@ -2540,8 +2525,8 @@
"id": "874149830df3dd8a",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.964569Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:03.960195Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.728280Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.724235Z"
"source": [
@@ -2555,8 +2540,8 @@
"id": "cdfc0bda39f3ad6d",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:09.436196Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:09.431074Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.819823Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:29.814344Z"
"source": [
@@ -2571,8 +2556,8 @@
"id": "de6fcee63f6677d",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:14.967610Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:14.954489Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:33.831685Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:33.828496Z"
"source": [
@@ -2585,8 +2570,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:26.858367Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:26.848640Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:37.907783Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:37.899524Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -2597,30 +2582,30 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" extracted_curie longest_annotation_curie extracted_prefix \\\n",
- "166 ENVO:0025034 PO:0025034 ENVO \n",
- "174 ENVO:01000245 ENVO:01000635 ENVO \n",
- "212 ENVO:01001433 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "219 ENVO:0003095 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
- "229 ENVO:0003082 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
+ "147 ENVO:01000245 ENVO:01000635 ENVO \n",
+ "150 ENVO:0025034 PO:0025034 ENVO \n",
+ "228 ENVO:0003088 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
+ "230 ENVO:0003084 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
+ "249 ENVO:0003081 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
"... ... ... ... \n",
- "4736 ENVO:01001447 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "4737 ENVO:01001449 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "4891 ENVO:01001461 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "5092 ENVO:01001444 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "5284 ENVO:01001454 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
+ "4881 ENVO:01000311 ENVO:01000999 ENVO \n",
+ "4894 ENVO:01001438 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
+ "4948 ENVO:02500039 ENVO:02500038 ENVO \n",
+ "4957 ENVO:0006016 PO:0025034 ENVO \n",
+ "5279 ENVO:00002040 ENVO:00000109 ENVO \n",
" extracted_local_id extracted_local_id_int \n",
- "166 0025034 25034 \n",
- "174 01000245 1000245 \n",
- "212 01001433 1001433 \n",
- "219 0003095 3095 \n",
- "229 0003082 3082 \n",
+ "147 01000245 1000245 \n",
+ "150 0025034 25034 \n",
+ "228 0003088 3088 \n",
+ "230 0003084 3084 \n",
+ "249 0003081 3081 \n",
"... ... ... \n",
- "4736 01001447 1001447 \n",
- "4737 01001449 1001449 \n",
- "4891 01001461 1001461 \n",
- "5092 01001444 1001444 \n",
- "5284 01001454 1001454 \n",
+ "4881 01000311 1000311 \n",
+ "4894 01001438 1001438 \n",
+ "4948 02500039 2500039 \n",
+ "4957 0006016 6016 \n",
+ "5279 00002040 2040 \n",
"[88 rows x 5 columns]"
@@ -2652,15 +2637,7 @@
" \n",
" \n",
- " 166 | \n",
- " ENVO:0025034 | \n",
- " PO:0025034 | \n",
- " ENVO | \n",
- " 0025034 | \n",
- " 25034 | \n",
- "
- " \n",
- " 174 | \n",
+ " 147 | \n",
" ENVO:01000245 | \n",
" ENVO:01000635 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
@@ -2668,28 +2645,36 @@
" 1000245 | \n",
" \n",
- " 212 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001433 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " 150 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0025034 | \n",
+ " PO:0025034 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001433 | \n",
- " 1001433 | \n",
+ " 0025034 | \n",
+ " 25034 | \n",
" \n",
- " 219 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003095 | \n",
+ " 228 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003088 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 0003095 | \n",
- " 3095 | \n",
+ " 0003088 | \n",
+ " 3088 | \n",
" \n",
- " 229 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003082 | \n",
+ " 230 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003084 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 0003082 | \n",
- " 3082 | \n",
+ " 0003084 | \n",
+ " 3084 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 249 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003081 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
+ " ENVO | \n",
+ " 0003081 | \n",
+ " 3081 | \n",
" \n",
" ... | \n",
@@ -2700,44 +2685,44 @@
" ... | \n",
" \n",
- " 4736 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001447 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " 4881 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000311 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000999 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001447 | \n",
- " 1001447 | \n",
+ " 01000311 | \n",
+ " 1000311 | \n",
" \n",
- " 4737 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001449 | \n",
+ " 4894 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001438 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001449 | \n",
- " 1001449 | \n",
+ " 01001438 | \n",
+ " 1001438 | \n",
" \n",
- " 4891 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001461 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " 4948 | \n",
+ " ENVO:02500039 | \n",
+ " ENVO:02500038 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001461 | \n",
- " 1001461 | \n",
+ " 02500039 | \n",
+ " 2500039 | \n",
" \n",
- " 5092 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001444 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " 4957 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0006016 | \n",
+ " PO:0025034 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001444 | \n",
- " 1001444 | \n",
+ " 0006016 | \n",
+ " 6016 | \n",
" \n",
- " 5284 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001454 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " 5279 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00002040 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00000109 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001454 | \n",
- " 1001454 | \n",
+ " 00002040 | \n",
+ " 2040 | \n",
" \n",
@@ -2757,8 +2742,8 @@
"id": "fae831b04ed985ef",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:26.951321Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:26.947081Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:42.048165Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:42.044251Z"
"source": [
@@ -2773,8 +2758,8 @@
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"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:27.005772Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:26.990667Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:42.070312Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:42.054233Z"
"source": [
@@ -2789,8 +2774,8 @@
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"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:27.118629Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:27.115371Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:42.149309Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:42.146543Z"
"source": [
@@ -2821,8 +2806,8 @@
"id": "367abafc0ae13a6d",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:27.222006Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:27.212318Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:42.240517Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:42.233336Z"
"source": [
@@ -3205,8 +3190,8 @@
"id": "8ee27ecc0697a5f5",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:32.552315Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:32.545416Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:46.254563Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:46.240646Z"
"source": [
@@ -3226,8 +3211,8 @@
"id": "59e278981b799f14",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:32.618558Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:32.610411Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:46.348806Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:46.342038Z"
"source": [
@@ -3247,8 +3232,8 @@
"id": "cee6e3ff1e1ca0d3",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:32.708078Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:32.698617Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:46.455546Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:46.448994Z"
"source": [
@@ -3314,8 +3299,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:38.414738Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:38.411610Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.474951Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.472683Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -3327,8 +3312,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:38.480588Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:38.477091Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.487770Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.483982Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -3340,8 +3325,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:38.553143Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:38.542639Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.870618Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.863432Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -3409,8 +3394,8 @@
"id": "f47a58a1945943b8",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:44.905043Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:44.899797Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.917484Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.913235Z"
"source": [
@@ -3428,8 +3413,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:44.982198Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:44.967627Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.964445Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:50.952513Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -3440,43 +3425,43 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" extracted_curie longest_annotation_curie extracted_prefix \\\n",
- "0 ENVO:0025034 PO:0025034 ENVO \n",
- "1 ENVO:01000245 ENVO:01000635 ENVO \n",
- "2 ENVO:01001433 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "3 ENVO:0003095 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
- "4 ENVO:0003082 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
+ "0 ENVO:01000245 ENVO:01000635 ENVO \n",
+ "1 ENVO:0025034 PO:0025034 ENVO \n",
+ "2 ENVO:0003088 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
+ "3 ENVO:0003084 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
+ "4 ENVO:0003081 ENVO:00003081 ENVO \n",
".. ... ... ... \n",
- "83 ENVO:01001447 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "84 ENVO:01001449 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "85 ENVO:01001461 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "86 ENVO:01001444 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
- "87 ENVO:01001454 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
+ "83 ENVO:01000311 ENVO:01000999 ENVO \n",
+ "84 ENVO:01001438 ENVO:01001430 ENVO \n",
+ "85 ENVO:02500039 ENVO:02500038 ENVO \n",
+ "86 ENVO:0006016 PO:0025034 ENVO \n",
+ "87 ENVO:00002040 ENVO:00000109 ENVO \n",
" extracted_local_id extracted_local_id_int stretch_id value \\\n",
- "0 0025034 25034 NaN NaN \n",
- "1 01000245 1000245 NaN NaN \n",
- "2 01001433 1001433 2.0 1001433.0 \n",
- "3 0003095 3095 1.0 3095.0 \n",
- "4 0003082 3082 1.0 3082.0 \n",
+ "0 01000245 1000245 NaN NaN \n",
+ "1 0025034 25034 NaN NaN \n",
+ "2 0003088 3088 1.0 3088.0 \n",
+ "3 0003084 3084 1.0 3084.0 \n",
+ "4 0003081 3081 1.0 3081.0 \n",
".. ... ... ... ... \n",
- "83 01001447 1001447 2.0 1001447.0 \n",
- "84 01001449 1001449 2.0 1001449.0 \n",
- "85 01001461 1001461 2.0 1001461.0 \n",
- "86 01001444 1001444 2.0 1001444.0 \n",
- "87 01001454 1001454 2.0 1001454.0 \n",
+ "83 01000311 1000311 NaN NaN \n",
+ "84 01001438 1001438 2.0 1001438.0 \n",
+ "85 02500039 2500039 NaN NaN \n",
+ "86 0006016 6016 NaN NaN \n",
+ "87 00002040 2040 NaN NaN \n",
" most_common_longest_annotation_curie fraction \n",
"0 NaN NaN \n",
"1 NaN NaN \n",
- "2 ENVO:01001430 0.942857 \n",
+ "2 ENVO:00003081 1.000000 \n",
"3 ENVO:00003081 1.000000 \n",
"4 ENVO:00003081 1.000000 \n",
".. ... ... \n",
- "83 ENVO:01001430 0.942857 \n",
+ "83 NaN NaN \n",
"84 ENVO:01001430 0.942857 \n",
- "85 ENVO:01001430 0.942857 \n",
- "86 ENVO:01001430 0.942857 \n",
- "87 ENVO:01001430 0.942857 \n",
+ "85 NaN NaN \n",
+ "86 NaN NaN \n",
+ "87 NaN NaN \n",
"[88 rows x 9 columns]"
@@ -3513,11 +3498,11 @@
" \n",
" \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " ENVO:0025034 | \n",
- " PO:0025034 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000245 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000635 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 0025034 | \n",
- " 25034 | \n",
+ " 01000245 | \n",
+ " 1000245 | \n",
" NaN | \n",
" NaN | \n",
" NaN | \n",
@@ -3525,11 +3510,11 @@
" \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000245 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000635 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0025034 | \n",
+ " PO:0025034 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01000245 | \n",
- " 1000245 | \n",
+ " 0025034 | \n",
+ " 25034 | \n",
" NaN | \n",
" NaN | \n",
" NaN | \n",
@@ -3537,37 +3522,37 @@
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001433 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003088 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001433 | \n",
- " 1001433 | \n",
- " 2.0 | \n",
- " 1001433.0 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
- " 0.942857 | \n",
+ " 0003088 | \n",
+ " 3088 | \n",
+ " 1.0 | \n",
+ " 3088.0 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
+ " 1.000000 | \n",
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003095 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003084 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 0003095 | \n",
- " 3095 | \n",
+ " 0003084 | \n",
+ " 3084 | \n",
" 1.0 | \n",
- " 3095.0 | \n",
+ " 3084.0 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" 1.000000 | \n",
" \n",
" 4 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003082 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003081 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 0003082 | \n",
- " 3082 | \n",
+ " 0003081 | \n",
+ " 3081 | \n",
" 1.0 | \n",
- " 3082.0 | \n",
+ " 3081.0 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" 1.000000 | \n",
@@ -3585,63 +3570,63 @@
" \n",
" \n",
" 83 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001447 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000311 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000999 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001447 | \n",
- " 1001447 | \n",
- " 2.0 | \n",
- " 1001447.0 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
- " 0.942857 | \n",
+ " 01000311 | \n",
+ " 1000311 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
" \n",
" 84 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001449 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001438 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001449 | \n",
- " 1001449 | \n",
+ " 01001438 | \n",
+ " 1001438 | \n",
" 2.0 | \n",
- " 1001449.0 | \n",
+ " 1001438.0 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" 0.942857 | \n",
" \n",
" 85 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001461 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:02500039 | \n",
+ " ENVO:02500038 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001461 | \n",
- " 1001461 | \n",
- " 2.0 | \n",
- " 1001461.0 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
- " 0.942857 | \n",
+ " 02500039 | \n",
+ " 2500039 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
" \n",
" 86 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001444 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0006016 | \n",
+ " PO:0025034 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001444 | \n",
- " 1001444 | \n",
- " 2.0 | \n",
- " 1001444.0 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
- " 0.942857 | \n",
+ " 0006016 | \n",
+ " 6016 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
" \n",
" 87 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001454 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00002040 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00000109 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " 01001454 | \n",
- " 1001454 | \n",
- " 2.0 | \n",
- " 1001454.0 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
- " 0.942857 | \n",
+ " 00002040 | \n",
+ " 2040 | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
+ " NaN | \n",
" \n",
@@ -3661,8 +3646,8 @@
"id": "828f3be5ac6c0ab1",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:45.149294Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:45.143978Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:51.049251Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:51.044778Z"
"source": [
@@ -3678,8 +3663,8 @@
"id": "9907b1472af8731b",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:45.213068Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:45.201137Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:51.165642Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:51.157046Z"
"source": [
@@ -3690,62 +3675,62 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" extracted_curie longest_annotation_curie drag_evidence\n",
- "2 ENVO:01001433 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "3 ENVO:0003095 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "4 ENVO:0003082 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "5 ENVO:0003087 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "7 ENVO:0003098 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "8 ENVO:0003096 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "2 ENVO:0003088 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "3 ENVO:0003084 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "4 ENVO:0003081 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "5 ENVO:0003101 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "6 ENVO:0003093 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "7 ENVO:0003099 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
"9 ENVO:0003097 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "10 ENVO:0003092 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "11 ENVO:0003093 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "12 ENVO:0003086 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "13 ENVO:01001442 ENVO:01001246 True\n",
- "14 ENVO:0003099 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "15 ENVO:01001430 ENVO:00000077 True\n",
- "16 ENVO:0003081 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "17 ENVO:01001431 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "19 ENVO:0003101 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "20 ENVO:0003088 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "21 ENVO:0003094 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "22 ENVO:0003100 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "23 ENVO:0003084 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "25 ENVO:0003090 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "26 ENVO:01001432 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "27 ENVO:0003089 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "28 ENVO:01001435 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "29 ENVO:0003091 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "30 ENVO:0003083 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "31 ENVO:01001436 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "32 ENVO:0003085 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
- "33 ENVO:01001434 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "35 ENVO:01001462 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "36 ENVO:01001463 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "41 ENVO:01001440 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "42 ENVO:01001448 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "45 ENVO:01001455 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "47 ENVO:01001450 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "48 ENVO:01001451 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "51 ENVO:01001458 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "55 ENVO:01001457 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "57 ENVO:01001445 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "60 ENVO:01001442 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "63 ENVO:01001438 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "66 ENVO:01001443 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "67 ENVO:01001439 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "68 ENVO:01001453 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "69 ENVO:01001441 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "72 ENVO:01001459 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "10 ENVO:0003082 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "11 ENVO:01001433 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "12 ENVO:0003087 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "13 ENVO:01001432 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "14 ENVO:0003091 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "15 ENVO:0003089 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "16 ENVO:01001436 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "17 ENVO:01001430 ENVO:00000077 True\n",
+ "19 ENVO:01001431 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "20 ENVO:0003094 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "21 ENVO:0003100 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "22 ENVO:0003085 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "23 ENVO:0003095 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "24 ENVO:0003098 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "25 ENVO:0003092 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "26 ENVO:0003096 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "27 ENVO:01001434 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "28 ENVO:0003083 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "29 ENVO:01001435 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "30 ENVO:0003090 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "32 ENVO:01001442 ENVO:01001246 True\n",
+ "33 ENVO:0003086 ENVO:00003081 True\n",
+ "35 ENVO:01001443 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "37 ENVO:01001459 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "38 ENVO:01001453 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "39 ENVO:01001456 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "40 ENVO:01001441 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "41 ENVO:01001452 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "45 ENVO:01001450 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "47 ENVO:01001451 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "55 ENVO:01001444 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "56 ENVO:01001447 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "58 ENVO:01001455 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "59 ENVO:01001458 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "60 ENVO:01001461 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "62 ENVO:01001449 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "63 ENVO:01001454 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "64 ENVO:01001440 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "66 ENVO:01001445 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "68 ENVO:01001448 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "69 ENVO:01001442 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "70 ENVO:01001462 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "71 ENVO:01001463 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "72 ENVO:01001437 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
"73 ENVO:01001460 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "75 ENVO:01001452 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "76 ENVO:01001456 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "78 ENVO:01001446 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "79 ENVO:01001437 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "83 ENVO:01001447 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "84 ENVO:01001449 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "85 ENVO:01001461 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "86 ENVO:01001444 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
- "87 ENVO:01001454 ENVO:01001430 True"
+ "75 ENVO:01001439 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "80 ENVO:01001446 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "82 ENVO:01001457 ENVO:01001430 True\n",
+ "84 ENVO:01001438 ENVO:01001430 True"
"text/html": [
@@ -3774,37 +3759,37 @@
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001433 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003088 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003095 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003084 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 4 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003082 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003081 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 5 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003087 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003101 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 7 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003098 | \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003093 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 8 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003096 | \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003099 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
@@ -3816,295 +3801,295 @@
" \n",
" \n",
" 10 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003092 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003082 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 11 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003093 | \n",
- " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001433 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 12 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003086 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003087 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 13 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001442 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001246 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001432 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 14 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003099 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003091 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 15 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
- " ENVO:00000077 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003089 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 16 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003081 | \n",
- " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001436 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 17 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001431 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00000077 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 19 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003101 | \n",
- " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001431 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 20 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003088 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003094 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 21 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003094 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003100 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 22 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003100 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003085 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 23 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003084 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003095 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
+ " True | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 24 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003098 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 25 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003090 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003092 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 26 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001432 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003096 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 27 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003089 | \n",
- " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001434 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 28 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001435 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003083 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 29 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003091 | \n",
- " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001435 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 30 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003083 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003090 | \n",
" ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 31 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001436 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
- " True | \n",
- "
- " \n",
" 32 | \n",
- " ENVO:0003085 | \n",
- " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001442 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001246 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 33 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001434 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001430 | \n",
+ " ENVO:0003086 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003081 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 35 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001462 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001443 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 36 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001463 | \n",
+ " 37 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001459 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 41 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001440 | \n",
+ " 38 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001453 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 42 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001448 | \n",
+ " 39 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001456 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 45 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001455 | \n",
+ " 40 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001441 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 47 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001450 | \n",
+ " 41 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001452 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 48 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001451 | \n",
+ " 45 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001450 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 51 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001458 | \n",
+ " 47 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001451 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
" 55 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001457 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001444 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 57 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001445 | \n",
+ " 56 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001447 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 60 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001442 | \n",
+ " 58 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001455 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 63 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001438 | \n",
+ " 59 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001458 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 66 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001443 | \n",
+ " 60 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001461 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 67 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001439 | \n",
+ " 62 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001449 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 68 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001453 | \n",
+ " 63 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001454 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 69 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001441 | \n",
+ " 64 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001440 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 72 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001459 | \n",
+ " 66 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001445 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 73 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001460 | \n",
+ " 68 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001448 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 75 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001452 | \n",
+ " 69 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001442 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 76 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001456 | \n",
+ " 70 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001462 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 78 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001446 | \n",
+ " 71 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001463 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 79 | \n",
+ " 72 | \n",
" ENVO:01001437 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 83 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001447 | \n",
+ " 73 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001460 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 84 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001449 | \n",
+ " 75 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001439 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 85 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001461 | \n",
+ " 80 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001446 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 86 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001444 | \n",
+ " 82 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001457 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
" \n",
- " 87 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001454 | \n",
+ " 84 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01001438 | \n",
" ENVO:01001430 | \n",
" True | \n",
@@ -4125,8 +4110,8 @@
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:51.834920Z",
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:51.974085Z",
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:52.058918Z",
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:52.180569Z",
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:52:56.104246Z",
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"source": [
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:33:57.556092Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:00.007930Z",
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"source": [
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:03.959705Z",
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"source": [
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:11.918425Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:11.909811Z"
"source": [
@@ -4428,8 +4413,8 @@
"id": "e772d6db19793ec5",
"metadata": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:14.822888Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:11.946037Z",
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"id": "ef0b5e69d724d94a",
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:20.167558Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:19.875794Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:19.860392Z"
"source": [
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"data": {
"text/plain": [
- " serial_number content count \\\n",
- "0 1 not applicable 262 \n",
- "1 2 missing 199 \n",
- "2 3 not collected 127 \n",
- "3 4 Orchard 87 \n",
- "4 5 NA 79 \n",
- "... ... ... ... \n",
- "5340 4613 alpine tundra [ENVO:01001505] 1 \n",
- "5341 4618 coniferous forest [ENVO_01000196] 1 \n",
- "5342 4618 coniferous forest [ENVO_01000196] 1 \n",
- "5343 4895 field [ENVO:00000114] 1 \n",
- "5344 4895 field [ENVO:00000114] 1 \n",
+ " serial_number content count content_list \\\n",
+ "0 1 not applicable 262 not applicable \n",
+ "1 2 missing 199 missing \n",
+ "2 3 not collected 127 not collected \n",
+ "3 4 Orchard 87 Orchard \n",
+ "4 5 NA 79 NA \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "5340 4845 Leaf [PO:0006016] 1 Leaf [PO:0006016] \n",
+ "5341 5164 wood [ENVO_00002040] 1 wood [ENVO_00002040] \n",
+ "5342 5164 wood [ENVO_00002040] 1 wood [ENVO_00002040] \n",
+ "5343 5169 field(ENVO:00000114) 1 field(ENVO:00000114) \n",
+ "5344 5169 field(ENVO:00000114) 1 field(ENVO:00000114) \n",
- " content_list content_count envo_count \\\n",
- "0 not applicable 1 0 \n",
- "1 missing 1 0 \n",
- "2 not collected 1 0 \n",
- "3 Orchard 1 0 \n",
- "4 NA 1 0 \n",
- "... ... ... ... \n",
- "5340 alpine tundra [ENVO:01001505] 1 1 \n",
- "5341 coniferous forest [ENVO_01000196] 1 1 \n",
- "5342 coniferous forest [ENVO_01000196] 1 1 \n",
- "5343 field [ENVO:00000114] 1 1 \n",
- "5344 field [ENVO:00000114] 1 1 \n",
+ " content_count envo_count extracted_label extracted_curie real_label \\\n",
+ "0 1 0 not applicable None None \n",
+ "1 1 0 missing None None \n",
+ "2 1 0 not collected None None \n",
+ "3 1 0 Orchard None None \n",
+ "4 1 0 NA None None \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "5340 1 0 Leaf ENVO:0006016 None \n",
+ "5341 1 1 wood ENVO:00002040 None \n",
+ "5342 1 1 wood ENVO:00002040 None \n",
+ "5343 1 1 field ENVO:00000114 None \n",
+ "5344 1 1 field ENVO:00000114 None \n",
- " extracted_label extracted_curie real_label longest_annotation_curie \\\n",
- "0 not applicable None None None \n",
- "1 missing None None None \n",
- "2 not collected None None None \n",
- "3 Orchard None None ENVO:00000115 \n",
- "4 NA None None None \n",
- "... ... ... ... ... \n",
- "5340 alpine tundra ENVO:01001505 None ENVO:01000340 \n",
- "5341 coniferous forest ENVO:01000196 None ENVO:00000109 \n",
- "5342 coniferous forest ENVO:01000196 None ENVO:00000109 \n",
- "5343 field ENVO:00000114 None ENVO:01000352 \n",
- "5344 field ENVO:00000114 None ENVO:01000352 \n",
+ " longest_annotation_curie longest_annotation_label \\\n",
+ "0 None None \n",
+ "1 None None \n",
+ "2 None None \n",
+ "3 ENVO:00000115 orchard \n",
+ "4 None None \n",
+ "... ... ... \n",
+ "5340 PO:0025034 leaf \n",
+ "5341 ENVO:00000109 woodland area \n",
+ "5342 ENVO:00000109 woodland area \n",
+ "5343 ENVO:01000352 field \n",
+ "5344 ENVO:01000352 field \n",
- " longest_annotation_label curie_list \\\n",
- "0 None [] \n",
- "1 None [] \n",
- "2 None [] \n",
- "3 orchard [ENVO:00000115] \n",
- "4 None [] \n",
- "... ... ... \n",
- "5340 alpine [ENVO:01001505, ENVO:01000340] \n",
- "5341 woodland area [ENVO:00000109, ENVO:01000196] \n",
- "5342 woodland area [ENVO:00000109, ENVO:01000196] \n",
- "5343 field [ENVO:00000114, ENVO:01000352] \n",
- "5344 field [ENVO:00000114, ENVO:01000352] \n",
+ " curie_list unique_curie_count drag_evidence \\\n",
+ "0 [] 0 NaN \n",
+ "1 [] 0 NaN \n",
+ "2 [] 0 NaN \n",
+ "3 [ENVO:00000115] 1 NaN \n",
+ "4 [] 0 NaN \n",
+ "... ... ... ... \n",
+ "5340 [ENVO:0006016, PO:0025034] 2 NaN \n",
+ "5341 [ENVO:00002040, ENVO:00000109] 2 NaN \n",
+ "5342 [ENVO:00002040, ENVO:00000109] 2 NaN \n",
+ "5343 [ENVO:01000352, ENVO:00000114] 2 NaN \n",
+ "5344 [ENVO:01000352, ENVO:00000114] 2 NaN \n",
- " unique_curie_count drag_evidence dragless_curie_list \\\n",
- "0 0 NaN [] \n",
- "1 0 NaN [] \n",
- "2 0 NaN [] \n",
- "3 1 NaN [ENVO:00000115] \n",
- "4 0 NaN [] \n",
- "... ... ... ... \n",
- "5340 2 NaN [ENVO:01000340] \n",
- "5341 2 NaN [ENVO:00000109] \n",
- "5342 2 NaN [ENVO:01000196] \n",
- "5343 2 NaN [ENVO:00000114] \n",
- "5344 2 NaN [ENVO:01000352] \n",
- "\n",
- " dragless_curie_count \n",
- "0 0 \n",
- "1 0 \n",
- "2 0 \n",
- "3 1 \n",
- "4 0 \n",
- "... ... \n",
- "5340 2 \n",
- "5341 2 \n",
- "5342 2 \n",
- "5343 2 \n",
- "5344 2 \n",
+ " dragless_curie_list dragless_curie_count \n",
+ "0 [] 0 \n",
+ "1 [] 0 \n",
+ "2 [] 0 \n",
+ "3 [ENVO:00000115] 1 \n",
+ "4 [] 0 \n",
+ "... ... ... \n",
+ "5340 [PO:0025034] 2 \n",
+ "5341 [ENVO:00002040] 2 \n",
+ "5342 [ENVO:00000109] 2 \n",
+ "5343 [ENVO:01000352] 2 \n",
+ "5344 [ENVO:00000114] 2 \n",
"[5345 rows x 16 columns]"
@@ -4699,67 +4671,67 @@
" \n",
" \n",
" 5340 | \n",
- " 4613 | \n",
- " alpine tundra [ENVO:01001505] | \n",
- " 1 | \n",
- " alpine tundra [ENVO:01001505] | \n",
+ " 4845 | \n",
+ " Leaf [PO:0006016] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
+ " Leaf [PO:0006016] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " alpine tundra | \n",
- " ENVO:01001505 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " Leaf | \n",
+ " ENVO:0006016 | \n",
" None | \n",
- " ENVO:01000340 | \n",
- " alpine | \n",
- " [ENVO:01001505, ENVO:01000340] | \n",
+ " PO:0025034 | \n",
+ " leaf | \n",
+ " [ENVO:0006016, PO:0025034] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" NaN | \n",
- " [ENVO:01000340] | \n",
+ " [PO:0025034] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" \n",
" 5341 | \n",
- " 4618 | \n",
- " coniferous forest [ENVO_01000196] | \n",
+ " 5164 | \n",
+ " wood [ENVO_00002040] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " coniferous forest [ENVO_01000196] | \n",
+ " wood [ENVO_00002040] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " coniferous forest | \n",
- " ENVO:01000196 | \n",
+ " wood | \n",
+ " ENVO:00002040 | \n",
" None | \n",
" ENVO:00000109 | \n",
" woodland area | \n",
- " [ENVO:00000109, ENVO:01000196] | \n",
+ " [ENVO:00002040, ENVO:00000109] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" NaN | \n",
- " [ENVO:00000109] | \n",
+ " [ENVO:00002040] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" \n",
" 5342 | \n",
- " 4618 | \n",
- " coniferous forest [ENVO_01000196] | \n",
+ " 5164 | \n",
+ " wood [ENVO_00002040] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " coniferous forest [ENVO_01000196] | \n",
+ " wood [ENVO_00002040] | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " coniferous forest | \n",
- " ENVO:01000196 | \n",
+ " wood | \n",
+ " ENVO:00002040 | \n",
" None | \n",
" ENVO:00000109 | \n",
" woodland area | \n",
- " [ENVO:00000109, ENVO:01000196] | \n",
+ " [ENVO:00002040, ENVO:00000109] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" NaN | \n",
- " [ENVO:01000196] | \n",
+ " [ENVO:00000109] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" \n",
" 5343 | \n",
- " 4895 | \n",
- " field [ENVO:00000114] | \n",
+ " 5169 | \n",
+ " field(ENVO:00000114) | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " field [ENVO:00000114] | \n",
+ " field(ENVO:00000114) | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" field | \n",
@@ -4767,18 +4739,18 @@
" None | \n",
" ENVO:01000352 | \n",
" field | \n",
- " [ENVO:00000114, ENVO:01000352] | \n",
+ " [ENVO:01000352, ENVO:00000114] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" NaN | \n",
- " [ENVO:00000114] | \n",
+ " [ENVO:01000352] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" \n",
" 5344 | \n",
- " 4895 | \n",
- " field [ENVO:00000114] | \n",
+ " 5169 | \n",
+ " field(ENVO:00000114) | \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " field [ENVO:00000114] | \n",
+ " field(ENVO:00000114) | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" 1 | \n",
" field | \n",
@@ -4786,10 +4758,10 @@
" None | \n",
" ENVO:01000352 | \n",
" field | \n",
- " [ENVO:00000114, ENVO:01000352] | \n",
+ " [ENVO:01000352, ENVO:00000114] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" NaN | \n",
- " [ENVO:01000352] | \n",
+ " [ENVO:00000114] | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" \n",
@@ -4810,8 +4782,8 @@
"id": "be53a584475499b5",
"metadata": {
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- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:26.605080Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:26.599115Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:19.940685Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:19.936423Z"
"source": [
@@ -4826,8 +4798,8 @@
"id": "e0c0605a4ca28188",
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:26.684561Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:26.677256Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:19.984354Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:19.977907Z"
"source": [
@@ -4855,8 +4827,8 @@
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"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:26.807198Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.085339Z",
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"source": [
@@ -4873,8 +4845,8 @@
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"ExecuteTime": {
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.233980Z",
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:27.018268Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.284524Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.276846Z"
"source": [
@@ -5043,8 +5015,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:27.190062Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:27.185260Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.320402Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.316630Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5072,8 +5044,8 @@
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- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:27.261284Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.874989Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.491622Z"
"cell_type": "code",
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+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.963989Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:20.891207Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5114,8 +5086,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:27.926580Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:27.923940Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:21.009455Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:21.006595Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5127,8 +5099,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:33.284240Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:33.281280Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:21.077158Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:21.073980Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5140,8 +5112,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:38.810447Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:38.801442Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:21.161414Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:21.153748Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5153,8 +5125,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:45.207018Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:45.198263Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:21.252679Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:21.245543Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5166,8 +5138,8 @@
"text/plain": [
" subject predicate \\\n",
"0 GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Artificial-ecosystem-Plan... mixs:env_broad \n",
- "1 GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Artificial-ecosystem-Plan... mixs:mixs_extension \n",
- "2 GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Artificial-ecosystem-Plan... mixs:other \n",
+ "1 GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Artificial-ecosystem-Plan... mixs:env_local \n",
+ "2 GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Artificial-ecosystem-Plan... mixs:mixs_extension \n",
"3 GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Artificial-ecosystem-Plan... rdfs:label \n",
"4 GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Artificial-ecosystem-Plan... mixs:env_broad \n",
".. ... ... \n",
@@ -5179,8 +5151,8 @@
" content \n",
"0 ENVO:01000313 \n",
- "1 mixs:MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironment \n",
- "2 ENVO:00010622 \n",
+ "1 ENVO:00010622 \n",
+ "2 mixs:MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironment \n",
"3 Engineered > Artificial ecosystem > Plant grow... \n",
"4 ENVO:01000313 \n",
".. ... \n",
@@ -5226,14 +5198,14 @@
" 1 | \n",
" GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Artificial-ecosystem-Plan... | \n",
- " mixs:mixs_extension | \n",
- " mixs:MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironment | \n",
+ " mixs:env_local | \n",
+ " ENVO:00010622 | \n",
" 2 | \n",
" GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Artificial-ecosystem-Plan... | \n",
- " mixs:other | \n",
- " ENVO:00010622 | \n",
+ " mixs:mixs_extension | \n",
+ " mixs:MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironment | \n",
" 3 | \n",
@@ -5299,8 +5271,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:50.957876Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:50.955387Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:25.426477Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:25.424347Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5318,8 +5290,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:51.037279Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:51.031958Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:25.452093Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:25.434736Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5331,8 +5303,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:51.135927Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:51.132411Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:25.524419Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:25.521662Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5344,8 +5316,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:56.305751Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:34:56.302525Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:29.437727Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:29.435504Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5374,8 +5346,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:01.571938Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:01.568352Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:37.367823Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:37.364702Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5387,8 +5359,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:12.512557Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:12.509440Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:41.302339Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:41.299503Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5400,8 +5372,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:17.713127Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:17.700006Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:45.361711Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:45.350196Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5417,8 +5389,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:18.279782Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:17.744403Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:45.971989Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:45.393819Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5449,8 +5421,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:23.544384Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:23.537300Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:54:55.766544Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:53:50.043263Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5503,7 +5475,8 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "Loading nlcd2011 classes from nlcd2011_class_iris.txt...\n",
+ "nlcd2011_class_iris.txt not found. Identifying classes in nlcd2011 subset (~2 minutes)...\n",
+ "List saved to nlcd2011_class_iris.txt\n",
"Total nlcd2011 classes loaded: 22\n"
@@ -5519,8 +5492,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:29.966946Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:29.964106Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:03.664667Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:03.662102Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5532,8 +5505,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:41.178058Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:41.172526Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:07.661259Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:07.656092Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5553,8 +5526,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:46.756278Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:46.753376Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:11.620776Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:11.618085Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5572,8 +5545,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:54.048254Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:52.965183Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:12.656741Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:11.661057Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5670,8 +5643,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:59.696977Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:35:59.684288Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:16.771807Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:16.761615Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5683,8 +5656,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.287538Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.269372Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:20.911014Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:20.894139Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -5694,98 +5667,85 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
- " curie claimed_prefix \\\n",
- "0 ENVO:03000089 ENVO \n",
- "1 ENVO:01001797 ENVO \n",
- "2 ENVO:01001810 ENVO \n",
- "3 ENVO:01000299 ENVO \n",
- "4 ENVO:01000467 ENVO \n",
- "... ... ... \n",
- "2078 ENVO:03501295 ENVO \n",
- "2079 ENVO:01000150 ENVO \n",
- "2080 ENVO:01000437 ENVO \n",
- "2081 ENVO:01000736 ENVO \n",
- "2082 ENVO:01001457 ENVO \n",
- "\n",
- " label envo_native \\\n",
- "0 permafrost crater derived from a methane explo... True \n",
- "1 tropical mixed forest True \n",
- "2 mediterranean grassland True \n",
- "3 Taylor column True \n",
- "4 constructed barrier True \n",
- "... ... ... \n",
- "2078 processing plant True \n",
- "2079 marine subtidal rocky reef True \n",
- "2080 lava field True \n",
- "2081 phacolith True \n",
- "2082 cloud forest True \n",
+ " curie claimed_prefix label \\\n",
+ "0 ENVO:00005765 ENVO frozen compost soil \n",
+ "1 ENVO:01000765 ENVO informal settlement \n",
+ "2 ENVO:00000198 ENVO ice-covered lake \n",
+ "3 ENVO:03600091 ENVO clay fermentation pit \n",
+ "4 ENVO:01000202 ENVO temperate broadleaf forest biome \n",
+ "... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 ENVO:01000668 ENVO geological fault \n",
+ "2085 ENVO:00003071 ENVO grass silage \n",
+ "2086 ENVO:03501154 ENVO traumatic intensive care unit facility \n",
+ "2087 ENVO:03501182 ENVO clinic \n",
+ "2088 ENVO:00000485 ENVO sea shore \n",
- " obsolete EnvLocalScaleSoilEnum_11_1 ancestors_in_enum_count \\\n",
- "0 False False 2 \n",
- "1 False False 0 \n",
- "2 False False 0 \n",
- "3 False False 0 \n",
- "4 False False 0 \n",
- "... ... ... ... \n",
- "2078 False False 0 \n",
- "2079 False False 0 \n",
- "2080 False False 0 \n",
- "2081 False False 0 \n",
- "2082 False False 0 \n",
+ " envo_native obsolete EnvLocalScaleSoilEnum_11_1 \\\n",
+ "0 True False False \n",
+ "1 True False False \n",
+ "2 True False False \n",
+ "3 True False False \n",
+ "4 True False False \n",
+ "... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 True False False \n",
+ "2085 True False False \n",
+ "2086 True False False \n",
+ "2087 True False False \n",
+ "2088 True False False \n",
- " descendants_in_enum_count nlcd_class abp ... liquid water \\\n",
- "0 0 False True ... False \n",
- "1 0 False True ... False \n",
- "2 0 False True ... False \n",
- "3 0 False True ... False \n",
- "4 1 False True ... False \n",
- "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
- "2078 0 False True ... False \n",
- "2079 0 False True ... False \n",
- "2080 0 False True ... False \n",
- "2081 0 False True ... False \n",
- "2082 0 False True ... False \n",
+ " ancestors_in_enum_count descendants_in_enum_count nlcd_class abp \\\n",
+ "0 0 0 False True \n",
+ "1 0 0 False True \n",
+ "2 0 0 False True \n",
+ "3 2 0 False True \n",
+ "4 0 0 False True \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 0 0 False True \n",
+ "2085 0 0 False False \n",
+ "2086 0 0 False True \n",
+ "2087 0 0 False True \n",
+ "2088 1 0 False True \n",
- " water ice snow mass_of_environmental_material human_construction \\\n",
- "0 False False False False \n",
- "1 False False False False \n",
- "2 False False False False \n",
- "3 False False False False \n",
- "4 False False False True \n",
- "... ... ... ... ... \n",
- "2078 False False False True \n",
- "2079 False False False False \n",
- "2080 False False False False \n",
- "2081 False False False False \n",
- "2082 False False False False \n",
+ " ... liquid water water ice snow mass_of_environmental_material \\\n",
+ "0 ... False False False False \n",
+ "1 ... False False False False \n",
+ "2 ... False False False False \n",
+ "3 ... False False False False \n",
+ "4 ... False False False False \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 ... False False False False \n",
+ "2085 ... False False False False \n",
+ "2086 ... False False False False \n",
+ "2087 ... False False False False \n",
+ "2088 ... False False False False \n",
- " building building_part plant_structure vegetation_layer \\\n",
- "0 False False False False \n",
- "1 False False False False \n",
- "2 False False False False \n",
- "3 False False False False \n",
- "4 False False False False \n",
- "... ... ... ... ... \n",
- "2078 True False False False \n",
- "2079 False False False False \n",
- "2080 False False False False \n",
- "2081 False False False False \n",
- "2082 False False False False \n",
+ " human_construction building building_part plant_structure \\\n",
+ "0 False False False False \n",
+ "1 False False False False \n",
+ "2 False False False False \n",
+ "3 False False False False \n",
+ "4 False False False False \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 False False False False \n",
+ "2085 False False False False \n",
+ "2086 True False False False \n",
+ "2087 True False False False \n",
+ "2088 False False False False \n",
- " goldterms_mappings \n",
- "0 False \n",
- "1 False \n",
- "2 False \n",
- "3 False \n",
- "4 False \n",
- "... ... \n",
- "2078 False \n",
- "2079 False \n",
- "2080 False \n",
- "2081 False \n",
- "2082 False \n",
+ " vegetation_layer goldterms_mappings \n",
+ "0 False False \n",
+ "1 False False \n",
+ "2 False False \n",
+ "3 False False \n",
+ "4 False False \n",
+ "... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 False False \n",
+ "2085 False False \n",
+ "2086 False False \n",
+ "2087 False False \n",
+ "2088 False False \n",
- "[2083 rows x 27 columns]"
+ "[2089 rows x 27 columns]"
"text/html": [
@@ -5832,13 +5792,13 @@
" \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " ENVO:03000089 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00005765 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " permafrost crater derived from a methane explo... | \n",
+ " frozen compost soil | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " 2 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
" True | \n",
@@ -5856,9 +5816,9 @@
" \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001797 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000765 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " tropical mixed forest | \n",
+ " informal settlement | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -5880,9 +5840,9 @@
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001810 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00000198 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " mediterranean grassland | \n",
+ " ice-covered lake | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -5904,13 +5864,13 @@
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000299 | \n",
+ " ENVO:03600091 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " Taylor column | \n",
+ " clay fermentation pit | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
" True | \n",
@@ -5928,14 +5888,14 @@
" \n",
" 4 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000467 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000202 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " constructed barrier | \n",
+ " temperate broadleaf forest biome | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
" True | \n",
" ... | \n",
@@ -5943,7 +5903,7 @@
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " True | \n",
+ " False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -5975,10 +5935,10 @@
" ... | \n",
" \n",
- " 2078 | \n",
- " ENVO:03501295 | \n",
+ " 2084 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000668 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " processing plant | \n",
+ " geological fault | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -5991,25 +5951,25 @@
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " True | \n",
- " True | \n",
+ " False | \n",
+ " False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" \n",
- " 2079 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000150 | \n",
+ " 2085 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003071 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " marine subtidal rocky reef | \n",
+ " grass silage | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
- " True | \n",
+ " False | \n",
" ... | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6023,10 +5983,10 @@
" False | \n",
" \n",
- " 2080 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000437 | \n",
+ " 2086 | \n",
+ " ENVO:03501154 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " lava field | \n",
+ " traumatic intensive care unit facility | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6039,7 +5999,7 @@
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " False | \n",
+ " True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6047,10 +6007,10 @@
" False | \n",
" \n",
- " 2081 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000736 | \n",
+ " 2087 | \n",
+ " ENVO:03501182 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " phacolith | \n",
+ " clinic | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6063,7 +6023,7 @@
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " False | \n",
+ " True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6071,14 +6031,14 @@
" False | \n",
" \n",
- " 2082 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001457 | \n",
+ " 2088 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00000485 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " cloud forest | \n",
+ " sea shore | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
" True | \n",
@@ -6096,7 +6056,7 @@
" \n",
- "
2083 rows × 27 columns
+ "
2089 rows × 27 columns
@@ -6116,8 +6076,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.368851Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.364451Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:25.117424Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:25.113753Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -6133,8 +6093,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.393373Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.386634Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:25.188249Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:25.181762Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -6147,7 +6107,11 @@
" curie nmdc_biosamples_count\n",
"0 ENVO:01001057 199\n",
"1 ENVO:01001442 192\n",
- "2 PO:0025025 85"
+ "2 PO:0025025 85\n",
+ "3 ENVO:00002003 18\n",
+ "4 ENVO:2100002 10\n",
+ "5 ENVO:01000155 7\n",
+ "6 ENVO:00002040 1"
"text/html": [
@@ -6188,6 +6152,26 @@
PO:0025025 | \n",
" 85 | \n",
+ "
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00002003 | \n",
+ " 18 | \n",
+ "
+ "
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " ENVO:2100002 | \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
+ "
+ "
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000155 | \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ "
+ "
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00002040 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ "
" \n",
@@ -6203,8 +6187,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.484669Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.478682Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:25.244254Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:25.237663Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -6224,8 +6208,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.647832Z",
- "start_time": "2025-01-22T22:36:05.628173Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:25.393350Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T22:55:25.377063Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -6235,98 +6219,85 @@
"data": {
"text/plain": [
- " curie claimed_prefix \\\n",
- "0 ENVO:03000089 ENVO \n",
- "1 ENVO:01001797 ENVO \n",
- "2 ENVO:01001810 ENVO \n",
- "3 ENVO:01000299 ENVO \n",
- "4 ENVO:01000467 ENVO \n",
- "... ... ... \n",
- "2078 ENVO:03501295 ENVO \n",
- "2079 ENVO:01000150 ENVO \n",
- "2080 ENVO:01000437 ENVO \n",
- "2081 ENVO:01000736 ENVO \n",
- "2082 ENVO:01001457 ENVO \n",
+ " curie claimed_prefix label \\\n",
+ "0 ENVO:00005765 ENVO frozen compost soil \n",
+ "1 ENVO:01000765 ENVO informal settlement \n",
+ "2 ENVO:00000198 ENVO ice-covered lake \n",
+ "3 ENVO:03600091 ENVO clay fermentation pit \n",
+ "4 ENVO:01000202 ENVO temperate broadleaf forest biome \n",
+ "... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 ENVO:01000668 ENVO geological fault \n",
+ "2085 ENVO:00003071 ENVO grass silage \n",
+ "2086 ENVO:03501154 ENVO traumatic intensive care unit facility \n",
+ "2087 ENVO:03501182 ENVO clinic \n",
+ "2088 ENVO:00000485 ENVO sea shore \n",
- " label envo_native \\\n",
- "0 permafrost crater derived from a methane explo... True \n",
- "1 tropical mixed forest True \n",
- "2 mediterranean grassland True \n",
- "3 Taylor column True \n",
- "4 constructed barrier True \n",
- "... ... ... \n",
- "2078 processing plant True \n",
- "2079 marine subtidal rocky reef True \n",
- "2080 lava field True \n",
- "2081 phacolith True \n",
- "2082 cloud forest True \n",
+ " envo_native obsolete EnvLocalScaleSoilEnum_11_1 \\\n",
+ "0 True False False \n",
+ "1 True False False \n",
+ "2 True False False \n",
+ "3 True False False \n",
+ "4 True False False \n",
+ "... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 True False False \n",
+ "2085 True False False \n",
+ "2086 True False False \n",
+ "2087 True False False \n",
+ "2088 True False False \n",
- " obsolete EnvLocalScaleSoilEnum_11_1 ancestors_in_enum_count \\\n",
- "0 False False 2 \n",
- "1 False False 0 \n",
- "2 False False 0 \n",
- "3 False False 0 \n",
- "4 False False 0 \n",
- "... ... ... ... \n",
- "2078 False False 0 \n",
- "2079 False False 0 \n",
- "2080 False False 0 \n",
- "2081 False False 0 \n",
- "2082 False False 0 \n",
+ " ancestors_in_enum_count descendants_in_enum_count nlcd_class abp \\\n",
+ "0 0 0 False True \n",
+ "1 0 0 False True \n",
+ "2 0 0 False True \n",
+ "3 2 0 False True \n",
+ "4 0 0 False True \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 0 0 False True \n",
+ "2085 0 0 False False \n",
+ "2086 0 0 False True \n",
+ "2087 0 0 False True \n",
+ "2088 1 0 False True \n",
- " descendants_in_enum_count nlcd_class abp ... water ice snow \\\n",
- "0 0 False True ... False False \n",
- "1 0 False True ... False False \n",
- "2 0 False True ... False False \n",
- "3 0 False True ... False False \n",
- "4 1 False True ... False False \n",
- "... ... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
- "2078 0 False True ... False False \n",
- "2079 0 False True ... False False \n",
- "2080 0 False True ... False False \n",
- "2081 0 False True ... False False \n",
- "2082 0 False True ... False False \n",
+ " ... water ice snow mass_of_environmental_material \\\n",
+ "0 ... False False False \n",
+ "1 ... False False False \n",
+ "2 ... False False False \n",
+ "3 ... False False False \n",
+ "4 ... False False False \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 ... False False False \n",
+ "2085 ... False False False \n",
+ "2086 ... False False False \n",
+ "2087 ... False False False \n",
+ "2088 ... False False False \n",
- " mass_of_environmental_material human_construction building \\\n",
- "0 False False False \n",
- "1 False False False \n",
- "2 False False False \n",
- "3 False False False \n",
- "4 False True False \n",
- "... ... ... ... \n",
- "2078 False True True \n",
- "2079 False False False \n",
- "2080 False False False \n",
- "2081 False False False \n",
- "2082 False False False \n",
+ " human_construction building building_part plant_structure \\\n",
+ "0 False False False False \n",
+ "1 False False False False \n",
+ "2 False False False False \n",
+ "3 False False False False \n",
+ "4 False False False False \n",
+ "... ... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 False False False False \n",
+ "2085 False False False False \n",
+ "2086 True False False False \n",
+ "2087 True False False False \n",
+ "2088 False False False False \n",
- " building_part plant_structure vegetation_layer goldterms_mappings \\\n",
- "0 False False False False \n",
- "1 False False False False \n",
- "2 False False False False \n",
- "3 False False False False \n",
- "4 False False False False \n",
- "... ... ... ... ... \n",
- "2078 False False False False \n",
- "2079 False False False False \n",
- "2080 False False False False \n",
- "2081 False False False False \n",
- "2082 False False False False \n",
+ " vegetation_layer goldterms_mappings nmdc_biosamples_count \n",
+ "0 False False NaN \n",
+ "1 False False NaN \n",
+ "2 False False NaN \n",
+ "3 False False NaN \n",
+ "4 False False NaN \n",
+ "... ... ... ... \n",
+ "2084 False False NaN \n",
+ "2085 False False NaN \n",
+ "2086 False False NaN \n",
+ "2087 False False NaN \n",
+ "2088 False False NaN \n",
- " nmdc_biosamples_count \n",
- "0 NaN \n",
- "1 NaN \n",
- "2 NaN \n",
- "3 NaN \n",
- "4 NaN \n",
- "... ... \n",
- "2078 NaN \n",
- "2079 NaN \n",
- "2080 NaN \n",
- "2081 NaN \n",
- "2082 NaN \n",
- "\n",
- "[2083 rows x 28 columns]"
+ "[2089 rows x 28 columns]"
"text/html": [
@@ -6373,13 +6344,13 @@
" \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " ENVO:03000089 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00005765 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " permafrost crater derived from a methane explo... | \n",
+ " frozen compost soil | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " 2 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
" True | \n",
@@ -6397,9 +6368,9 @@
" \n",
" 1 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001797 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000765 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " tropical mixed forest | \n",
+ " informal settlement | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6421,9 +6392,9 @@
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001810 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00000198 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " mediterranean grassland | \n",
+ " ice-covered lake | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6445,13 +6416,13 @@
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000299 | \n",
+ " ENVO:03600091 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " Taylor column | \n",
+ " clay fermentation pit | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " 0 | \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
" True | \n",
@@ -6469,21 +6440,21 @@
" \n",
" 4 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000467 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000202 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " constructed barrier | \n",
+ " temperate broadleaf forest biome | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" 0 | \n",
- " 1 | \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
" True | \n",
" ... | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " True | \n",
+ " False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6516,10 +6487,10 @@
" ... | \n",
" \n",
- " 2078 | \n",
- " ENVO:03501295 | \n",
+ " 2084 | \n",
+ " ENVO:01000668 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " processing plant | \n",
+ " geological fault | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6531,8 +6502,8 @@
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " True | \n",
- " True | \n",
+ " False | \n",
+ " False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6540,17 +6511,17 @@
" NaN | \n",
" \n",
- " 2079 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000150 | \n",
+ " 2085 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00003071 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " marine subtidal rocky reef | \n",
+ " grass silage | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
- " True | \n",
+ " False | \n",
" ... | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6564,10 +6535,10 @@
" NaN | \n",
" \n",
- " 2080 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000437 | \n",
+ " 2086 | \n",
+ " ENVO:03501154 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " lava field | \n",
+ " traumatic intensive care unit facility | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6579,7 +6550,7 @@
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " False | \n",
+ " True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6588,10 +6559,10 @@
" NaN | \n",
" \n",
- " 2081 | \n",
- " ENVO:01000736 | \n",
+ " 2087 | \n",
+ " ENVO:03501182 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " phacolith | \n",
+ " clinic | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6603,7 +6574,7 @@
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " False | \n",
+ " True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
@@ -6612,14 +6583,14 @@
" NaN | \n",
" \n",
- " 2082 | \n",
- " ENVO:01001457 | \n",
+ " 2088 | \n",
+ " ENVO:00000485 | \n",
" ENVO | \n",
- " cloud forest | \n",
+ " sea shore | \n",
" True | \n",
" False | \n",
" False | \n",
- " 0 | \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
" 0 | \n",
" False | \n",
" True | \n",
@@ -6637,7 +6608,7 @@
" \n",
- "
2083 rows × 28 columns
+ "
2089 rows × 28 columns
@@ -6651,8 +6622,8 @@
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diff --git a/notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/nmdc_biosample_asserted_normalized_and_inferred_env_package.tsv b/notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/nmdc_biosample_asserted_normalized_and_inferred_env_package.tsv
index bbec5a3..fc9777d 100644
--- a/notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/nmdc_biosample_asserted_normalized_and_inferred_env_package.tsv
+++ b/notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/nmdc_biosample_asserted_normalized_and_inferred_env_package.tsv
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-03dy0348 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:000001
nmdc:bsm-11-03tatq76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-03wdqa25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-040a1y63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-040pda34 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-042nd237 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600011 mineral horizon mineral horizon ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0435yq18 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-043hgn06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-04qjyv47 biosample:SAMN08902854 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:
nmdc:bsm-11-04t36j23 biosample:SAMN12795171 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-04tyx479 biosample:SAMN08778356 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-04wp3b78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-04z8tj85 ENVO:01000215 temperate shrubland biome temperate shrubland biome ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem wetland ecosystem nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-05082t91 biosample:SAMN08902858 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-05d5a977 biosample:SAMN18244945 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-05dve909 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
@@ -61,8 +63,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-072a9s43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-074phz40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-07ar1j63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-07dyqv24 biosample:SAMN37862665 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-07hz4140 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-07js9c68 biosample:SAMN18247846 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-07nqms41 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-07pb3642 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-07qp3e36 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-07qq9z23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-07spy989 biosample:SAMN10864401 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
@@ -71,19 +75,21 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-083pnf20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-083vtj79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-08bzjv22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-08e9gn78 biosample:SAMN18247739 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-08fpzx54 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-08mamh62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-08mmms67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-08nch810 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-08nps265 biosample:SAMN18246391 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-08vsp197 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-08xb2k71 biosample:SAMN37862742 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-097t3b49 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-09ad0019 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-09bbdk62 biosample:SAMN18247737 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-09ep6044 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-09h8g835 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-09z9jm13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-09zas694 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-0ahthd94 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-0ahthd94 biosample:SAMN43527827 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-0an3j196 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0asn5d63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0b3f6q91 biosample:SAMN18247943 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -102,7 +108,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-0c9czb71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-0cd1ge08 biosample:SAMN18248538 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-0ch3bt53 biosample:SAMN07630530 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-0cq0tt05 biosample:SAMN10865517 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
-nmdc:bsm-11-0cqdm784 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-0cqdm784 biosample:SAMN43527826 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-0d2xxc20 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0d4a3v31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0d6dns65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0d6kw824 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -129,6 +136,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-0fps8951 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-0fxs7w80 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-0g28x785 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0g3qzr85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-0g4d7n95 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-0g6wkd40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0gdeef56 biosample:SAMN17675398 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-0geq1e97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -179,7 +187,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-0pq46m48 biosample:SAMN10864179 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:
nmdc:bsm-11-0pqvg660 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-0pybkd05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0pyv7738 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-0q0ytn25 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0q1w4832 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-0q26tj53 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0qa78w81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0qbfyr37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0qmfcv11 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -192,11 +202,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-0rqnr440 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-0rqs8455 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0rtyy508 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-0rvewk88 biosample:SAMN18247126 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-0rygg262 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-0rygg262 biosample:SAMN43527825 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-0s4z3q14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0s62j636 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0s7xvb75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-0snmnf40 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0t2nbd91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-0t30k005 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-0t4hha86 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0tbjtz54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0tde3t26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0teqzx96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -204,6 +217,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-0thxv339 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-0v0ecc36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0v1etz47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0v2kpm96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-0v4vv913 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-0ve03274 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0wb39875 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0whn0117 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0wvxcg04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -236,6 +251,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-0zn3g786 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442
nmdc:bsm-11-0zp00g98 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-0zxynz54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-101d8291 biosample:SAMN12795907 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
+nmdc:bsm-11-1026rp71 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-104brf69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-106c8d05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-10c7qy36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -243,8 +259,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-10cg0s25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-10fc8a15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-10g75712 biosample:SAMN18247282 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-10re4k49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-1109f777 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-11226k13 biosample:SAMN18247751 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-112jxh69 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-112jxh69 biosample:SAMN43527824 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-113gg097 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-115r6257 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-116fe613 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -266,7 +283,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-13b8a328 biosample:SAMN07632078 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-13kvnw34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-13n02604 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-13p5fw68 biosample:SAMN06344022 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
-nmdc:bsm-11-13rnnv18 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-13rnnv18 biosample:SAMN43527823 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-13rvbb54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-13s3f541 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-13tve392 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -299,6 +316,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-18btad96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-18ejwv75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-18mvcq04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-190hex25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-197ez411 ENVO:01000339 polar biome polar biome ENVO:00000133 glacier glacier ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-19v98823 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-19z8hm83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-19z9km20 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -313,6 +331,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-1aq18b09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-1ay3rx25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1ayznn69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1az3ym15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-1b0wkq73 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:00003031 animal manure animal manure ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1b487w10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1b773e81 biosample:SAMN06265090 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000548 eutrophic lake eutrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-1b87xf61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -327,7 +346,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-1dn6a430 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-1dpnqj50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1dr3yg80 ENVO:01000189 temperate savanna biome temperate savanna biome ENVO:00000086 plain plain ENVO:00005760 burned soil burned soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1drqxc52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-1dwqny12 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-1dwqny12 biosample:SAMN43527822 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-1dxe8825 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1dzc3x98 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-1ed0ac43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -349,7 +368,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-1fxj7q71 biosample:SAMN18246723 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-1fxq7b73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1g6cz846 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1g7xbc30 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
-nmdc:bsm-11-1g814q21 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-1g814q21 biosample:SAMN43527821 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-1g8nz369 biosample:SAMN37862705 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1gcypf43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1gf9wt88 biosample:SAMN18245950 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -367,6 +386,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-1hkmx038 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-1hm8wk38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1hvvpx18 biosample:SAMN18245538 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-1j598v71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-1j6kvc24 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1j7f2f13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1jbmeg10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1jhh6b51 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -375,6 +395,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-1k40dz92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-1k830e54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1kadb632 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1kamm768 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-1kc3zb19 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-1kc7kw84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1kjfmt89 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-1kpx8p74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -389,14 +410,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-1m7kvm18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dw
nmdc:bsm-11-1m8p7p45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1m9zzf44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1mhzmg74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-1mw29n05 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-1mw29n05 biosample:SAMN43527820 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-1myy1191 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-1mzcdt88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1n211s83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1n4rp732 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1n566p31 biosample:SAMN07632067 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1n9brc67 biosample:SAMN37862664 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-1nsdsc26 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-1nsdsc26 biosample:SAMN43527819 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-1p0j4385 biosample:SAMN06344030 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-1p0wgj81 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-1p2n9n46 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -435,7 +456,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-1ttnjf36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-1tw7rz42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1v3w4k41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1v418p02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-1vzn7q59 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-1vny2356 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-1vzn7q59 biosample:SAMN43527818 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-1w5nfd33 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-1wbmbn06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1wcc3926 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -453,6 +475,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-1xy0sv79 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biom
nmdc:bsm-11-1y1nfb78 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-1y4mvw72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1y6wsk73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-1yc28a60 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1ygvdz48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1ymf2v75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1yq40d22 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -465,7 +488,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-1zdsxs32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-1ze4mb29 biosample:SAMN11533381 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1znmzj36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-1zsths21 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
-nmdc:bsm-11-1zx6fg10 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-1zx6fg10 biosample:SAMN43527817 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-203z5687 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-20gdzp94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-20h6s372 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -481,6 +504,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-21xrn895 biosample:SAMN37862689 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-221gqs06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-222nfb60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-223nqw71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-227vda38 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-228q6569 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-22n1qn36 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-22p3hw30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-22rvn024 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -496,6 +521,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-23w82g32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwa
nmdc:bsm-11-240d0454 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-24153934 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-242za275 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-24619e70 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-247mvn50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-24pfxa56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2576zp70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -524,11 +550,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-287ny173 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-28a1zr12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-28kgw077 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-28ssek36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-28v9fb45 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-28xnr191 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-292c1h02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2940sv11 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-295d8545 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-29d9a657 biosample:SAMN10864412 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-29kct608 ENVO:01000339 polar biome polar biome ENVO:00000133 glacier glacier ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-29krtc83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-29p1bh61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-29y6f126 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -550,6 +578,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-2bgtzv06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-2btg8s15 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-2c1nf635 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2c7vsd55 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-2c8r9c97 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-2cc3wv03 biosample:SAMN18245759 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-2cctk617 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-2cn89r57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -559,7 +588,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-2d4vgv18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gr
nmdc:bsm-11-2d51bs17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2d77nw27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2da2vw35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-2da77e23 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2dh3gj76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-2drasm02 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000389 intermittent wetland intermittent wetland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2f27b571 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2fjtje68 biosample:SAMN08902850 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2fxbgf80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -589,6 +620,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-2jg2sa30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-2jgt5a02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2jmhwj26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2jsrz965 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-2jt0tm89 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2jtnq042 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2k12be49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2k5t0q25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -597,7 +629,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-2k7det13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-2k7hev41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2kd3pz10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2kdpcs44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-2khbs287 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-2khbs287 biosample:SAMN43527816 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-2kne9n35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2kqg6170 biosample:SAMN18246402 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-2krgp822 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -625,6 +657,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-2phkb281 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-2prjdm84 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00000114 agricultural field agricultural field ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil agricultural soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2q1z3648 biosample:SAMN07632068 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2q2qmz79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-2q6szk18 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2qaqh504 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-2qcn8345 biosample:SAMN37862687 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2qfz9d13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -635,6 +668,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-2rhzdz53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-2rkxne59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2rna7h21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2rqwfh34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-2rtk4045 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000389 intermittent wetland intermittent wetland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2rtvmd84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2rx2v171 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-2sbnqj22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -687,6 +721,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-30160653 biosample:SAMN11532402 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-301ntr20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-302b5a66 biosample:SAMN07630344 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-30npyx54 biosample:SAMEA7724303 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00002204 anthropogenic contamination feature ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-30syvs50 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-30yc8k34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-310rhs32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3112an66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -694,6 +729,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-311wby96 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river
nmdc:bsm-11-315ss902 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-317z1g63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-31b4ev74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-31jggw59 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-31qt4e97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-31vzd718 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-31z52576 biosample:SAMN08777589 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
@@ -706,6 +742,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-32fzkb25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-32g6a079 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-32qe2y33 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-336s0y29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-3396fd37 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-33rxfe28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-33seav43 biosample:SAMN18247539 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-33vapw32 biosample:SAMN09200863 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
@@ -770,12 +807,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-39yajc33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-3a1n1760 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3a2ezx48 biosample:SAMN18248400 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-3a6fv767 biosample:SAMN10864292 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-3a8h4b10 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3abdbp18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3admsx52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3agf7q54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3ah1ad81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3ar8rm94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3b5hbp95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-3b5xj746 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3b86qc44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3bp8t709 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-3brzvj45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -796,6 +835,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-3e5e2c63 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biom
nmdc:bsm-11-3e7a5r10 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-3edc4469 biosample:SAMN07630531 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-3egexs63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-3ekef286 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3ekmcr15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3erjkf61 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-3f01ss22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -820,18 +860,19 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-3hz6md08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-3j1ppe45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3j1zh467 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3j5cxy94 biosample:SAMN37862678 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-3j94py47 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-3j94py47 biosample:SAMN43527815 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-3jdzbh88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3jenm561 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3jnvb928 biosample:SAMN06269031 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-3jwxa011 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3jzdf830 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-3k70k365 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-3k70k365 biosample:SAMN43527814 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-3kfjd882 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3kjsqe72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3kpex275 biosample:SAMEA7724318 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3kpgx533 biosample:SAMN37862702 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3kpqrc37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-3kpvrr32 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3ksa8g46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3m02xs65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3m5y7993 biosample:SAMN11532489 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
@@ -842,9 +883,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-3mzep154 biosample:SAMN09202470 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated envi
nmdc:bsm-11-3n3k2m62 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 organic horizon organic horizon ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3n668456 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3nap8s42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-3nb25207 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-3nb25207 biosample:SAMN43527813 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-3nffqc45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-3nhng665 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-3nhs7493 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3njxqh58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3nmc7e03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3nqemc54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -873,10 +915,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-3rs2th06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-3s29d851 biosample:SAMN06268339 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-3saj3k49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3scntg91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-3sdqfq80 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil ENVO:00000087 cliff cliff nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3sf7tr72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3sh13y44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3sj4mk50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-3srygf50 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-3srygf50 biosample:SAMN43527812 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-3swdfr82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3szkxa07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-3sztee10 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -923,6 +966,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-40djr260 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-40g2k584 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-412jma02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-413jhn20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-41c0rb64 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-41cym762 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-41ebdf16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-41hg0p13 biosample:SAMN08775249 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
@@ -943,11 +987,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-43mzy230 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-43p2pv97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-43rwvm93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-440xjb90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-442x9w41 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-442x9w41 biosample:SAMN43527811 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-44a6bw30 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:01001616 bare soil bare soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-44c0aq57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-44d45s34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-44ekce26 biosample:SAMN06269035 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-44hrnd69 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-44qchg93 biosample:SAMN11532490 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-44wftq59 biosample:SAMN18246421 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-44zmrs82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -959,7 +1004,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-45gt0v95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-45jap764 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-45jph367 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-45t07p19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-45y9mx30 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-45y9mx30 biosample:SAMN43527810 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-45z1kv27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-468ker26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-46a86w53 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
@@ -973,18 +1018,23 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-46tq1118 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-4714r978 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4742zx26 biosample:SAMN06269022 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-47c1fp43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-47n1jc77 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-47vm6354 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-482m0a17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4838sk73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-48a90z34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-48fce216 ENVO:01000339 polar biome polar biome ENVO:00000133 glacier glacier ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-48mv5084 ENVO:01000050 marine subtidal rocky reef biome marine subtidal rocky reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-48nzey88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-48psgb09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-48q3sx90 biosample:SAMEA7724336 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000355 vegetation layer ENVO:00005774 peat soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-48qpqx17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-491b4r07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-499zaf45 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-49a78150 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-49c63h73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-49j8en72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-49rak140 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-49yj1h69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-49zp0j53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4a68cd10 biosample:SAMN18246926 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -1007,6 +1057,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-4c4mcc59 biosample:SAMN14515094 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-4c6er508 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4c8aad47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4c8sx585 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-4c975136 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-4ce6q586 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4cf44p06 biosample:SAMN06343976 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4cf75j18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4cm4d739 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -1020,6 +1072,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-4dzdbd10 biosample:SAMN18247279 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome
nmdc:bsm-11-4e1tbc52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4e59yj16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4e74mc69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-4e8mpm31 ENVO:01000179 desert biome desert biome ENVO:01000185 montane desert biome montane desert biome ENVO:00005741 alpine soil alpine soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4ebag121 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4ep6tc76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4ez8s758 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1037,6 +1090,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-4fwwk242 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-4fye3j26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4g2xg110 biosample:SAMN18248539 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-4g5xzn30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-4ga0zr42 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4gcjpr38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4gh52t60 biosample:SAMN18247283 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-4h7k1w40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1058,11 +1112,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-4k1jqw58 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biom
nmdc:bsm-11-4k7xva16 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-4kfspg06 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-4kj6p675 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-4m7s4a41 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4mb8m050 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4mjppb69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4mktrq23 biosample:SAMN37862723 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4mvfjj15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-4mxkv411 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-4mxkv411 biosample:SAMN43527809 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-4myajv87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4n99c724 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4nb6s749 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1080,10 +1135,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-4pf79g42 biosample:SAMN18247144 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-4pjrvp69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4pp2k706 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-4ppwq475 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-4ptbp825 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4pz3ba22 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-4q3bgk84 biosample:SAMN18247967 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-4qdafr91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4qk6j750 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-4qp1b648 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4qqdex32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4qsq3342 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4qsxse29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
@@ -1096,6 +1153,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-4rmb0n89 biosample:SAMN06265078 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-4rqaqv30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4rrf3c75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4rx1wt74 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 organic horizon organic horizon ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-4s4cbb56 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4s5apf45 biosample:SAMN07630529 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-4s62px92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4s671m64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1133,7 +1191,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-4xams514 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-4xej9747 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4xhnx443 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4xkynk95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-4y0frx96 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-4xv36j39 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-4y0frx96 biosample:SAMN43527808 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-4y3dmv02 biosample:SAMN37862714 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-4yam4475 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-4ycxmk54 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -1152,6 +1211,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-4zryzk48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-502gam19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-50a9ap27 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-50jwa648 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-50nvrc77 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-50w6ds24 ENVO:01000339 polar biome polar biome ENVO:00000133 glacier glacier ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5113c466 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-515vq976 biosample:SAMN07632335 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-51913437 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1178,6 +1239,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-53g29f93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-53prkh58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-53swqm52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-53vv0844 biosample:SAMN08902841 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-542be821 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-543qkx13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-548hbe31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-54bqrr77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1185,11 +1247,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-54cvkn69 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associa
nmdc:bsm-11-54nygj75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-54rdaf84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-54rzej73 biosample:SAMN11532866 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-54swpq24 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-54swpq24 biosample:SAMN43527807 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-54yd8g15 biosample:SAMN08779184 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-5575zq53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-558yxx14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-55e7py77 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-55fymn19 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-55g32030 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-55phes60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-55sa0447 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-55tck002 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1202,7 +1266,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-56h1na88 biosample:SAMN06344018 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-56myw148 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-56v7tw92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-56vpv269 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-57065s27 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-57065s27 biosample:SAMN43527806 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-579b4068 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-57ejpn32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-57n0vs21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1215,11 +1279,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-58gdmq51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sed
nmdc:bsm-11-58gmkj95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-58kpt479 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-58vre866 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
-nmdc:bsm-11-591gft81 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-591gft81 biosample:SAMN43527805 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-598j2782 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-59a7vw91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-59cr8x42 biosample:SAMN18247854 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-59qa9q13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-5a46nv05 ENVO:01001800 tropical moist broadleaf forest tropical moist broadleaf forest ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:00000111 forested area forested area nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5a7ccz47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5ab1d781 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5aebnt29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1270,8 +1335,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-5hxcgv58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-5j2cjw36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5j6r2g74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5j742c82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-5ja0sq09 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-5jd2b969 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5jkert60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5jp1rt97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-5jw9p947 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5k6bg672 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5k9x9w58 biosample:SAMN37862708 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5knfsm07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1295,6 +1363,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-5nsc2807 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-5nwfen44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5nwfqm56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5nx0v082 biosample:SAMN18246743 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-5p41f286 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5p55d563 biosample:SAMEA7724304 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00002204 anthropogenic contamination feature ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5p571b97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5p6m6g72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -1315,6 +1384,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-5qq80d09 biosample:SAMN06343958 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome PO:
nmdc:bsm-11-5r0czq42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5r0szb09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5r27qw64 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-5r2xyn20 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5r44kv75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5r4t7j18 biosample:SAMN37862697 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5r7c6h25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -1336,6 +1406,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-5t0ckv79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-5t4pqf73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5t7jqv71 biosample:SAMN18247325 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-5tajwg77 biosample:SAMN06265091 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000548 eutrophic lake eutrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-5trzvb02 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:00003031 animal manure animal manure ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5v8m1x46 biosample:SAMN07632082 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-5vczj136 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5vg3xj92 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -1346,9 +1417,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-5w421v18 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biom
nmdc:bsm-11-5w43fb15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5w4ba396 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-5w63rg20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-5wa43q32 ENVO:01000179 desert biome desert biome ENVO:01000185 montane desert biome montane desert biome ENVO:00005741 alpine soil alpine soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5wb28m36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5wckx812 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5wjv1s28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-5wnvnw07 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5wqz7h68 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5wsm7p03 biosample:SAMN37862708 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5wv16x63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1368,12 +1441,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-5yfqa659 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hum
nmdc:bsm-11-5ygtze12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5ytr8n56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5yx8ee24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-5z1jah62 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-5z1jah62 biosample:SAMN43527804 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-5z296360 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5z4jnn29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5z8m8m08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5z94gg55 biosample:SAMN18248394 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-5z9de583 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-5z9wf482 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5zpzs611 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5zrgg133 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-5zzs0q35 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -1383,6 +1457,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-605d6p81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-60g1v475 biosample:SAMN37862705 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-60wbtq15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-60wskx50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-6112pw75 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-616rk257 biosample:SAMN17675958 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-61a55c09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-61eqk463 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1391,13 +1466,15 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-61j20861 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-61kpby21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-61kxxa32 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:00002000 slope slope ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-61nf9478 biosample:SAMN10864891 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-61qmpx90 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-61xfks69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-61z62y51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-61zkp771 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6206wq55 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-622k6044 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600011 mineral horizon mineral horizon ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-62667n73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-629yaj45 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-629yaj45 biosample:SAMN43527803 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-62anmw82 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-62fxv990 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-62g19a03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-62g8as86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1409,6 +1486,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-634d7d98 biosample:SAMN06268267 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-636t2z78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-63etzm87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-63hvpq69 biosample:SAMN07632070 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-63ph9851 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-63tzjx79 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-63zdws86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-63zj1294 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6423fe45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1429,13 +1508,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-65edzv02 biosample:SAMN18247963 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-65eyyh90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6613ay96 ENVO:01000215 temperate shrubland biome temperate shrubland biome ENVO:00002000 slope slope ENVO:01001616 bare soil bare soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6634g429 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-66c77129 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-66de0v28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-66x7j573 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:00001995 rock rock ENVO:00000076 mine mine nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-674m9194 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-677qn561 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-678ndj04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-67dmq694 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-67h30c16 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-67hw3z83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-67mbca64 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-67rcrh12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-67sr4s18 biosample:SAMN11533374 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-67vy3877 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1446,14 +1528,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-68bs5n65 biosample:SAMN37862724 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-68e9wx05 biosample:SAMN14511403 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-68fav565 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-68nk8576 biosample:SAMN11532591 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-68nyxy83 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6953h743 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-695sfy94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-69agk849 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-69ahyz23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-69c6e729 biosample:SAMN18248520 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-69g1rw32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-69qw4z81 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6a20rt08 biosample:SAMN11532313 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-6a4v6p04 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-6a4v6p04 biosample:SAMN43527802 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-6a50sg07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6a91zk58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6aafex28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -1480,25 +1564,27 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-6d0fbs25 biosample:SAMN08902837 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:
nmdc:bsm-11-6d2rjt37 biosample:SAMN06268341 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-6d4e1j26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6d731x94 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
-nmdc:bsm-11-6dfw2x66 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-6dfw2x66 biosample:SAMN43527801 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-6dk3nd34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6dvzy634 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6dw2c227 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6dx49t70 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-6e0p4s30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6e75dt64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-6ef2hv13 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6en6kq91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6er48k93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6evb6t68 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6ew57f61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6f321576 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6f41wf95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-6f5zvw02 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-6f5zvw02 biosample:SAMN43527800 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-6f7spm34 biosample:SAMEA7724291 ENVO:01000249 urban biome ENVO:00000120 oil palm plantation ENVO:02000059 surface soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6fb5hz57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6fmyrx95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6fq7mn26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6frhmr03 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-6fsabt12 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6fy8p792 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6fymh298 biosample:SAMN18246409 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-6g217h39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1528,16 +1614,18 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-6jtn4920 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-6jv4cx60 biosample:SAMN37862666 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6k3fpr93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6k8cmy53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-6kck4j28 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6ke48g54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6kjgk713 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-6kmghh89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-6kpc6j55 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-6kpc6j55 biosample:SAMN43527799 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-6krq9p21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-6kwr5c04 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-6kyem813 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-6m5dma62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-6m6c9g55 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 organic horizon organic horizon ENVO:00005781 heat stressed soil heat stressed soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6m6v8582 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-6mhhe280 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-6mhhe280 biosample:SAMN43527798 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-6mhthe44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6mmyx194 biosample:SAMN06264894 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-6mrqvx97 biosample:SAMN11533328 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
@@ -1557,6 +1645,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-6pr72x09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-6qbt6q16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6qgwc522 biosample:SAMN06264567 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system PO:0009007 portion of plant tissue plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-6qmh9383 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-6qn0yc72 ENVO:01000190 flooded savanna biome flooded savanna biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem wetland ecosystem nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-6qp0cj90 ENVO:00000873 freshwater biome freshwater biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem wetland ecosystem nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-6qpb7006 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6qtwxf64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6r4emy05 biosample:SAMN18246422 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -1572,6 +1662,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-6rs1b028 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:000000
nmdc:bsm-11-6rteze88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6rw1t302 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6s65st18 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
+nmdc:bsm-11-6s6fsm65 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002129 anaerobic sludge anaerobic sludge ENVO:00002124 anaerobic bioreactor anaerobic bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6se8ta13 biosample:SAMN10350550 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-6sqw3h28 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-6svgfh66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1596,7 +1687,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-6tyz8r80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-6v19fr30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6v7v5s44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6v9t8f56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-6vbr8c12 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-6vbr8c12 biosample:SAMN43527797 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-6vhkk902 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6vpk0d47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6vqwq645 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1630,13 +1721,17 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-6z6te940 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442
nmdc:bsm-11-6zd5nb38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6zftz570 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-6zqebn50 biosample:SAMN06265111 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-6zvasb85 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-6zvms244 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-6zyhx023 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-703b0f27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-704rjz79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-706hy068 biosample:SAMN07632075 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-70cg8f02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-70d7mm56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-70dqjp75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-70j51c73 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002129 anaerobic sludge anaerobic sludge ENVO:00002124 anaerobic bioreactor anaerobic bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-70zykv93 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-71991e79 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 organic horizon organic horizon ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-71fjh264 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-71j3d815 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1649,7 +1744,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-725tkw74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-726rdb12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-728ceq89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-729cxf85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-729ztw69 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-729ztw69 biosample:SAMN43527796 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-72bek389 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-72c2za41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-72f2yc02 biosample:SAMEA7724295 ENVO:01000249 urban biome ENVO:00000120 oil palm plantation ENVO:02000059 surface soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
@@ -1669,9 +1764,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-745j3432 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dw
nmdc:bsm-11-74e64e08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-74hge930 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-74k21p26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-74x7mx45 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-74ydas02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-752zwz18 biosample:SAMN18247681 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-756y7662 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-756y7662 biosample:SAMN43527795 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-758yrs33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-75g43k18 biosample:SAMN37862684 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-75kv2390 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1687,11 +1783,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-76krx497 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-76pa8x06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-76sff422 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7731nx45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-776w0167 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-776w0167 biosample:SAMN43527794 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-7785hh87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-77qqa547 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-77sm8654 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-78098y08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-782xf659 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-788zjk23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-78cvwn18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-78t5zc03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1699,6 +1796,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-78xrc693 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-78ypme67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-791fa328 biosample:SAMN08775215 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-797h6h79 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-799beb21 ENVO:01000215 temperate shrubland biome temperate shrubland biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem wetland ecosystem nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-79fgrg15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-79fjtz36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-79qa6v10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1748,7 +1846,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-7dydcn48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-7e7jn766 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7e8fme02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7e92s560 biosample:SAMN18245377 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-7eb1ca11 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-7eb1ca11 biosample:SAMN43527793 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-7eemvx60 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-7efgx657 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7ekjas67 biosample:SAMN18248268 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -1762,17 +1860,19 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-7fswq975 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-7fxj6d39 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-7g2azz24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7g452521 biosample:SAMN06264644 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-7gazy832 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7gcac153 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7gdzz704 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7ghd2t43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7gjryg22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7gqnrs66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-7gr9e189 ENVO:01001800 tropical moist broadleaf forest tropical moist broadleaf forest ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:00000111 forested area forested area nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7gszgx86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7gweyp30 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-7gxy1p82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7h2why86 biosample:SAMN06264905 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-7h6kmb74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-7hg82q14 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-7hg82q14 biosample:SAMN43527792 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-7hxbc018 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-7hyea069 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7hymzn25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1784,12 +1884,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-7j9xm862 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-7ja19882 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7jb4sb45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7jbgqg24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-7jnf7s04 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-7jvh3h24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7jvyq220 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7jxewe70 biosample:SAMN18247962 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-7k45dr18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7k5wd977 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7kg30m19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-7kk2qd96 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-7kksp579 biosample:SAMN18245530 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-7kpxhm28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7kq5jp85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1806,6 +1908,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-7mg87v50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-7mjj0164 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7mnq9s32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7mpp6y36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-7mscvd47 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7n15y297 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7n48y846 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-7n6p8d80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
@@ -1814,6 +1917,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-7ngzvw09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-7njgrq37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7nkps644 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7nn1mw88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-7nn7sq09 ENVO:01000215 temperate shrubland biome temperate shrubland biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem wetland ecosystem nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7np03b47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7np5cn89 biosample:SAMN08902871 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7nx0wa65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1828,15 +1932,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-7px1xy20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-7pyf6x17 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-7pyrek52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-7pze0v39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-7q0tq290 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-7q0tq290 biosample:SAMN43527791 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-7q4cjr78 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-7q5vhr29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7q8jae23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7qaw2x10 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 organic horizon organic horizon ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7qgqct96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-7qjb7v06 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-7qjb7v06 biosample:SAMN43527790 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-7qsmt772 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-7qyr4e39 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-7qyr4e39 biosample:SAMN43527789 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-7rhy8q70 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7rj5wg44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7rmm2363 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7rvqj077 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1845,7 +1950,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-7sda8g90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-7sf89k29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7sftem25 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-7sp83167 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-7srsnn95 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-7srsnn95 biosample:SAMN43527788 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-7sz6ga87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7t0gc390 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7t0qgt55 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
@@ -1871,7 +1976,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-7w8fc560 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-7w9m7a60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7wcy4p18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7wdrry70 biosample:SAMN06265109 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-7wed9914 ENVO:01000215 temperate shrubland biome temperate shrubland biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem wetland ecosystem nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7wextd46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-7whp1871 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7wqz4q59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7wvkv565 biosample:SAMN37862728 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-7wwveb53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1909,6 +2016,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-80vkf190 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-80zwww41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-819g7k09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-81a35963 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-81chfb41 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000389 intermittent wetland intermittent wetland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-81g87v10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-81h24n81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-81hpgb84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1925,7 +2033,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8360dt60 biosample:SAMN37862730 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-837e8e11 biosample:SAMN06344017 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-83aqqr58 biosample:SAMN37862710 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-83d4x272 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-83e83s62 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-83e83s62 biosample:SAMN43527787 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-83feah48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-83szgs47 biosample:SAMN37862668 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-83t8kn59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
@@ -1936,6 +2044,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-84j1jc90 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-84jrea52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-84mpmk75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-84qt1112 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-84tnh227 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-851ejn28 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-852vpb47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-85a7ah03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-85akfq83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -1959,6 +2069,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-87eejc42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-87n47x38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-87ymym19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-87zmxc96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8806nw34 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-88fnj338 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-88jx8v83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-88kssc71 biosample:SAMN11532135 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
@@ -1977,6 +2088,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-89q03t84 biosample:SAMEA7724294 ENVO:01000249 urban biome ENVO:0000
nmdc:bsm-11-89qxr917 biosample:SAMN18245150 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-89x2j080 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-89xbt085 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8a9nh559 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8ac5jw29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8agjf257 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8ah8pz02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
@@ -1985,7 +2097,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8aq6ns85 biosample:SAMN18245160 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-8aycnv67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8b27gn39 biosample:SAMN18245564 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-8b47yq58 biosample:SAMN11532176 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-8b4rh852 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-8b4rh852 biosample:SAMN43527786 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-8b68ry74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8b794q64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8b8b0344 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -1993,6 +2105,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8bewbp90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-8bfp0v23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8bpz6388 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8bvppw11 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
+nmdc:bsm-11-8c18wc38 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:00003031 animal manure animal manure ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8c5vbp39 biosample:SAMN37862668 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8ccpbe87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8ceyq796 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2007,11 +2120,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8dk2fa17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-8dq5a160 biosample:SAMN18247143 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-8e0s1r41 biosample:SAMN37862717 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8e2bnq15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8e432w27 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002129 anaerobic sludge anaerobic sludge ENVO:00002124 anaerobic bioreactor anaerobic bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8e43d898 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-8e4b2t95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8e4hjr18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8e8hht33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-8egt1c03 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-8egt1c03 biosample:SAMN43527785 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-8enazm58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8ep0r524 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8eyc1a26 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
@@ -2019,7 +2133,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8eypa967 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-8f09yd58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8f0eft67 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-8f1c6514 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8f1zfs86 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8f54jh47 biosample:SAMN11512034 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-8f9kza98 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8fbm4j90 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil ENVO:00000044 peatland peatland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8fhctf92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8g0z9180 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8g6g5j63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2029,6 +2146,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8ge1z192 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-8ge3yj07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8ge5dc72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8ggmxe88 biosample:SAMN37862693 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8gnt6y91 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8gq5te80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8h1a1021 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8h7agy76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2039,7 +2157,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8j9g0141 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-8jbjsw60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8jfcjq92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8jjrf704 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-8jk2bw63 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-8jk2bw63 biosample:SAMN43527784 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-8jp49k23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8jwy9y79 biosample:SAMN18246389 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-8k70mx18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2071,10 +2189,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8pffx390 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-8pfh0j80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8pn46339 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8pqh0e39 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-8pwwr630 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8pxg3c49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8q3kw433 biosample:SAMN08775212 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-8q3twd36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8qdmhw37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8qdykb22 ENVO:01000050 marine subtidal rocky reef biome marine subtidal rocky reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8qh0s869 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-8qkdew37 biosample:SAMN37862691 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8qkhhb25 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-8qrc0539 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -2096,6 +2217,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8scpdb58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-8sd8fz91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8smkxv71 biosample:SAMN06265197 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-8sr70j95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8sr7p656 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8svvfc57 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8sxr0187 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8syf1d12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8szgjg09 ENVO:01000216 montane shrubland biome montane shrubland biome ENVO:00000100 valley valley ENVO:00005761 meadow soil meadow soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
@@ -2128,18 +2251,21 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-8xb45933 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-8xeyx108 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8xhrz662 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8xjews27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8xmhwv31 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8xmzzq09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8xswm629 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8xtftg31 biosample:SAMN12794752 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-8xv0w334 biosample:SAMN09201024 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
-nmdc:bsm-11-8yc50026 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-8yc50026 biosample:SAMN43527783 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-8yebv547 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-8yewfa79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-8ym8ej29 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-8ytv1n66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8ywma992 biosample:SAMN37862704 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8z08ah94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8z8r7x29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8zcrs544 biosample:SAMN18245761 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-8zevcq84 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-8zmfw691 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-90brrk26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-90p0wb74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2149,7 +2275,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-90vp2x95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-90wkpj09 biosample:SAMN18248252 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-90z66h33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-90zya468 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-9132b177 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-9132b177 biosample:SAMN43527782 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-913afz53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-915df738 biosample:SAMEA7724278 ENVO:01000179 desert biome ENVO:01000185 montane desert biome ENVO:00005741 alpine soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-916kh210 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2159,6 +2285,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-91bdea61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-91fn7556 biosample:SAMN08902848 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-91m26m60 biosample:SAMN18248522 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-91sdfy79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-91tmwd33 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-92023n23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-923skh76 biosample:SAMN18246953 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-927rxv46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2171,12 +2298,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-92nam523 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-92xxdg53 biosample:SAMN07630345 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9349v726 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-938kxq31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-93c34e28 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-93c34e28 biosample:SAMN43527781 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-93hw1264 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-93mc8g67 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600011 mineral horizon mineral horizon ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-93prgj76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-93v43232 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9413qr84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9484e072 ENVO:00000873 freshwater biome freshwater biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem wetland ecosystem nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-94aecm50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-94c2xj88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-94fas653 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2187,7 +2315,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9526y295 biosample:SAMN18245537 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-952xyk04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-95343w77 biosample:SAMN18244951 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-954hvw86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-954kpx45 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-954kpx45 biosample:SAMN43527780 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-956z3702 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-957njq91 biosample:SAMN11532485 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9583y135 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -2195,6 +2323,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-95dy4s04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-95wca610 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-95x0ph47 biosample:SAMN11532761 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-95xyr284 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9618bz78 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000389 intermittent wetland intermittent wetland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-962ww009 biosample:SAMN37862743 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-964hnw62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-96cg5y52 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
@@ -2230,10 +2359,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9ab7zp76 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associa
nmdc:bsm-11-9actar32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9aey8144 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9apvdh46 biosample:SAMN06343960 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000291 drainage basin ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9b7p0p97 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9b97wq41 biosample:SAMN37862719 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9ba9n609 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9bcta571 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-9bd9gw03 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-9bd9gw03 biosample:SAMN43527779 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-9bdbtd25 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-9bepmx86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9bk0vg86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2275,6 +2405,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9g7k9a53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-9g8bft03 ENVO:01000221 temperate woodland biome temperate woodland biome ENVO:00002000 slope slope ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9gjpzm56 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-9gmcv191 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9gpas427 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9gtt1d25 biosample:SAMN37862715 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9h5kep90 biosample:SAMN37862740 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9h8x0915 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2284,6 +2415,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9hb6s366 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-9hfje373 biosample:SAMN12796032 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-9hj1y492 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-9hmjbw71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9hqn6g69 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9hyrp995 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9j388g12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9j43yz77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9jf7sy21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2298,9 +2431,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9kavmp04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-9kd51z95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9ke2bb26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9kfafv98 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-9km6ce82 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-9km6ce82 biosample:SAMN43527778 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-9kt3th24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9kt5kn69 biosample:SAMN06268269 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-9kz3qt70 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9macc146 biosample:SAMEA7724311 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9mc76767 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9n149t81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2310,6 +2444,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9n514080 biosample:SAMN11533382 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-9na4s855 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9nppap58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9nredq07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9nx0kw14 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-9nx64x91 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 organic horizon organic horizon ENVO:00005781 heat stressed soil heat stressed soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9p229r59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9peth682 biosample:SAMN14511477 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
@@ -2319,6 +2454,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9q15nn07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-9q1b5t71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9q6v1k94 biosample:SAMN18247840 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-9q6x0b84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9qcrmw23 ENVO:01000050 marine subtidal rocky reef biome marine subtidal rocky reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9qhdea86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9qjdhk19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9qnwyp83 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -2328,17 +2464,21 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9qrawr49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-9qrn7646 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9qzbhv51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9qznwj21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9r6a7p14 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil ENVO:00000044 peatland peatland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9r9k5a13 biosample:SAMN08775213 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-9rcfa470 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9rcrwz04 biosample:SAMN18247750 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-9rea0d78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9rhh7v41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9rmqm198 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9rqfxk56 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9rt3j753 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9rtb4c86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9scpfb66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9sd4k454 ENVO:01000183 tropical desert biome tropical desert biome ENVO:00000548 gravel field gravel field ENVO:01000018 gravel gravel nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9sgbhv78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9sp0ax37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9sq3t096 ENVO:01000050 marine subtidal rocky reef biome marine subtidal rocky reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9t5g8w02 biosample:SAMN08778367 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-9t7z6672 biosample:SAMN18245266 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-9t9j3p04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2353,6 +2493,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9v0epr64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-9v1knc22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9v2ncy77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9vbkz317 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9vgcbz56 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-9vgv4n74 ENVO:01000179 desert biome desert biome ENVO:01000185 montane desert biome montane desert biome ENVO:00005741 alpine soil alpine soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9vjmzr73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9vpb0d03 biosample:SAMN37862681 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9vpkyp68 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2374,7 +2516,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-9y4a9m97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-9y8bdp52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9y8yft68 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9yn2fq77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-9ype9h42 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-9ype9h42 biosample:SAMN43527777 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-9yq6wr32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9z0wqf80 biosample:SAMN37862661 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-9z88dh50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2394,6 +2536,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-a0kv7309 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-a0q8nq56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a0r20a33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a0sham62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-a0yff818 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a11z5b91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a1eg3441 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a1hq4m89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2401,6 +2544,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-a1mb8028 biosample:SAMEA7724317 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous f
nmdc:bsm-11-a1q56a63 biosample:SAMN37862658 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a1xsmw17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a20k3m91 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-a23sez35 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a25a9s64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a2a6tq35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a2ac3c43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2420,6 +2564,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-a4t1ea51 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biom
nmdc:bsm-11-a50ttd14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a556d252 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a55tdr44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-a57pz987 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a57zjt20 biosample:SAMN11532586 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a5bh5s69 biosample:SAMN06265073 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01001021 humic lake humic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-a5p97d57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -2431,9 +2576,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-a6gd9757 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-a6mbfa12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a6nnvf92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a6p0kd54 biosample:SAMN06343682 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:02500027 anthropogenic environmental process ENVO:01001869 fracking liquid hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
-nmdc:bsm-11-a6r4tr70 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-a6r4tr70 biosample:SAMN43527776 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-a79ej402 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-a7bxxs53 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-a7bxxs53 biosample:SAMN43527775 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-a7cn6t19 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-a7j47a42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-a7v1hy91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2454,6 +2599,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-aa7drj63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-aa7wmf63 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-aa9a5t32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aag73c63 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-aah1r855 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-aakgb169 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aan31e03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aapx7y71 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -2466,13 +2612,15 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-abn1yj35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-abpthv73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-absfrc32 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-abzjb960 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-ac45fp73 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-ac45fp73 biosample:SAMN43527774 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-ac5wk933 biosample:SAMN14511242 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ac8q3p77 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-acehgb61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-acejjp62 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-acfvxq24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ach0cg48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-acjdxe56 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:01001004 groundwater groundwater ENVO:00000076 mine mine nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-acjrq541 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-acqtab53 biosample:SAMN37862698 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ad739z23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-adc8nc37 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -2484,13 +2632,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-adv25093 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associa
nmdc:bsm-11-adwwk217 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-adzwqg44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aeajzc47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-aeddj751 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-aeddj751 biosample:SAMN43527773 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-aefdvh41 biosample:SAMN07632079 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-aehhhz31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-aejbnh36 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-aejbnh36 biosample:SAMN43527772 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-aergtq22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aesqd647 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-aezmgd63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-af2ahh88 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-af3wsy08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-af4kd337 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-af88zh71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2519,8 +2668,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ahzpxd86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-aj0gen06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aj2pq281 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aj61zg76 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-ajb5x617 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ajfgbd61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ajjazx03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ajqc6593 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ak5ar333 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000389 intermittent wetland intermittent wetland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ak5kra09 biosample:SAMN08775250 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ak7me751 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-akt67s83 biosample:SAMN18246417 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -2547,7 +2699,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-aq1k0r43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-aq4x7604 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aq5st355 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aq8ngh37 biosample:SAMN18245763 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-aq96zb32 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-aq96zb32 biosample:SAMN43527771 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-aq9zmn15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aqfeg436 biosample:SAMN37862744 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aqgmkj49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2556,12 +2708,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-aqy45h88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ar28yn57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ar7x1p94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ar8fqr07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-argbr578 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-argnjn53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-arjq1c41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-arkmrp89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-arkvm375 biosample:SAMN18245535 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-armkcw81 biosample:SAMN10864901 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-arpk9p10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-arpv5c98 ENVO:01001800 tropical moist broadleaf forest tropical moist broadleaf forest ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:00000111 forested area forested area nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ars9b987 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-arvq6471 biosample:SAMN07632088 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-as1kg095 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -2576,8 +2730,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-aszpj358 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442
nmdc:bsm-11-at9sda86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-atb09293 biosample:SAMN07632336 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-atbwfp62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-atd08q40 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-atg8gj93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-atjxz069 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-atjxz069 biosample:SAMN43527770 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-atmetk23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-atxgqg94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-av0rry83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2592,21 +2747,25 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-avs8cy36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-avvq5w41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aw0dkx02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aw7fs440 biosample:SAMN07632065 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-awbfcx71 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-awvsp479 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ax4hg218 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ax989290 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-axb03136 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-axfff262 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-axhabt31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-axjxdc58 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-axm9cz50 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-axp01q77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-axp5c220 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-axr9kj21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-axsrca87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ay10ns06 biosample:SAMN18245167 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-ay268y30 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-ay268y30 biosample:SAMN43527769 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-ay3t6b03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ayd9z833 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ayfk1n04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-aygsfg85 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ayj4rf18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ayjss930 biosample:SAMN18245536 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ayp6z253 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2622,6 +2781,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-azd5eq19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-azdz7z44 biosample:SAMN14511379 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-azfn2405 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-aztxt406 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-azvyt007 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-azwrff07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-azx16428 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-azyzt783 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2636,6 +2796,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-b1a2qy04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-b1cz2q70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b1hf6k38 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-b1m4vf75 biosample:SAMN06344013 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-b2202e02 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b27vx623 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b2acs495 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b2kwpy42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2671,6 +2832,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-b6szm187 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-b70ng241 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b70s9h20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b71g6j71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-b74s9m33 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-b75jdd82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b7b7gn33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b7c2dc48 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -2700,6 +2862,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-b9knnf27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-b9ns7585 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b9qhhf14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b9thcs44 biosample:SAMN07632337 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-b9v3jc83 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-b9xefn28 biosample:SAMN10864296 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-b9yyvf42 biosample:SAMN06265118 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01001021 humic lake humic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ba0s6596 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2735,11 +2898,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-bdags037 biosample:SAMN18245747 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-bdcy4b54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bdjvey41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bdn1fa14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-bdv19h20 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil ENVO:00000087 cliff cliff nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bdvfx442 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-bdvqdz07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bdyeng31 biosample:SAMN37862743 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-be0a2j83 biosample:SAMN11532520 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-be87r398 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
+nmdc:bsm-11-bea5je06 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bemq3p16 biosample:SAMN07632072 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-beyavm73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-beyrfr12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -2752,6 +2917,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-bfef2y72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-bfkss581 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bfqz2675 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-bfyben71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-bg2n6v96 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bg4bwd45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bg4q1344 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bg6edr07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2781,7 +2947,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-bjz9xw98 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-bjzmcn66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bk0d7a21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bk2nqv59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-bkaq0225 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-bkaq0225 biosample:SAMN43527768 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-bkbm1j33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bkw15k53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bkwp3w17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2800,7 +2966,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-bnw3rv76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-bnwfh922 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bny0c933 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bnyeht47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-bp3vjp67 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-bp3vjp67 biosample:SAMN43527767 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-bp54wm37 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-bp8hms10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bpf71y34 biosample:SAMN11532912 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
@@ -2815,11 +2981,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-bqp0m764 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-bqtk8606 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bqvgpn30 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-bqwhr666 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-brg2nk42 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-brg5m485 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-brhbfn81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-brmvak77 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-brn40703 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-brs7pn04 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-brs7pn04 biosample:SAMN43527766 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-brvyqq67 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-bs5tk059 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bs7w4992 biosample:SAMN37862714 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2831,13 +2998,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-bsf1xb67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-bsf8yq62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bsgw3c83 biosample:SAMN07632091 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bshhaw35 ENVO:01000189 temperate savanna biome temperate savanna biome ENVO:00000086 plain plain ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-bsrmnf74 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002129 anaerobic sludge anaerobic sludge ENVO:00002124 anaerobic bioreactor anaerobic bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-bswgga75 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bt3gzb77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bt4zqz58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-btb3ff65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-btejhw88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-btfwqj13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-btm3zf82 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
-nmdc:bsm-11-btqpfk48 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-btqpfk48 biosample:SAMN43527765 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-bttqr502 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-btwfj057 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-btwsdw94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-btz6yg89 biosample:SAMN06265112 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
@@ -2856,6 +3026,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-bw45kk95 biosample:SAMN06269032 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-bw6ft005 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bw7qb106 biosample:SAMN11533373 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bw89j592 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-bwac7r34 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bwc8ew09 biosample:SAMN06269033 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-bwkb2749 biosample:SAMN18247844 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-bwvpgv11 biosample:SAMN18245176 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -2863,10 +3034,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-bx1gz045 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-bx4fx561 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bx86p094 biosample:SAMEA7724221 ENVO:01000221 temperate woodland biome ENVO:01000221 temperate woodland biome ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bxjmnf66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-bxssfc25 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bxtp7j54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-bycnt097 biosample:SAMN09201025 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-byftwh79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-byk5e048 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-bym9nf95 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-byp88x19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-byr0ry78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-byys1x18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2880,7 +3053,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-c02a5p52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dw
nmdc:bsm-11-c0dh3449 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c0rpt159 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c0wccn75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-c0x8c549 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-c0x8c549 biosample:SAMN43527764 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-c12hyq86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-c1cryj89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c1h3p897 biosample:SAMN18246921 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -2938,11 +3111,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-c78sd125 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-c7daje72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c7kgxm96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c7nyn122 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-c7pw9t22 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c7x56n64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c7xrjm08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c7z6wr23 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-c847cd51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-c8b1e472 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-c8b1e472 biosample:SAMN43527763 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-c8c99s23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c8depr59 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-c8hejv68 biosample:SAMN18245514 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -2958,12 +3132,15 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-c9bkw850 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-c9d38w51 biosample:SAMN37862727 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-c9hs3y87 biosample:SAMEA7724325 ENVO:00000873 freshwater biome ENVO:01000687 coast ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-c9m14f12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ca72ag06 ENVO:01000179 desert biome desert biome ENVO:01000185 montane desert biome montane desert biome ENVO:00005741 alpine soil alpine soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ca93yq48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cagqxt86 biosample:SAMN06269024 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-cajh9545 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cajqge23 biosample:SAMN18247023 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-cama3617 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-can3rz84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-cap69m58 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-carq0d43 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-casxjm92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cavfsx23 biosample:SAMN12794924 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-caw04n85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -2994,7 +3171,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ce4jwr84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gr
nmdc:bsm-11-ce878p31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cef5hd90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cemwyp15 biosample:SAMN18245529 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-cet53e85 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-cet53e85 biosample:SAMN43527762 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-cetrfc32 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ceyqam90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cezrad03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -3009,6 +3186,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ch6hhf25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sed
nmdc:bsm-11-chabe285 biosample:SAMN18247304 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-chrvkm43 biosample:SAMN18244775 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-chvze582 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-cj7vfc97 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:01001004 groundwater groundwater ENVO:00000076 mine mine nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cjav3f44 biosample:SAMN18247764 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-cjp6kd42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-cjsex509 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3022,6 +3200,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ckr1wg69 biosample:SAMN37862658 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-cm7c1w04 biosample:SAMN06268338 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-cm93y325 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-cmdabs89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-cmesvc96 ENVO:01000050 marine subtidal rocky reef biome marine subtidal rocky reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cmjwbm77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cmmqbr13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cmnfkx95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -3033,21 +3212,26 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-cnm9cm45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-cnp1bz57 biosample:SAMN10864215 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cnpdkr82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cnpncn49 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-cnwpfb50 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-cp0nzt11 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cp8crw45 biosample:SAMEA7724270 ENVO:01000179 desert biome ENVO:01000185 montane desert biome ENVO:00005741 alpine soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cpd4yk92 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:00002000 slope slope ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cpekyy11 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600011 mineral horizon mineral horizon ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cpm0et14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-cpx7e317 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-cq098052 biosample:SAMN06343973 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cqbpqf62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-cqg3c049 biosample:SAMN14511394 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-cqhejd34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cqjjvf25 biosample:SAMN37862663 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cqk58r05 biosample:SAMN18245393 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-cqkwsa24 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cr68f527 biosample:SAMEA7724228 ENVO:01000215 temperate shrubland biome ENVO:01000215 temperate shrubland biome ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cr6epf02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-craaft50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-crawj028 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-crbr4c98 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-crdrx267 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-crg4y081 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-crqcyn70 biosample:SAMN37862714 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-crs9qf93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3075,7 +3259,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-cvkb2j40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-cvn37b15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cvqsze66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-cvw2n214 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-cw2hfh88 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-cw2hfh88 biosample:SAMN43527761 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-cw4dzz42 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-cw5nhr68 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-cwey4y35 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600011 mineral horizon mineral horizon ENVO:00005781 heat stressed soil heat stressed soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
@@ -3103,11 +3287,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-czx67y26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-d015e695 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d03x1f58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d071k896 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-d088ph59 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d0e1wb86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d0fhma65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d0jba249 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d0mgn431 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-d0n20z20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-d0qkb097 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d0tbp014 biosample:SAMN07632090 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d0thk397 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d0zw1n65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3126,6 +3312,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-d2q4yc49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-d37xg474 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d389dz83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d3dcb734 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-d3e8jh34 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:00003031 animal manure animal manure ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d3kwey28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d3pceb26 biosample:SAMN10864411 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d3qxex85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3137,8 +3324,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-d43zef63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-d496dt38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d49xez81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d4a5dp72 biosample:SAMN37862740 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-d4fmv611 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d4kqew50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d4mg7h03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-d4qctw23 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d4qd2115 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d521wc24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d52ts663 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3160,7 +3349,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-d6zmmg26 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442
nmdc:bsm-11-d7aj5m44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d7c60b81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d7dsnv37 biosample:SAMN18247293 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-d7mwm979 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-d7mwm979 biosample:SAMN43527760 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-d7vz3563 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-d7y15d19 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-d80yrj89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3194,6 +3383,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-db628a53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of eve
nmdc:bsm-11-db6e1d33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dbavm335 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dbc4cf42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dbjnkh38 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dbr4yn11 biosample:SAMEA7724321 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dbsn9360 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dc64g234 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3204,11 +3394,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-dckmpw12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-dcq0rn96 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-dcq9a530 biosample:SAMN11532914 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dcrjg684 biosample:SAMN05421962 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-dcrnt111 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dcrryp48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dcw37a90 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-dcx36k19 biosample:SAMN10350546 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-dcz49316 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dd05hv38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dd2wy976 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-dd367w25 biosample:SAMN12796214 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-dd3ttd50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dd61we90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3216,7 +3408,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-dd8yd668 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-ddgk0e14 biosample:SAMN05421960 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ddj1pw11 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ddkh6y70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ddktn754 ENVO:01000339 polar biome polar biome ENVO:00000133 glacier glacier ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ddmzhp25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-de2n0r50 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-de3z1v28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-de5edv89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-deadj704 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3234,6 +3428,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-dgd9pr52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-dgssax21 biosample:SAMN17674640 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-dh031a34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01001370 tundra ecosystem tundra ecosystem ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dh6mrw95 biosample:SAMN06343964 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000291 drainage basin ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dhaxq973 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dhbehh05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dhbgdv35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dhggna73 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
@@ -3248,6 +3443,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-djqze645 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-djrwgr48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-djsfq929 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-djwhcy84 biosample:SAMN11532491 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dk398583 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-dk7a4342 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dkc2gf32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dkcmr758 biosample:SAMEA7724344 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000355 vegetation layer ENVO:00005774 peat soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
@@ -3263,6 +3459,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-dmwkrw33 biosample:SAMN11529916 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-dmxwmf22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dn1vcj92 biosample:SAMN18247947 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-dn22zt20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dn2br573 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dngpe992 biosample:SAMN37862670 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dnnffx79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dnpz7239 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -3275,6 +3472,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-dpaw0n86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-dpbngs17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dpcvcd04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dpdb5k06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dpgj1057 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dpmmvz76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dppkv536 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-dq20qq18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3282,6 +3480,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-dq2qgd98 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-dq6twh22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dqnfvd06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-dqt9fa81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dqth3s86 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dr16b389 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-dr7qc773 biosample:SAMN07632089 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dr7twb76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3296,12 +3495,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ds95vq39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-dsgeef37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dsjpzf30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dsmtw308 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dsn56c20 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dsnawg93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dsnv0d36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dsp1a762 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dspcmg09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dsq4gq73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dstfhy82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dsw66p12 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:01001004 groundwater groundwater ENVO:00000076 mine mine nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dsxhb780 biosample:SAMN37862725 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dt22yn41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dt3r5061 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -3313,6 +3514,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-dtt5zv58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-dtyb1w45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-dva76848 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-dvc0av73 biosample:SAMN15739001 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
+nmdc:bsm-11-dvcp2j20 ENVO:01000193 temperate grassland biome temperate grassland biome ENVO:01001811 temperate grassland temperate grassland ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dvfacz60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dvmrm006 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dvn9nk09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
@@ -3324,7 +3526,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-dw551t25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-dwjwy891 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dwmydq07 biosample:SAMN37862701 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dwsqg513 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-dwvcn565 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-dwvcn565 biosample:SAMN43527759 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-dwzpb897 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dx0gq965 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dx4vst02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3344,6 +3546,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-dz264p50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-dz6b6m46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dz7j8n32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dzaknw24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-dzcbm153 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-dzggr533 biosample:SAMN18246424 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-dzmzp451 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-dzra0c34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3370,9 +3573,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-e2rkv622 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-e3326m09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e38sc208 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e39fez45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-e3dqbt44 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-e3dqbt44 biosample:SAMN43527758 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-e3m5pt51 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00000114 agricultural field agricultural field ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil agricultural soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e3rf3549 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-e3vbad66 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e3yfyr52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e4szzv74 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-e4tg5v10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3389,6 +3593,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-e5gsb409 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-e5me8755 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e5n81610 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-e5st4x57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-e5vw0b85 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e5ws1659 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e5zyyc04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e60q1423 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3402,13 +3607,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-e6zvzn58 biosample:SAMN11532488 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-e747ch69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-e78px445 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e7faj137 biosample:SAMN12794923 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
+nmdc:bsm-11-e7g05s74 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-e7hn2484 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e85ckg81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e85yp708 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e86n5j15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e871at89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-e8b72d43 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e8bj5631 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-e8dc5062 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-e8dc5062 biosample:SAMN43527757 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-e8es0f94 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e8f6b760 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e8fts735 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-e8g6r439 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3435,7 +3643,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ea1tk519 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ea7atv63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ea7gwy54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eah63s70 biosample:SAMN06344012 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-eahc7244 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eak11w07 biosample:SAMN07632339 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-eamp6s68 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-earw5744 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eb2a6x40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eb9a9p54 biosample:SAMN18248405 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -3455,19 +3665,24 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ecc36q65 biosample:SAMN06265114 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-ecmkpm64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ecn7ad34 biosample:SAMN37862716 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ecnehx23 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
+nmdc:bsm-11-ecnkkv94 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ecpn5b52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ed5sns91 biosample:SAMN07631796 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eda67c69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-edac4v19 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-edap6131 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-edbyht83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-edcghy65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-edcvd309 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-edd0z196 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-edpm4s56 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-edqb4964 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ee0ag266 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eedkye64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eefazf76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eehtf434 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eesgzg29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-eetfqc55 ENVO:01000183 tropical desert biome tropical desert biome ENVO:00000548 gravel field gravel field ENVO:01000018 gravel gravel nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eez8sk82 biosample:SAMN37862664 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eez9zq11 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ef3mwz67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3506,12 +3721,15 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ekctfv90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ekesct69 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ekg56m34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ekkc7093 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ektndz90 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ekyc0680 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-em06v138 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-em883k68 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-embdj850 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002129 anaerobic sludge anaerobic sludge ENVO:00002124 anaerobic bioreactor anaerobic bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-emfvh155 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-emfzfb54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-emgp5522 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-emmkhn09 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-emtw6g43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-emxqv890 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-en38tn88 biosample:SAMN10865518 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
@@ -3527,6 +3745,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-eny4t026 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442
nmdc:bsm-11-ep5r7r80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ep7fh855 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-epes9h39 biosample:SAMN10864230 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-epmp4x32 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eps12685 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-eptemk49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-epzey677 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3547,6 +3766,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-er9e7v28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dw
nmdc:bsm-11-era2r378 biosample:SAMN18247952 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-eraeyq20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-erjj2z43 biosample:SAMN37862739 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-erkcfc72 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-erpvhh22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-erpxmw56 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-erygw940 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3578,8 +3798,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ewtr7w27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ewv17981 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ewv30j14 biosample:SAMN10864902 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ex491068 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ex8eqw91 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-exgzzv11 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-exkj4e60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-exme1995 biosample:SAMN37862662 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-extjxz24 ENVO:01000182 temperate desert biome temperate desert biome ENVO:01001357 desert desert ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-exxf5e20 biosample:SAMN18248260 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-exz07d41 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-exzatp62 biosample:SAMEA7724286 ENVO:01000249 urban biome ENVO:00000119 planted forest ENVO:02000059 surface soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
@@ -3601,6 +3824,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ezakze82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ezkwea75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ezp6pz60 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-eztc1c19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-f0262005 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-f02fnz25 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-f04c3y22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-f07yn383 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-f0cqmx50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3628,6 +3853,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-f2sf9h97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-f2w82564 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-f33q1n97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-f34n6252 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-f35kng15 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-f35y5n45 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-f3en0w23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-f3qz6240 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3681,7 +3907,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-fbyr0w63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-fbzw6m81 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-fc4xks90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fcc53m44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-fcccde05 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-fcccde05 biosample:SAMN43527756 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-fcfwba10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fcj7kq51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fcks7k02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3698,6 +3924,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-fdhh8163 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-fdjmge85 biosample:SAMN10864377 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fdzepg13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fe0nea10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-fe6ag887 ENVO:01000193 temperate grassland biome temperate grassland biome ENVO:01001811 temperate grassland temperate grassland ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-feef6q42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fegqrk48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-feq2n681 biosample:SAMN07630532 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
@@ -3712,9 +3939,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ffrfzy83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-fftxqt61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ffvp0k83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fg6rdz39 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
-nmdc:bsm-11-fgfw9z67 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-fg98c169 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-fgfw9z67 biosample:SAMN43527755 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-fgjpsy56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-fgmzxf16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-fgv4qz58 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-fhhhq785 biosample:SAMN08902870 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fhjpt905 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-fhv8ha31 biosample:SAMN37862693 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3725,6 +3954,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-fjas8n82 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442
nmdc:bsm-11-fjhrh306 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fk61zn73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fk6xv058 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-fk7xsn47 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000389 intermittent wetland intermittent wetland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fk8b7c19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fkcxqe45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fkksq725 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3762,7 +3992,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-fq4r8n24 biosample:SAMN18245247 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-fq8c2786 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fqchmc77 biosample:SAMN06343771 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000941 planetary subsurface zone ENVO:00002194 oil field production water hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-fqmf4077 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-fqp2mq07 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-fqp2mq07 biosample:SAMN43527754 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-fqsdyx28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fr4c9n11 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fr6sa987 biosample:SAMN37862673 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3776,6 +4006,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-frtd9k73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of wo
nmdc:bsm-11-frwkqh05 biosample:SAMN08902887 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fs5xxr20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fs8hh246 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-fs8nd758 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fscjdt24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fsjj5e85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fskhr071 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3789,6 +4020,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-fv5wns38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-fvbt5c30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fvd07r48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fvd84r10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-fvenk761 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fvh06v60 biosample:SAMN06265120 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01001021 humic lake humic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-fvpp5629 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fvq25f95 biosample:SAMN08902844 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
@@ -3798,6 +4030,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-fwcxjr42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-fwfrgb81 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00000114 agricultural field agricultural field ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil agricultural soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fwjbvw78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fws0s186 biosample:SAMN18248383 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002130 hypolimnion hypolimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-fwsw0p21 ENVO:01000193 temperate grassland biome temperate grassland biome ENVO:01001811 temperate grassland temperate grassland ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fx02pd04 biosample:SAMN18244962 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-fx6agz39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fx8vc974 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3806,6 +4039,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-fxjpfg48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dw
nmdc:bsm-11-fxphyd31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fxqmnx27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fxvjr851 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-fy05wd88 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-fy3j8w19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-fy4ab292 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fy5e0w88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3813,6 +4047,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-fybryy77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-fyey4107 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-fywpw534 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fyx8hy39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-fzefgn43 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-fzg1mz65 biosample:SAMN18245681 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-fzgnr608 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-fzjft914 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3833,12 +4068,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-g20cak10 biosample:SAMN37862744 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-g26hxa55 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g2bdqg76 biosample:SAMN08776398 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-g2h79242 biosample:SAMN18244942 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-g2h93009 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-g2h93009 biosample:SAMN43527753 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-g2kt8860 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g2m81j83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g2qgbv96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g2sqp520 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-g2vaav22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-g2ytg589 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g2zcz598 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g32r7150 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g338m869 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3846,6 +4082,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-g35dnf26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-g35mab57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g39sns14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g3a6t898 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-g3akej84 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g3czag93 biosample:SAMN08902832 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00002258 loam nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g3h5xz87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g3n8as10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3856,6 +4093,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-g3vwcr09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-g46hws70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g4780q08 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-g47dwt90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-g48fwc56 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g4awg313 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g4jm0b52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g4mwys16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3863,8 +4101,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-g4my3419 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-g4qh8267 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g4rxzh95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-g50kms75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-g51a2k35 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g51jfb37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g537gd79 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-g53gv029 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g57x9z65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g5cph988 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-g5cxya31 biosample:SAMN18247300 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -3904,6 +4144,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-g9yg7716 biosample:SAMN12794645 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-ga4pzg44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ga6kb181 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ga8cav80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ga9sv551 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:00003031 animal manure animal manure ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gaa15d67 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-gabxwb76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gan59x66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3917,6 +4158,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-gc0jf666 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biom
nmdc:bsm-11-gc1amf36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gc3jmk97 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-gcaztf36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-gcb2md35 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gcb6w210 biosample:SAMN08776811 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-gcbjwb76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gccbbw32 biosample:SAMN37862716 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3926,6 +4168,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-gch9pp73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-gcj9fz93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gcnxzh80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gcsc0160 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-gcsx0607 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gct9a904 biosample:SAMN06343971 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gd2pxh71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gd31q856 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
@@ -3937,6 +4180,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-gdgxby24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-gdhxgd37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gdnrp720 biosample:SAMN37862744 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gdnwzb48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-gdp7s815 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gdsb2791 biosample:SAMN07632074 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-gdt4fq80 biosample:SAMN06269066 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01001021 humic lake humic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-gdwqby92 biosample:SAMN10864182 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
@@ -3950,6 +4194,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-gejs6d32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-genn8v26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-geqw3z50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gewnh882 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-gezpgs30 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gf1vm086 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gf508784 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gf6wk484 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -3965,6 +4210,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ggm2qb70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ggq0gq28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gh7c5558 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ghp27f35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ghy6hd29 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ghzgwj11 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gj38gb77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gj3s2j04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3977,10 +4223,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-gk3swx76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-gk8c4a60 biosample:SAMN07630528 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-gk9bt619 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gkafdm49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-gkc8t685 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gkrb3242 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gkx8xv70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gky7kr91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-gm2c2910 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-gm2c2910 biosample:SAMN43527752 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-gm3bk076 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gm3k7n63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gm7n8v35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -3990,6 +4237,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-gmqy0872 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-gmxnat64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gnbj4h66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gnbsqd30 biosample:SAMN06343777 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000941 planetary subsurface zone ENVO:00002194 oil field production water hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
+nmdc:bsm-11-gnc2wh20 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gng9wj69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gnptgh55 biosample:SAMN14511428 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-gnq94r17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4008,6 +4256,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-gq7sdw14 biosample:SAMN37862720 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-gq90tb65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gq9a2e61 biosample:SAMN05421963 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-gqd3t507 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-gqnhp510 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-gqp8sc49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gqrag830 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 organic horizon organic horizon ENVO:00005781 heat stressed soil heat stressed soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gqvczq32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4053,14 +4302,15 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-gwr4ah06 biosample:SAMN37862729 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-gwx12029 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-gx0je068 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gx8q7w84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-gxdrn484 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-gxdrn484 biosample:SAMN43527751 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-gxj9wk30 biosample:SAMN37862695 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gxnc1g76 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
+nmdc:bsm-11-gxs86k63 ENVO:01001800 tropical moist broadleaf forest tropical moist broadleaf forest ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00000111 forested area forested area nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gxxy1f20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gxyy9806 biosample:SAMN11529941 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gy0qa303 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gy377y54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-gy481c91 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-gy481c91 biosample:SAMN43527750 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-gy5jxz48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-gy840311 biosample:SAMN12795195 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-gybjxr05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -4085,7 +4335,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-h102gc32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-h131y406 biosample:SAMN11532920 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h1393h02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h17qhy59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-h1810p95 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-h1810p95 biosample:SAMN43527749 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-h19v3371 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h1mk4r56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h1paz169 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4097,6 +4347,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-h2j7rb90 biosample:SAMN18247720 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-h2jqr150 biosample:SAMN37862671 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h2k7nv93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-h2kj7318 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-h2mmfb23 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h2synk13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h2tt0m12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h3434947 biosample:SAMN11528586 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
@@ -4114,6 +4365,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-h49a8k12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-h49t7j41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h4adxt65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h4bba793 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-h4j9h726 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-h4ydaa10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h56t2g56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h59vnz30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -4123,6 +4375,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-h5mmp009 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-h5vd8w65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h5vkwp04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h5vzkb24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-h5xk1m91 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h61gqr27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h63ekw55 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-h6b49y54 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -4138,6 +4391,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-h7xn8k32 biosample:SAMN06344015 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-h87jr161 biosample:SAMN18245566 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-h8bzn402 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h8cw1v65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-h8d38m26 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h8fvmy11 biosample:SAMN08902843 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h8hnn794 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-h8kqjw06 biosample:SAMN08779031 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
@@ -4161,9 +4415,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hbdmpd66 biosample:SAMN10864254 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:
nmdc:bsm-11-hbetkh06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hbpca323 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hbryy445 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-hbspp138 ENVO:01000245 cropland biome cropland biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hbw7d587 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-hby4gk60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hbyp5f55 biosample:SAMN37862731 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-hbzqap28 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hc5a3965 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hchme586 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hcj17m62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4187,7 +4443,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hebdaz02 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 orga
nmdc:bsm-11-hebw3n20 biosample:SAMN14511341 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-hejnp838 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-heqkx275 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-hergt909 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-hergt909 biosample:SAMN43527748 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-herwva03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hesr2613 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-hew13816 biosample:SAMN37862734 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4195,6 +4451,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hexnpm14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-hf1rhe48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hf1ya081 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hf5tdf30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-hf5z7t54 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-hf7a3g98 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hf9jwp81 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-hfaw7a82 biosample:SAMN37862671 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4225,6 +4482,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hhdkv358 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-hhjjr884 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hhmxae27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hhryas48 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
+nmdc:bsm-11-hj6hv286 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hj945k50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hjd3mj58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hjfgex58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4239,6 +4497,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hm35xy04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-hm7tec58 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-hm986588 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hmd3c262 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-hme5g481 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hmgh5f44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hmsgpt94 biosample:SAMN18247935 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-hmspkk13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4259,6 +4518,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hp7akp67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-hp7zvf89 biosample:SAMN08779032 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-hp8c9435 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hpcym074 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-hpps8442 ENVO:01000183 tropical desert biome tropical desert biome ENVO:00000548 gravel field gravel field ENVO:01000018 gravel gravel nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hpvezq23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hqdmkk23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hqe4qv30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4283,7 +4543,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hs6pbp44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of de
nmdc:bsm-11-hsbzr487 biosample:SAMN06343968 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000291 drainage basin ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hsfxtk02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hspekq75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-hssfx833 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hsx4d487 biosample:SAMN18244949 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-ht1qr837 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ht2c1k71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-ht2pqa52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ht2v0s47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
@@ -4297,6 +4559,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hvare648 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-hves3j55 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hvgyw305 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-hvpheq33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-hvpj4h73 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hw1ns350 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hw4pr543 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-hwaef990 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4306,6 +4569,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hwy3rv94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-hx03gs06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hx494380 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-hx541j23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-hx5a6080 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hx8qxc63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hxz6ef58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hy027v38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4331,6 +4595,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-hzrmrk90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-hzxjcp81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-hzzj3m89 biosample:SAMN06265129 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01001021 humic lake humic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-hzzz9a56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-j018j437 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j02z4728 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j0c9zg58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j0egy146 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -4342,6 +4607,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-j11aff47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-j12w0028 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j160a619 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j1bay453 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-j1ejmy92 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j1hqcz15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-j1j2xv08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j1v2zb59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4368,10 +4634,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-j3zkav35 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biom
nmdc:bsm-11-j3zss420 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j463m283 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j4btgz28 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-j4vzev92 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j4z74484 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j50dwt94 biosample:SAMN37862702 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j519sp29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j5b0n828 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-j5nvnf53 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002129 anaerobic sludge anaerobic sludge ENVO:00002124 anaerobic bioreactor anaerobic bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j5y27f16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-j61nry79 biosample:SAMN17674938 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-j63d0k37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4402,10 +4670,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-j9nm4076 biosample:SAMN37862707 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-j9nxh668 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j9smws47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-j9v5kc93 biosample:SAMEA7724308 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ja05aw15 ENVO:01000182 temperate desert biome temperate desert biome ENVO:01001357 desert desert ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ja6swz18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jae4jy62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jaj2fg59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-jakxpg14 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-jajxts34 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-jakxpg14 biosample:SAMN43527747 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-javp2c20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jb3y8750 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-jb8wfy97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4413,7 +4683,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-jbdgev88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-jbk0f273 biosample:SAMN37862700 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jbnhsw75 biosample:SAMN06265087 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000548 eutrophic lake eutrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-jbv9nz33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-jbvp3524 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-jbvp3524 biosample:SAMN43527746 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-jbygv324 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-jc08nb40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jc41km03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4421,9 +4691,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-jc677060 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-jc76ct09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jcc1nd70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jcyxjq62 biosample:SAMN12795558 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
+nmdc:bsm-11-jd2t0d97 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jdjp0r24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jdnzxh39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jdz04w14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-je1g4912 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jeghcv32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jegtqt43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jeq16555 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4431,11 +4703,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-jevb1989 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of de
nmdc:bsm-11-jf2bw036 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jf2pra63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jf4wbq20 biosample:SAMN12794939 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
-nmdc:bsm-11-jfbeqj74 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-jfbeqj74 biosample:SAMN43527745 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-jfd57029 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jfd92831 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jfpy9250 biosample:SAMN08777590 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
-nmdc:bsm-11-jfxaxq36 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-jfxaxq36 biosample:SAMN43527744 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-jg4tae61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jg6n3r69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jga2bq76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4481,7 +4753,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-jmm5zx60 biosample:SAMN37862733 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-jmq73c18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jn17q323 biosample:SAMN18247951 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-jn3q3q78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-jn3z8j63 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jnwyxk41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-jnycd390 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jp678560 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-jpbmcx96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jpc5bt66 biosample:SAMEA7724104 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
@@ -4500,18 +4774,20 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-jqnrez63 biosample:SAMN10864289 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-jqwsb466 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jr2m3v56 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-jr39av56 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-jr4j9h39 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-jr4j9h39 biosample:SAMN43527743 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-jr7zjt17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jrahe581 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jrbkcm55 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jrcvdr63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-jrdbmk15 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-jrdbmk15 biosample:SAMN43527742 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-jreeed80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-jrekbs07 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jrjgyz31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jrn2yg81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jrv2c823 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-js5a5w73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-js7bat30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-jsba4j38 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil ENVO:00000087 cliff cliff nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jsdhfv63 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-jsh5v570 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jsq9t633 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4527,6 +4803,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-jtvzj460 biosample:SAMN18248397 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-jv6sex92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jv7vvf71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jvc6my05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-jvkhsh03 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jvr8nj75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jvt4f782 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jvtvhn02 biosample:SAMN10864327 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
@@ -4572,13 +4849,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-jyywj745 biosample:SAMEA7724307 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous f
nmdc:bsm-11-jz7t1e41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jzhjt489 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jzk3cj49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-jztbkk08 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-jzyewe53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k05a2416 biosample:SAMN10864137 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k0g55b44 biosample:SAMN18245973 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-k0qje589 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-k0qnt697 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-k0qnt697 biosample:SAMN43527741 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-k0trwf39 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-k0tvxq15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k0vz1j87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-k0wwkm57 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-k0zx3004 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k11r2436 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-k15r9e35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -4594,7 +4874,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-k2mhwn19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-k2mmz569 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k2qvty84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k2syqj30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-k2w4r482 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-k2w4r482 biosample:SAMN43527740 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-k30c0n91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k30r3z60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k33xda67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4608,6 +4888,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-k3t6y038 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associa
nmdc:bsm-11-k3xzkc80 biosample:SAMN18247733 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-k3zdem68 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k42tf610 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-k47vb326 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k4evmy41 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-k4pmyh07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k4vw3363 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4621,7 +4902,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-k6196w77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-k65j8x95 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-k66y1b95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k6aa1383 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-k6brat40 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-k6brat40 biosample:SAMN43527739 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-k6cwe498 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k6gt3j03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k72x1s78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -4629,11 +4910,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-k77dsk72 biosample:SAMN18248510 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome
nmdc:bsm-11-k78dym31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k7atv515 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k7aymf09 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-k7de7s04 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k7e0wp28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k7fkcz65 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k7jqh647 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k7kn8y53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k7v09098 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-k7xt7w79 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k80fsj34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k89brw70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k8q98e12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -4645,6 +4928,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-k8zk2412 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-k9192006 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-k93rm709 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k94fm378 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-k9695473 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k97n9m79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k984aq66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-k9bgcj47 biosample:SAMN18247683 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -4655,6 +4939,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-k9xppe69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ka221s33 biosample:SAMN37862676 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ka4mgy38 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-kabf3m79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-kahjr192 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kajqbs27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kaqp5237 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kayxts09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4662,6 +4947,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-kbak1m36 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-kbd2sh75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kbfj3336 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kbh9w278 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-kbjn8y24 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kbn39574 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-kbsygq40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kbyn2077 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
@@ -4680,6 +4966,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-kdwkka50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-kesw6757 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-kf2sg963 biosample:SAMN18248245 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-kf6r0s86 biosample:SAMN18247713 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-kf7n8903 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kf955787 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kff3y587 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kfgrep67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4721,6 +5008,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-kmk5vg47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-kmmh7c89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kmpwgz16 biosample:SAMN06343770 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000941 planetary subsurface zone ENVO:00002194 oil field production water hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-kmw7r933 biosample:SAMN06343961 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000291 drainage basin ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-kmwkfk87 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kn3kc034 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kn725j33 biosample:SAMN08902874 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kn8er059 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4757,7 +5045,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-kstwzb23 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river
nmdc:bsm-11-ksvydp90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kszcr583 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-kt439r90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-ktgy7z27 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-ktgy7z27 biosample:SAMN43527738 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-kthh9148 biosample:SAMN06264888 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000548 eutrophic lake eutrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ktpgt597 biosample:SAMN18245513 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ktqsms82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4878,6 +5166,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ma7ry826 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ma8q4822 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mac4ny66 biosample:SAMN06265196 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01001021 humic lake humic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-maeqrx12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-mag6n145 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-maj16854 biosample:SAMN18246716 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-mawy1a56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mb4fmc21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4898,6 +5187,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-mczws366 biosample:SAMEA7724314 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous f
nmdc:bsm-11-md2n5m30 biosample:SAMN18248527 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-md33k746 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mdbwdk72 biosample:SAMN37862722 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-mdjzwf88 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-mdrmdg42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mds25g94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-me52ew36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4925,7 +5215,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-mgde6310 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-mgdj2v62 biosample:SAMN18247704 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-mge3sf83 biosample:SAMN18245175 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-mgypca05 biosample:SAMN12795543 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
-nmdc:bsm-11-mh79nb81 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-mh79nb81 biosample:SAMN43527737 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-mha44g51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mhasy506 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mhj31y18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -4937,14 +5227,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-mj2t9s89 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river
nmdc:bsm-11-mj4pq546 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mj5tg915 biosample:SAMN18244760 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-mj8kqz88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-mj8x9p33 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-mj8x9p33 biosample:SAMN43527736 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-mj9nhq30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-mjktay23 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-mjpkp645 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mjpv3397 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mjy1kw26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mjzy4n44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mk1yzc12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mk95ev67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-mks1hr39 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil ENVO:00000044 peatland peatland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mm5fdy46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mm9emb03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mmhayn93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4973,6 +5265,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-mrymeq51 biosample:SAMEA7724297 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrest
nmdc:bsm-11-ms9vyj27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mse0hr81 biosample:SAMN12795557 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-mssd3a52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-mstc8z16 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-msx2xz73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-msxgh990 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mt81z827 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -4999,15 +5292,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-myp95092 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-mytrs032 biosample:SAMN06265092 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000548 eutrophic lake eutrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-myx7vw53 biosample:SAMN12795178 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-mz39d220 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-mz5hxz22 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-mz5hxz22 biosample:SAMN43527735 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-mz9qf024 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-mzf6m779 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-mzf6m779 biosample:SAMN43527734 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-mzjmz333 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-mzr66281 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n068sc17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n0cjbs26 ENVO:01000221 temperate woodland biome temperate woodland biome ENVO:00002000 slope slope ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n0fhd330 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00000444 woodland clearing woodland clearing ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n0kmyd38 biosample:SAMEA7724302 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00002204 anthropogenic contamination feature ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-n0ytda40 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n12evm50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n15hw854 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n1ajvx98 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5028,6 +5322,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-n2s7xa15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-n2wwag36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n346c008 biosample:SAMN09201027 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-n346pn52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-n34wzy59 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:01001004 groundwater groundwater ENVO:00000076 mine mine nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n3517770 biosample:SAMN37862725 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n36fmf76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n375nj93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
@@ -5038,7 +5333,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-n3g6kk24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-n3qamv22 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002132 metalimnion metalimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-n3wr3x38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n3y85y21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-n4d95s05 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-n4d95s05 biosample:SAMN43527733 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-n4gft455 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n4he1258 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n4htkv94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5052,14 +5347,20 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-n54y7w69 biosample:SAMN05422273 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-n5ab1542 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n5ar5p23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n5jr8g88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-n6479f35 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-n5mfwj19 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-n6479f35 biosample:SAMN43527732 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-n6ec0480 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-n6gq4e29 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n6jyvg87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n6qavq84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n6r5sc09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n6vwc542 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-n6zjkx67 ENVO:01000182 temperate desert biome temperate desert biome ENVO:01001357 desert desert ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n72yv320 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-n73p7r26 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n767y870 biosample:SAMN18247538 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-n7ccva60 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-n7pnrm79 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n7zm7091 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n819hf06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n83n3w57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5070,21 +5371,25 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-n8n67831 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-n8t7zs15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-n8zrte81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n92xd044 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-n958jr49 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n95pbc41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n9jexa26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n9npn757 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-n9sx1a80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-n9y4f370 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-na464h17 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-na7nre09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nad00h16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-naha5e81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nahfhm41 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-nanex297 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nas44n08 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-nb4afx05 ENVO:01000247 rangeland biome rangeland biome ENVO:01000247 rangeland biome rangeland biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nbc39r28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nbqtze52 biosample:SAMN06268266 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-nbw5s753 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-nc2f8g71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-nc9gfq79 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ncbgt849 biosample:SAMN12794856 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-nccc3w86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ncg3xa94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5097,9 +5402,11 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nd4zcw59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-nd5fqt06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nd8fhn80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nd8x2964 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ndkgfw04 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ndnsdx07 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ndp7xj19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ne5bnc94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ne6r3m37 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ne6r5j45 biosample:SAMN18245758 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ne7eez40 biosample:SAMN06269040 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000548 eutrophic lake eutrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ne8qdy93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5108,6 +5415,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ne9s0t16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ned0d978 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-neh0c417 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-neksgf23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-nemncq18 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-neqhbc84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nes3re42 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00000114 agricultural field agricultural field ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil agricultural soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-neymqg73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -5115,7 +5423,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nez46m71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-nezerf36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nf4e6z46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nf5pt178 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-nfjfn069 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-nfjfn069 biosample:SAMN43527731 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-nfmzdp33 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ngmk6f33 biosample:SAMN07630533 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ngt1hx41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ngwdzq80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5131,6 +5440,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nj951y69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-njcanp47 biosample:SAMN37862696 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-njffxv71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-njgegt83 biosample:SAMN06343972 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-njq6vv19 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-njtbj607 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-njvz7t48 biosample:SAMN08777127 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-njy52033 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5140,6 +5450,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nk557c89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of eve
nmdc:bsm-11-nkmbv371 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-nkv2y949 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nm187g36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-nm73we33 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil ENVO:00000087 cliff cliff nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nmb20g86 biosample:SAMN07630534 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-nmd04861 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nme56f62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5153,6 +5464,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nnjcyw81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-nntb2b19 biosample:SAMN11528528 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nnxp2n18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-np29vq85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-np6zap21 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-np87vd84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-npatbg96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-npdqsc91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -5170,7 +5482,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nrt24197 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-nrt87683 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nry8v628 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ns7nz564 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-ns971194 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-ns971194 biosample:SAMN43527730 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-ns9v6d24 biosample:SAMN06265071 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-nsaqf095 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nsdfat15 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00000114 agricultural field agricultural field ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil agricultural soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
@@ -5178,14 +5490,19 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nsewch29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-nsj2yg16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nskc5b89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nsrayj08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-nswkrt94 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nsz7tf04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nszc9k38 biosample:SAMN37862666 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nt0wnx04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-nt5fgp68 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-nt5xvy18 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ntfcwe63 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ntfp9891 biosample:SAMN10864143 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ntg4ea53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ntghhr42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nth2q761 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ntr1n523 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ntz0x780 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-nv0bq792 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nv18es84 biosample:SAMN07632338 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-nv5xya63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5207,6 +5524,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nwjz5331 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-nwmvhj75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nwqccy07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nx7zwq61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-nxasvr27 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-nxcaqr39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nxcmbm68 biosample:SAMN07632059 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-nxef6g23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5228,6 +5546,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nz6f9964 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-nz8td167 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-nza2az90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nzab4q08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-nzeg8c33 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-nzhmkq10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-nzm5ke10 biosample:SAMN07630527 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-nzmk5d59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5236,6 +5555,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-nzyqtq39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-p018ff25 biosample:SAMN12795194 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-p01b1055 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p0431834 biosample:SAMN06264640 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01001021 humic lake humic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-p04bm915 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p0633p05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p065np87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p07vmk77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5286,6 +5606,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-p5wfy028 biosample:SAMN08902831 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:
nmdc:bsm-11-p63g8y35 biosample:SAMN08902846 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p69a8m03 biosample:SAMN10864898 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-p69snh20 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-p6a7wn75 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p6at9z52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p6mjjm87 biosample:SAMN11532915 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p6mnn343 biosample:SAMN18245540 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -5313,13 +5634,15 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-p9edv588 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-p9j7rw40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-p9k74k04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p9t9wv58 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-p9xw9c78 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-p9zqn462 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pa4r5w82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-pa6tvy76 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-pa6tvy76 biosample:SAMN43527729 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-paa88854 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pae6yc22 ENVO:01000216 montane shrubland biome montane shrubland biome ENVO:00000100 valley valley ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pahmb746 biosample:SAMN18248398 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-pak07792 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-pap8v842 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pb8yn087 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-pb9pj270 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pbgndr54 biosample:SAMN10864930 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
@@ -5329,7 +5652,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-pbqdx749 biosample:SAMN18247298 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-pc4jyw73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pc57wc15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pcsnxq56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-pcsyhc74 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-pcsyhc74 biosample:SAMN43527728 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-pcvbhg47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pd0av537 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pd429a61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5340,8 +5663,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-pdqe9m83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-pdtj6h88 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:00000182 plateau plateau ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pdy5xg11 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pebqj065 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-pegs2d53 ENVO:01000245 cropland biome cropland biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pejvvs20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-petdv273 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-petdv273 biosample:SAMN43527727 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-pf1j8598 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pf2grf74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pf2mhw59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5401,6 +5725,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-pnam0644 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-pnb58t51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pngdnv05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pnh38389 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-pnk53a41 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002129 anaerobic sludge anaerobic sludge ENVO:00002124 anaerobic bioreactor anaerobic bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pnkxte44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pnn3yd06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pnqewm55 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5438,6 +5763,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-pqse8846 biosample:SAMN18245545 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-pqx0wb19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-prd9n809 ENVO:01000216 montane shrubland biome montane shrubland biome ENVO:00000100 valley valley ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-prdv9791 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-prtvqf07 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-prxm8j18 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ps22cp92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ps2m8r76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5447,13 +5773,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-pshszy81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-pst7e355 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pt3j2114 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pt7frj08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-pt8nke67 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ptgmvp63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ptk2m290 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000389 intermittent wetland intermittent wetland nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ptk45339 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ptn0y635 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pty0tm87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pv0a4k11 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pv0gc365 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pv4xpx47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-pvh31c44 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-pvr0ez88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-pvrcre48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pw3a4h64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5489,9 +5818,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-pzbwdc72 biosample:SAMN18244772 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-pze0gc20 biosample:SAMN14515077 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-pzezjj26 biosample:SAMN10864227 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-pzg23r46 biosample:SAMN18246376 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-pzyg0w71 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q0awnq72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q0bxzb10 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600011 mineral horizon mineral horizon ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-q0j1j579 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-q0j1j579 biosample:SAMN43527726 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-q0kq3j07 biosample:SAMN06343970 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q0xzmq29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q18c7459 biosample:SAMN06269030 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
@@ -5505,6 +5835,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-q1qec368 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-q1s43e08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q1x8rc88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q34tww10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-q359a362 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q35t8p62 biosample:SAMN37862733 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q38zmc38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q3b3py28 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -5515,8 +5846,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-q3sa0t28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-q3tsc458 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q3vax437 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q3w9qy72 biosample:SAMN11511919 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-q3xxkf31 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-q4141735 biosample:SAMN18244940 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-q42vcp15 biosample:SAMN10864135 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-q4ehgd83 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:00003031 animal manure animal manure ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q4h34794 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q4hqh671 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q4htkr18 biosample:SAMN12794753 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
@@ -5525,6 +5858,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-q4twk543 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-q50rjw72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q51v3h46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q53be480 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-q56mee15 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q59jb831 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-q59tga92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q59xhn59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5560,7 +5894,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-q941nc16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-q94v7385 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-q982wp47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q9b7n234 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-q9cpse51 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-q9cpse51 biosample:SAMN43527725 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-q9e76575 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q9sjmw93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-q9t77h09 biosample:SAMN08902851 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
@@ -5574,7 +5908,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-qam3hk28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-qap0d869 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qatbmt08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qaygw761 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-qb4jy084 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-qb4jy084 biosample:SAMN43527724 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-qbc4ts86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qbcndr38 biosample:SAMN18248266 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-qbd0vv07 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -5603,6 +5937,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-qe13q836 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-qe2ws334 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-qe371x90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qe4q0v79 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-qe7jxj40 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-qeawpe42 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qejr7470 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qexh2n93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qezc0h51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
@@ -5620,6 +5956,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-qha34k28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-qhewdm80 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-qhgtry08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qhq2kh40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-qhq3xz40 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qhqnfx26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qhv2mh63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qhve6m36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5634,13 +5971,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-qmbeg837 biosample:SAMN06344016 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-qmh6d611 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qmhar944 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qms4zn61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-qmwnwj94 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002129 anaerobic sludge anaerobic sludge ENVO:00002124 anaerobic bioreactor anaerobic bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qn22x641 biosample:SAMN18247301 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-qn97py15 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qna8wp34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qnjcpx82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qnqhq309 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qnr70n54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qnwqm768 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qp5c1398 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-qp9m2b62 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-qpp1j108 biosample:SAMN11532763 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qpwvgx11 biosample:SAMN10864328 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qpx49y95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5669,6 +6009,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-qt1anb33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-qt8rqz25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qtb1qh75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qtd21h96 biosample:SAMN18248514 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-qtg27412 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-qtr7se10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qtrtxr10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qttnp508 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5680,6 +6021,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-qv9rty67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-qvbtbz27 biosample:SAMN18246925 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-qvc43044 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qvjk7658 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-qvkczc88 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qvm0vt03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-qvm3bq92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qvp2b625 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5688,6 +6030,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-qvtb2v69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dw
nmdc:bsm-11-qw07z084 biosample:SAMN37862719 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qw4kk090 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qwcedw78 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-qwgtks14 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qwh4e889 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qwmb0d58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qwr0f267 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5698,6 +6041,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-qx601t58 biosample:SAMN14511370 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated envi
nmdc:bsm-11-qx6p7k13 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-qy2fef59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-qy5nfd32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-qy6zc539 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qy7j8z80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qy9hxg28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qyb8rk28 biosample:SAMN08902855 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
@@ -5709,6 +6053,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-qytmjx22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-qyvq7636 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qyx7qs76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qyx9ge69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-qyytgb94 ENVO:01000193 temperate grassland biome temperate grassland biome ENVO:01001811 temperate grassland temperate grassland ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qz0j6f21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qz1mq589 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-qzajt141 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5721,17 +6066,20 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-r09xe409 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-r0k8jt09 biosample:SAMN18245556 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-r0nqvg54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r0tdr340 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-r0yk4534 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r12h9d70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r17aqs94 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-r1be0s27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-r1qsre17 ENVO:01000050 marine subtidal rocky reef biome marine subtidal rocky reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r20zrw71 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-r2em2t71 biosample:SAMN14515362 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
-nmdc:bsm-11-r2rmke82 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-r2rmke82 biosample:SAMN43527723 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-r2rnv358 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r2w28x54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r2wdbt30 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-r2xzp943 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r2yj8w95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-r3745c81 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r3b0ak56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-r3h79z82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r3mc9012 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5748,9 +6096,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-r4wc4a03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-r56r3471 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r5bf8h19 biosample:SAMN18247742 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-r5bnd752 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-r5s7x979 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r5w4bx67 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r62cm258 biosample:SAMN37862710 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-r6ajaz03 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-r6ajaz03 biosample:SAMN43527722 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-r6bswe59 biosample:SAMN06268270 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-r6d34j09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-r6gtyv33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5809,6 +6158,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-rcnx7640 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-rd19q276 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rd1xjw51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rd2nhj72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rdb1e842 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rdd1qj32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rdfhkn57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rdm51m25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5822,6 +6172,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-re45cx97 ENVO:01000247 rangeland biome rangeland biome ENVO:000003
nmdc:bsm-11-re6t9r16 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-rea1hk37 biosample:SAMN37862729 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-reaecg69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rekjvr92 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-renwwm48 biosample:SAMN06344026 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-rf07tr53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rf1p0j94 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5833,6 +6184,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-rfrgbh91 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442
nmdc:bsm-11-rfz8m467 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-rg8mgk15 biosample:SAMN15738574 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-rgh7qz56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rgnjx820 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rgsgzj47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rgt0tm63 biosample:SAMN18245756 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-rgvhbx37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -5841,6 +6193,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-rgwhwp32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-rgzch671 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rh2ckc23 biosample:SAMN18248269 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-rhb0en93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rhmm8j58 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rhtezv89 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rhx6ak95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rj0hae42 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:00002000 slope slope ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rj0nh704 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -5859,18 +6213,21 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-rkmz0q60 biosample:SAMN37862724 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-rkqeyq96 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-rkw8cv47 biosample:SAMN18244774 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-rkydbm44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rm9zrp57 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rma4d078 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-rmapjq08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rmbtq458 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rmemv529 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001995 rock rock ENVO:00000087 cliff cliff nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rmtrta13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-rmvker47 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-rmvker47 biosample:SAMN43527721 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-rn2w1481 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rn7dzs32 biosample:SAMN37862715 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rn8q1c27 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rnbbj440 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rnmrhw93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rnswcc49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rnv8zy64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-rp1dmm82 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-rp1dmm82 biosample:SAMN43527720 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-rp8mwm13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rphx2627 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rpj4zm44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
@@ -5884,11 +6241,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-rq5m5b31 biosample:SAMN37862713 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-rq9gtn13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rqawz228 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rqc62379 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-rqcskm71 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-rqcskm71 biosample:SAMN43527719 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-rqjgn848 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rqk1c510 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rqkekz64 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-rqq0gj62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rqq6h212 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rqsqhy95 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-rqyn0s08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rr7k4412 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5916,6 +6274,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-rt430k29 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442
nmdc:bsm-11-rt5w2651 biosample:SAMN18246923 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-rt77xm54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rtchk112 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-rtd0qz18 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rtqg2x85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rttbfg42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rv0kzb71 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -5929,7 +6288,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-rw4c3m87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-rw5syf17 biosample:SAMN08902868 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rwcx9n96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rwfcj562 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-rwfg6484 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-rwfg6484 biosample:SAMN43527718 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-rx0d1e95 biosample:SAMN37862730 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rx4m1t14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rx5rdg44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5943,6 +6302,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ry1y2w52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ry83p349 biosample:SAMN18245560 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ryawzq33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ryb90875 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-rymrbd67 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rymv5x12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-rypn9m56 biosample:SAMN06268336 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-rz4ajh90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5969,6 +6329,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-s18v9e38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-s1dqva16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s1f7gk59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s1gn5316 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-s1hbck97 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s1k2aq97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s1mmav36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s1mzn286 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -5984,11 +6345,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-s31p6q16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-s36e2t17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s37exk22 ENVO:01000189 temperate savanna biome temperate savanna biome ENVO:00000086 plain plain ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s3dsfm02 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
+nmdc:bsm-11-s3g99n31 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s3hn3f93 biosample:SAMN18247942 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-s3nmwm93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s3zemd66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s42bn172 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s43tnf79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-s46tas06 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s4dk4520 biosample:SAMN11532139 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s4gtvt75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s4tek592 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6004,13 +6367,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-s70cv630 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-s79z4e10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s7wwa891 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s817rb82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-s86qp022 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s873kw28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-s89hdq11 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s8e71t37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s8edpf89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s8h5ja06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s91sxr24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s925rd48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s93jhp96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-s94fz037 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:02000037 sebum material sebum material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-s950qj34 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-s9cnjw79 biosample:SAMN18247545 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-s9j8f359 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6020,6 +6386,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-s9q2g341 biosample:SAMN18246722 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-s9ympv56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sa4z4f71 biosample:SAMN06266111 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000941 planetary subsurface zone ENVO:00002194 oil field production water hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-saa22x05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-sagyqk15 ENVO:01001800 tropical moist broadleaf forest tropical moist broadleaf forest ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00000111 forested area forested area nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sahhdp22 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:00000083 hill hill ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sb1ynm55 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sb9n6c14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -6032,10 +6399,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-sc6fy866 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-scdxg902 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-schx9e02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-scmjw843 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-scpwq490 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sd2hk976 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sd32rh19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sd6dw394 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sd8ay117 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-sd922469 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sdjt4464 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-sdjyhj66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-sdk1ek59 biosample:SAMN10864139 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
@@ -6045,7 +6414,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-se8x9a74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-sebhgh32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-segc2858 biosample:SAMN08902884 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sejjv213 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-sf482t83 ENVO:01000247 rangeland biome rangeland biome ENVO:01000247 rangeland biome rangeland biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-sfj2b346 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sfsr2449 biosample:SAMN18247940 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-sfth9868 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sg53fq78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sg5c1s55 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sg8d1712 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
@@ -6085,7 +6457,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-sm5jk753 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-sm6d9r80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-smg08081 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-smpmj182 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-sn0xpa14 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-sn0xpa14 biosample:SAMN43527717 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-sne41j22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-snfctz27 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-sngh9802 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6117,6 +6489,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-sr5sb703 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-srabh628 biosample:SAMN18247305 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-srev1855 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-srjcf120 biosample:SAMN18248519 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-srm6gy44 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-srsk0s50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-srsray11 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-srwtps70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6146,7 +6519,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-swy2fc49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-swy7sr86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sx2gdf23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sx6g9p20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-sxesr627 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-sxesr627 biosample:SAMN43527716 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-sxk4m027 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-sxkd5q37 biosample:SAMN18247968 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-sxm38813 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
@@ -6163,7 +6536,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-szd4fj93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-szd9e306 biosample:SAMN18244944 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-szfgmc26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-szg9d079 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-szgg1x10 ENVO:01000245 cropland biome cropland biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-szntna95 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-szx1n339 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-szy4vy17 ENVO:01000215 temperate shrubland biome temperate shrubland biome ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem wetland ecosystem nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-szyy9j91 biosample:SAMN11532311 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-szzf0p32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t00a3s17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6171,6 +6547,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-t035gg59 biosample:SAMN37862742 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-t043x886 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t08d4v55 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t0aaxr04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-t0bnk181 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001995 rock rock ENVO:00000087 cliff cliff nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t0kq4j26 biosample:SAMN37862733 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t0v48b69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t0vnmc40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6188,6 +6565,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-t1ttgc27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dw
nmdc:bsm-11-t1vyqb25 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t21kbh64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t224fs06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-t23xm067 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-t28hky56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t2jy7v39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t2mwbn08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6205,6 +6583,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-t3y4pj73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-t40jm778 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t412vy43 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:00000182 plateau plateau ENVO:00005761 meadow soil meadow soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t4kk7y84 biosample:SAMN37862686 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-t4qhe818 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t4zby589 biosample:SAMN14511376 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-t5127n32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t5e55q46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6212,7 +6591,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-t5gjvv95 biosample:SAMN18247939 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-t5pb6s83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t6shsk68 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-t7137964 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-t71b4p84 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-t71b4p84 biosample:SAMN43527715 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-t76edm77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t7jevt42 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-t7kwgq57 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:00000100 valley valley ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
@@ -6220,6 +6599,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-t7xabq16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-t7xb8h63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-t7yad238 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t83x0q64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-t85zt525 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-t8d86880 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t8h7cn37 biosample:SAMN18246920 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-t8k5qh07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6228,7 +6608,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-t8s61a71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-t91h0d69 biosample:SAMN37862717 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t92hzr24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t93nj750 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-t9g52730 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-t9g52730 biosample:SAMN43527714 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-t9gbr362 biosample:SAMN10864928 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-t9hyfh91 biosample:SAMN37862709 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-t9nq6t47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6252,6 +6632,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-tc95td89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-tcbtpj74 biosample:SAMN37862683 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tcd1bv23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tcd4r795 biosample:SAMN14515365 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
+nmdc:bsm-11-tce22278 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tcs0fy52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tcxb3w32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-td1qw547 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6267,7 +6648,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-te7rmp35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gr
nmdc:bsm-11-tea8p723 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-teemvm07 biosample:SAMN18245376 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-tew3vz89 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
-nmdc:bsm-11-tex2hk40 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-tex2hk40 biosample:SAMN43527713 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-tfbpqd05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tfd1tz69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tfddp930 biosample:SAMN07632087 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
@@ -6279,7 +6660,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-tfs5e732 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropoge
nmdc:bsm-11-tftc6v48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tfx2zq24 biosample:SAMN37862706 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tfxpda06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-tg2fkx98 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-tg2fkx98 biosample:SAMN43527712 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-tg45jq97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tg4fsq36 biosample:SAMN18245534 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-tg51nz02 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6293,10 +6674,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-th4ngt95 biosample:SAMN18244964 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-th7w0252 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-th8fhy11 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-thbf3734 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-the13c24 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-thkyax14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-thpb7b07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-thswhv93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-thzpcg59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-tj5aaa15 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tjeafa21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tjfspf62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tjgbke56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6342,6 +6725,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-tq97bm16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-tqd03w73 biosample:SAMN06265072 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-tqe9qr59 biosample:SAMN37862667 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tqssrq05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-tqsz1q77 ENVO:01000179 desert biome desert biome ENVO:01000185 montane desert biome montane desert biome ENVO:00005741 alpine soil alpine soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tr289e56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tr6kk385 biosample:SAMN18247853 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-tr8h2q52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6364,6 +6748,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-tsgx8x62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of eve
nmdc:bsm-11-tskg5d47 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tsm65m51 biosample:SAMEA7724206 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ttg2t449 biosample:SAMN06343779 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
+nmdc:bsm-11-ttsrb848 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ttzf5296 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tv0ht726 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tv2n1p95 biosample:SAMN18246412 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -6387,15 +6772,18 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-tx0z7g04 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-tx27yv13 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-tx41xs31 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tx5mmv96 biosample:SAMN37862716 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-tx72q876 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:02000037 sebum material sebum material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tx872778 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tx91e167 biosample:SAMN07632084 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-txfex922 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-txgbw879 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-txpkbg36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-txvspe30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-ty269g72 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-ty269g72 biosample:SAMN43527711 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-ty9ffn50 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tyfm5b69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tyjbnn26 biosample:SAMN37862737 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-tyjd7s64 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tymbmj45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tymxfp22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-tyz29491 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6437,8 +6825,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-v3256b59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-v3dwvs10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-v3jhn579 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-v3mrq331 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-v3ncnt18 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-v3qqkv85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-v3snhf66 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-v3t9ac29 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-v3vcqs56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-v3vrzq66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-v3yms260 biosample:SAMN11532110 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
@@ -6482,6 +6872,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-vaxrgq33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-vb447f77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vb4xte26 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-vb6nnt31 biosample:SAMN06265115 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-vbb2vq96 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vbchye78 biosample:SAMEA7724342 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000355 vegetation layer ENVO:00005774 peat soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vc1cgz17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vcdehc11 biosample:SAMN18246411 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -6498,12 +6889,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-vdcqad23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-vdn3kn48 biosample:SAMN10864148 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vdq4zx79 biosample:SAMN18247839 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-vdqjvg77 biosample:SAMN10864149 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-vdr4ne71 ENVO:01000339 polar biome polar biome ENVO:00000133 glacier glacier ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vdycpy22 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vdz05929 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ve094494 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ve34br43 ENVO:01000216 montane shrubland biome montane shrubland biome ENVO:00000100 valley valley ENVO:00005761 meadow soil meadow soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ve5nnk41 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ve9a4g91 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 organic horizon organic horizon ENVO:00005781 heat stressed soil heat stressed soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ve9fby22 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vea02z69 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-veffrc25 biosample:SAMN06343683 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:02500027 anthropogenic environmental process ENVO:01001869 fracking liquid hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs nmdc:sty-11-8fb6t785 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-vejz4618 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6519,9 +6912,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-vfkatd62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-vfpcpt51 biosample:SAMN18245757 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-vftzt181 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vg29tb70 biosample:SAMEA7724329 ENVO:00000873 freshwater biome ENVO:01000687 coast ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 sediment
-nmdc:bsm-11-vg4qr366 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-vg4qr366 biosample:SAMN43527710 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-vg4xae17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vgawrz78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-vgbty846 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vgfasm97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vgj9ms13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vgn31z43 biosample:SAMN08902856 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00002258 loam nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
@@ -6531,8 +6925,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-vgxwag68 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-vh4jjb52 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-vh64js58 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vh8dn920 biosample:SAMN08902875 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-vhbj4x71 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002059 biosolids biosolids ENVO:00002123 bioreactor bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vhk2dt09 biosample:SAMN06343965 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000291 drainage basin ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-1t150432 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vhp35w92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-vhp7xm74 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vhp8fm92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vhqj7q61 biosample:SAMN18245373 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-vhshew32 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -6555,10 +6951,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-vkwm6y46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-vkyfya78 biosample:SAMEA7724227 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vkyhbd17 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-vkzmwg78 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-vma72763 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vmds6s72 biosample:SAMN15738906 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-vme3w877 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-vmh8d893 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-vmng0j37 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-vmjx9x73 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-vmng0j37 biosample:SAMN43527709 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-vmprsz42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vmr77069 biosample:SAMN07632063 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-vms6vj57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6567,6 +6965,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-vnaqgt29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-vnb16h75 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-vnb60v05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vnkf4228 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-vnt8nz15 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vntf4121 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vntfqj86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vntr4k61 biosample:SAMN06264645 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
@@ -6581,9 +6980,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-vpe6j733 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-vphgpc19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vphze236 biosample:SAMN18247740 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-vpvctg35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-vpyyfy41 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-vpyyfy41 biosample:SAMN43527708 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-vq6mas66 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-vq7ek206 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-vq7w1151 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vqbd5958 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vqbjsk14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vqcbf376 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6611,10 +7011,12 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-vsyd6979 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-vtdhew95 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-vtepas23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vtm3cx20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-vtnvjb29 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vtthr891 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vv1cxe05 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vv3dzk35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vv577p15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-vv5sjw02 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vv6gdb08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vvctb198 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vvpgqg91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6628,7 +7030,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-vwa8en18 ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome anthropogen
nmdc:bsm-11-vwe1m370 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vx2jgm87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vx5b9n15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-vx8ys961 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-vx8ys961 biosample:SAMN43527707 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-vxb66433 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vxm97g95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-vxmqw612 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6665,12 +7067,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-w0x66n27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-w0xkay32 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-w11dzv86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w1akex62 biosample:SAMN12813992 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-w1c6tv63 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w1ecph98 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w1s0h548 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w1smpm66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w1t8bv92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-w1xfvg42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-w23bxd55 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-w23bxd55 biosample:SAMN43527706 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-w2875212 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w295a886 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w2q32794 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
@@ -6679,6 +7082,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-w2sebk42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-w2vjev63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w3fmxv58 biosample:SAMN18245523 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-w3gjen51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-w3j3fr59 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-w3pda274 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w3pdpe50 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-w409a395 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6686,6 +7090,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-w42pd534 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-w43vsm21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w45d8112 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w4cc0w75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-w4des787 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil ENVO:00000087 cliff cliff nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-w4hkb179 ENVO:01000245 cropland biome cropland biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w4kbkz43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w4ng8j48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w4y80518 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -6716,13 +7122,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-w8afh383 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwa
nmdc:bsm-11-w8dmmm66 biosample:SAMN18245565 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-w8pr5725 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w8tdk409 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-w93pvn61 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-w93pvn61 biosample:SAMN43527705 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-w97xvh28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w9acp759 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w9adh495 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w9bf5t38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w9bwe541 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-w9mdn360 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-w9mnbg73 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-w9xzaf08 ENVO:01000248 dense settlement biome dense settlement biome ENVO:01001004 groundwater groundwater ENVO:00000076 mine mine nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-wa1qqz30 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-wa3cpe30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wabara24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wacmzb14 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -6744,8 +7153,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-wcdfe761 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwa
nmdc:bsm-11-wcdmvh10 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-wch0v413 ENVO:01001837 subalpine biome subalpine biome ENVO:00002000 slope slope ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wcmn4c24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-wcxz5091 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wd5xcq09 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wdfz5578 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-wdhwaj56 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wdk4ky48 biosample:SAMN06269027 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-wdwdfv51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wdydxv76 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
@@ -6756,6 +7167,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-we20cb04 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-we3y6f30 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-we5fzh65 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-wf797v06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-wfagna69 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:02000037 sebum material sebum material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wfc4zy34 biosample:SAMN15738708 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-wfembd06 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wfn9hq08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6798,8 +7210,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-wkx5kg69 biosample:SAMN18247960 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-wm11tw31 biosample:SAMEA7724208 ENVO:01000245 cropland biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wm1pvp43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wm40z541 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-wm7srf93 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002129 anaerobic sludge anaerobic sludge ENVO:00002124 anaerobic bioreactor anaerobic bioreactor nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wmhjn742 biosample:SAMN37862663 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wmq62p15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-wmtgtj48 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wmv7c145 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wmy1fb85 biosample:SAMN18247295 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-wmyh0p64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6846,14 +7260,17 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-wsmvv526 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-wsr4vx16 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wsvac151 biosample:SAMN12795923 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-wszz1g10 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-wt63hj84 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wt6b4187 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wt71nr60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-wtr7vf39 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002040 wood wood ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-wttbdr40 biosample:SAMN18245177 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-wv02q255 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wvd69t23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-wvfe0f23 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wvjfgm24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-wvt90211 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-wvtvd315 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-wvtvd315 biosample:SAMN43527704 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-wvzyj977 biosample:SAMN07632086 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ww59kb15 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ww74bw98 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6902,12 +7319,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-x12v3h14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-x13s4v72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x1d4e128 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x1e5pc89 biosample:SAMN06269020 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-x1e68434 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:2100002 intestine environment intestine environment ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-x1g8z726 biosample:SAMN37862741 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-x1hxsf43 ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome ENVO:00002034 biofilm biofilm ENVO:01000008 microbial mat microbial mat nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-x1p4xa17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x1rwsp77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x1s0bc27 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-x1x2yn08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-x255p785 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-x255p785 biosample:SAMN43527703 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-x2994f96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x29r0h81 biosample:SAMN12794854 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-x2ceqw10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -6931,12 +7350,13 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-x3xvyz63 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dw
nmdc:bsm-11-x4a4a005 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x4bs3n79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x4d6gj86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-x4en7x93 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-x4en7x93 biosample:SAMN43527702 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-x520z321 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x58e9198 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x5ach638 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x5gwq607 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x5jtmp97 biosample:SAMN18248403 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-x5xj6p33 ENVO:00000892 small lake biome small freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000546 lake sediment lake sediment ENVO:00000512 pond bed pond bed nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-x60q3h76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x68nsk72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-x6cq0675 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -6992,16 +7412,19 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-xdy1jy66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of de
nmdc:bsm-11-xe059189 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xe5hys13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xedk6s97 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-xekqsn95 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-xez60g92 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xf3bdh90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xf8xg214 biosample:SAMN12795190 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-xf9g9427 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xfda7n95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xfdjzh96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-xfh3dd20 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-xfh3dd20 biosample:SAMN43527701 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-xfjn5a69 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-xfk9x375 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xfs4v052 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xft0sv89 biosample:SAMN18244948 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-xftvkt77 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-xfxkbf08 biosample:SAMN18246407 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-xg1ynk89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xg6mpv16 biosample:SAMN12795191 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
@@ -7038,6 +7461,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-xm24hr93 biosample:SAMN07630347 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-xm44v962 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xm82q819 biosample:SAMEA7724216 ENVO:01000245 cropland biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xm8k0q10 biosample:SAMN18247736 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-xmdtzk62 ENVO:01000179 desert biome desert biome ENVO:01000185 montane desert biome montane desert biome ENVO:00005741 alpine soil alpine soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xmdw6a31 biosample:SAMN37862698 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xmkfye48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xn58b140 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7057,6 +7481,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-xpdp3d82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-xpgxw144 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xpv2fm92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xpver254 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01001370 tundra ecosystem tundra ecosystem ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-xq308a95 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xqrcwz18 biosample:SAMN18247925 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-xqs9h737 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xqtg8327 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7074,6 +7499,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-xs2j9418 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-xs2rz147 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xsrnx267 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xsvgd059 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-xsx7vt09 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00002261 forest soil forest soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xt2f1k45 biosample:SAMN37862682 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xtcmfb07 biosample:SAMN18245507 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-xtdee386 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7081,6 +7507,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-xtgagq62 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-xtmbjj36 biosample:SAMN06269037 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000774 oligotrophic lake oligotrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-xttvcf02 biosample:SAMN07630342 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xtz7he28 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600018 organic horizon organic horizon ENVO:00005781 heat stressed soil heat stressed soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-xv04hc89 ENVO:01001800 tropical moist broadleaf forest tropical moist broadleaf forest ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00000111 forested area forested area nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xv100g83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xv7vet91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xvkn5v50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7095,13 +7522,16 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-xwwbdr21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-xwyt2z92 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xxj21b75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xxp8dw56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-xxrn0942 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xxvfda22 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:03600011 mineral horizon mineral horizon ENVO:00005781 heat stressed soil heat stressed soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-8ws97026 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xy26cy51 biosample:SAMN07630520 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01001021 humic lake humic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-xy31tp80 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xy5ern23 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-xy8t6808 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-xyfcvn17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xytt5x43 biosample:SAMN10864410 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-xyw8rz73 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-xyw8rz73 biosample:SAMN43527700 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-xz0mem17 ENVO:01000339 polar biome polar biome ENVO:00000133 glacier glacier ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xz9ks154 biosample:SAMN18248240 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-xzcw7683 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-xzt7p588 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
@@ -7141,7 +7571,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-y3vbkk56 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-y3wq9f11 biosample:SAMN18245786 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-y4310d70 ENVO:01001002 Animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001153 caecum UBERON:0035118 material entity in digestive tract Host-associated host-associated nmdc:sty-11-hdd4bf83 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-y46kr968 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-y4jm9d42 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-y4jm9d42 biosample:SAMN43527699 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-y4qfcn34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-y4zqtm60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-y50cj881 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7174,6 +7604,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-y80cxc26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-y80vw153 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-y848xf08 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-y84f3833 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-y88j4g31 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-y8dmtx57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-y8ex2j20 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-y8hd9x32 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7186,7 +7617,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-y9g5ae41 biosample:SAMN18247280 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome
nmdc:bsm-11-y9gtp379 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-y9jpfv77 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-y9nn0m19 biosample:SAMN12795921 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
+nmdc:bsm-11-y9ze8791 ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome ENVO:00002034 biofilm biofilm ENVO:00002157 stromatolite mat stromatolite mat nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-ya398362 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ya3kyk65 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ya4fza19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yact2z32 biosample:SAMN37862694 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yaf06235 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7232,6 +7665,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ygfwzz82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of de
nmdc:bsm-11-yggs1n40 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ygtdv867 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ygyqg519 biosample:SAMN14511392 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-ygyvnw83 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-yh0g4n37 ENVO:01000245 cropland biome cropland biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yh3zzp24 biosample:SAMN37862681 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yh8qdb53 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yhb2zb46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7239,6 +7674,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-yherw069 biosample:SAMN18247908 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-yhmy3172 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yhw04421 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yhw3a620 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-yhxb4s73 ENVO:01000022 marine salt marsh biome marine salt marsh biome ENVO:00000054 saline marsh saline marsh ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yhza1x37 biosample:SAMN18245162 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-yj1cty37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yj9yav68 ENVO:01000215 temperate shrubland biome temperate shrubland biome ENVO:00000128 dry valley dry valley ENVO:01001616 bare soil bare soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
@@ -7256,8 +7692,9 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ym9mnp29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-ymqtqa45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yms2f086 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ymyew850 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ymzd2846 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yn5fsd54 biosample:SAMN06265187 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01000548 eutrophic lake eutrophic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-yn65m210 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-yn65m210 biosample:SAMN43527698 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-ynkz2756 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ynvyya87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ynxps546 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -7281,7 +7718,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-yqr04970 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-yqrv3r15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yr24wh59 biosample:SAMN18245161 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-yr75wh70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-yr7zg844 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-yr7zg844 biosample:SAMN43527697 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-yrhe2535 ENVO:01000339 polar biome polar biome ENVO:00000133 glacier glacier ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yrjdcg34 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yrkq4c24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yrksyx63 biosample:SAMEA7724315 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
@@ -7313,6 +7751,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-yvzvbr38 biosample:SAMN06343766 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENV
nmdc:bsm-11-yw1qme57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yw6k8y42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yw9rjx86 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-ywfp4d89 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ywmc3x87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ywncmn85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ywr06z13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7322,6 +7761,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-ywtnas39 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gr
nmdc:bsm-11-ywvhgw59 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ywvpq989 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000894 area of emergent herbaceous wetland area of emergent herbaceous wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ywyymz50 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-yx2axk59 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yxcsrv80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yxfcq682 biosample:SAMN06264622 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:01001021 humic lake humic lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-fkbnah04 water
nmdc:bsm-11-yxm0s376 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7330,6 +7770,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-yxxvqg27 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-yy5h7074 biosample:SAMN08902878 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000376 biosphere reserve ENVO:00005750 grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-zs2syx06 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yy5xyf48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yyb32624 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-yygmyt30 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yyhke502 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yykhgg15 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yyr05942 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7340,6 +7781,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-yz7sjb10 biosample:SAMN06264892 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome
nmdc:bsm-11-yzf4vj49 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yzgc1096 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yzpe6s26 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-yzra3r06 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yzrgtg51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-yzw5gm87 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z058tx70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -7356,6 +7798,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-z13a0x79 biosample:SAMN06344028 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-z13kyj42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z18by498 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-z19fv483 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-z1cd0z73 ENVO:01000179 desert biome desert biome ENVO:01000185 montane desert biome montane desert biome ENVO:00005741 alpine soil alpine soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z1gtk526 biosample:SAMN07632062 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-z1m8mm10 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z1r5gy96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
@@ -7365,7 +7808,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-z28r1479 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-z2a7ca24 biosample:SAMN08778355 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-z2kgk641 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z2pe1s64 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-z30rr925 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-z30rr925 biosample:SAMN43527696 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-z377y086 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z3fmnq80 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z3qm5080 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7377,9 +7820,10 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-z423gx54 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-z45tdn03 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z4chn358 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z4e9te76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-z4fryw87 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-z4fryw87 biosample:SAMN43527695 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-z4hspp43 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-z4sq0940 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-z4t9nk25 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-z4tqnk85 biosample:SAMN37862673 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z4vyvy45 biosample:SAMEA7724333 ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000355 vegetation layer ENVO:00005774 peat soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z52nd502 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7407,7 +7851,8 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-z6js6q42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-z6mynx16 biosample:SAMN10864294 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z6r5p781 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z6szj887 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-z6tprk20 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-z6tprk20 biosample:SAMN43527694 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-z746c966 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z74kbw36 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z75j2v52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-z78akz60 biosample:SAMN14511427 ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment UBERON:0001555 digestive tract digestive tract ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material nmdc:sty-11-t91cwb40 host-associated
@@ -7421,7 +7866,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-z8gkrz88 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-z8wxh075 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z8y3xk82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z95a8f93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-z9787c48 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-z9787c48 biosample:SAMN43527693 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-z97z1r63 biosample:SAMN10864333 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:00000292 watershed ENVO:00005802 bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-dcqce727 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z9fvc935 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-z9mhg986 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7431,13 +7876,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zaccf569 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-zacjq284 biosample:SAMN17674937 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-zaddh366 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zaehk938 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-zaft1x11 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome grassland biome ENVO:01001785 land land ENVO:00005750 grassland soil grassland soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zafx1h46 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zag85p96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zaj6n998 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zanyhm21 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-zaph9002 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00000011 garden garden ENVO:00005802 bulk soil bulk soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zapxa581 biosample:SAMN18247719 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
-nmdc:bsm-11-zaw2am78 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-zaw2am78 biosample:SAMN43527692 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-zaww0p21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zb285164 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zbhbtw37 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
@@ -7457,13 +7903,14 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zdnd6345 biosample:SAMN08902859 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:
nmdc:bsm-11-zdngbd19 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zdped535 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-zdzkng74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-ze3v5k36 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-ze3v5k36 biosample:SAMN43527691 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-ze4cjv84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ze5a7241 biosample:SAMN37862740 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ze8fcd44 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-ze8xgs72 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zecyq208 biosample:SAMN37862675 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zef1pd81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-zeh5yp07 ENVO:00000890 small river biome small river biome ENVO:00002127 stream sediment stream sediment ENVO:00000495 tributary tributary nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 water
nmdc:bsm-11-zepkdk38 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zera1388 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zev6jt70 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7471,6 +7918,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zewrmr29 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-zeytwa57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zf2pgr91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zf5qxz83 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-zf5wt818 ENVO:01000249 urban biome urban biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zf7amj96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zf7tjw91 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zfbnas51 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7478,6 +7926,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zfcrje48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-zff5mj77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zfh56m68 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zfks3b64 ENVO:01001442 agricultural biome agriculture ENVO:01001442 phyllosphere biome agriculture ENVO:01001001 plant-associated biome plant-associated environment plant-associated plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-e4yb9z58 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-zfreqj78 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zfvcsy45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000892 area of cropland area of cropland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zfykca90 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zfyz0104 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7489,6 +7938,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zh066e37 biosample:SAMN08902861 ENVO:01000177 grassland biome ENVO:
nmdc:bsm-11-zh14q280 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zhfer872 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zhjvte52 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-zhqbj232 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zhrzwh12 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zhxzwt61 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zhzner35 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7499,6 +7949,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zjd4tn74 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pa
nmdc:bsm-11-zjsrkd21 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zjt5e859 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zjtpv834 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-zjtx4s87 ENVO:01000174 forest biome forest biome ENVO:00000094 volcanic feature volcanic feature ENVO:01001841 volcanic soil volcanic soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zjy1pk25 biosample:SAMN37862722 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zk18dr96 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zk6h3328 biosample:SAMN37862678 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7507,6 +7958,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zk8a4504 biosample:SAMEA7723902 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:000
nmdc:bsm-11-zk8s4t33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zkbp8g36 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002007 sediment sediment sediment nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 sediment
nmdc:bsm-11-zkj8nq55 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-zkmg3e40 ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:01000211 temperate coniferous forest biome temperate coniferous forest biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zkrvzx09 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-zktmqw82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zm4sh181 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
@@ -7517,7 +7969,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zmkc2b42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-zmkms839 biosample:SAMN18248250 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-zmsv5494 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zmwdxx48 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-zmy8av80 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-zmy8av80 biosample:SAMN43527690 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-zn7e5m95 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-znb2tv24 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-28tm5d36 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-znbdjv77 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7526,6 +7978,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-znjveq38 biosample:SAMN37862710 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-znqk6j59 biosample:SAMN37862665 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-znregv33 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zns7p726 biosample:SAMN18247316 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
+nmdc:bsm-11-znswh520 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zntgm872 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-znvc3c66 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zp09jq28 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7534,7 +7987,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zp5tqq71 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-zpf4n944 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zpfhrd63 biosample:SAMN05421958 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-zpmamx57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-zpp4e345 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-zpp4e345 biosample:SAMN43527689 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:01000621 microcosm microcosm ENVO:00005791 Sterile water sterile water miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-zppmgx93 ENVO:01000253 freshwater river biome freshwater river biome ENVO:00000022 river river ENVO:00002042 surface water surface water nmdc:sty-11-5tgfr349 water
nmdc:bsm-11-zq0y1n89 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zq1mx593 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7557,14 +8010,18 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zratvf42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-zrbenj85 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zrengs57 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zrmt9512 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000219 anthropogenic terrestrial biome ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-zrp11976 ENVO:01000182 temperate desert biome temperate desert biome ENVO:01001357 desert desert ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zrx7nc75 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000861 area of dwarf scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zsaaqy45 biosample:SAMN18245158 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00002131 epilimnion epilimnion ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 water
nmdc:bsm-11-zsdrmw76 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant PO:0025034 leaf leaf plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
+nmdc:bsm-11-zse98013 ENVO:01000200 tropical broadleaf forest biome tropical broadleaf forest biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-zsed0v52 ENVO:01000049 marine coral reef biome marine coral reef biome ENVO:01000155 organic material organic material ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome marine benthic biome nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zshvq766 biosample:SAMN11532486 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zsjss661 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000893 area of woody wetland area of woody wetland ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zsnhbr93 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zsns7f81 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zswb5r79 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-zsyyrv29 ENVO:00000447 marine biome marine biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-zt1eqn84 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zt4thk48 biosample:SAMN12794855 ENVO:01000252 freshwater lake biome freshwater lake biome ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake freshwater lake ENVO:04000007 lake water lake water nmdc:sty-11-5bgrvr62 hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
nmdc:bsm-11-zt7jm014 biosample:SAMN06344023 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome PO:0025025 root system root system PO:0009005 root root nmdc:sty-11-prtb4s28 plant-associated
@@ -7576,7 +8033,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zv87gq13 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:010
nmdc:bsm-11-zvepbm45 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000887 area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation area of sedge- and forb-dominated herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zvh2hc82 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01001057 environment associated with a plant part or small plant environment associated with a plant part or small plant ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter plant-associated nmdc:sty-11-r2h77870 plant-associated
nmdc:bsm-11-zvj2bf24 biosample:SAMN11533384 ENVO:01000174 forest biome ENVO:01001803 tropical forest ENVO:00005778 tropical soil nmdc:sty-11-076c9980 soil
-nmdc:bsm-11-zvkngt76 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
+nmdc:bsm-11-zvkngt76 biosample:SAMN43527688 ENVO:01001001 plant-associated environment plant-associated environment ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere rhizosphere ENVO:01000349 root matter root matter miscellaneous natural or artificial environment miscellaneous natural or artificial environment nmdc:sty-11-ev70y104 miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
nmdc:bsm-11-zvm2bp14 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000843 area of evergreen forest area of evergreen forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zvph0b42 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000888 area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation area of gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation ENVO:00001998 soil soil soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zvtne433 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000891 area of pastureland or hayfields area of pastureland or hayfields ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
@@ -7606,6 +8063,7 @@ nmdc:bsm-11-zz4tsw36 biosample:SAMN07632332 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terr
nmdc:bsm-11-zz9hq391 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zzahyk07 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:01000869 area of scrub ENVO:00001998 soil nmdc:sty-11-8xdqsn54 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zzdpcm17 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000816 area of deciduous forest area of deciduous forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
+nmdc:bsm-11-zzhyyf37 ENVO:01000212 temperate mixed forest biome temperate mixed forest biome ENVO:00002003 fecal material fecal material ENVO:01001002 animal-associated environment animal-associated environment nmdc:sty-11-547rwq94 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zzrx6210 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome terrestrial biome ENVO:01000855 area of mixed forest area of mixed forest ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-34xj1150 soil
nmdc:bsm-11-zzsa3t60 ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome ENVO:00000516 hummock hummock ENVO:00001998 soil soil nmdc:sty-11-db67n062 soil
nmdc:bsm-12-002hb858 ENVO:03605008 freshwater stream biome freshwater stream biome ENVO:03605007 freshwater stream freshwater stream ENVO:03605006 stream water stream water water water nmdc:sty-11-hht5sb92 water
diff --git a/notebooks/voting-sheet-generation-readme.md b/notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/voting-sheet-generation-readme.md
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/voting-sheet-generation-readme.md
rename to notebooks/environmental_context_value_sets/voting-sheet-generation-readme.md
diff --git a/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/fetch_github_issues_prs.ipynb b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/fetch_github_issues_prs.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d38db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/fetch_github_issues_prs.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:10:42.325849Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:10:42.321643Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "import requests\n",
+ "import os\n",
+ "import json\n",
+ "import time\n",
+ "from datetime import datetime, timedelta\n",
+ "from dotenv import dotenv_values\n",
+ "from pathlib import Path"
+ ],
+ "id": "f44756e298facf58",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 16
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:10:42.824420Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:10:42.821877Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "# Replace with the repository you want to analyze\n",
+ "REPO_OWNER = \"microbiomedata\" # e.g., \"facebook\"\n",
+ "REPO_NAME = \"nmdc-metadata\" # e.g., \"react\""
+ ],
+ "id": "ec1243f673d073bb",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 17
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:10:43.321215Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:10:43.318615Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "# Output directory\n",
+ "OUTPUT_DIR = \"github_issues_prs\""
+ ],
+ "id": "43183d075c72f688",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 18
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:10:43.732963Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:10:43.730364Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "# Specify the path to your .env file\n",
+ "env_path = \"../../local/.env\""
+ ],
+ "id": "95845082a896d990",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 19
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:00.170687Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:00.166492Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "# Load variables into a dictionary\n",
+ "env_vars = dotenv_values(env_path)"
+ ],
+ "id": "f2c9df58c16b5bda",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 23
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:13.215049Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:13.212346Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": "GITHUB_TOKEN = env_vars['GITHUB_TOKEN']",
+ "id": "4ab73ef2412167ae",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 26
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:14.170564Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:14.167379Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):\n",
+ " os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR)"
+ ],
+ "id": "b18d412ab9e6d530",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 27
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "id": "initial_id",
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true,
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:15.516123Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:15.504736Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "def download_data(api_url, data_type, filename):\n",
+ " \"\"\"Downloads issues, pull requests, or comments with enhanced status messages.\"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " all_data = []\n",
+ " page = 1\n",
+ " start_time = datetime.now()\n",
+ "\n",
+ " while True:\n",
+ " url_with_params = f\"{api_url}?page={page}&per_page=100&state=all\"\n",
+ " response = requests.get(url_with_params, headers=headers)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if response.status_code == 200:\n",
+ " data = response.json()\n",
+ " if not data:\n",
+ " break\n",
+ "\n",
+ " all_data.extend(data)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if data_type!= \"comments\":\n",
+ " now = datetime.now()\n",
+ " elapsed_time = now - start_time\n",
+ " items_downloaded = len(all_data)\n",
+ " rate = items_downloaded / elapsed_time.total_seconds() if elapsed_time.total_seconds() > 0 else 0\n",
+ " time_remaining = timedelta(seconds=(total_items - items_downloaded) / rate) if rate > 0 and total_items > items_downloaded else \"Unknown\"\n",
+ " print(\n",
+ " f\"Downloaded page {page} of {data_type} ({items_downloaded} {data_type} so far). \"\n",
+ " f\"Elapsed: {elapsed_time}, Rate: {rate:.2f} {data_type}/sec, Time Remaining: {time_remaining}.\"\n",
+ " )\n",
+ " page += 1\n",
+ "\n",
+ " elif response.status_code == 403: # rate limit handling\n",
+ " print(\"Rate limit hit. Waiting...\")\n",
+ " rate_limit_reset = int(response.headers.get(\"X-RateLimit-Reset\"))\n",
+ " wait_time = rate_limit_reset - time.time() + 10 # add 10 seconds buffer\n",
+ " if wait_time > 0:\n",
+ " print(f\"Waiting for {wait_time:.1f} seconds...\")\n",
+ " time.sleep(wait_time)\n",
+ " continue\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " raise Exception(\"Rate limit reset time in the past\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " print(f\"Error downloading {data_type}: {response.status_code} - {response.text}\")\n",
+ " return None\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if data_type!= \"comments\":\n",
+ " for item in all_data:\n",
+ " comments_url = item.get(\"comments_url\")\n",
+ " if comments_url:\n",
+ " comments = download_data(comments_url, \"comments\", None)\n",
+ " if comments is not None:\n",
+ " item[\"comments\"] = comments\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " print(f\"Failed to download comments for {data_type} #{item.get('number') or item.get('id')}\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return all_data"
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 28
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:18.563920Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:18.560998Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "headers = {\n",
+ " \"Authorization\": f\"token {GITHUB_TOKEN}\",\n",
+ " \"Accept\": \"application/vnd.github.v3+json\",\n",
+ "}"
+ ],
+ "id": "5d3f61811eb75cec",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 29
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:19.471876Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:19.468940Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": "API_URL = f\"https://api.github.com/repos/{REPO_OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}/issues\"",
+ "id": "99edf2beeddb46ff",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 30
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:20.175762Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:20.172698Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "# Use the search API to get the total count\n",
+ "search_url = f\"https://api.github.com/search/issues?q=repo:{REPO_OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}\""
+ ],
+ "id": "248eafba72535ba5",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 31
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:21.966935Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:21.828883Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": "total_items_response = requests.get(search_url, headers=headers)",
+ "id": "2742b4335a8ffa24",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 32
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:30.460572Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:30.453851Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": "total_items_response",
+ "id": "7083a82f14358ddf",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 33,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 33
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:32.224480Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:32.221185Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "if total_items_response.status_code == 200:\n",
+ " total_items = total_items_response.json()[\"total_count\"]\n",
+ "else:\n",
+ " total_items = 0\n",
+ " print(\"Could not retrieve total number of items. Progress estimation will not work.\")\n"
+ ],
+ "id": "6e0a598b4a1a7b20",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Could not retrieve total number of items. Progress estimation will not work.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 34
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:13:49.282089Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:11:33.973306Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "# Download Issues\n",
+ "issues = download_data(API_URL, \"issues\", f\"{REPO_OWNER}_{REPO_NAME}_issues.json\")"
+ ],
+ "id": "d6570a26b1ca5ef",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Downloaded page 1 of issues (100 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:00.546359, Rate: 183.03 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
+ "Downloaded page 2 of issues (200 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:01.176535, Rate: 169.99 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
+ "Downloaded page 3 of issues (300 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:01.747311, Rate: 171.69 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
+ "Downloaded page 4 of issues (400 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:02.324201, Rate: 172.10 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
+ "Downloaded page 5 of issues (434 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:02.661870, Rate: 163.04 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 35
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:16:10.722005Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:16:10.613719Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "if issues:\n",
+ " with open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f\"{REPO_OWNER}_{REPO_NAME}_issues.json\"), \"w\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as f:\n",
+ " json.dump(issues, f, indent=4)\n",
+ " print(\"Issues and comments saved.\")\n",
+ "else:\n",
+ " print(\"Failed to download issues or comments.\")"
+ ],
+ "id": "4122e95145a51c48",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Issues and comments saved.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 36
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:16:12.867683Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:16:12.864927Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "# Download Pull Requests\n",
+ "pulls_url = f\"https://api.github.com/repos/{REPO_OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}/pulls\""
+ ],
+ "id": "1c0c826ca72441ba",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 37
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:16:48.229518Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:16:13.885017Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": "pulls = download_data(pulls_url, \"pull requests\", f\"{REPO_OWNER}_{REPO_NAME}_pulls.json\")",
+ "id": "c66b11fd62f16c8b",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Downloaded page 1 of pull requests (100 pull requests so far). Elapsed: 0:00:00.805483, Rate: 124.15 pull requests/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
+ "Downloaded page 2 of pull requests (138 pull requests so far). Elapsed: 0:00:01.241573, Rate: 111.15 pull requests/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 38
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:16:50.912205Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:16:50.839131Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "if pulls:\n",
+ " with open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f\"{REPO_OWNER}_{REPO_NAME}_pulls.json\"), \"w\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as f:\n",
+ " json.dump(pulls, f, indent=4)\n",
+ " print(\"Pull requests and comments saved.\")\n",
+ "else:\n",
+ " print(\"Failed to download pull requests or comments.\")"
+ ],
+ "id": "da54620d13f83d41",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Pull requests and comments saved.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution_count": 39
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {},
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "source": "",
+ "id": "f8cb62062b33588b"
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 2
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython2",
+ "version": "2.7.6"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 5
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues.json b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues.json
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues.json
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues.json
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_body.txt b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_body.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_body.txt
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_body.txt
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_created_at.txt b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_created_at.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_created_at.txt
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_created_at.txt
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_participants.txt b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_participants.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_participants.txt
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_participants.txt
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_title.txt b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_title.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_title.txt
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_issues_title.txt
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls.json b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls.json
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls.json
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls.json
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_body.txt b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_body.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_body.txt
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_body.txt
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_created_at.txt b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_created_at.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_created_at.txt
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_created_at.txt
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_participants.txt b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_participants.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_participants.txt
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_participants.txt
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_title.txt b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_title.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_title.txt
rename to notebooks/github-repo-metadata/github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_title.txt
diff --git a/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/sample_extraction_commands.sh b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/sample_extraction_commands.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..976f03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/github-repo-metadata/sample_extraction_commands.sh
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+sed 's/^ *"/"/' github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls.json | grep '"login":' | sort | uniq -c > github_issues_prs/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls_participants.txt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/notebooks/github_data/summary_commands.txt b/notebooks/github_data/summary_commands.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ad7407e..0000000
--- a/notebooks/github_data/summary_commands.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-sed 's/^ *"/"/' notebooks/github_data/microbiomedata_nmdc-metadata_pulls.json | grep '"login":' | sort | uniq -c > notebooks/g
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/notebooks/lexmatch-combined.tsv b/notebooks/lexmatch-combined.tsv
deleted file mode 100644
index 71890ef..0000000
--- a/notebooks/lexmatch-combined.tsv
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@@ -1,4229 +0,0 @@
-subject_id subject_label predicate_id object_id object_label mapping_justification mapping_tool confidence subject_match_field object_match_field match_string subject_prefix object_prefix
-mixs:address address skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25407 Address semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label address mixs NCIT
-mixs:address address skos:closeMatch NCIT:C86945 Address semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label address mixs NCIT
-mixs:alt alt skos:closeMatch CHEBI:37708 altrose semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym alt mixs CHEBI
-mixs:alt alt skos:closeMatch GO:0004021 L-alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym alt mixs GO
-mixs:ammonium ammonium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:28938 ammonium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ammonium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:ammonium ammonium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:28938 ammonium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ammonium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000104 undersea feature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym basin mixs ENVO
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000151 sabkha semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym basin mixs ENVO
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000165 asphalt lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym basin mixs ENVO
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000195 sinkhole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym basin mixs ENVO
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000291 drainage basin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym basin mixs ENVO
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000311 kettle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym basin mixs ENVO
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002277 back-arc basin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym basin mixs ENVO
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16716 benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym benzene mixs CHEBI
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16716 benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label benzene mixs CHEBI
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch NCIT:C302 Benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label benzene mixs NCIT
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D001554 Benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym benzene mixs obo
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D001554 Benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label benzene mixs obo
-mixs:biomass biomass skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000155 organic material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biomass mixs ENVO
-mixs:biomass biomass skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D018533 Biomass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym biomass mixs obo
-mixs:biomass biomass skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D018533 Biomass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biomass mixs obo
-mixs:bishomohopanol bishomohopanol skos:closeMatch CHEBI:68517 17beta(H),21beta(H)-bishomohopanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym bishomohopanol mixs CHEBI
-mixs:bromide bromide skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15858 bromide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym bromide mixs CHEBI
-mixs:bromide bromide skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15858 bromide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bromide mixs CHEBI
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:22984 calcium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym calcium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:22984 calcium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym calcium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:29320 calcium(0) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym calcium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch NCIT:C331 Calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs NCIT
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D002118 Calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym calcium mixs obo
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D002118 Calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs obo
-mixs:chloride chloride skos:closeMatch CHEBI:17996 chloride semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym chloride mixs CHEBI
-mixs:chloride chloride skos:closeMatch CHEBI:17996 chloride semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chloride mixs CHEBI
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch CHEBI:139291 chlorophyll(1-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym chlorophyll mixs CHEBI
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18230 chlorophyll a semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym chlorophyll mixs CHEBI
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18230 chlorophyll a semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym chlorophyll mixs CHEBI
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18230 chlorophyll a semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs CHEBI
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch CHEBI:28966 chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym chlorophyll mixs CHEBI
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch CHEBI:28966 chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs CHEBI
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch CHEBI:58416 chlorophyll a(1-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym chlorophyll mixs CHEBI
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch NCIT:C366 Chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs NCIT
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D002734 Chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym chlorophyll mixs obo
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D002734 Chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs obo
-mixs:density density skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45781 Density semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label density mixs NCIT
-mixs:density density skos:closeMatch PATO:0001019 mass density semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym density mixs PATO
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25333 Depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs NCIT
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch PATO:0001595 depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs PATO
-mixs:elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator mixs nmdc
-mixs:elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:MechStrucEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator mixs nmdc
-mixs:elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator mixs nmdc
-mixs:elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator mixs nmdc
-mixs:emulsions emulsions skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D004655 Emulsions semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym emulsions mixs obo
-mixs:emulsions emulsions skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D004655 Emulsions semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label emulsions mixs obo
-mixs:escalator escalator skos:closeMatch nmdc:MechStrucEnum#escalator escalator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label escalator mixs nmdc
-mixs:ethylbenzene ethylbenzene skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16101 ethylbenzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ethylbenzene mixs CHEBI
-mixs:ethylbenzene ethylbenzene skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16101 ethylbenzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethylbenzene mixs CHEBI
-mixs:ethylbenzene ethylbenzene skos:closeMatch NCIT:C173418 Ethylbenzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethylbenzene mixs NCIT
-mixs:field field skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000114 agricultural field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym field mixs ENVO
-mixs:field field skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000352 field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label field mixs ENVO
-mixs:field field skos:closeMatch NCIT:C70773 Field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label field mixs NCIT
-mixs:fire fire skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000786 fire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fire mixs ENVO
-mixs:flooding flooding skos:closeMatch ENVO:02500002 flooding semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label flooding mixs ENVO
-mixs:fluor fluor skos:closeMatch CHEBI:24061 fluorine atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym fluor mixs CHEBI
-mixs:gravidity gravidity skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D020073 Gravidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym gravidity mixs obo
-mixs:gravidity gravidity skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D020073 Gravidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravidity mixs obo
-mixs:gravity gravity skos:closeMatch NCIT:C74992 Gravity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravity mixs NCIT
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch NCIT:C88206 Humidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label humidity mixs NCIT
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch PATO:0015009 humidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label humidity mixs PATO
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D006813 Humidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym humidity mixs obo
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D006813 Humidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label humidity mixs obo
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:25107 magnesium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym magnesium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:25107 magnesium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym magnesium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch NCIT:C29239 Magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magnesium mixs NCIT
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D008274 Magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym magnesium mixs obo
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D008274 Magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magnesium mixs obo
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16183 methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym methane mixs CHEBI
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16183 methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methane mixs CHEBI
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D008697 Methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym methane mixs obo
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D008697 Methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methane mixs obo
-mixs:nitrate nitrate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:17632 nitrate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym nitrate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:nitrate nitrate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:17632 nitrate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nitrate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:nitrate nitrate skos:closeMatch NCIT:C80487 Nitrate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nitrate mixs NCIT
-mixs:nitrite nitrite skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16301 nitrite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym nitrite mixs CHEBI
-mixs:nitrite nitrite skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16301 nitrite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nitrite mixs CHEBI
-mixs:nitrite nitrite skos:closeMatch NCIT:C120467 Nitrite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nitrite mixs NCIT
-mixs:nitro nitro skos:closeMatch CHEBI:29785 nitro group semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym nitro mixs CHEBI
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15379 dioxygen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym oxygen mixs CHEBI
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch CHEBI:25805 oxygen atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym oxygen mixs CHEBI
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch CHEBI:25805 oxygen atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym oxygen mixs CHEBI
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch NCIT:C722 Oxygen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oxygen mixs NCIT
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D010100 Oxygen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym oxygen mixs obo
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D010100 Oxygen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oxygen mixs obo
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch NCIT:C71611 Permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs NCIT
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D010539 Permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym permeability mixs obo
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D010539 Permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs obo
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30396 phenyl group semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym ph mixs CHEBI
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45997 pH semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ph mixs NCIT
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D006863 Hydrogen-Ion Concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym ph mixs obo
-mixs:phosphate phosphate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18367 phosphate(3-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym phosphate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:phosphate phosphate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18367 phosphate(3-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym phosphate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:phosphate phosphate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:26020 phosphate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label phosphate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:phosphate phosphate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:26078 phosphoric acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym phosphate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:phosphate phosphate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:35780 phosphate ion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym phosphate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:phosphate phosphate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:43474 hydrogenphosphate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym phosphate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:26216 potassium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym potassium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:26216 potassium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym potassium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch NCIT:C765 Potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label potassium mixs NCIT
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D011188 Potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym potassium mixs obo
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D011188 Potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label potassium mixs obo
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25195 Pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs NCIT
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch PATO:0001025 pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs PATO
-mixs:reservoir reservoir skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000025 reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym reservoir mixs ENVO
-mixs:reservoir reservoir skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000025 reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir mixs ENVO
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D054712 Salinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym salinity mixs obo
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D054712 Salinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label salinity mixs obo
-mixs:season season skos:closeMatch ENVO:03000096 season semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label season mixs ENVO
-mixs:season season skos:closeMatch NCIT:C94729 Season semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label season mixs NCIT
-mixs:silicate silicate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:29241 silicate(4-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym silicate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:silicate silicate skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D017640 Silicates semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym silicate mixs obo
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:26708 sodium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym sodium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch CHEBI:26708 sodium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym sodium mixs CHEBI
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch NCIT:C830 Sodium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sodium mixs NCIT
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012964 Sodium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym sodium mixs obo
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012964 Sodium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sodium mixs obo
-mixs:sulfate sulfate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16189 sulfate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym sulfate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:sulfate sulfate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16189 sulfate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sulfate mixs CHEBI
-mixs:sulfide sulfide skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15138 sulfide(2-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym sulfide mixs CHEBI
-mixs:sulfide sulfide skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16136 hydrogen sulfide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym sulfide mixs CHEBI
-mixs:sulfide sulfide skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16385 organic sulfide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym sulfide mixs CHEBI
-mixs:sulfide sulfide skos:closeMatch CHEBI:26822 sulfide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sulfide mixs CHEBI
-mixs:tan tan skos:closeMatch NCIT:C96298 Tan semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tan mixs NCIT
-mixs:tan tan skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014216 Triacetoneamine-N-Oxyl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym tan mixs obo
-mixs:toluene toluene skos:closeMatch CHEBI:17578 toluene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym toluene mixs CHEBI
-mixs:toluene toluene skos:closeMatch CHEBI:17578 toluene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label toluene mixs CHEBI
-mixs:toluene toluene skos:closeMatch NCIT:C77930 Toluene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label toluene mixs NCIT
-mixs:toluene toluene skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014050 Toluene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym toluene mixs obo
-mixs:toluene toluene skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014050 Toluene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label toluene mixs obo
-mixs:viscosity viscosity skos:closeMatch NCIT:C75912 Viscosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label viscosity mixs NCIT
-mixs:viscosity viscosity skos:closeMatch PATO:0000992 viscosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label viscosity mixs PATO
-mixs:viscosity viscosity skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014783 Viscosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym viscosity mixs obo
-mixs:viscosity viscosity skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014783 Viscosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label viscosity mixs obo
-mixs:weekday weekday skos:closeMatch NCIT:C86936 Weekday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label weekday mixs NCIT
-mixs:xylene xylene skos:closeMatch CHEBI:27338 xylene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym xylene mixs CHEBI
-mixs:xylene xylene skos:closeMatch CHEBI:27338 xylene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label xylene mixs CHEBI
-mixs:xylene xylene skos:closeMatch NCIT:C126304 Xylene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label xylene mixs NCIT
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#office office skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#office office semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label office nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#office office skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#office office semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label office nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#stucco stucco skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stucco stucco semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stucco nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#stucco stucco skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallSurfTreatmentEnum#stucco stucco semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stucco nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#Santa-Fe+texture Santa-Fe texture skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#Santa-Fe+texture Santa-Fe texture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label santa-fe texture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#crows+feet crows feet skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#crows+feet crows feet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label crows feet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#crows-foot+stomp crows-foot stomp skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#crows-foot+stomp crows-foot stomp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label crows-foot stomp nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#double+skip double skip skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#double+skip double skip semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label double skip nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#hawk+and+trowel hawk and trowel skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#hawk+and+trowel hawk and trowel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label and hawk trowel nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#knockdown knockdown skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#knockdown knockdown semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label knockdown nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#orange+peel orange peel skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#orange+peel orange peel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orange peel nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#popcorn popcorn skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#popcorn popcorn semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label popcorn nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#rosebud+stomp rosebud stomp skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#rosebud+stomp rosebud stomp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rosebud stomp nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#skip+trowel skip trowel skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#skip+trowel skip trowel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label skip trowel nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#smooth smooth skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#smooth smooth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label smooth nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#stomp+knockdown stomp knockdown skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#stomp+knockdown stomp knockdown semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label knockdown stomp nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#swirl swirl skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallTextureEnum#swirl swirl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label swirl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ChromatographicCategoryEnum#gas_chromatography gas_chromatography skos:closeMatch nmdc:EluentIntroductionCategoryEnum#gas_chromatography gas_chromatography semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas_chromatography nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ChromatographicCategoryEnum#liquid_chromatography liquid_chromatography skos:closeMatch nmdc:EluentIntroductionCategoryEnum#liquid_chromatography liquid_chromatography semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label liquid_chromatography nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ChromatographicCategoryEnum#solid_phase_extraction solid_phase_extraction skos:closeMatch nmdc:ProtocolCategoryEnum#solid_phase_extraction solid_phase_extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label solid_phase_extraction nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CollectingBiosamplesFromSite CollectingBiosamplesFromSite skos:closeMatch nmdc:SubSamplingProcess SubSamplingProcess semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch skos:relatedMatch obi:0000744 nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#sand sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#10+mM+Tris-HCl 10 mM Tris-HCl skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#10+mM+Tris-HCl 10 mM Tris-HCl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label 10 mm tris-hcl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#DNAStable DNAStable skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#DNAStable DNAStable semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dnastable nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Gentegra-DNA Gentegra-DNA skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Gentegra-DNA Gentegra-DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gentegra-dna nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Gentegra-RNA Gentegra-RNA skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Gentegra-RNA Gentegra-RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gentegra-rna nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Low+EDTA+TE Low EDTA TE skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Low+EDTA+TE Low EDTA TE semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label edta low te nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#MDA+reaction+buffer MDA reaction buffer skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#MDA+reaction+buffer MDA reaction buffer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label buffer mda reaction nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#PBS PBS skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#PBS PBS semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pbs nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pellet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet skos:closeMatch nmdc:SamplePortionEnum#pellet pellet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pellet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#RNAStable RNAStable skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#RNAStable RNAStable semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rnastable nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label te nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCompTypeEnum#revolving revolving skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMoveEnum#revolving revolving semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label revolving nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCompTypeEnum#sliding sliding skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMoveEnum#sliding sliding semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sliding nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#vinyl vinyl skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#vinyl vinyl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vinyl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#vinyl vinyl skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#vinyl vinyl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vinyl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMoveEnum#collapsible collapsible skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorTypeMetalEnum#collapsible collapsible semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label collapsible nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DrainageClassEnum#well well skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#as+built as built skos:closeMatch nmdc:SpecificEnum#as+built as built semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label as built nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#bid bid skos:closeMatch nmdc:SpecificEnum#bid bid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bid nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#construction construction skos:closeMatch nmdc:SpecificEnum#construction construction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label construction nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#design design skos:closeMatch nmdc:SpecificEnum#design design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch nmdc:SpecificEnum#operation operation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label operation nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExecutionResourceEnum#EMSL EMSL skos:closeMatch ror:04rc0xn13 EMSL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label emsl nmdc ror
-nmdc:ExecutionResourceEnum#JGI JGI skos:closeMatch ror:04xm1d337 JGI semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label jgi nmdc ror
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#northeast northeast skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#northeast northeast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label northeast nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#northwest northwest skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#northwest northwest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label northwest nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#southeast southeast skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#southeast southeast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label southeast nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#southwest southwest skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#southwest southwest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label southwest nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#Extraction Extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#LibraryPreparation LibraryPreparation skos:closeMatch nmdc:LibraryPreparation LibraryPreparation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label librarypreparation nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MagsAnalysis MagsAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:MagsAnalysis MagsAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magsanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MassSpectrometry MassSpectrometry skos:closeMatch nmdc:MassSpectrometry MassSpectrometry semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label massspectrometry nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetabolomicsAnalysis MetabolomicsAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:MetabolomicsAnalysis MetabolomicsAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolomicsanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetagenomeAnnotation MetagenomeAnnotation skos:closeMatch nmdc:MetagenomeAnnotation MetagenomeAnnotation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomeannotation nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetagenomeAssembly MetagenomeAssembly skos:closeMatch nmdc:MetagenomeAssembly MetagenomeAssembly semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomeassembly nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetaproteomicsAnalysis MetaproteomicsAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:MetaproteomicsAnalysis MetaproteomicsAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metaproteomicsanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetatranscriptomeAnnotation MetatranscriptomeAnnotation skos:closeMatch nmdc:MetatranscriptomeAnnotation MetatranscriptomeAnnotation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metatranscriptomeannotation nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetatranscriptomeAssembly MetatranscriptomeAssembly skos:closeMatch nmdc:MetatranscriptomeAssembly MetatranscriptomeAssembly semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metatranscriptomeassembly nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetatranscriptomeExpressionAnalysis MetatranscriptomeExpressionAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:MetatranscriptomeExpressionAnalysis MetatranscriptomeExpressionAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metatranscriptomeexpressionanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#NomAnalysis NomAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:NomAnalysis NomAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nomanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#NucleotideSequencing NucleotideSequencing skos:closeMatch nmdc:NucleotideSequencing NucleotideSequencing semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nucleotidesequencing nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#Pooling Pooling skos:closeMatch nmdc:Pooling Pooling semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pooling nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysis ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysis ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label readbasedtaxonomyanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#ReadQcAnalysis ReadQcAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:ReadQcAnalysis ReadQcAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label readqcanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#carpet carpet skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#carpet carpet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carpet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#concrete concrete skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorStrucEnum#concrete concrete semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concrete nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#concrete concrete skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#concrete concrete semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concrete nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#none none skos:closeMatch nmdc:LightTypeEnum#none none semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label none nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#none none skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCoverEnum#none none semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label none nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#paint paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#stone stone skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stone stone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stone nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#tile tile skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#tile tile semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tile nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#tile tile skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#tile tile semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tile nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorStrucEnum#concrete concrete skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#concrete concrete semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concrete nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FurnitureEnum#cabinet cabinet skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#cabinet cabinet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cabinet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#Shale Shale skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#Shale Shale semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shale nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Archean Archean skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Archean Archean semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label archean nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Cambrian Cambrian skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Cambrian Cambrian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cambrian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Carboniferous Carboniferous skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Carboniferous Carboniferous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carboniferous nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Cenozoic Cenozoic skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Cenozoic Cenozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cenozoic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Cretaceous Cretaceous skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Cretaceous Cretaceous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cretaceous nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Devonian Devonian skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Devonian Devonian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label devonian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Jurassic Jurassic skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Jurassic Jurassic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label jurassic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Mesozoic Mesozoic skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Mesozoic Mesozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mesozoic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Neogene Neogene skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Neogene Neogene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label neogene nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Ordovician Ordovician skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Ordovician Ordovician semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ordovician nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Paleogene Paleogene skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Paleogene Paleogene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paleogene nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Paleozoic Paleozoic skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Paleozoic Paleozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paleozoic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Permian Permian skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Permian Permian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Precambrian Precambrian skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Precambrian Precambrian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label precambrian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Proterozoic Proterozoic skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Proterozoic Proterozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label proterozoic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Silurian Silurian skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Silurian Silurian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label silurian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Triassic Triassic skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Triassic Triassic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label triassic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#bathroom bathroom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bathroom nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#bathroom bathroom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bathroom nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:MechStrucEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#hallway hallway skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#hallway hallway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hallway nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#hallway hallway skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#hallway hallway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hallway nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#kitchen kitchen skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#kitchen kitchen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label kitchen nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#kitchen kitchen skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#kitchen kitchen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label kitchen nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#office office skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#office office semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label office nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LightTypeEnum#none none skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCoverEnum#none none semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label none nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Basement Basement skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampFloorEnum#basement basement semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basement nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Basement Basement skos:closeMatch nmdc:SubstructureTypeEnum#basement basement semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basement nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OccupDocumentEnum#videos videos skos:closeMatch nmdc:VisMediaEnum#videos videos semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label videos nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet skos:closeMatch nmdc:SamplePortionEnum#pellet pellet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pellet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#high high skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#high high semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label high nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#low low skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#low low semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label low nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#attic attic skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#attic attic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label attic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#bathroom bathroom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bathroom nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#closet closet skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#closet closet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label closet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#conference+room conference room skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#conference+room conference room semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label conference room nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#examining+room examining room skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#examining+room examining room semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label examining room nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#hallway hallway skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#hallway hallway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hallway nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#kitchen kitchen skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#kitchen kitchen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label kitchen nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#mail+room mail room skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#mail+room mail room semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mail room nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#stairwell stairwell skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#stairwell stairwell semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stairwell nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#lobby lobby skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampFloorEnum#lobby lobby semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lobby nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampFloorEnum#basement basement skos:closeMatch nmdc:SubstructureTypeEnum#basement basement semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basement nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#photos photos skos:closeMatch nmdc:VisMediaEnum#photos photos semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label photos nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stucco stucco skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallSurfTreatmentEnum#stucco stucco semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stucco nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#tile tile skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#tile tile semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tile nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#vinyl vinyl skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#vinyl vinyl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vinyl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:TrainStopLocEnum#end end skos:closeMatch nmdc:end end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#middle middle skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#middle middle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label middle nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:alternative_names alternative_names skos:closeMatch nmdc:alternative_titles alternative_titles semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch dcterms:alternative nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:alternative_names alternative_names skos:closeMatch skos:altLabel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:alternative_names nmdc skos
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Doi Doi skos:closeMatch nmdc:doi_value doi_value semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch obi:0002110 nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:basic_classes/:subject subject skos:closeMatch nmdc:subject subject semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label subject nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:external_database_identifiers external_database_identifiers skos:closeMatch skos:closeMatch semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:external_database_identifiers nmdc skos
-nmdc:BioticRelationshipEnum#parasite parasite skos:closeMatch ECOCORE:00000146 parasite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label parasite nmdc ECOCORE
-nmdc:BioticRelationshipEnum#parasite parasite skos:closeMatch RO:0002444 parasite of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label parasite nmdc RO
-nmdc:CalibrationStandardEnum#alkanes alkanes skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18310 alkane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym alkanes nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002040 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CeilTypeEnum#concave concave skos:closeMatch PATO:0001857 concave semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concave nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ChemicalConversionCategoryEnum#decomposition decomposition skos:closeMatch ECOCORE:00000058 decomposition semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label decomposition nmdc ECOCORE
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#conifers conifers skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:3312 Coniferophyta semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym conifers nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002040 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMoveEnum#revolving revolving skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCompTypeEnum#revolving revolving semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label revolving nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorMoveEnum#sliding sliding skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCompTypeEnum#sliding sliding semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sliding nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorTypeMetalEnum#collapsible collapsible skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMoveEnum#collapsible collapsible semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label collapsible nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:DoorTypeMetalEnum#hollow hollow skos:closeMatch PATO:0002078 hollow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hollow nmdc PATO
-nmdc:EluentIntroductionCategoryEnum#gas_chromatography gas_chromatography skos:closeMatch nmdc:ChromatographicCategoryEnum#gas_chromatography gas_chromatography semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas_chromatography nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:EluentIntroductionCategoryEnum#liquid_chromatography liquid_chromatography skos:closeMatch nmdc:ChromatographicCategoryEnum#liquid_chromatography liquid_chromatography semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label liquid_chromatography nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#northeast northeast skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#northeast northeast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label northeast nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#northwest northwest skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#northwest northwest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label northwest nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#southeast southeast skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#southeast southeast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label southeast nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#southwest southwest skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#southwest southwest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label southwest nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16991 deoxyribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym dna nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch CHEBI:33697 ribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym rna nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18059 lipid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym lipid nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18059 lipid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipid nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#metabolite metabolite skos:closeMatch CHEBI:25212 metabolite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym metabolite nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#metabolite metabolite skos:closeMatch CHEBI:25212 metabolite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolite nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16541 protein polypeptide chain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym protein nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch CHEBI:36080 protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch PR:000000001 protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc PR
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch nmdc:Extraction Extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FloorStrucEnum#concrete concrete skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#concrete concrete semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concrete nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch UBERON:0003100 female organism semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym female nmdc UBERON
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000797 gaseous environmental material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym gas nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch UBERON:0003100 female organism semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym female nmdc UBERON
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#hermaphrodite hermaphrodite skos:closeMatch UBERON:0007197 hermaphroditic organism semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym hermaphrodite nmdc UBERON
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch mixs:elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc mixs
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#office office skos:closeMatch nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#office office semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label office nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#cabinet cabinet skos:closeMatch nmdc:FurnitureEnum#cabinet cabinet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cabinet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#wall wall skos:closeMatch UBERON:0000060 anatomical wall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym wall nmdc UBERON
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:JgiContTypeEnum#tube tube skos:closeMatch UBERON:0000025 tube semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tube nmdc UBERON
-nmdc:LibraryPreparation LibraryPreparation skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#LibraryPreparation LibraryPreparation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label librarypreparation nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16991 deoxyribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym dna nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch CHEBI:33697 ribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym rna nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LightTypeEnum#none none skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#none none semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label none nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Shale Shale skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#Shale Shale semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shale nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MagsAnalysis MagsAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MagsAnalysis MagsAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magsanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MassSpectrometry MassSpectrometry skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MassSpectrometry MassSpectrometry semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label massspectrometry nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch mixs:elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc mixs
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#escalator escalator skos:closeMatch mixs:escalator escalator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label escalator nmdc mixs
-nmdc:MetabolomicsAnalysis MetabolomicsAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetabolomicsAnalysis MetabolomicsAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolomicsanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MetagenomeAnnotation MetagenomeAnnotation skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetagenomeAnnotation MetagenomeAnnotation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomeannotation nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MetagenomeAssembly MetagenomeAssembly skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetagenomeAssembly MetagenomeAssembly semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomeassembly nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MetaproteomicsAnalysis MetaproteomicsAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetaproteomicsAnalysis MetaproteomicsAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metaproteomicsanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MetatranscriptomeAnnotation MetatranscriptomeAnnotation skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetatranscriptomeAnnotation MetatranscriptomeAnnotation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metatranscriptomeannotation nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MetatranscriptomeAssembly MetatranscriptomeAssembly skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetatranscriptomeAssembly MetatranscriptomeAssembly semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metatranscriptomeassembly nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:MetatranscriptomeExpressionAnalysis MetatranscriptomeExpressionAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#MetatranscriptomeExpressionAnalysis MetatranscriptomeExpressionAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metatranscriptomeexpressionanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:NomAnalysis NomAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#NomAnalysis NomAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nomanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:NucleotideSequencing NucleotideSequencing skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#NucleotideSequencing NucleotideSequencing semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nucleotidesequencing nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#sand sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:PlantSexEnum#Hermaphroditic Hermaphroditic skos:closeMatch ECOCORE:00000042 hermaphroditic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hermaphroditic nmdc ECOCORE
-nmdc:PlantSexEnum#Monoecious Monoecious skos:closeMatch ECOCORE:00000042 hermaphroditic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym monoecious nmdc ECOCORE
-nmdc:PlantSexEnum#Protandrous Protandrous skos:closeMatch ECOCORE:00000117 protandrous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protandrous nmdc ECOCORE
-nmdc:PlantSexEnum#Protogynous Protogynous skos:closeMatch ECOCORE:00000043 protogynous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protogynous nmdc ECOCORE
-nmdc:Pooling Pooling skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#Pooling Pooling semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pooling nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ProtocolCategoryEnum#solid_phase_extraction solid_phase_extraction skos:closeMatch nmdc:ChromatographicCategoryEnum#solid_phase_extraction solid_phase_extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label solid_phase_extraction nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#10+mM+Tris-HCl 10 mM Tris-HCl skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#10+mM+Tris-HCl 10 mM Tris-HCl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label 10 mm tris-hcl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#DNAStable DNAStable skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#DNAStable DNAStable semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dnastable nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Gentegra-DNA Gentegra-DNA skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Gentegra-DNA Gentegra-DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gentegra-dna nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Gentegra-RNA Gentegra-RNA skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Gentegra-RNA Gentegra-RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gentegra-rna nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Low+EDTA+TE Low EDTA TE skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Low+EDTA+TE Low EDTA TE semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label edta low te nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#MDA+reaction+buffer MDA reaction buffer skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#MDA+reaction+buffer MDA reaction buffer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label buffer mda reaction nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#PBS PBS skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#PBS PBS semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pbs nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pellet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#RNAStable RNAStable skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#RNAStable RNAStable semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rnastable nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label te nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysis ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysis ReadBasedTaxonomyAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label readbasedtaxonomyanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ReadQcAnalysis ReadQcAnalysis skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#ReadQcAnalysis ReadQcAnalysis semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label readqcanalysis nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#bathroom bathroom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bathroom nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch mixs:elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc mixs
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:MechStrucEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#hallway hallway skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#hallway hallway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hallway nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#kitchen kitchen skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#kitchen kitchen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label kitchen nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#office office skos:closeMatch nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#office office semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label office nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#office office skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#office office semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label office nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#attic attic skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#attic attic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label attic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#bathroom bathroom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bathroom nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#bathroom bathroom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bathroom nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#closet closet skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#closet closet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label closet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#conference+room conference room skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#conference+room conference room semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label conference room nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch mixs:elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc mixs
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:MechStrucEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#elevator elevator skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#elevator elevator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label elevator nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#examining+room examining room skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#examining+room examining room semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label examining room nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#hallway hallway skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#hallway hallway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hallway nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#hallway hallway skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#hallway hallway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hallway nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#kitchen kitchen skos:closeMatch nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#kitchen kitchen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label kitchen nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#kitchen kitchen skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#kitchen kitchen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label kitchen nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#mail+room mail room skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#mail+room mail room semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mail room nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#stairwell stairwell skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#stairwell stairwell semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stairwell nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#well well skos:closeMatch nmdc:DrainageClassEnum#well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampFloorEnum#basement basement skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#Basement Basement semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basement nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampFloorEnum#lobby lobby skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#lobby lobby semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lobby nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#cloudy cloudy skos:closeMatch PATO:0000963 opaque semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cloudy nmdc PATO
-nmdc:SamplePortionEnum#pellet pellet skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pellet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SamplePortionEnum#pellet pellet skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pellet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000797 gaseous environmental material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym gas nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#solid solid skos:closeMatch PATO:0001736 solid configuration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym solid nmdc PATO
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:Site Site skos:closeMatch BFO:0000029 site semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label site nmdc BFO
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#as+built as built skos:closeMatch nmdc:DrawingsEnum#as+built as built semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label as built nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#bid bid skos:closeMatch nmdc:DrawingsEnum#bid bid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bid nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#construction construction skos:closeMatch nmdc:DrawingsEnum#construction construction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label construction nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#design design skos:closeMatch nmdc:DrawingsEnum#design design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch nmdc:DrawingsEnum#operation operation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label operation nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Archean Archean skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Archean Archean semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label archean nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Cambrian Cambrian skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Cambrian Cambrian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cambrian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Carboniferous Carboniferous skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Carboniferous Carboniferous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carboniferous nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Cenozoic Cenozoic skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Cenozoic Cenozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cenozoic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Cretaceous Cretaceous skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Cretaceous Cretaceous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cretaceous nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Devonian Devonian skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Devonian Devonian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label devonian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Jurassic Jurassic skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Jurassic Jurassic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label jurassic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Mesozoic Mesozoic skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Mesozoic Mesozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mesozoic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Neogene Neogene skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Neogene Neogene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label neogene nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Ordovician Ordovician skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Ordovician Ordovician semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ordovician nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Paleogene Paleogene skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Paleogene Paleogene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paleogene nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Paleozoic Paleozoic skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Paleozoic Paleozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paleozoic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Permian Permian skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Permian Permian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Precambrian Precambrian skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Precambrian Precambrian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label precambrian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Proterozoic Proterozoic skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Proterozoic Proterozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label proterozoic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Silurian Silurian skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Silurian Silurian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label silurian nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Triassic Triassic skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Triassic Triassic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label triassic nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SubSamplingProcess SubSamplingProcess skos:closeMatch nmdc:CollectingBiosamplesFromSite CollectingBiosamplesFromSite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:relatedMatch skos:closeMatch obi:0000744 nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SubstructureTypeEnum#basement basement skos:closeMatch nmdc:LithologyEnum#Basement Basement semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basement nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SubstructureTypeEnum#basement basement skos:closeMatch nmdc:SampFloorEnum#basement basement semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basement nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#nutrients nutrients skos:closeMatch CHEBI:33284 nutrient semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym nutrients nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#volatile+organic+compounds volatile organic compounds skos:closeMatch CHEBI:134179 volatile organic compound semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym compounds organic volatile nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#carpet carpet skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#carpet carpet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carpet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#concrete concrete skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#concrete concrete semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concrete nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#concrete concrete skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorStrucEnum#concrete concrete semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concrete nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#paint paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stone stone skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#stone stone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stone nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stucco stucco skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#stucco stucco semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stucco nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#tile tile skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#tile tile semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tile nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#vinyl vinyl skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#vinyl vinyl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vinyl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002040 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:VisMediaEnum#photos photos skos:closeMatch nmdc:SpecificEnum#photos photos semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label photos nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:VisMediaEnum#videos videos skos:closeMatch nmdc:OccupDocumentEnum#videos videos semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label videos nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#tile tile skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#tile tile semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tile nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#tile tile skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#tile tile semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tile nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002040 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallSurfTreatmentEnum#stucco stucco skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#stucco stucco semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stucco nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallSurfTreatmentEnum#stucco stucco skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stucco stucco semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stucco nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#Santa-Fe+texture Santa-Fe texture skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#Santa-Fe+texture Santa-Fe texture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label santa-fe texture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#crows+feet crows feet skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#crows+feet crows feet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label crows feet nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#crows-foot+stomp crows-foot stomp skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#crows-foot+stomp crows-foot stomp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label crows-foot stomp nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#double+skip double skip skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#double+skip double skip semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label double skip nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#hawk+and+trowel hawk and trowel skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#hawk+and+trowel hawk and trowel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label and hawk trowel nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#knockdown knockdown skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#knockdown knockdown semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label knockdown nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#orange+peel orange peel skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#orange+peel orange peel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orange peel nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#popcorn popcorn skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#popcorn popcorn semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label popcorn nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#rosebud+stomp rosebud stomp skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#rosebud+stomp rosebud stomp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rosebud stomp nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#skip+trowel skip trowel skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#skip+trowel skip trowel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label skip trowel nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#smooth smooth skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#smooth smooth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label smooth nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#stomp+knockdown stomp knockdown skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#stomp+knockdown stomp knockdown semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label knockdown stomp nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#swirl swirl skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#swirl swirl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label swirl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#needs+repair needs repair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label needs repair nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear skos:closeMatch nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#visible+wear visible wear semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visible wear nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCoverEnum#none none skos:closeMatch nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#none none semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label none nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowCoverEnum#none none skos:closeMatch nmdc:LightTypeEnum#none none semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label none nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#vinyl vinyl skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#vinyl vinyl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vinyl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#vinyl vinyl skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#vinyl vinyl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vinyl nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002040 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#high high skos:closeMatch nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#high high semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label high nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#low low skos:closeMatch nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#low low semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label low nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#middle middle skos:closeMatch nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#middle middle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label middle nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:alternative_titles alternative_titles skos:closeMatch nmdc:alternative_names alternative_names semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch dcterms:alternative nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:basic_classes/:PlannedProcess PlannedProcess skos:closeMatch OBI:0000011 planned process semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:plannedprocess nmdc OBI
-nmdc:basic_classes/:definition definition skos:closeMatch IAO:0000115 definition semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label definition nmdc IAO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:object object skos:closeMatch BFO:0000030 object semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label object nmdc BFO
-nmdc:doi_value doi_value skos:closeMatch nmdc:basic_classes/:Doi Doi semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch obi:0002110 nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001110 ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ecosystem nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch nmdc:TrainStopLocEnum#end end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:habitat habitat skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000739 habitat semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label habitat nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch RO:0001015 location of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc RO
-nmdc:subject subject skos:closeMatch nmdc:basic_classes/:subject subject semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label subject nmdc nmdc
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch dcterms:title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:title nmdc dcterms
-nmdc:value value skos:closeMatch linkml:topValue value semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label value nmdc linkml
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch PATO:0001167 damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc PATO
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#smooth smooth skos:closeMatch PATO:0000701 smooth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label smooth nmdc PATO
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#smooth smooth skos:closeMatch PATO:0001975 unserrated semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym smooth nmdc PATO
-nmdc:DoorCompTypeEnum#telescopic telescopic skos:closeMatch PATO:0002313 telescopic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label telescopic nmdc PATO
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch PATO:0001167 damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc PATO
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch PATO:0045092 east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc PATO
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch PATO:0045091 north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc PATO
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch PATO:0045093 south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc PATO
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch PATO:0045094 west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc PATO
-nmdc:DoorTypeWoodEnum#flush flush skos:closeMatch PATO:0002518 flush semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label flush nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch PATO:0045092 east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch PATO:0045091 north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch PATO:0045093 south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch PATO:0045094 west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch PATO:0045092 east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch PATO:0045091 north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch PATO:0045093 south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch PATO:0045094 west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch PR:000064867 protein-containing molecular entity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym protein nmdc PR
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch PATO:0001167 damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc PATO
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch PATO:0000383 female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc PATO
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch PATO:0000384 male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc PATO
-nmdc:GrowthHabitEnum#erect erect skos:closeMatch PATO:0000622 erect semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label erect nmdc PATO
-nmdc:GrowthHabitEnum#prostrate prostrate skos:closeMatch PATO:0000631 prostrate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label prostrate nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HandidnessEnum#left+handedness left handedness skos:closeMatch PATO:0002202 left handedness semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label handedness left nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HandidnessEnum#right+handedness right handedness skos:closeMatch PATO:0002203 right handedness semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label handedness right nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch PATO:0001737 gaseus configuration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym gas nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch PATO:0045092 east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch PATO:0045091 north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch PATO:0045093 south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch PATO:0045094 west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch PATO:0000383 female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#hermaphrodite hermaphrodite skos:closeMatch PATO:0001340 hermaphrodite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hermaphrodite nmdc PATO
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch PATO:0000384 male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc PATO
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch PATO:0001167 damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc PATO
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#aerobic aerobic skos:closeMatch PATO:0001455 aerobic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aerobic nmdc PATO
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#anaerobic anaerobic skos:closeMatch PATO:0001456 anaerobic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label anaerobic nmdc PATO
-nmdc:PlantSexEnum#Hermaphroditic Hermaphroditic skos:closeMatch PATO:0001340 hermaphrodite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym hermaphroditic nmdc PATO
-nmdc:PlantSexEnum#Protandrous Protandrous skos:closeMatch PATO:0040053 protandrous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protandrous nmdc PATO
-nmdc:PlantSexEnum#Protogynous Protogynous skos:closeMatch PATO:0040052 protogynous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protogynous nmdc PATO
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch PATO:0001167 damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc PATO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch PATO:0001737 gaseus configuration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym gas nmdc PATO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#liquid liquid skos:closeMatch PATO:0001735 liquid configuration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym liquid nmdc PATO
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch PATO:0001167 damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc PATO
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#green green skos:closeMatch PATO:0000320 green semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label green nmdc PATO
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#orange orange skos:closeMatch PATO:0000953 orange semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orange nmdc PATO
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#red red skos:closeMatch PATO:0000322 red semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label red nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch PATO:0045092 east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch PATO:0045091 north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch PATO:0045093 south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch PATO:0045094 west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#smooth smooth skos:closeMatch PATO:0000701 smooth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label smooth nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#smooth smooth skos:closeMatch PATO:0001975 unserrated semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym smooth nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#damaged damaged skos:closeMatch PATO:0001167 damaged semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label damaged nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#left left skos:closeMatch PATO:0000366 left semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label left nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#right right skos:closeMatch PATO:0000367 right semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label right nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch PATO:0045092 east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch PATO:0045091 north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch PATO:0045093 south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc PATO
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch PATO:0045094 west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc PATO
-nmdc:completeness completeness skos:closeMatch PATO:0002324 offset quality semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym completeness nmdc PATO
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch PATO:0000033 concentration of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym concentration nmdc PATO
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch PATO:0000033 concentration of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concentration nmdc PATO
-nmdc:contamination contamination skos:closeMatch PATO:0015031 contamination semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label contamination nmdc PATO
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch PATO:0001309 duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc PATO
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch oio:id id semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label id nmdc oio
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch PATO:0000140 position semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym location nmdc PATO
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch PATO:0000125 mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:mass nmdc PATO
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch PATO:0000125 mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mass nmdc PATO
-nmdc:phase phase skos:closeMatch PATO:0000083 phase semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label phase nmdc PATO
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch PATO:0000146 temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc PATO
-nmdc:volume volume skos:closeMatch PATO:0000918 volume semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volume nmdc PATO
-mixs:alkalinity alkalinity skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000521 Alkalinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label alkalinity mixs ECSO
-mixs:biomass biomass skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001114 biomass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biomass mixs ECSO
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000562 chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs ECSO
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000515 depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs ECSO
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001250 Depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs ECSO
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000528 Near_Surface_Specific_Humidity_MOV semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym humidity mixs ECSO
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001163 Air Moisture Percentage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym humidity mixs ECSO
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001159 Water pH semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ph mixs ECSO
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001645 pH semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ph mixs ECSO
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001164 Water Salinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym salinity mixs ECSO
-mixs:season season skos:closeMatch ECSO:00002366 season semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label season mixs ECSO
-mixs:temp temp skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001104 temperature_measurementType semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym temp mixs ECSO
-mixs:turbidity turbidity skos:closeMatch ECSO:00002359 turbidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label turbidity mixs ECSO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:part_of part_of skos:closeMatch obo:pw#part_of part_of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label part_of nmdc obo
-nmdc:basic_classes/:part_of part_of skos:closeMatch obo:OBO_REL#_part_of part_of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label part_of nmdc obo
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Investigation Investigation skos:closeMatch SIO:000747 investigation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label investigation nmdc SIO
-nmdc:Database Database skos:closeMatch SIO:000750 database semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label database nmdc SIO
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#design design skos:closeMatch SIO:000705 design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc SIO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch SIO:010011 lipid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipid nmdc SIO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch SIO:010043 protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc SIO
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch SIO:010052 female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc SIO
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch SIO:010048 male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc SIO
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch SIO:010052 female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc SIO
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#hermaphrodite hermaphrodite skos:closeMatch SIO:000784 hermaphrodite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hermaphrodite nmdc SIO
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch SIO:010048 male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc SIO
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch SIO:001107 pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pathway nmdc SIO
-nmdc:PolarityModeEnum#negative negative skos:closeMatch SIO:001211 negative semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label negative nmdc SIO
-nmdc:PolarityModeEnum#positive positive skos:closeMatch SIO:001210 positive semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label positive nmdc SIO
-nmdc:Sample Sample skos:closeMatch SIO:001050 sample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sample nmdc SIO
-nmdc:SamplePortionEnum#supernatant supernatant skos:closeMatch SIO:010425 supernatant semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label supernatant nmdc SIO
-nmdc:Site Site skos:closeMatch SIO:000019 site semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label site nmdc SIO
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#design design skos:closeMatch SIO:000705 design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc SIO
-nmdc:alternative_names alternative_names skos:closeMatch dcterms:alternative semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:alternative_names nmdc dcterms
-nmdc:alternative_titles alternative_titles skos:closeMatch dcterms:alternative semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:alternative_titles nmdc dcterms
-nmdc:attribute_values/:term term skos:closeMatch SIO:000275 term semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label term nmdc SIO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch SIO:000747 investigation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:study nmdc SIO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch SIO:001066 study semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label study nmdc SIO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:definition definition skos:closeMatch SIO:000135 definition semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label definition nmdc SIO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch SIO:000510 model semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc SIO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:object object skos:closeMatch SIO:000776 object semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label object nmdc SIO
-nmdc:community community skos:closeMatch SIO:001064 community semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label community nmdc SIO
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch SIO:001088 concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concentration nmdc SIO
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch SIO:000794 count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label count nmdc SIO
-nmdc:description description skos:closeMatch SIO:000136 description semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label description nmdc SIO
-nmdc:email email skos:closeMatch SIO:000304 email semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label email nmdc SIO
-nmdc:encodes encodes skos:closeMatch SIO:010078 encodes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label encodes nmdc SIO
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch SIO:000104 language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label language nmdc SIO
-nmdc:latitude latitude skos:closeMatch SIO:000319 latitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label latitude nmdc SIO
-nmdc:longitude longitude skos:closeMatch SIO:000318 longitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label longitude nmdc SIO
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch SIO:000279 mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mass nmdc SIO
-nmdc:name name skos:closeMatch SIO:000116 name semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label name nmdc SIO
-nmdc:objective objective skos:closeMatch SIO:000337 objective semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label objective nmdc SIO
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch SIO:000185 title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label title nmdc SIO
-nmdc:url url skos:closeMatch SIO:000811 URL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label url nmdc SIO
-nmdc:volume volume skos:closeMatch SIO:000049 volume semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volume nmdc SIO
-nmdc:TrainStopLocEnum#end end skos:closeMatch prov:End End semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc prov
-nmdc:basic_classes/:CreditAssociation CreditAssociation skos:closeMatch prov:Association Association semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:creditassociation nmdc prov
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch prov:Activity Activity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:study nmdc prov
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch prov:End End semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc prov
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch prov:Location Location semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc prov
-nmdc:start start skos:closeMatch prov:Start Start semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label start nmdc prov
-nmdc:value value skos:closeMatch prov:value value semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label value nmdc prov
-nmdc:BiosampleCategoryEnum#SIP SIP skos:closeMatch CHMO:0002637 surface-initiated polymerisation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym sip nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:ChemicalConversionCategoryEnum#combustion combustion skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001473 combustion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label combustion nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:ChemicalConversionCategoryEnum#decomposition decomposition skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001487 decomposition semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label decomposition nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#PBS PBS skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001751 phosphate-buffered saline solution semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym pbs nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001360 thermal evaporation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym te nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:DissolvingProcess DissolvingProcess skos:closeMatch CHMO:0002773 dissolving semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:dissolvingprocess nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:DissolvingProcess DissolvingProcess skos:closeMatch CHMO:0002773 dissolving semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:dissolvingprocess nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:DissolvingProcess DissolvingProcess skos:closeMatch CHMO:0002773 dissolving semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:dissolvingprocess nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:DoiProviderEnum#gsc gsc skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001015 gas-solid chromatography semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym gsc nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001577 extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001577 extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:FiltrationProcess FiltrationProcess skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001640 filtration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:relatedMatch-INVERSE nmdc:filtrationprocess nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:FiltrationProcess FiltrationProcess skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001640 filtration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:relatedMatch-INVERSE nmdc:filtrationprocess nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:FiltrationProcess FiltrationProcess skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001640 filtration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:relatedMatch-INVERSE nmdc:filtrationprocess nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001945 gas antisolvent technique semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym gas nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:MassAnalyzerEnum#Orbitrap Orbitrap skos:closeMatch CHMO:0000968 Orbitrap semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orbitrap nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:MassSpectrometry MassSpectrometry skos:closeMatch CHMO:0000470 mass spectrometry semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:massspectrometry nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:MassSpectrometry MassSpectrometry skos:closeMatch CHMO:0000470 mass spectrometry semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:massspectrometry nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:MassSpectrometry MassSpectrometry skos:closeMatch CHMO:0000470 mass spectrometry semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:massspectrometry nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:MaterialProcessing MaterialProcessing skos:closeMatch OBI:0000094 material processing semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:materialprocessing nmdc OBI
-nmdc:MaterialProcessing MaterialProcessing skos:closeMatch OBI:0000094 material processing semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:materialprocessing nmdc OBI
-nmdc:MaterialProcessing MaterialProcessing skos:closeMatch OBI:0000094 material processing semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:materialprocessing nmdc OBI
-nmdc:ProtocolCategoryEnum#derivatization derivatization skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001485 derivatisation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym derivatization nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#PBS PBS skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001751 phosphate-buffered saline solution semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym pbs nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001360 thermal evaporation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym te nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#MSL MSL skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001426 multi-layer soft lithography semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym msl nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch CHMO:0001945 gas antisolvent technique semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym gas nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#HILIC HILIC skos:closeMatch CHMO:0002262 hydrophilic interaction chromatography semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym hilic nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:StorageProcess StorageProcess skos:closeMatch OBI:0302893 storage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:relatedMatch-INVERSE nmdc:storageprocess nmdc OBI
-nmdc:StorageProcess StorageProcess skos:closeMatch OBI:0302893 storage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:relatedMatch-INVERSE nmdc:storageprocess nmdc OBI
-nmdc:StorageProcess StorageProcess skos:closeMatch OBI:0302893 storage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:relatedMatch-INVERSE nmdc:storageprocess nmdc OBI
-nmdc:basic_classes/:DataGeneration DataGeneration skos:closeMatch OBI:0000070 assay semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:datageneration nmdc OBI
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Instrument Instrument skos:closeMatch OBI:0000968 device semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:instrument nmdc OBI
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch CHMO:0002820 concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concentration nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch CHMO:0000783 infrared dichroism spectroscopy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym id nmdc CHMO
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#building building skos:closeMatch envthes:30268 building semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label building nmdc envthes
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#clonal+selection clonal selection skos:closeMatch envthes:21009 clonal selection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label clonal selection nmdc envthes
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#natural natural skos:closeMatch envthes:30227 natural semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label natural nmdc envthes
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#residence residence skos:closeMatch envthes:22012 residence semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label residence nmdc envthes
-nmdc:Configuration Configuration skos:closeMatch envthes:10355 configuration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label configuration nmdc envthes
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#rainforest rainforest skos:closeMatch envthes:21842 rainforest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rainforest nmdc envthes
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch envthes:20920 Sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc envthes
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#tundra tundra skos:closeMatch envthes:21861 Tundra semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tundra nmdc envthes
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch envthes:20538 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc envthes
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch envthes:20800 aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc envthes
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch envthes:20771 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc envthes
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#Daily Daily skos:closeMatch envthes:30336 daily semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label daily nmdc envthes
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch envthes:21975 female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc envthes
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch envthes:21992 male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc envthes
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch envthes:20876 gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc envthes
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch envthes:21975 female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc envthes
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch envthes:21992 male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc envthes
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch envthes:20771 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc envthes
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#boat boat skos:closeMatch envthes:20466 boat semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label boat nmdc envthes
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch envthes:20920 Sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc envthes
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch envthes:20538 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc envthes
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch envthes:20538 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc envthes
-nmdc:Sample Sample skos:closeMatch envthes:30210 sample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sample nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch envthes:20876 gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#sediment sediment skos:closeMatch envthes:20899 sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch envthes:20538 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Winter Winter skos:closeMatch envthes:21572 winter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label winter nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#A+horizon A horizon skos:closeMatch envthes:41 A horizon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label horizon nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#B+horizon B horizon skos:closeMatch envthes:42 B horizon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label b horizon nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#C+horizon C horizon skos:closeMatch envthes:43 C horizon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label c horizon nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#O+horizon O horizon skos:closeMatch envthes:40 O horizon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label horizon o nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch envthes:20919 permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permafrost nmdc envthes
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#Marine Marine skos:closeMatch envthes:21804 marine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label marine nmdc envthes
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Silica Silica skos:closeMatch envthes:20866 silica semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label silica nmdc envthes
-nmdc:TrainStopLocEnum#end end skos:closeMatch envthes:10319 end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc envthes
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch envthes:21796 stream semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stream nmdc envthes
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch envthes:20303 model semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc envthes
-nmdc:basic_classes/:object object skos:closeMatch envthes:30269 object semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label object nmdc envthes
-nmdc:community community skos:closeMatch envthes:20510 community semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label community nmdc envthes
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch envthes:10073 concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concentration nmdc envthes
-nmdc:contamination contamination skos:closeMatch envthes:21143 contamination semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label contamination nmdc envthes
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch envthes:21548 count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label count nmdc envthes
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch envthes:10381 duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc envthes
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch envthes:20515 ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ecosystem nmdc envthes
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch envthes:10319 end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc envthes
-nmdc:habitat habitat skos:closeMatch envthes:21894 habitat semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label habitat nmdc envthes
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch envthes:20830 manganese semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label manganese nmdc envthes
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch envthes:21523 mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mass nmdc envthes
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch envthes:21524 temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc envthes
-nmdc:volume volume skos:closeMatch envthes:10164 volume semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volume nmdc envthes
-nmdc:Biosample Biosample skos:closeMatch biolink:MaterialSample material sample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch obi:0000747 nmdc biolink
-nmdc:DoorMoveEnum#folding folding skos:closeMatch biolink:GeneOrGeneProductOrChemicalEntityAspectEnum#folding folding semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label folding nmdc biolink
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#metabolite metabolite skos:closeMatch biolink:ChemicalEntityDerivativeEnum#metabolite metabolite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolite nmdc biolink
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch biolink:Protein protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc biolink
-nmdc:FunctionalAnnotation FunctionalAnnotation skos:closeMatch biolink:GeneToGoTermAssociation gene to go term association semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:narrowMatch-INVERSE nmdc:functionalannotation nmdc biolink
-nmdc:FunctionalAnnotation FunctionalAnnotation skos:closeMatch biolink:GeneToGoTermAssociation gene to go term association semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:narrowMatch-INVERSE nmdc:functionalannotation nmdc biolink
-nmdc:FunctionalAnnotation FunctionalAnnotation skos:closeMatch biolink:GeneToGoTermAssociation gene to go term association semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:narrowMatch-INVERSE nmdc:functionalannotation nmdc biolink
-nmdc:FunctionalAnnotation FunctionalAnnotation skos:closeMatch biolink:GeneToGoTermAssociation gene to go term association semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:narrowMatch rdf:ID biolink:genetogotermassociation nmdc biolink
-nmdc:OrthologyGroup OrthologyGroup skos:closeMatch biolink:GeneFamily gene family semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:orthologygroup nmdc biolink
-nmdc:OrthologyGroup OrthologyGroup skos:closeMatch biolink:GeneFamily gene family semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch rdf:ID biolink:genefamily nmdc biolink
-nmdc:OrthologyGroup OrthologyGroup skos:closeMatch biolink:GeneFamily gene family semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:orthologygroup nmdc biolink
-nmdc:OrthologyGroup OrthologyGroup skos:closeMatch biolink:GeneFamily gene family semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:orthologygroup nmdc biolink
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch biolink:Pathway pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:pathway nmdc biolink
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch biolink:Pathway pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pathway nmdc biolink
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch biolink:Pathway pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch rdf:ID biolink:pathway nmdc biolink
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch biolink:Pathway pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:pathway nmdc biolink
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch biolink:Pathway pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:pathway nmdc biolink
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#left left skos:closeMatch biolink:ReactionSideEnum#left left semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label left nmdc biolink
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#right right skos:closeMatch biolink:ReactionSideEnum#right right semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label right nmdc biolink
-nmdc:alternative_names alternative_names skos:closeMatch biolink:synonym synonym semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:narrowMatch skos:altlabel nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:OntologyClass OntologyClass skos:closeMatch biolink:OntologyClass ontology class semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:ontologyclass nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:OntologyClass OntologyClass skos:closeMatch biolink:OntologyClass ontology class semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch rdf:ID biolink:ontologyclass nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:OntologyClass OntologyClass skos:closeMatch biolink:OntologyClass ontology class semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch http://schema.org/class nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:OntologyClass OntologyClass skos:closeMatch biolink:OntologyClass ontology class semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch owl:class nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch biolink:Activity activity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:broadMatch skos:exactMatch prov:activity nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch biolink:Study study semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label study nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch biolink:model_of model of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:object object skos:closeMatch biolink:object object semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label object nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:predicate predicate skos:closeMatch biolink:predicate predicate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label predicate nmdc biolink
-nmdc:basic_classes/:subject subject skos:closeMatch biolink:subject subject semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label subject nmdc biolink
-nmdc:description description skos:closeMatch biolink:description description semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label description nmdc biolink
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch biolink:end_interbase_coordinate end interbase coordinate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:end nmdc biolink
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch biolink:end_interbase_coordinate end interbase coordinate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch rdf:ID biolink:end_interbase_coordinate nmdc biolink
-nmdc:external_database_identifiers external_database_identifiers skos:closeMatch biolink:close_match close match semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch skos:exactMatch skos:closematch nmdc biolink
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch biolink:id id semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label id nmdc biolink
-nmdc:latitude latitude skos:closeMatch biolink:latitude latitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label latitude nmdc biolink
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch biolink:location_of location of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc biolink
-nmdc:longitude longitude skos:closeMatch biolink:longitude longitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label longitude nmdc biolink
-nmdc:name name skos:closeMatch biolink:name name semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label name nmdc biolink
-nmdc:phase phase skos:closeMatch biolink:phase phase semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:phase nmdc biolink
-nmdc:phase phase skos:closeMatch biolink:phase phase semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label phase nmdc biolink
-nmdc:phase phase skos:closeMatch biolink:phase phase semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch rdf:ID biolink:phase nmdc biolink
-nmdc:start start skos:closeMatch biolink:start_interbase_coordinate start interbase coordinate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:start nmdc biolink
-nmdc:start start skos:closeMatch biolink:start_interbase_coordinate start interbase coordinate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch rdf:ID biolink:start_interbase_coordinate nmdc biolink
-nmdc:strand strand skos:closeMatch biolink:strand strand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:strand nmdc biolink
-nmdc:strand strand skos:closeMatch biolink:strand strand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label strand nmdc biolink
-nmdc:strand strand skos:closeMatch biolink:strand strand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch rdf:ID biolink:strand nmdc biolink
-nmdc:subject subject skos:closeMatch biolink:subject subject semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label subject nmdc biolink
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch biolink:name name semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:narrowMatch dcterms:title nmdc biolink
-nmdc:type type skos:closeMatch biolink:type type semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label type nmdc biolink
-nmdc:url url skos:closeMatch biolink:url url semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label url nmdc biolink
-nmdc:version version skos:closeMatch biolink:version version semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label version nmdc biolink
-nmdc:version version skos:closeMatch biolink:version_of version of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label version nmdc biolink
-nmdc:volume volume skos:closeMatch biolink:volume volume semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volume nmdc biolink
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#building building skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000073 building semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label building nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#airport airport skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501122 airport semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label airport nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#market market skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000987 market semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label market nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#office office skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001224 office semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label office nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#residential residential skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001446 usage of an environment for residential activity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym residential nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#restaurant restaurant skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000934 restaurant semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label restaurant nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#school school skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501130 school building semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym school nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001069 metallic material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metal nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#stucco stucco skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000476 plaster semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym stucco nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000109 woodland area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000111 forested area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000118 coconut plantation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000193 olive grove semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CeilTypeEnum#cove cove skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000138 cove semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cove nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#badlands badlands skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000127 badland semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym badlands nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#farmstead farmstead skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000078 farm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym farmstead nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#gravel gravel skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000018 gravel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravel nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#rock rock skos:closeMatch ENVO:00001995 rock semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rock nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000017 sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#swamp swamp skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000233 swamp ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym swamp nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#swamp swamp skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000190 flooded savanna biome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym swamp nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#tropical tropical skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000204 tropical semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tropical nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16236 ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002003 fecal material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pellet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002006 liquid water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym water nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001069 metallic material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metal nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000109 woodland area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000111 forested area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000118 coconut plantation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000193 olive grove semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001069 metallic material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metal nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DoorTypeMetalEnum#hollow hollow skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000100 valley semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym hollow nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DrainageClassEnum#well well skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000026 well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#construction construction skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001813 construction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label construction nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FaoClassEnum#Solonetz Solonetz skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002255 solonetz semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label solonetz nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#concrete concrete skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000458 concrete semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concrete nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#cork cork skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501302 cork semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cork nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch ENVO:02000123 paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#tile tile skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000514 tile semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tile nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FloorStrucEnum#concrete concrete skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000458 concrete semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concrete nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FloorStrucEnum#glass+floor glass floor skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000491 glass building floor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym floor glass nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FloorWaterMoldEnum#condensation condensation skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000624 hydrological condensation process semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym condensation nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FurnitureEnum#cabinet cabinet skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000594 cabinet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cabinet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:FurnitureEnum#chair chair skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000586 chair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chair nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Bitumen Bitumen skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000460 asphalt semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym bitumen nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001155 astrogeological gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym gas nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch ENVO:03510007 gasoline semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym gas nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002985 oil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch FOODON:03310387 oil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil nmdc FOODON
-nmdc:HcrEnum#Oil+Reservoir Oil Reservoir skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002185 oil reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil reservoir nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:HcrEnum#Shale Shale skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002056 shale semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shale nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000422 bathroom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bathroom nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000425 indoor toilet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym bathroom nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#hallway hallway skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501121 building corridor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym hallway nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#office office skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001224 office semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label office nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#cabinet cabinet skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000594 cabinet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cabinet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#ceiling ceiling skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000471 ceiling semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ceiling nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#door door skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501220 door semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label door nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#window window skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501219 window semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label window nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:JgiContTypeEnum#tube tube skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000579 television set semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym tube nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:JgiContTypeEnum#tube tube skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501109 subway train semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym tube nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Chalk Chalk skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002054 chalk semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chalk nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch ENVO:02000091 coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Diatomite Diatomite skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000962 diatomite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label diatomite nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Dolomite Dolomite skos:closeMatch ENVO:00010623 dolomite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dolomite nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Limestone Limestone skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002053 limestone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label limestone nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Sandstone Sandstone skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002055 sandstone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sandstone nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Shale Shale skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002056 shale semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shale nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Siltstone Siltstone skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000269 siltstone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label siltstone nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#boat boat skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000608 boat semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label boat nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#bus bus skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000611 bus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bus nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#car car skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000605 car semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label car nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#subway subway skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501109 subway train semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym subway nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#train train skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501107 train semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label train nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#ATP ATP skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15422 ATP semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label atp nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#pumice pumice skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000663 pumice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pumice nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000017 sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch ENVO:00001998 soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002006 liquid water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym water nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:ProfilePositionEnum#summit summit skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000480 peak semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym summit nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16236 ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Pellet Pellet skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002003 fecal material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pellet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002006 liquid water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym water nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000422 bathroom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bathroom nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000425 indoor toilet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym bathroom nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#closet closet skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000595 cupboard semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym closet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#conference+room conference room skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501128 conference room semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label conference room nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#hallway hallway skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501121 building corridor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym hallway nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#office office skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001224 office semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label office nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomLocEnum#exterior+wall exterior wall skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000469 exterior wall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label exterior wall nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000422 bathroom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bathroom nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#bathroom bathroom skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000425 indoor toilet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym bathroom nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#closet closet skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000595 cupboard semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym closet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#conference+room conference room skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501128 conference room semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label conference room nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#hallway hallway skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501121 building corridor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym hallway nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#warehouse warehouse skos:closeMatch ENVO:00003963 warehouse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label warehouse nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#warehouse warehouse skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501233 warehouse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label warehouse nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#well well skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000026 well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#biofilm biofilm skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002034 biofilm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biofilm nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#hail hail skos:closeMatch ENVO:03400011 hail semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hail nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#rain rain skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000830 water-based rainfall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym rain nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#rain rain skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001564 rain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rain nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#sleet sleet skos:closeMatch ENVO:03400005 ice pellet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym sleet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#sleet sleet skos:closeMatch ENVO:03400009 falling sleet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym sleet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#sleet sleet skos:closeMatch ENVO:03400014 precipitation of sleet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym sleet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#sleet sleet skos:closeMatch ENVO:03400015 sleet pellet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym sleet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000406 snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SamplePortionEnum#pellet pellet skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002003 fecal material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pellet nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001155 astrogeological gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym gas nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch ENVO:03510007 gasoline semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym gas nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#sediment sediment skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002007 sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch ENVO:00001998 soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002006 liquid water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym water nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Fall Fall skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000040 waterfall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym fall nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Spring Spring skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000027 spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Spring Spring skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000051 hot spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym spring nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Spring Spring skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000125 mineral spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym spring nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000134 permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permafrost nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#construction construction skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001813 construction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label construction nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Carbonate Carbonate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:41609 carbonate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carbonate nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch ENVO:02000091 coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Diol Diol skos:closeMatch CHEBI:23824 diol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label diol nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#WAX WAX skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000575 wax semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wax nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:StatusEnum#pass pass skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000084 mountain pass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym pass nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:StatusEnum#pass pass skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000084 mountain pass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pass nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#dust dust skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002008 dust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dust nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#particulate+matter particulate matter skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000060 particulate environmental material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym matter particulate nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#adobe adobe skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002870 adobe semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label adobe nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#concrete concrete skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000458 concrete semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concrete nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000480 glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glass nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000481 silica-based glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym glass nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000482 soda-lime glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym glass nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001069 metallic material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metal nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch ENVO:02000123 paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#plastic plastic skos:closeMatch ENVO:06105101 plastic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label plastic nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stainless+steel stainless steel skos:closeMatch ENVO:03501216 stainless steel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stainless steel nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stucco stucco skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000476 plaster semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym stucco nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#tile tile skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000514 tile semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tile nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000109 woodland area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000111 forested area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000118 coconut plantation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000193 olive grove semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#gypsum+plaster gypsum plaster skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000477 gypsum plaster semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gypsum plaster nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001069 metallic material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metal nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#plaster plaster skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000476 plaster semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label plaster nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#tile tile skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000514 tile semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tile nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000109 woodland area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000111 forested area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000118 coconut plantation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000193 olive grove semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WallSurfTreatmentEnum#stucco stucco skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000476 plaster semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym stucco nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#fountain fountain skos:closeMatch ENVO:03600062 fountain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fountain nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#pool pool skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000033 pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pool nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#pool pool skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000965 constructed swimming pool semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym pool nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#pool pool skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000966 private swimming pool semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym pool nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#pool pool skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000967 public swimming pool semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym pool nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#pool pool skos:closeMatch ENVO:03600094 stream pool semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym pool nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000023 stream semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000029 watercourse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000041 tidal creek semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000069 distributary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000152 anabranch semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000153 headwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000272 confluence semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000385 stream mouth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000427 meander semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000495 tributary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000517 lost stream semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#waterfall waterfall skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000040 waterfall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym waterfall nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#waterfall waterfall skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000040 waterfall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label waterfall nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001069 metallic material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metal nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000109 woodland area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000111 forested area semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000118 coconut plantation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000193 olive grove semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#bottom bottom skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000501 submerged bed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym bottom nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:strand strand skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000091 beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym strand nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:strand strand skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000092 sea beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym strand nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:strand strand skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000304 shore semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym strand nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16236 ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ethanol nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30452 tellurium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym te nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym water nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch FOODON:00002340 water food product semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym water nmdc FOODON
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch CHEBI:28984 aluminium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym aluminum nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch MAXO:0000004 surgical procedure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym operation nmdc MAXO
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30780 maleate(2-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym male nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30780 maleate(2-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym male nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#ATP ATP skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15422 ATP semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym atp nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#ATP ATP skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30616 ATP(4-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym atp nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch CHEBI:34922 picloram semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pathway nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym water nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch FOODON:00002340 water food product semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym water nmdc FOODON
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16236 ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ethanol nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30452 tellurium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym te nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym water nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch FOODON:00002340 water food product semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym water nmdc FOODON
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#infection infection skos:closeMatch NCIT:C26726 Infectious Disorder semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym infection nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym water nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch FOODON:00002340 water food product semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym water nmdc FOODON
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch MAXO:0000004 surgical procedure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym operation nmdc MAXO
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Carbonate Carbonate skos:closeMatch CHEBI:41609 carbonate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym carbonate nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Silica Silica skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30563 silicon dioxide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym silica nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#radon radon skos:closeMatch CHEBI:33314 radon atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym radon nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#radon radon skos:closeMatch CHEBI:33314 radon atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym radon nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:YesNoEnum#no no skos:closeMatch CHEBI:16480 nitric oxide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym no nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:YesNoEnum#no no skos:closeMatch NCIT:C75563 Unemployed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym no nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:definition definition skos:closeMatch IAO:0000115 definition semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym definition nmdc IAO
-nmdc:description description skos:closeMatch dce:description description semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label description nmdc dce
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch NCIT:C26726 Infectious Disorder semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym id nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18291 manganese atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym manganese nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch CHEBI:18291 manganese atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym manganese nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch dce:title title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label title nmdc dce
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch CHEBI:27363 zinc atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym zinc nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch CHEBI:27363 zinc atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym zinc nmdc CHEBI
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch OMIT:0002921 Benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label benzene mixs OMIT
-mixs:biomass biomass skos:closeMatch OMIT:0018723 Biomass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biomass mixs OMIT
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch OMIT:0003460 Calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs OMIT
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch OMIT:0004055 Chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs OMIT
-mixs:drawings drawings skos:closeMatch OMIT:0020355 Drawings semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label drawings mixs OMIT
-mixs:emulsions emulsions skos:closeMatch OMIT:0005902 Emulsions semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label emulsions mixs OMIT
-mixs:gravidity gravidity skos:closeMatch OMIT:0020000 Gravidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravidity mixs OMIT
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch OMIT:0007955 Humidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label humidity mixs OMIT
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch OMIT:0009349 Magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magnesium mixs OMIT
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch OMIT:0009760 Methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methane mixs OMIT
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch OMIT:0011105 Oxygen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oxygen mixs OMIT
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch OMIT:0011531 Permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs OMIT
-mixs:porosity porosity skos:closeMatch OMIT:0016645 Porosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label porosity mixs OMIT
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch OMIT:0012153 Potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label potassium mixs OMIT
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch NCRO:0000028 pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs NCRO
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch OMIT:0012268 Pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs OMIT
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch OMIT:0025967 Salinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label salinity mixs OMIT
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013851 Sodium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sodium mixs OMIT
-mixs:toluene toluene skos:closeMatch OMIT:0014891 Toluene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label toluene mixs OMIT
-mixs:viscosity viscosity skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015613 Viscosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label viscosity mixs OMIT
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metabolomics metabolomics skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_3172 Metabolomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolomics nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metagenomics metagenomics skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_3174 Metagenomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomics nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metaproteomics metaproteomics skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_0121 Proteomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym metaproteomics nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metatranscriptomics metatranscriptomics skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_3941 Metatranscriptomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metatranscriptomics nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Data+curation Data curation skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_0219 Data curation and archival semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym curation data nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Validation Validation skos:closeMatch EDAM:operation_2428 Validation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label validation nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#construction construction skos:closeMatch EDAM:operation_3429 Generation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym construction nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#design design skos:closeMatch EDAM:operation_2430 Design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch EDAM:operation_0004 Operation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label operation nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch EDAM:format_1212 dna semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_0654 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch EDAM:format_1213 rna semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_0099 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch EDAM:format_1208 protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:FileTypeEnum#Protein+Report Protein Report skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_0896 Protein report semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein report nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch EDAM:format_1212 dna semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_0654 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch EDAM:format_1213 rna semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_0099 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:MassSpectrometryEnum#metabolome metabolome skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_3172 Metabolomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym metabolome nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_2600 Pathway or network semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym pathway nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#construction construction skos:closeMatch EDAM:operation_3429 Generation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym construction nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#design design skos:closeMatch EDAM:operation_2430 Design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch EDAM:operation_0004 Operation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label operation nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:attribute_values/:term term skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_0968 Keyword semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym term nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Doi Doi skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_1188 DOI semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label doi nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Protocol Protocol skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_2531 Protocol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protocol nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_2140 Concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concentration nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:contigs contigs skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_0925 Sequence assembly semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym contigs nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:doi_value doi_value skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_1188 DOI semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:narrowMatch-INVERSE nmdc:doi_value nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_0842 Identifier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym id nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:inchi inchi skos:closeMatch EDAM:format_1197 InChI semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label inchi nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_3068 Literature and language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym language nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:name name skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_2099 Name semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label name nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:smiles smiles skos:closeMatch EDAM:format_1196 SMILES semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label smiles nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_3724 Cultivation parameter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym temperature nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:url url skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_1052 URL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label url nmdc EDAM
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch UO:0000196 pH semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ph mixs UO
-mixs:alkalinity alkalinity skos:closeMatch sweet:propChemical/Alkalinity alkalinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label alkalinity mixs sweet
-mixs:ammonium ammonium skos:closeMatch sweet:matrIon/Ammonium ammonium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ammonium mixs sweet
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch sweet:realmGeolBasin/Basin basin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basin mixs sweet
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Basin basin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basin mixs sweet
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch sweet:matrOrganicCompound/Benzene benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label benzene mixs sweet
-mixs:biomass biomass skos:closeMatch sweet:matrBiomass/Biomass biomass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biomass mixs sweet
-mixs:biomass biomass skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEnergy/Biomass biomass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biomass mixs sweet
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Calcium calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs sweet
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch sweet:matrOrganicCompound/Chlorophyll chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs sweet
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch sweet:matrOrganicCompound/ChlorophyllA chlorophyll a semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs sweet
-mixs:density density skos:closeMatch sweet:propMass/Density density semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label density mixs sweet
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch sweet:propSpaceHeight/Depth depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs sweet
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceCoordinate/Depth depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs sweet
-mixs:field field skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandform/Field field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label field mixs sweet
-mixs:field field skos:closeMatch sweet:reprDataModel/Field field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label field mixs sweet
-mixs:field field skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMathFunction/Field field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label field mixs sweet
-mixs:fire fire skos:closeMatch sweet:phenReaction/Fire fire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fire mixs sweet
-mixs:gravity gravity skos:closeMatch sweet:procPhysical/Gravity gravity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravity mixs sweet
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch sweet:propFraction/Humidity humidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label humidity mixs sweet
-mixs:lithology lithology skos:closeMatch sweet:humanKnowledgeDomain/Lithology lithology semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lithology mixs sweet
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Magnesium magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magnesium mixs sweet
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch sweet:matrOrganicCompound/Methane methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methane mixs sweet
-mixs:nitrate nitrate skos:closeMatch sweet:matrIon/Nitrate nitrate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nitrate mixs sweet
-mixs:nitrite nitrite skos:closeMatch sweet:matrIon/Nitrite nitrite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nitrite mixs sweet
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Oxygen oxygen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oxygen mixs sweet
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch sweet:propCharge/Permeability permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs sweet
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch sweet:propMassFlux/Permeability permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs sweet
-mixs:perturbation perturbation skos:closeMatch sweet:phenSystem/Perturbation perturbation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label perturbation mixs sweet
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch sweet:propChemical/pH ph semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ph mixs sweet
-mixs:phosphate phosphate skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/Phosphate phosphate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label phosphate mixs sweet
-mixs:porosity porosity skos:closeMatch sweet:propFraction/Porosity porosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label porosity mixs sweet
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Potassium potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label potassium mixs sweet
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch sweet:procPhysical/Pressure pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs sweet
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch sweet:propPressure/Pressure pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs sweet
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceCoordinate/Pressure pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs sweet
-mixs:reservoir reservoir skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Reservoir reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir mixs sweet
-mixs:reservoir reservoir skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSciComponent/Reservoir reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir mixs sweet
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch sweet:propChemical/Salinity salinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label salinity mixs sweet
-mixs:season season skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSciUnits/season season semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label season mixs sweet
-mixs:season season skos:closeMatch sweet:reprTimeSeason/Season season semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label season mixs sweet
-mixs:silicate silicate skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/Silicate silicate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label silicate mixs sweet
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Sodium sodium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sodium mixs sweet
-mixs:sulfate sulfate skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/Sulfate sulfate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sulfate mixs sweet
-mixs:toluene toluene skos:closeMatch sweet:matrOrganicCompound/Toluene toluene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label toluene mixs sweet
-mixs:turbidity turbidity skos:closeMatch sweet:propIndex/Turbidity turbidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label turbidity mixs sweet
-mixs:viscosity viscosity skos:closeMatch sweet:propPressure/Viscosity viscosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label viscosity mixs sweet
-mixs:xylene xylene skos:closeMatch sweet:matrOrganicCompound/Xylene xylene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label xylene mixs sweet
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#building building skos:closeMatch comet:Building Building semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label building nmdc comet
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#METAL METAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc comet
-nmdc:CollectingBiosamplesFromSite CollectingBiosamplesFromSite skos:closeMatch comet:SampleCollectionProcess SampleCollectionProcess semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch nmdc:collectingbiosamplesfromsite nmdc comet
-nmdc:CollectingBiosamplesFromSite CollectingBiosamplesFromSite skos:closeMatch comet:SampleCollectionProcess SampleCollectionProcess semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch nmdc:collectingbiosamplesfromsite nmdc comet
-nmdc:CollectingBiosamplesFromSite CollectingBiosamplesFromSite skos:closeMatch comet:SampleCollectionProcess SampleCollectionProcess semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID comet:samplecollectionprocess nmdc comet
-nmdc:CollectingBiosamplesFromSite CollectingBiosamplesFromSite skos:closeMatch comet:SampleCollectionProcess SampleCollectionProcess semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:exactMatch nmdc:collectingbiosamplesfromsite nmdc comet
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Investigation Investigation skos:closeMatch comet:Investigation Investigation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label investigation nmdc comet
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#gravel gravel skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#GRAVEL GRAVEL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravel nmdc comet
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#SAND SAND semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc comet
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch comet:WellType#WATER WATER semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc comet
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#METAL METAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc comet
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#METAL METAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc comet
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#design design skos:closeMatch comet:design design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc comet
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#stone stone skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#STONE STONE semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stone nmdc comet
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#GAS GAS semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc comet
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch comet:WellType#GAS GAS semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc comet
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#OIL OIL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil nmdc comet
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch comet:WellType#OIL OIL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil nmdc comet
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#COAL COAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc comet
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch comet:FossilFuelType#COAL COAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc comet
-nmdc:MaterialProcessing MaterialProcessing skos:closeMatch comet:MaterialProcessing MaterialProcessing semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label materialprocessing nmdc comet
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#SAND SAND semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc comet
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch comet:WellType#WATER WATER semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc comet
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch comet:WellType#WATER WATER semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc comet
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#GAS GAS semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc comet
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch comet:WellType#GAS GAS semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc comet
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch comet:WellType#WATER WATER semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc comet
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#design design skos:closeMatch comet:design design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc comet
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#COAL COAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc comet
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch comet:FossilFuelType#COAL COAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc comet
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#METAL METAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc comet
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stone stone skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#STONE STONE semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stone nmdc comet
-nmdc:VisMediaEnum#equipment equipment skos:closeMatch comet:Equipment Equipment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label equipment nmdc comet
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#METAL METAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc comet
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch comet:ExtractiveIndustryProductType#METAL METAL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc comet
-nmdc:basic_classes/:PlannedProcess PlannedProcess skos:closeMatch comet:PlannedProcess PlannedProcess semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label plannedprocess nmdc comet
-nmdc:basic_classes/:PlannedProcess PlannedProcess skos:closeMatch comet:PlannedProcess PlannedProcess semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch obi:0000011 nmdc comet
-nmdc:basic_classes/:definition definition skos:closeMatch comet:definition definition semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label definition nmdc comet
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch comet:Model Model semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc comet
-nmdc:basic_classes/:object object skos:closeMatch comet:object object semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label object nmdc comet
-nmdc:basic_classes/:subject subject skos:closeMatch comet:subject subject semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label subject nmdc comet
-nmdc:collected_from collected_from skos:closeMatch comet:collected_from collected_from semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label collected_from nmdc comet
-nmdc:description description skos:closeMatch comet:description description semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label description nmdc comet
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch comet:Duration Duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc comet
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch comet:id id semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label id nmdc comet
-nmdc:latitude latitude skos:closeMatch comet:latitude latitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label latitude nmdc comet
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch comet:Location Location semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc comet
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch comet:location location semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc comet
-nmdc:longitude longitude skos:closeMatch comet:longitude longitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label longitude nmdc comet
-nmdc:name name skos:closeMatch comet:name name semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label name nmdc comet
-nmdc:subject subject skos:closeMatch comet:subject subject semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label subject nmdc comet
-nmdc:type type skos:closeMatch comet:type type semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label type nmdc comet
-mixs:address address skos:closeMatch comet:address address semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label address mixs comet
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Visualization Visualization skos:closeMatch obo:OCCO_00000108 visualization semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visualization nmdc obo
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch obo:OCCO_41901200 model semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc obo
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#building building skos:closeMatch sweet:matrFacility/Building building semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label building nmdc sweet
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#natural natural skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSystem/Natural natural semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label natural nmdc sweet
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#wild wild skos:closeMatch sweet:stateRoleGeographic/Wild wild semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wild nmdc sweet
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#airport airport skos:closeMatch sweet:matrFacility/Airport airport semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label airport nmdc sweet
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#commercial commercial skos:closeMatch sweet:stateRoleGeographic/Commercial commercial semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label commercial nmdc sweet
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#residential residential skos:closeMatch sweet:stateRoleGeographic/Residential residential semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label residential nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTime/New new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch sweet:phenSolid/Rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch sweet:matrBiomass/Wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CeilTypeEnum#cove cove skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/Cove cove semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cove nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ChemicalConversionCategoryEnum#combustion combustion skos:closeMatch sweet:procChemical/Combustion combustion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label combustion nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ChemicalConversionCategoryEnum#decomposition decomposition skos:closeMatch sweet:phenBiol/Decomposition decomposition semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label decomposition nmdc sweet
-nmdc:Configuration Configuration skos:closeMatch sweet:propSpace/Configuration configuration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label configuration nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Investigation Investigation skos:closeMatch sweet:humanResearch/Investigation investigation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label investigation nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Methodology Methodology skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSciMethodology/Methodology methodology semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methodology nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Validation Validation skos:closeMatch sweet:humanResearch/Validation validation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label validation nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Validation Validation skos:closeMatch sweet:reprDataServiceValidation/Validation validation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label validation nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Visualization Visualization skos:closeMatch sweet:reprDataServiceAnalysis/Visualization visualization semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label visualization nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#gravel gravel skos:closeMatch sweet:matrSediment/Gravel gravel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravel nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#rock rock skos:closeMatch sweet:matrRock/Rock rock semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rock nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch sweet:matrSediment/Sand sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#swamp swamp skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Swamp swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label swamp nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#tropical tropical skos:closeMatch sweet:realmRegion/Tropical tropical semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tropical nmdc sweet
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#tundra tundra skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/Tundra tundra semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tundra nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEnergy/Ethanol ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch sweet:matrOrganicCompound/Ethanol ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/Water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoiProviderEnum#massive massive skos:closeMatch sweet:stateRoleImpact/Massive massive semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label massive nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTime/New new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch sweet:phenSolid/Rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorDirectEnum#inward inward skos:closeMatch sweet:propSpaceDirection/Inward inward semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label inward nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorDirectEnum#outward outward skos:closeMatch sweet:propSpaceDirection/Outward outward semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label outward nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/East east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/North north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/South south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/West west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Aluminum aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch sweet:matrMineral/Aluminum Aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch sweet:matrBiomass/Wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#composite composite skos:closeMatch sweet:stateChemical/Composite composite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label composite nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DrainageClassEnum#well well skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEquipment/Well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DrainageClassEnum#well well skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMathFunction/Well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DrainageClassEnum#well well skos:closeMatch sweet:stateOrdinal/Well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#construction construction skos:closeMatch sweet:humanCommerce/Construction construction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label construction nmdc sweet
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMathOperation/Operation operation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label operation nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/East east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/North north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/South south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/West west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/East east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/North north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/South south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/West west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch sweet:humanCommerce/Extraction extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc sweet
-nmdc:Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch sweet:phenGeolFault/Extraction extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc sweet
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch sweet:humanCommerce/Extraction extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc sweet
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch sweet:phenGeolFault/Extraction extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc sweet
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTime/New new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc sweet
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch sweet:phenSolid/Rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc sweet
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#sealed sealed skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpaceConfiguration/Sealed sealed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sealed nmdc sweet
-nmdc:FloorWaterMoldEnum#condensation condensation skos:closeMatch sweet:procStateChange/Condensation condensation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label condensation nmdc sweet
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#Daily Daily skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeFrequency/Daily daily semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label daily nmdc sweet
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#Monthly Monthly skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeFrequency/Monthly monthly semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label monthly nmdc sweet
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#Weekly Weekly skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeFrequency/Weekly weekly semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label weekly nmdc sweet
-nmdc:GrowthHabitEnum#spreading spreading skos:closeMatch sweet:phenGeolTectonic/Spreading spreading semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spreading nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch sweet:statePhysical/Gas gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch sweet:matrNaturalResource/Oil oil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Archean Archean skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Archean archean semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label archean nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Cambrian Cambrian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Cambrian cambrian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cambrian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Carboniferous Carboniferous skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Carboniferous carboniferous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carboniferous nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Cenozoic Cenozoic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Cenozoic cenozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cenozoic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Cretaceous Cretaceous skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Cretaceous cretaceous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cretaceous nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Devonian Devonian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Devonian devonian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label devonian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Jurassic Jurassic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Jurassic jurassic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label jurassic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Mesozoic Mesozoic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Mesozoic mesozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mesozoic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Neogene Neogene skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Neogene neogene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label neogene nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Ordovician Ordovician skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Ordovician ordovician semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ordovician nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Paleogene Paleogene skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Paleogene paleogene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paleogene nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Paleozoic Paleozoic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Paleozoic paleozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paleozoic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Permian Permian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Permian permian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Precambrian Precambrian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Precambrian precambrian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label precambrian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Proterozoic Proterozoic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Proterozoic proterozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label proterozoic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Silurian Silurian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Silurian silurian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label silurian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#Triassic Triassic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Triassic triassic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label triassic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HeatCoolTypeEnum#heat+pump heat pump skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEnergy/HeatPump heat pump semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label heat pump nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/East east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/North north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/South south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/West west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#ceiling ceiling skos:closeMatch sweet:propSpaceHeight/Ceiling ceiling semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ceiling nmdc sweet
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#wall wall skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandFluvial/Wall wall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wall nmdc sweet
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#window window skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMath/Window window semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label window nmdc sweet
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTime/New new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc sweet
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch sweet:phenSolid/Rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc sweet
-nmdc:JgiContTypeEnum#plate plate skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandTectonic/Plate plate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label plate nmdc sweet
-nmdc:JgiContTypeEnum#tube tube skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceGeometry3D/Tube tube semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tube nmdc sweet
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Basement Basement skos:closeMatch sweet:realmGeol/Basement basement semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basement nmdc sweet
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Chert Chert skos:closeMatch sweet:matrMineral/Chert Chert semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chert nmdc sweet
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch sweet:matrNaturalResource/Coal coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc sweet
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Dolomite Dolomite skos:closeMatch sweet:matrMineral/Dolomite Dolomite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dolomite nmdc sweet
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#car car skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEquipment/Car car semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label car nmdc sweet
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#train train skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEquipment/Train train semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label train nmdc sweet
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#train train skos:closeMatch sweet:reprDataServiceAnalysis/Train train semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label train nmdc sweet
-nmdc:OccupDocumentEnum#estimate estimate skos:closeMatch sweet:relaMath/estimateOf estimate of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label estimate nmdc sweet
-nmdc:OccupDocumentEnum#estimate estimate skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSciModel/Estimate estimate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label estimate nmdc sweet
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#aerobic aerobic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateChemical/Aerobic aerobic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aerobic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#pumice pumice skos:closeMatch sweet:matrRockIgneous/Pumice pumice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pumice nmdc sweet
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch sweet:matrSediment/Sand sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc sweet
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch sweet:matrSediment/Soil soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc sweet
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#vermiculite vermiculite skos:closeMatch sweet:matrMineral/Vermiculite Vermiculite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vermiculite nmdc sweet
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/Water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc sweet
-nmdc:PolarityModeEnum#negative negative skos:closeMatch sweet:stateRole/Negative negative semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label negative nmdc sweet
-nmdc:PolarityModeEnum#positive positive skos:closeMatch sweet:stateRole/Positive positive semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label positive nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ProfilePositionEnum#summit summit skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Summit summit semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label summit nmdc sweet
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEnergy/Ethanol ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc sweet
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch sweet:matrOrganicCompound/Ethanol ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc sweet
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/Water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#high high skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpace/High high semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label high nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#low low skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpace/Low low semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label low nmdc sweet
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTime/New new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc sweet
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch sweet:phenSolid/Rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc sweet
-nmdc:RoomSampPosEnum#center center skos:closeMatch sweet:propSpaceLocation/Center center semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label center nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#well well skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEquipment/Well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#well well skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMathFunction/Well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#well well skos:closeMatch sweet:stateOrdinal/Well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampFloorEnum#basement basement skos:closeMatch sweet:realmGeol/Basement basement semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basement nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#cloudy cloudy skos:closeMatch sweet:stateVisibility/Cloudy cloudy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cloudy nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#hail hail skos:closeMatch sweet:phenAtmoPrecipitation/Hail hail semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hail nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#rain rain skos:closeMatch sweet:phenAtmoPrecipitation/Rain rain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rain nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#sleet sleet skos:closeMatch sweet:phenAtmoPrecipitation/Sleet sleet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sleet nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/Snow snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#sunny sunny skos:closeMatch sweet:stateVisibility/Sunny sunny semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sunny nmdc sweet
-nmdc:Sample Sample skos:closeMatch sweet:humanResearch/Sample sample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sample nmdc sweet
-nmdc:Sample Sample skos:closeMatch sweet:stateRoleRepresentative/Sample sample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sample nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch sweet:statePhysical/Gas gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#liquid liquid skos:closeMatch sweet:statePhysical/Liquid liquid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label liquid nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#solid solid skos:closeMatch sweet:statePhysical/Solid solid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label solid nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#sediment sediment skos:closeMatch sweet:matrSediment/Sediment sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch sweet:matrSediment/Soil soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/Water water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Fall Fall skos:closeMatch sweet:phenSystem/Fall fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fall nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Fall Fall skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSci/fall fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fall nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Fall Fall skos:closeMatch sweet:reprTimeSeason/Fall fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fall nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Spring Spring skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Spring spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Spring Spring skos:closeMatch sweet:reprTimeSeason/Spring spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Summer Summer skos:closeMatch sweet:reprTimeSeason/Summer summer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label summer nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Winter Winter skos:closeMatch sweet:reprTimeSeason/Winter winter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label winter nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTime/New new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch sweet:phenSolid/Rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceTypeEnum#tree tree skos:closeMatch sweet:matrPlant/Tree tree semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tree nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceTypeEnum#tree tree skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMathGraph/Tree tree semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tree nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#A+horizon A horizon skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/A_Horizon a horizon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label horizon nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#A+horizon A horizon skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMathFunction/Horizon horizon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label horizon nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#B+horizon B horizon skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/B_Horizon b horizon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label b horizon nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#C+horizon C horizon skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/C_Horizon c horizon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label c horizon nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#O+horizon O horizon skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/O_Horizon o horizon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label horizon o nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/Permafrost permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permafrost nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#construction construction skos:closeMatch sweet:humanCommerce/Construction construction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label construction nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMathOperation/Operation operation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label operation nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Archean Archean skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Archean archean semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label archean nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Cambrian Cambrian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Cambrian cambrian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cambrian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Carboniferous Carboniferous skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Carboniferous carboniferous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carboniferous nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Cenozoic Cenozoic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Cenozoic cenozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cenozoic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Cretaceous Cretaceous skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Cretaceous cretaceous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cretaceous nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Devonian Devonian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Devonian devonian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label devonian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Jurassic Jurassic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Jurassic jurassic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label jurassic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Mesozoic Mesozoic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Mesozoic mesozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mesozoic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Neogene Neogene skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Neogene neogene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label neogene nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Ordovician Ordovician skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Ordovician ordovician semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ordovician nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Paleogene Paleogene skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Paleogene paleogene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paleogene nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Paleozoic Paleozoic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Paleozoic paleozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paleozoic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Permian Permian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Permian permian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Precambrian Precambrian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Precambrian precambrian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label precambrian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Proterozoic Proterozoic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Proterozoic proterozoic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label proterozoic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Silurian Silurian skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Silurian silurian semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label silurian nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#Triassic Triassic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeGeologic/Triassic triassic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label triassic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Carbonate Carbonate skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/Carbonate carbonate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carbonate nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Carbonate Carbonate skos:closeMatch sweet:matrIon/Carbonate carbonate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carbonate nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Clastic Clastic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSolid/Clastic clastic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label clastic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch sweet:matrNaturalResource/Coal coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc sweet
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#C2 C2 skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElementalMolecule/C2 c2 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label c2 nmdc sweet
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#C4 C4 skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElementalMolecule/C4 c4 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label c4 nmdc sweet
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#C8 C8 skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElementalMolecule/C8 c8 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label c8 nmdc sweet
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Silica Silica skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/Silica silica semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label silica nmdc sweet
-nmdc:StatusEnum#pass pass skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Pass pass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pass nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SubstructureTypeEnum#basement basement skos:closeMatch sweet:realmGeol/Basement basement semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basement nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#dust dust skos:closeMatch sweet:matrAerosol/Dust dust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dust nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#organic+matter organic matter skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/OrganicMatter organic matter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label matter organic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#radon radon skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Radon radon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label radon nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch sweet:matrMineral/Glass glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glass nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#plastic plastic skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSolid/Plastic plastic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label plastic nmdc sweet
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch sweet:matrBiomass/Wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc sweet
-nmdc:TidalStageEnum#high+tide high tide skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeCycle/HighTide high tide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label high tide nmdc sweet
-nmdc:TidalStageEnum#low+tide low tide skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTimeCycle/LowTide low tide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label low tide nmdc sweet
-nmdc:TillageEnum#drill drill skos:closeMatch sweet:humanCommerce/Drill drill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label drill nmdc sweet
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#green green skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpectralBand/Green green semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label green nmdc sweet
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#orange orange skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpectralBand/Orange orange semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orange nmdc sweet
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#red red skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpectralBand/Red red semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label red nmdc sweet
-nmdc:TrainStopLocEnum#end end skos:closeMatch sweet:relaTime/end end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc sweet
-nmdc:TrainStopLocEnum#end end skos:closeMatch sweet:relaTime/endOf end of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc sweet
-nmdc:VisMediaEnum#equipment equipment skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEquipment/Equipment equipment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label equipment nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch sweet:matrBiomass/Wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/East east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/North north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/South south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/West west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WallSurfTreatmentEnum#fabric fabric skos:closeMatch sweet:realmGeol/Fabric fabric semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fabric nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Stream stream semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stream nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch sweet:stateTime/New new semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch sweet:phenSolid/Rupture rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#left left skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/Left left semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label left nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#middle middle skos:closeMatch sweet:stateOrdinal/Middle middle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label middle nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#right right skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/Right right semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label right nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/east east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/East east semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/north north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/North north semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/south south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/South south semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:relaSpace/west west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceDirection/West west semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Metal metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch sweet:matrBiomass/Wood wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#bottom bottom skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpaceConfiguration/Bottom bottom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bottom nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#high high skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpace/High high semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label high nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#low low skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpace/Low low semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label low nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#middle middle skos:closeMatch sweet:stateOrdinal/Middle middle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label middle nmdc sweet
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#top top skos:closeMatch sweet:stateSpaceConfiguration/Top top semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label top nmdc sweet
-nmdc:YesNoEnum#no no skos:closeMatch sweet:matrCompound/NO no semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label no nmdc sweet
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Instrument Instrument skos:closeMatch sweet:matrInstrument/Instrument instrument semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label instrument nmdc sweet
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch sweet:relaHuman/studyOf study of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label study nmdc sweet
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSciModel/Model model semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc sweet
-nmdc:community community skos:closeMatch sweet:propCategorical/Community community semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label community nmdc sweet
-nmdc:contamination contamination skos:closeMatch sweet:phenEnvirImpact/Contamination contamination semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label contamination nmdc sweet
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch sweet:propCount/Count count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label count nmdc sweet
-nmdc:description description skos:closeMatch sweet:propCategorical/Description description semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label description nmdc sweet
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch sweet:propTime/Duration duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc sweet
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch sweet:reprTime/Duration duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc sweet
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch sweet:realmBiolBiome/Ecosystem ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ecosystem nmdc sweet
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch sweet:relaTime/end end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc sweet
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch sweet:relaTime/endOf end of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc sweet
-nmdc:habitat habitat skos:closeMatch sweet:matrFacility/Habitat habitat semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label habitat nmdc sweet
-nmdc:habitat habitat skos:closeMatch sweet:stateRoleBiological/Habitat habitat semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label habitat nmdc sweet
-nmdc:latitude latitude skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceCoordinate/Latitude latitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label latitude nmdc sweet
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch sweet:propSpaceLocation/Location location semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc sweet
-nmdc:longitude longitude skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceCoordinate/Longitude longitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label longitude nmdc sweet
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Manganese manganese semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label manganese nmdc sweet
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch sweet:propMass/Mass mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mass nmdc sweet
-nmdc:name name skos:closeMatch sweet:propCategorical/Name name semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label name nmdc sweet
-nmdc:objective objective skos:closeMatch sweet:humanDecision/Objective objective semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label objective nmdc sweet
-nmdc:start start skos:closeMatch sweet:relaTime/start start semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label start nmdc sweet
-nmdc:start start skos:closeMatch sweet:relaTime/startOf start of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label start nmdc sweet
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch sweet:propTemperature/Temperature temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc sweet
-nmdc:type type skos:closeMatch sweet:propCategorical/Type type semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label type nmdc sweet
-nmdc:value value skos:closeMatch sweet:reprDataProduct/Value value semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label value nmdc sweet
-nmdc:version version skos:closeMatch sweet:reprDataProduct/Version version semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label version nmdc sweet
-nmdc:volume volume skos:closeMatch sweet:propSpaceMultidimensional/Volume volume semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volume nmdc sweet
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch sweet:matrElement/Zinc zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label zinc nmdc sweet
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch sweet:matrMineral/Zinc Zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label zinc nmdc sweet
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Bioremediation-Hydrocarbon-Benzene Engineered > Bioremediation > Hydrocarbon > Benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym benzene mixs GOLDTERMS
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Benzene Benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label benzene mixs GOLDVOCAB
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4452 Engineered > Bioremediation > Hydrocarbon > Methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym methane mixs GOLDTERMS
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Methane Methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methane mixs GOLDVOCAB
-mixs:reservoir reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5237 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym reservoir mixs GOLDTERMS
-mixs:reservoir reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Reservoir Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir mixs GOLDVOCAB
-mixs:xylene xylene skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5087 Engineered > Bioremediation > Hydrocarbon > Xylene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym xylene mixs GOLDTERMS
-mixs:xylene xylene skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Xylene Xylene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label xylene mixs GOLDVOCAB
-mixs:address address skos:closeMatch schema:address address semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label address mixs schema
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch schema:depth depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs schema
-mixs:reservoir reservoir skos:closeMatch schema:Reservoir Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir mixs schema
-mixs:season season skos:closeMatch schema:Season Season semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label season mixs schema
-mixs:season season skos:closeMatch schema:season season semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label season mixs schema
-mixs:alkalinity alkalinity skos:closeMatch envthes:21450 alkalinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label alkalinity mixs envthes
-mixs:ammonium ammonium skos:closeMatch envthes:20836 Ammonium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ammonium mixs envthes
-mixs:basin basin skos:closeMatch envthes:20529 basin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basin mixs envthes
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch envthes:20804 Calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs envthes
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch envthes:20784 Chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs envthes
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch envthes:20785 chlorophyll a semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs envthes
-mixs:density density skos:closeMatch envthes:21539 density semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label density mixs envthes
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch envthes:21549 depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs envthes
-mixs:fire fire skos:closeMatch envthes:20379 fire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fire mixs envthes
-mixs:fluor fluor skos:closeMatch envthes:20823 Fluor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fluor mixs envthes
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch envthes:21578 humidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label humidity mixs envthes
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch envthes:20829 magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magnesium mixs envthes
-mixs:porosity porosity skos:closeMatch envthes:21556 porosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label porosity mixs envthes
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch envthes:20864 potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label potassium mixs envthes
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch envthes:10312 salinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label salinity mixs envthes
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch envthes:20867 sodium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sodium mixs envthes
-mixs:specific specific skos:closeMatch envthes:10346 specific semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label specific mixs envthes
-mixs:sulfate sulfate skos:closeMatch envthes:20870 sulfate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sulfate mixs envthes
-mixs:sulfide sulfide skos:closeMatch envthes:20871 sulfide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sulfide mixs envthes
-mixs:tillage tillage skos:closeMatch envthes:20103 tillage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tillage mixs envthes
-mixs:turbidity turbidity skos:closeMatch envthes:10389 turbidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label turbidity mixs envthes
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#building building skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000073 building semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym building nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:Biosample Biosample skos:closeMatch OBI:0000747 material sample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:biosample nmdc OBI
-nmdc:Biosample Biosample skos:closeMatch OBI:0000747 material sample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:biosample nmdc OBI
-nmdc:Biosample Biosample skos:closeMatch OBI:0000747 material sample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:biosample nmdc OBI
-nmdc:CollectingBiosamplesFromSite CollectingBiosamplesFromSite skos:closeMatch OBI:0000744 material sampling process semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:collectingbiosamplesfromsite nmdc OBI
-nmdc:CollectingBiosamplesFromSite CollectingBiosamplesFromSite skos:closeMatch OBI:0000744 material sampling process semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:collectingbiosamplesfromsite nmdc OBI
-nmdc:CollectingBiosamplesFromSite CollectingBiosamplesFromSite skos:closeMatch OBI:0000744 material sampling process semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:collectingbiosamplesfromsite nmdc OBI
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Investigation Investigation skos:closeMatch OBI:0000066 investigation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label investigation nmdc OBI
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Software Software skos:closeMatch IAO:0000010 software semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label software nmdc IAO
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#diagram diagram skos:closeMatch IAO:0000309 diagram semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label diagram nmdc IAO
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#stone stone skos:closeMatch UO:0010035 stone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stone nmdc UO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Limestone Limestone skos:closeMatch CHEBI:31344 calcium oxide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym limestone nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Spring Spring skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000027 spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym spring nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000134 permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym permafrost nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SubSamplingProcess SubSamplingProcess skos:closeMatch OBI:0000744 material sampling process semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:relatedMatch-INVERSE nmdc:subsamplingprocess nmdc OBI
-nmdc:SubSamplingProcess SubSamplingProcess skos:closeMatch OBI:0000744 material sampling process semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:relatedMatch-INVERSE nmdc:subsamplingprocess nmdc OBI
-nmdc:SubSamplingProcess SubSamplingProcess skos:closeMatch OBI:0000744 material sampling process semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:relatedMatch-INVERSE nmdc:subsamplingprocess nmdc OBI
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#particulate+matter particulate matter skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000060 particulate matter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label matter particulate nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stone stone skos:closeMatch UO:0010035 stone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stone nmdc UO
-nmdc:TillageEnum#disc+plough disc plough skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000128 disc harrow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym disc plough nmdc AGRO
-nmdc:TillageEnum#mouldboard mouldboard skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000129 mouldboard plough semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym mouldboard nmdc AGRO
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#stream stream skos:closeMatch ENVO:00000023 stream semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym stream nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Protocol Protocol skos:closeMatch OBI:0000272 protocol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protocol nmdc OBI
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch OBI:0000066 investigation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:study nmdc OBI
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch APOLLO_SV:00000032 count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label count nmdc APOLLO_SV
-mixs:fire fire skos:closeMatch CHMO:0000650 flame infrared emission spectroscopy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym fire mixs CHMO
-mixs:field field skos:closeMatch UBERON:0007688 anlage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym field mixs UBERON
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch PATO:0000970 permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs PATO
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch PATO:0001842 acidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ph mixs PATO
-mixs:porosity porosity skos:closeMatch PATO:0000973 porosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label porosity mixs PATO
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch PATO:0085001 salinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label salinity mixs PATO
-nmdc:BuildDocsEnum#schedule schedule skos:closeMatch schema:Schedule Schedule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label schedule nmdc schema
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#airport airport skos:closeMatch schema:Airport Airport semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label airport nmdc schema
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#residence residence skos:closeMatch schema:Residence Residence semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label residence nmdc schema
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#restaurant restaurant skos:closeMatch schema:Restaurant Restaurant semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label restaurant nmdc schema
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#school school skos:closeMatch schema:School School semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label school nmdc schema
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#diagram diagram skos:closeMatch schema:diagram diagram semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label diagram nmdc schema
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch schema:Protein Protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc schema
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch schema:Female Female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc schema
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch schema:Male Male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc schema
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch schema:Female Female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc schema
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch schema:Male Male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc schema
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#car car skos:closeMatch schema:Car Car semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label car nmdc schema
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#coach coach skos:closeMatch schema:coach coach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coach nmdc schema
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#MPN MPN skos:closeMatch schema:mpn mpn semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mpn nmdc schema
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#photos photos skos:closeMatch schema:photos photos semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label photos nmdc schema
-nmdc:StudyCategoryEnum#consortium consortium skos:closeMatch schema:Consortium Consortium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label consortium nmdc schema
-nmdc:VisMediaEnum#photos photos skos:closeMatch schema:photos photos semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label photos nmdc schema
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#waterfall waterfall skos:closeMatch schema:Waterfall Waterfall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label waterfall nmdc schema
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Friday Friday skos:closeMatch schema:Friday Friday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label friday nmdc schema
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Monday Monday skos:closeMatch schema:Monday Monday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label monday nmdc schema
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Saturday Saturday skos:closeMatch schema:Saturday Saturday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label saturday nmdc schema
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Sunday Sunday skos:closeMatch schema:Sunday Sunday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sunday nmdc schema
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Thursday Thursday skos:closeMatch schema:Thursday Thursday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label thursday nmdc schema
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Tuesday Tuesday skos:closeMatch schema:Tuesday Tuesday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tuesday nmdc schema
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Wednesday Wednesday skos:closeMatch schema:Wednesday Wednesday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wednesday nmdc schema
-nmdc:attribute_values/:TextValue TextValue skos:closeMatch schema:textValue textValue semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label textvalue nmdc schema
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Instrument Instrument skos:closeMatch schema:instrument instrument semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label instrument nmdc schema
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch schema:study study semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label study nmdc schema
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch schema:model model semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc schema
-nmdc:basic_classes/:object object skos:closeMatch schema:object object semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label object nmdc schema
-nmdc:basic_classes/:vendor vendor skos:closeMatch schema:vendor vendor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vendor nmdc schema
-nmdc:description description skos:closeMatch schema:description description semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label description nmdc schema
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch schema:Duration Duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc schema
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch schema:duration duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc schema
-nmdc:email email skos:closeMatch schema:email email semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label email nmdc schema
-nmdc:inchi inchi skos:closeMatch schema:inChI inChI semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label inchi nmdc schema
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch schema:Language Language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label language nmdc schema
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch schema:language language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label language nmdc schema
-nmdc:latitude latitude skos:closeMatch schema:latitude latitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label latitude nmdc schema
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch schema:location location semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc schema
-nmdc:longitude longitude skos:closeMatch schema:longitude longitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label longitude nmdc schema
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch schema:Mass Mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mass nmdc schema
-nmdc:name name skos:closeMatch schema:name name semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label name nmdc schema
-nmdc:smiles smiles skos:closeMatch schema:smiles smiles semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label smiles nmdc schema
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch schema:title title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label title nmdc schema
-nmdc:url url skos:closeMatch schema:URL URL semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label url nmdc schema
-nmdc:url url skos:closeMatch schema:url url semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label url nmdc schema
-nmdc:value value skos:closeMatch schema:value value semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label value nmdc schema
-nmdc:version version skos:closeMatch schema:version version semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label version nmdc schema
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000315 Gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch ECSO:#http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01000406 snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000315 Gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#liquid liquid skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000316 Liquid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label liquid nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#solid solid skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000317 Solid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label solid nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceTypeEnum#tree tree skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000501 Tree semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tree nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Carbonate Carbonate skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000325 Carbonate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carbonate nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:community community skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000310 Community semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label community nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001120 Concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concentration nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001188 Sample Count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym count nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001189 Entity Count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym count nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001183 Time Step semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym duration nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch ECSO:00000309 Ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ecosystem nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001157 Identity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym id nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:name name skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001193 Name semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label name nmdc ECSO
-nmdc:inchi inchi skos:closeMatch obo:omp#InChI InChI semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label inchi nmdc obo
-nmdc:smiles smiles skos:closeMatch obo:omp#SMILES SMILES semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label smiles nmdc obo
-mixs:ammonium ammonium skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Ammonium Ammonium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ammonium mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:ammonium ammonium skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:NH4 Ammonium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ammonium mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Ca Calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Calcium Calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:chloride chloride skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Chloride Chloride semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chloride mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Chlorophyll Chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Depth Depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:field field skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Field Field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label field mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:fire fire skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Fire Fire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fire mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Magnesium Magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magnesium mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Mg Magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magnesium mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:CH4 Methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methane mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:nitrate nitrate skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:NO3 Nitrate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nitrate mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:nitrate nitrate skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Nitrate Nitrate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nitrate mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Oxygen Oxygen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oxygen mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Permeability Permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:phosphate phosphate skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:PO4 Phosphate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label phosphate mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:phosphate phosphate skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Phosphate Phosphate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label phosphate mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:K Potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label potassium mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Potassium Potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label potassium mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Pressure Pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Sodium Sodium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sodium mixs ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metabolomics metabolomics skos:closeMatch OMIT:0026286 Metabolomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolomics nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metagenomics metagenomics skos:closeMatch OMIT:0026577 Metagenomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomics nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:CalibrationStandardEnum#alkanes alkanes skos:closeMatch OMIT:0001894 Alkanes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label alkanes nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013326 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015758 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:ChemicalConversionCategoryEnum#substitution substitution skos:closeMatch SO:1000002 substitution semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label substitution nmdc SO
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Data+curation Data curation skos:closeMatch OMIT:0028885 Data Curation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label curation data nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Software Software skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013871 Software semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label software nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#cities cities skos:closeMatch OMIT:0004264 Cities semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cities nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#rainforest rainforest skos:closeMatch OMIT:0028792 Rainforest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rainforest nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#tundra tundra skos:closeMatch OMIT:0028790 Tundra semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tundra nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch OMIT:0001855 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015695 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:Database Database skos:closeMatch OMIT:0019945 Database semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label database nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:DoiProviderEnum#gsc gsc skos:closeMatch OMIT:0048702 GSC semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gsc nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013326 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch OMIT:0001954 Aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015758 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#bid bid skos:closeMatch OMIT:0030520 BID semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bid nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch OMIT:0005504 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013221 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch OMIT:0009135 Lipid A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipid nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013326 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch OMIT:0011153 Paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013326 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch OMIT:0005504 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013221 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch OMIT:0004341 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:MassSpectrometryEnum#metabolome metabolome skos:closeMatch OMIT:0026294 Metabolome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolome nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:NucleotideSequencingEnum#metagenome metagenome skos:closeMatch OMIT:0026082 Metagenome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenome nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013874 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015695 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:ProfilePositionEnum#shoulder shoulder skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013675 Shoulder semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shoulder nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch OMIT:0001855 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015695 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013326 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#infection infection skos:closeMatch OMIT:0008366 Infection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label infection nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#rain rain skos:closeMatch OMIT:0012821 Rain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rain nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013802 Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013874 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015695 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013326 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch OMIT:0028791 Permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permafrost nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#bid bid skos:closeMatch OMIT:0030520 BID semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bid nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch OMIT:0004341 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#C2 C2 skos:closeMatch OMIT:0030588 C2 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label c2 nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#SCX SCX skos:closeMatch OMIT:0056684 SCX semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label scx nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#dust dust skos:closeMatch OMIT:0005646 Dust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dust nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#particulate+matter particulate matter skos:closeMatch OMIT:0025164 Particulate Matter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label matter particulate nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#radon radon skos:closeMatch OMIT:0012816 Radon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label radon nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#volatile+organic+compounds volatile organic compounds skos:closeMatch OMIT:0026343 Volatile Organic Compounds semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label compounds organic volatile nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch OMIT:0007093 Glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glass nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch OMIT:0011153 Paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stainless+steel stainless steel skos:closeMatch OMIT:0014071 Stainless Steel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stainless steel nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015758 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015758 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013326 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015758 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch OMIT:0018052 Ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ecosystem nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch OMIT:0008191 Id semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label id nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch OMIT:0008902 Language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label language nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch OMIT:0009418 Manganese semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label manganese nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:num_23s num_23s skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013245 RNA, Ribosomal, 23S semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:num_23s nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:num_5s num_5s skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013248 RNA, Ribosomal, 5S semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:num_5s nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch NCRO:0000029 temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc NCRO
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch OMIT:0014553 Temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc OMIT
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch OMIT:0015854 Zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label zinc nmdc OMIT
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch ENVO:01001495 dioxygen dissolved in marine water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym oxygen mixs ENVO
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Software Software skos:closeMatch MS:1000531 software semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label software nmdc MS
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#metabolite metabolite skos:closeMatch MS:1003036 metabolite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolite nmdc MS
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch MS:1000882 protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc MS
-nmdc:MassAnalyzerEnum#Orbitrap Orbitrap skos:closeMatch MS:1000484 orbitrap semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orbitrap nmdc MS
-nmdc:MassAnalyzerEnum#quadrupole quadrupole skos:closeMatch MS:1000081 quadrupole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label quadrupole nmdc MS
-nmdc:Sample Sample skos:closeMatch MS:1000457 sample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sample nmdc MS
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#liquid liquid skos:closeMatch MS:1002975 LIQUID semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label liquid nmdc MS
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Doi Doi skos:closeMatch MS:1001922 Digital Object Identifier (DOI) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym doi nmdc MS
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Instrument Instrument skos:closeMatch MS:1000463 instrument semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label instrument nmdc MS
-nmdc:basic_classes/:part_of part_of skos:closeMatch BFO:0000050 part_of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label part_of nmdc BFO
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch UO:0000189 count unit semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym count nmdc UO
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25330 Duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch obo:PEFF_0001026 ID semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label id nmdc obo
-nmdc:inchi inchi skos:closeMatch MS:1003403 InChI semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label inchi nmdc MS
-nmdc:input_mass input_mass skos:closeMatch MS:1000004 sample mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:input_mass nmdc MS
-nmdc:ionization_source ionization_source skos:closeMatch MS:1000008 ionization type semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:ionization_source nmdc MS
-nmdc:mass_analyzers mass_analyzers skos:closeMatch MS:1000443 mass analyzer type semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:mass_analyzers nmdc MS
-nmdc:mass_spectrometry_acquisition_strategy mass_spectrometry_acquisition_strategy skos:closeMatch MS:1003213 mass spectrometry acquisition method semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:mass_spectrometry_acquisition_strategy nmdc MS
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Sand Sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Al Aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Aluminum Aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Gas Gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Sand Sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Soil Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Snow Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Gas Gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#sediment sediment skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Sediment Sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Soil Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Permafrost Permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permafrost nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Carbonate Carbonate skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:CO3 Carbonate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carbonate nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#C4 C4 skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:C4 C4 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label c4 nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Concentration Concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concentration nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Duration Duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Ecosystem Ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ecosystem nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Mass Mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mass nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Temperature Temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:volume volume skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Volume Volume semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volume nmdc ECOSIMCONCEPT
-nmdc:BioticRelationshipEnum#commensal commensal skos:closeMatch IDO:0000525 commensal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label commensal nmdc IDO
-nmdc:BioticRelationshipEnum#parasite parasite skos:closeMatch IDO:0000526 parasite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label parasite nmdc IDO
-nmdc:BioticRelationshipEnum#symbiont symbiont skos:closeMatch IDO:0000522 symbiont semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label symbiont nmdc IDO
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#infection infection skos:closeMatch IDO:0000586 infection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label infection nmdc IDO
-mixs:address address skos:closeMatch SIO:000172 address semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label address mixs SIO
-mixs:density density skos:closeMatch SIO:001406 density semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label density mixs SIO
-mixs:depth depth skos:closeMatch SIO:000039 depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label depth mixs SIO
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch SIO:001089 pH semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ph mixs SIO
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Validation Validation skos:closeMatch OBI:0302911 validation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label validation nmdc OBI
-nmdc:Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch OBI:0302884 extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:extraction nmdc OBI
-nmdc:Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch OBI:0302884 extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc OBI
-nmdc:Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch OBI:0302884 extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:extraction nmdc OBI
-nmdc:Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch OBI:0302884 extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:extraction nmdc OBI
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch OBI:0302884 extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc OBI
-nmdc:InstrumentVendorEnum#agilent agilent skos:closeMatch OBI:0000765 Agilent semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label agilent nmdc OBI
-nmdc:InstrumentVendorEnum#waters waters skos:closeMatch OBI:0000753 Waters semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label waters nmdc OBI
-nmdc:LibraryPreparation LibraryPreparation skos:closeMatch OBI:0000711 library preparation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:librarypreparation nmdc OBI
-nmdc:LibraryPreparation LibraryPreparation skos:closeMatch OBI:0000711 library preparation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:librarypreparation nmdc OBI
-nmdc:LibraryPreparation LibraryPreparation skos:closeMatch OBI:0000711 library preparation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:librarypreparation nmdc OBI
-nmdc:Pooling Pooling skos:closeMatch OBI:0600016 pooling specimens semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:pooling nmdc OBI
-nmdc:Pooling Pooling skos:closeMatch OBI:0600016 pooling specimens semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:pooling nmdc OBI
-nmdc:Pooling Pooling skos:closeMatch OBI:0600016 pooling specimens semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:pooling nmdc OBI
-nmdc:SeparationMethodEnum#syringe syringe skos:closeMatch OBI:0000422 syringe semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label syringe nmdc OBI
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Doi Doi skos:closeMatch OBI:0002110 digital object identifier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:doi nmdc OBI
-nmdc:description description skos:closeMatch dce:description Description semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label description nmdc dce
-nmdc:doi_value doi_value skos:closeMatch OBI:0002110 digital object identifier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:doi_value nmdc OBI
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch dce:language Language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label language nmdc dce
-nmdc:pcr_cycles pcr_cycles skos:closeMatch OBI:0002475 number of PCR cycles during library construction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:pcr_cycles nmdc OBI
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch dce:title Title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label title nmdc dce
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch obo:PRO_000000001 protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc obo
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch obo:zeco.owl/ZECO_0000200 pH semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ph mixs obo
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch EDAM:format_1997 PHYLIP format semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ph mixs EDAM
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch EDAM:data_3724 Cultivation parameter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym salinity mixs EDAM
-nmdc:alternative_names alternative_names skos:closeMatch skos:altLabel alternative label semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:alternative_names nmdc skos
-nmdc:basic_classes/:definition definition skos:closeMatch skos:definition definition semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label definition nmdc skos
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metabolomics metabolomics skos:closeMatch NCIT:C49019 Metabolomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolomics nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metabolomics metabolomics skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D055432 Metabolomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metabolomics nmdc obo
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metabolomics metabolomics skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D055432 Metabolomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolomics nmdc obo
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metagenomics metagenomics skos:closeMatch NCIT:C153191 Metagenomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomics nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metagenomics metagenomics skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D056186 Metagenomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metagenomics nmdc obo
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metagenomics metagenomics skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D056186 Metagenomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomics nmdc obo
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metatranscriptomics metatranscriptomics skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_3308 Transcriptomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym metatranscriptomics nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#building building skos:closeMatch NCIT:C80231 Building semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label building nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#home home skos:closeMatch CHEBI:75830 HOME semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label home nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#home home skos:closeMatch NCIT:C18002 Home semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label home nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BinQualityEnum#MQ MQ skos:closeMatch CHEBI:74701 Met-Gln semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym mq nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#hybrid hybrid skos:closeMatch NCIT:C128790 Hybrid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hybrid nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#mutant mutant skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25360 Mutant semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mutant nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#natural natural skos:closeMatch NCIT:C85060 Natural semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label natural nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:Biosample Biosample skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43412 Biosample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:biosample nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:Biosample Biosample skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43412 Biosample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biosample nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:Biosample Biosample skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43412 Biosample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:biosample nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:Biosample Biosample skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43412 Biosample semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:biosample nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BioticRelationshipEnum#parasite parasite skos:closeMatch NCIT:C28176 Parasite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label parasite nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BuildDocsEnum#schedule schedule skos:closeMatch NCIT:C172421 Schedule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label schedule nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BuildDocsEnum#schedule schedule skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25211 Schedule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label schedule nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#residence residence skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25273 Residence semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label residence nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#school school skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17118 School semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label school nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BuildingSettingEnum#rural rural skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17724 Rural semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rural nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BuildingSettingEnum#urban urban skos:closeMatch NCIT:C77950 Urban semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label urban nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CalibrationStandardEnum#alkanes alkanes skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D000473 Alkanes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym alkanes nmdc obo
-nmdc:CalibrationStandardEnum#alkanes alkanes skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D000473 Alkanes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label alkanes nmdc obo
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25586 New semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch NCIT:C9445 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#PVC PVC skos:closeMatch CHEBI:53243 poly(vinyl chloride) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pvc nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#PVC PVC skos:closeMatch GO:0005770 late endosome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym pvc nmdc GO
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#PVC PVC skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D011143 Polyvinyl Chloride semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pvc nmdc obo
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch NCIT:C637 Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch NCIT:C93062 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#popcorn popcorn skos:closeMatch NCIT:C71946 Popcorn semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label popcorn nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CeilTextureEnum#smooth smooth skos:closeMatch NCIT:C82334 Smooth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label smooth nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ChemicalConversionCategoryEnum#combustion combustion skos:closeMatch NCIT:C157201 Combustion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label combustion nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ChemicalConversionCategoryEnum#substitution substitution skos:closeMatch NCIT:C54071 Substitution semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label substitution nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Data+curation Data curation skos:closeMatch EDAM:topic_0219 Data submission, annotation and curation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym curation data nmdc EDAM
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Investigation Investigation skos:closeMatch NCIT:C41198 Investigation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label investigation nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Methodology Methodology skos:closeMatch NCIT:C86572 Methodology semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methodology nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Validation Validation skos:closeMatch NCIT:C16237 Validation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label validation nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#cities cities skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D002947 Cities semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cities nmdc obo
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#cities cities skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D002947 Cities semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cities nmdc obo
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#conifers conifers skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D032482 Coniferophyta semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym conifers nmdc obo
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#meadows meadows skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D065948 Grassland semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym meadows nmdc obo
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#rainforest rainforest skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D065947 Rainforest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym rainforest nmdc obo
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#rainforest rainforest skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D065947 Rainforest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rainforest nmdc obo
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#tundra tundra skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D065929 Tundra semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym tundra nmdc obo
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#tundra tundra skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D065929 Tundra semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tundra nmdc obo
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D000431 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym ethanol nmdc obo
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D000431 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc obo
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE skos:closeMatch CHEBI:74857 Thr-Glu semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym te nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch NCIT:C65147 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym water nmdc obo
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc obo
-nmdc:Database Database skos:closeMatch NCIT:C15426 Database semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label database nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoiProviderEnum#gsc gsc skos:closeMatch GO:0032593 insulin-responsive compartment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym gsc nmdc GO
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25586 New semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch NCIT:C9445 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45851 East semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45849 North semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45850 South semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45852 West semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch NCIT:C93162 Aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D000535 Aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym aluminum nmdc obo
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D000535 Aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc obo
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch NCIT:C637 Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#vinyl vinyl skos:closeMatch CHEBI:37603 vinyl group semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym vinyl nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch NCIT:C93062 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#composite composite skos:closeMatch NCIT:C61520 Composite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label composite nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch NCIT:C637 Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DrainageClassEnum#well well skos:closeMatch NCIT:C182125 Well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DrainageClassEnum#well well skos:closeMatch NCIT:C70592 Well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#design design skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43358 Design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#diagram diagram skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43559 Diagram semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label diagram nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch NCIT:C88213 Operation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label operation nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45851 East semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45849 North semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#northeast northeast skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45853 Northeast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label northeast nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#northwest northwest skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45854 Northwest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label northwest nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45850 South semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#southeast southeast skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45855 Southeast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label southeast nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#southwest southwest skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45856 Southwest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label southwest nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWallOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45852 West semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#east east skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45851 East semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#north north skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45849 North semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#northeast northeast skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45853 Northeast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label northeast nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#northwest northwest skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45854 Northwest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label northwest nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#south south skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45850 South semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#southeast southeast skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45855 Southeast semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label southeast nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#southwest southwest skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45856 Southwest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label southwest nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtWindowOrientEnum#west west skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45852 West semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch NCIT:C61575 Extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch NCIT:C449 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch CHEBI:25051 lipid As semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym lipid nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch CHEBI:47040 lipid A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipid nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch CHEBI:58712 lipid A(4-) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym lipid nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch NCIT:C616 Lipid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipid nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D008050 Lipid A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym lipid nmdc obo
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D008050 Lipid A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipid nmdc obo
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#metabolite metabolite skos:closeMatch NCIT:C61154 Metabolite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolite nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17021 Protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D013205 Staphylococcal Protein A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym protein nmdc obo
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FailureWhereEnum#Extraction Extraction skos:closeMatch NCIT:C61575 Extraction semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label extraction nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25586 New semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch NCIT:C9445 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#none none skos:closeMatch NCIT:C41132 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label none nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch NCIT:C157010 Paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#stone stone skos:closeMatch NCIT:C35708 Stone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stone nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#Daily Daily skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25473 Daily semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label daily nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#Monthly Monthly skos:closeMatch NCIT:C64498 Monthly semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label monthly nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#Weekly Weekly skos:closeMatch NCIT:C67069 Weekly semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label weekly nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:FurnitureEnum#chair chair skos:closeMatch NCIT:C122026 Chair semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chair nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch NCIT:C16576 Female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch NCIT:C20197 Male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch GO:0034005 germacrene-A synthase activity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym gas nmdc GO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Gas Gas skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45299 Gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch NCIT:C66934 Oil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45851 East semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45849 North semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45850 South semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HeatDelivLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45852 West semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch NCIT:C16576 Female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#hermaphrodite hermaphrodite skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45909 Hermaphrodite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hermaphrodite nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch NCIT:C20197 Male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#transgender transgender skos:closeMatch NCIT:C154421 Transgender semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label transgender nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:IndoorSpaceEnum#kitchen kitchen skos:closeMatch NCIT:C86562 Kitchen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label kitchen nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#door door skos:closeMatch NCIT:C48950 Door semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label door nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#wall wall skos:closeMatch NCIT:C64373 Wall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wall nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#window window skos:closeMatch NCIT:C48051 Window semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label window nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#window window skos:closeMatch NCIT:C48921 Window semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label window nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25586 New semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch NCIT:C9445 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:JgiContTypeEnum#tube tube skos:closeMatch NCIT:C41277 Tube semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tube nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch NCIT:C449 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:LightTypeEnum#none none skos:closeMatch NCIT:C41132 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label none nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D003031 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym coal nmdc obo
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D003031 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc obo
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Diatomite Diatomite skos:closeMatch CHEBI:82661 diatomaceous earth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym diatomite nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:MassAnalyzerEnum#quadrupole quadrupole skos:closeMatch NCIT:C70689 Quadrupole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label quadrupole nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:MassSpectrometryEnum#lipidome lipidome skos:closeMatch NCIT:C153197 Lipidome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipidome nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:MassSpectrometryEnum#metabolome metabolome skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D055442 Metabolome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metabolome nmdc obo
-nmdc:MassSpectrometryEnum#metabolome metabolome skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D055442 Metabolome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolome nmdc obo
-nmdc:MassSpectrumCollectionModeEnum#centroid centroid skos:closeMatch NCIT:C47930 Centroid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label centroid nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#car car skos:closeMatch GO:0005826 actomyosin contractile ring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym car nmdc GO
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#coach coach skos:closeMatch NCIT:C157483 Coach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coach nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:NucleotideSequencingEnum#metagenome metagenome skos:closeMatch NCIT:C153196 Metagenome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenome nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:NucleotideSequencingEnum#metagenome metagenome skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D054892 Metagenome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym metagenome nmdc obo
-nmdc:NucleotideSequencingEnum#metagenome metagenome skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D054892 Metagenome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenome nmdc obo
-nmdc:OccupDocumentEnum#automated+count automated count skos:closeMatch NCIT:C154794 Automated Count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label automated count nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:OccupDocumentEnum#estimate estimate skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25498 Estimate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label estimate nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:OccupDocumentEnum#manual+count manual count skos:closeMatch NCIT:C154795 Manual Count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label count manual nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#ATP ATP skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D000255 Adenosine Triphosphate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym atp nmdc obo
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#aerobic aerobic skos:closeMatch NCIT:C28341 Aerobic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aerobic nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#anaerobic anaerobic skos:closeMatch NCIT:C103137 Anaerobic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label anaerobic nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch NCIT:C54214 Pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pathway nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#peat+moss peat moss skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D044003 Sphagnopsida semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym moss peat nmdc obo
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012987 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym soil nmdc obo
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012987 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc obo
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch NCIT:C65147 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym water nmdc obo
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc obo
-nmdc:PlantSexEnum#Polygamous Polygamous skos:closeMatch NCIT:C76242 Polygamous semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label polygamous nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:PolarityModeEnum#negative negative skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25247 Negative semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label negative nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:PolarityModeEnum#positive positive skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25246 Positive semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label positive nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ProfilePositionEnum#shoulder shoulder skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25203 Shoulder semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shoulder nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D000431 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym ethanol nmdc obo
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D000431 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc obo
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#TE TE skos:closeMatch CHEBI:74857 Thr-Glu semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym te nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch NCIT:C65147 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym water nmdc obo
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc obo
-nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#high high skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25227 High semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label high nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#low low skos:closeMatch NCIT:C54722 Low semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label low nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#new new skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25586 New semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch NCIT:C9445 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:RoomConnectedEnum#kitchen kitchen skos:closeMatch NCIT:C86562 Kitchen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label kitchen nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:RoomSampPosEnum#center center skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25445 Center semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label center nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:RoomTypeEnum#kitchen kitchen skos:closeMatch NCIT:C86562 Kitchen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label kitchen nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#separator separator skos:closeMatch NCIT:C63363 Separator semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label separator nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#well well skos:closeMatch NCIT:C182125 Well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#well well skos:closeMatch NCIT:C70592 Well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#infection infection skos:closeMatch NCIT:C128320 Infection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label infection nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#inoculation inoculation skos:closeMatch NCIT:C68774 Inoculation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label inoculation nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#penetration penetration skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25612 Penetration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label penetration nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#DF DF skos:closeMatch CHEBI:73830 Asp-Phe semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym df nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#RT RT skos:closeMatch GO:0003964 RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym rt nmdc GO
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#biofilm biofilm skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D018441 Biofilms semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym biofilm nmdc obo
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#not+applicable not applicable skos:closeMatch NCIT:C48660 Not Applicable semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label applicable not nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#rain rain skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D011891 Rain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym rain nmdc obo
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#rain rain skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D011891 Rain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rain nmdc obo
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012914 Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym snow nmdc obo
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012914 Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow nmdc obo
-nmdc:SamplePortionEnum#supernatant supernatant skos:closeMatch NCIT:C106485 Supernatant semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label supernatant nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch GO:0034005 germacrene-A synthase activity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym gas nmdc GO
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#gas gas skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45299 Gas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gas nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#liquid liquid skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45298 Liquid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label liquid nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampleStateEnum#solid solid skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45300 Solid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label solid nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#sediment sediment skos:closeMatch NCIT:C113677 Sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012987 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym soil nmdc obo
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012987 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc obo
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch NCIT:C65147 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym water nmdc obo
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc obo
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Fall Fall skos:closeMatch NCIT:C50558 Fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fall nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Spring Spring skos:closeMatch NCIT:C94731 Spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Summer Summer skos:closeMatch NCIT:C94732 Summer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label summer nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Winter Winter skos:closeMatch NCIT:C94730 Winter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label winter nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SeparationMethodEnum#syringe syringe skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43202 Syringe semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label syringe nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25586 New semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch NCIT:C9445 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:Site Site skos:closeMatch NCIT:C37901 Site semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label site nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D065946 Permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym permafrost nmdc obo
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D065946 Permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permafrost nmdc obo
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#design design skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43358 Design semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label design nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SpecificEnum#operation operation skos:closeMatch NCIT:C88213 Operation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label operation nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D003031 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym coal nmdc obo
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D003031 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc obo
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch NCIT:C17649 Other semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label other nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#C2 C2 skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30083 dicarbon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym c2 nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#CN CN skos:closeMatch CHEBI:33417 diamond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cn nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#CN CN skos:closeMatch CHEBI:33418 graphite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cn nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#CN CN skos:closeMatch CHEBI:33517 copernicium atom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cn nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#CNT CNT skos:closeMatch CHEBI:50594 carbon nanotube semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cnt nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Diol Diol skos:closeMatch CHEBI:8387 Pregnanediol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym diol nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Phenyl Phenyl skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30396 phenyl group semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym phenyl nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Polysiloxane Polysiloxane skos:closeMatch CHEBI:48140 silicone macromolecule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym polysiloxane nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Polysiloxane Polysiloxane skos:closeMatch CHEBI:59830 polysiloxane macromolecule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym polysiloxane nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Polysiloxane Polysiloxane skos:closeMatch CHEBI:61458 polysiloxane polymer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym polysiloxane nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Polysiloxane Polysiloxane skos:closeMatch CHEBI:61459 silicone polymer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym polysiloxane nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Polysiloxane Polysiloxane skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012833 Siloxanes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym polysiloxane nmdc obo
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Silica Silica skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D012822 Silicon Dioxide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym silica nmdc obo
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#WAX WAX skos:closeMatch CHEBI:73702 wax semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wax nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StatusEnum#pass pass skos:closeMatch NCIT:C81275 Pass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pass nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:StrandedOrientationEnum#antisense+orientation antisense orientation skos:closeMatch NCIT:C63551 Antisense Orientation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label antisense orientation nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:StrandedOrientationEnum#sense+orientation sense orientation skos:closeMatch NCIT:C63550 Sense Orientation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orientation sense nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:StudyCategoryEnum#consortium consortium skos:closeMatch NCIT:C61538 Consortium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label consortium nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#dust dust skos:closeMatch NCIT:C84281 Dust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dust nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#dust dust skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D004391 Dust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym dust nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#dust dust skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D004391 Dust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dust nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#particulate+matter particulate matter skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D052638 Particulate Matter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym matter particulate nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#particulate+matter particulate matter skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D052638 Particulate Matter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label matter particulate nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#radon radon skos:closeMatch NCIT:C800 Radon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label radon nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#radon radon skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D011886 Radon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym radon nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#radon radon skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D011886 Radon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label radon nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#volatile+organic+compounds volatile organic compounds skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D055549 Volatile Organic Compounds semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym compounds organic volatile nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#volatile+organic+compounds volatile organic compounds skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D055549 Volatile Organic Compounds semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label compounds organic volatile nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch CHEBI:131189 glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glass nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45301 Glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glass nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch NCIT:C66821 Glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glass nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch NCIT:C637 Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch NCIT:C157010 Paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#plastic plastic skos:closeMatch NCIT:C86968 Plastic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label plastic nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stainless+steel stainless steel skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D013193 Stainless Steel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym stainless steel nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stainless+steel stainless steel skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D013193 Stainless Steel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stainless steel nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stone stone skos:closeMatch NCIT:C35708 Stone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stone nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#vinyl vinyl skos:closeMatch CHEBI:37603 vinyl group semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym vinyl nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch NCIT:C93062 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:TillageEnum#drill drill skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:9568 Mandrillus leucophaeus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym drill nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#green green skos:closeMatch NCIT:C48329 Green semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label green nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#orange orange skos:closeMatch NCIT:C48331 Orange semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orange nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#orange orange skos:closeMatch NCIT:C65208 Orange semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orange nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#red red skos:closeMatch NCIT:C48326 Red semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label red nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:TrainStopLocEnum#end end skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25496 End semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch NCIT:C637 Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch NCIT:C93062 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45851 East semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45849 North semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45850 South semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WallLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45852 West semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WallSurfTreatmentEnum#fabric fabric skos:closeMatch NCIT:C172796 Fabric semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fabric nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#popcorn popcorn skos:closeMatch NCIT:C71946 Popcorn semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label popcorn nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WallTextureEnum#smooth smooth skos:closeMatch NCIT:C82334 Smooth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label smooth nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WaterFeatTypeEnum#pool pool skos:closeMatch NCIT:C68779 Pool semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pool nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Friday Friday skos:closeMatch NCIT:C64966 Friday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label friday nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Monday Monday skos:closeMatch NCIT:C64962 Monday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label monday nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Saturday Saturday skos:closeMatch NCIT:C64967 Saturday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label saturday nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Sunday Sunday skos:closeMatch NCIT:C64968 Sunday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sunday nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Thursday Thursday skos:closeMatch NCIT:C64965 Thursday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label thursday nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Tuesday Tuesday skos:closeMatch NCIT:C64963 Tuesday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tuesday nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WeekdayEnum#Wednesday Wednesday skos:closeMatch NCIT:C64964 Wednesday semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wednesday nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#new new skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25586 New semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label new nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch NCIT:C9445 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowCoverEnum#none none skos:closeMatch NCIT:C41132 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label none nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#left left skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25229 Left semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label left nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#middle middle skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25569 Middle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label middle nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#right right skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25228 Right semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label right nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#east east skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45851 East semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label east nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#north north skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45849 North semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label north nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#south south skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45850 South semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label south nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowLocEnum#west west skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45852 West semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label west nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch NCIT:C637 Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#vinyl vinyl skos:closeMatch CHEBI:37603 vinyl group semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym vinyl nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch NCIT:C93062 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc obo
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#bottom bottom skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25440 Bottom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bottom nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#high high skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25227 High semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label high nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#low low skos:closeMatch NCIT:C54722 Low semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label low nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#middle middle skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25569 Middle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label middle nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#top top skos:closeMatch NCIT:C62637 Top semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label top nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:YesNoEnum#no no skos:closeMatch CHEBI:33396 nobelium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym no nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:YesNoEnum#no no skos:closeMatch NCIT:C49487 No semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label no nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:YesNoEnum#yes yes skos:closeMatch NCIT:C49488 Yes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label yes nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:attribute_values/:term term skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25703 Term semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label term nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:attribute_values/:term term skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45559 Term semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label term nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Protocol Protocol skos:closeMatch NCIT:C42651 Protocol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protocol nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch NCIT:C41198 Investigation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:study nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch NCIT:C63536 Study semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label study nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:definition definition skos:closeMatch NCIT:C42777 Definition semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label definition nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:definition definition skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43680 DEFINITION semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label definition nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:definition definition skos:closeMatch NCIT:P97 DEFINITION semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label definition nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch NCIT:C16866 Model semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43383 Model semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:object object skos:closeMatch NCIT:C45281 Object semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label object nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:subject subject skos:closeMatch NCIT:C48910 Subject semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label subject nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:basic_classes/:vendor vendor skos:closeMatch NCIT:C68608 Vendor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vendor nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:chemical_formula chemical_formula skos:closeMatch NCIT:C68604 Chemical_Formula semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chemical_formula nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:chemical_formula chemical_formula skos:closeMatch NCIT:P350 Chemical_Formula semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chemical_formula nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:community community skos:closeMatch NCIT:C16453 Community semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label community nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch NCIT:C41185 Concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concentration nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:contamination contamination skos:closeMatch NCIT:C68768 Contamination semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label contamination nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25463 Count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label count nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:description description skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25365 Description semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label description nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:description description skos:closeMatch dcterms:description description semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label description nmdc dcterms
-nmdc:doi_provider doi_provider skos:closeMatch NCIT:C74932 Registration Authority semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:doi_provider nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D017753 Ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym ecosystem nmdc obo
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D017753 Ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ecosystem nmdc obo
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25496 End semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:extraction_targets extraction_targets skos:closeMatch NCIT:C177560 Nucleic Acid Extraction Method semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:narrowMatch-INVERSE nmdc:extraction_targets nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:funding_sources funding_sources skos:closeMatch NCIT:C39409 Funding Agency semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch-INVERSE nmdc:funding_sources nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:gtdbtk_class gtdbtk_class skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:class class semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:gtdbtk_class nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:gtdbtk_domain gtdbtk_domain skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:superkingdom superkingdom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:gtdbtk_domain nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:gtdbtk_family gtdbtk_family skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:family family semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:gtdbtk_family nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:gtdbtk_genus gtdbtk_genus skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:genus genus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:gtdbtk_genus nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:gtdbtk_order gtdbtk_order skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:order order semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:gtdbtk_order nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:gtdbtk_phylum gtdbtk_phylum skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:phylum phylum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:gtdbtk_phylum nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:gtdbtk_species gtdbtk_species skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:species species semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:gtdbtk_species nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch CHEBI:141439 Ile-Asp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym id nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch NCIT:C16779 Language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label language nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:latitude latitude skos:closeMatch NCIT:C68642 Latitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label latitude nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25341 Location semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:longitude longitude skos:closeMatch NCIT:C68643 Longitude semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label longitude nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch CHEBI:35154 manganese(0) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym manganese nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch NCIT:C624 Manganese semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label manganese nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D008345 Manganese semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym manganese nmdc obo
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D008345 Manganese semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label manganese nmdc obo
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch NCIT:C34808 Mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mass nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43246 Mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mass nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch TO:0000746 subterranean shoot axis tuber mass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch oio:hasDbXref pato:0000125 nmdc TO
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch TO:0000922 cob weight semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch oio:hasDbXref pato:0000125 nmdc TO
-nmdc:mass mass skos:closeMatch TO:0000923 ear weight semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch oio:hasDbXref pato:0000125 nmdc TO
-nmdc:name name skos:closeMatch NCIT:C42614 Name semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label name nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:num_16s num_16s skos:closeMatch NCIT:C105370 Bacterial 16S RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:num_16s nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:num_t_rna num_t_rna skos:closeMatch NCIT:C816 Transfer RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:num_t_rna nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:objective objective skos:closeMatch NCIT:C49155 Objective semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label objective nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:objective objective skos:closeMatch NCIT:C88181 Objective semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label objective nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:phase phase skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25257 Phase semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label phase nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:subject subject skos:closeMatch NCIT:C48910 Subject semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label subject nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25206 Temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D013696 Temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym temperature nmdc obo
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D013696 Temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc obo
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch NCIT:C19067 Title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label title nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch NCIT:C42774 Title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label title nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch dcterms:title title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:title nmdc dcterms
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch dcterms:title title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label title nmdc dcterms
-nmdc:type type skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25284 Type semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label type nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:value value skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25712 Value semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label value nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:version version skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25714 Version semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label version nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:volume volume skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25335 Volume semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volume nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:volume volume skos:closeMatch NCIT:C43320 Volume semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volume nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch CHEBI:30185 zinc(0) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym zinc nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch NCIT:C948 Zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label zinc nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D015032 Zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym zinc nmdc obo
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch obo:MESH_D015032 Zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label zinc nmdc obo
-mixs:tillage tillage skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000002 tillage process semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym tillage mixs AGRO
-mixs:tillage tillage skos:closeMatch AGRO:01000015 tillage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tillage mixs AGRO
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#CN CN skos:closeMatch CHEBI:36826 isocyano group semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cn nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#CN CN skos:closeMatch CHEBI:48819 cyano group semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cn nmdc CHEBI
-mixs:address address skos:closeMatch biolink:address address semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label address mixs biolink
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#building building skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5572 Engineered > Built environment > Building semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym building nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:ArchStrucEnum#building building skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Building Building semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label building nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4306 Engineered > Bioremediation > Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym metal nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Metal Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#rock rock skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rock Rock semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rock nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4203 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym sand nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sand Sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#swamp swamp skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4182 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Wetlands > Swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym swamp nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#swamp swamp skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Swamp Swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label swamp nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5562 Engineered > Built environment > Canal > Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym water nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4306 Engineered > Bioremediation > Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym metal nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Metal Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4306 Engineered > Bioremediation > Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym metal nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:DoorTypeEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Metal Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5426 Environmental > Terrestrial > Oil reservoir > Oil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym oil nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil Oil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:HcrEnum#Oil+Reservoir Oil Reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4194 Environmental > Terrestrial > Oil reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym oil reservoir nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:HcrEnum#Oil+Reservoir Oil Reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil-reservoir Oil reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil reservoir nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#wall wall skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4822 Environmental > Terrestrial > Cave > Wall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym wall nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:IndoorSurfEnum#wall wall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wall Wall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wall nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Coal Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Volcanic Volcanic skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Volcanic Volcanic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volcanic nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#subway subway skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4396 Engineered > Built environment > City > Subway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym subway nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#subway subway skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Subway Subway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label subway nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#aerobic aerobic skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Aerobic Aerobic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aerobic nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#anaerobic anaerobic skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4442 Engineered > Bioreactor > Anaerobic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym anaerobic nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#anaerobic anaerobic skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Anaerobic Anaerobic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label anaerobic nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#peat+moss peat moss skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4433 Host-associated > Plants > Peat moss semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym moss peat nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#peat+moss peat moss skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Peat-moss Peat moss semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label moss peat nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4203 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym sand nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#sand sand skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sand Sand semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sand nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Soil Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5562 Engineered > Built environment > Canal > Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym water nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5562 Engineered > Built environment > Canal > Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym water nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#biofilm biofilm skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Biofilm Biofilm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biofilm nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5544 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice > Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym snow nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Snow Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#sediment sediment skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sediment Sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Soil Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5562 Engineered > Built environment > Canal > Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym water nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Spring Spring skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Spring Spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Permafrost Permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permafrost nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#Marine Marine skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4003 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym marine nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#Marine Marine skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marine Marine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label marine nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Carbonate Carbonate skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:3969 Environmental > Aquatic > Non-marine Saline and Alkaline > Alkaline > Carbonate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym carbonate nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Carbonate Carbonate skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Carbonate Carbonate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label carbonate nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Coal Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#dust dust skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Dust Dust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dust nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4306 Engineered > Bioremediation > Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym metal nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Metal Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4306 Engineered > Bioremediation > Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym metal nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Metal Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4306 Engineered > Bioremediation > Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym metal nmdc GOLDTERMS
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#metal metal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Metal Metal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metal nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc GOLDVOCAB
-mixs:api api skos:closeMatch MS:1000240 atmospheric pressure ionization semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym api mixs MS
-mixs:reservoir reservoir skos:closeMatch MS:1000067 reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir mixs MS
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#bottom bottom skos:closeMatch OBIws:0000144 bottom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bottom nmdc OBIws
-nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#high high skos:closeMatch OBIws:0000153 high semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label high nmdc OBIws
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#high high skos:closeMatch OBIws:0000153 high semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label high nmdc OBIws
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#top top skos:closeMatch OBIws:0000160 top semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label top nmdc OBIws
-nmdc:ResolutionCategoryEnum#low low skos:closeMatch OBIws:0000162 low semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label low nmdc OBIws
-nmdc:WindowVertPosEnum#low low skos:closeMatch OBIws:0000162 low semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label low nmdc OBIws
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch OMRSE:00002069 language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label language nmdc OMRSE
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch PW:0000001 pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pathway nmdc PW
-nmdc:DoiProviderEnum#gsc gsc skos:closeMatch MMO:0000470 gas-solid chromatography semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym gsc nmdc MMO
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceTypeEnum#tree tree skos:closeMatch CDAO:0000110 Tree semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tree nmdc CDAO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch PR:000050567 protein-containing material entity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym protein nmdc PR
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#biofilm biofilm skos:closeMatch BTO:0002690 biofilm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biofilm nmdc BTO
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#cork cork skos:closeMatch BTO:0003378 phellem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cork nmdc BTO
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch BTO:0003809 soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc BTO
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch BTO:0003809 soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc BTO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch BTO:0005373 oil secretion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym oil nmdc BTO
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch BTO:0005516 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc BTO
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch BTO:0005516 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc BTO
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch BTO:0005516 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc BTO
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch BTO:0005516 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc BTO
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch BTO:0005516 wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc BTO
-nmdc:DrawingsEnum#diagram diagram skos:closeMatch FBbi:00000033 diagram semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label diagram nmdc FBbi
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002006 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002006 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002006 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch ENVO:00002006 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc ENVO
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#PVC PVC skos:closeMatch MP:0009732 ventricular premature beat semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pvc nmdc MP
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#PVC PVC skos:closeMatch MP:0010018 pulmonary vascular congestion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym pvc nmdc MP
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#left left skos:closeMatch BSPO:0000000 left side semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym left nmdc BSPO
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#right right skos:closeMatch BSPO:0000007 right side semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym right nmdc BSPO
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#left left skos:closeMatch BSPO:0000110 left of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label left nmdc BSPO
-nmdc:WindowHorizPosEnum#right right skos:closeMatch BSPO:0000111 right of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label right nmdc BSPO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:DataGeneration DataGeneration skos:closeMatch OBI:0000070 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:datageneration nmdc OBI
-nmdc:MechStrucEnum#car car skos:closeMatch ARO:0000043 carbenicillin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym car nmdc ARO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch ARO:3000738 deoxyribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym dna nmdc ARO
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch ARO:3000738 deoxyribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym dna nmdc ARO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch ARO:3000740 ribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym rna nmdc ARO
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch ARO:3000740 ribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym rna nmdc ARO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:part_of part_of skos:closeMatch RO:#part_of part_of semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label part_of nmdc RO
-nmdc:Configuration Configuration skos:closeMatch OGMS:0000039 configuration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label configuration nmdc OGMS
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#mutant mutant skos:closeMatch GENO:0000480 mutant semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mutant nmdc GENO
-nmdc:TrainStopLocEnum#end end skos:closeMatch faldo:end end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc faldo
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch faldo:end end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc faldo
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch faldo:location location semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc faldo
-nmdc:location location skos:closeMatch ExO:0000017 location semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label location nmdc ExO
-nmdc:duration duration skos:closeMatch ExO:0000054 duration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label duration nmdc ExO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:model model skos:closeMatch ExO:0000072 model semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label model nmdc ExO
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch ExO:0000111 female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc ExO
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch ExO:0000111 female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc ExO
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch ExO:0000112 male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc ExO
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch ExO:0000112 male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc ExO
-nmdc:DeposEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:FailureWhatEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:FreqCleanEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:HcrEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:HcrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:OxyStatSampEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:SampCaptStatusEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:SampCollectPointEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:SampMdEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:SrDepEnvEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:SrGeolAgeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:SrKerogTypeEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#other other skos:closeMatch ExO:0000153 Other Race semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym other nmdc ExO
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#perlite perlite skos:closeMatch MESH:C003076 Perlite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label perlite nmdc MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#vermiculite vermiculite skos:closeMatch MESH:C003760 vermiculite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vermiculite nmdc MESH
-mixs:ethylbenzene ethylbenzene skos:closeMatch MESH:C004912 ethylbenzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethylbenzene mixs MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#pumice pumice skos:closeMatch MESH:C005144 pumice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pumice nmdc MESH
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Bitumen Bitumen skos:closeMatch MESH:C006647 asphalt semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym bitumen nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch MESH:C009753 fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch MESH:C009753 fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc MESH
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch MESH:C009753 fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc MESH
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch MESH:C032081 chlorophyll a semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs MESH
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Diatomite Diatomite skos:closeMatch MESH:C033787 diatomite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label diatomite nmdc MESH
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#C18 C18 skos:closeMatch MESH:C18 C18 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label c18 nmdc MESH
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch MESH:C482522 Oil A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil nmdc MESH
-nmdc:OrganismCountEnum#ATP ATP skos:closeMatch MESH:D000255 Adenosine Triphosphate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym atp nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch MESH:D000431 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc MESH
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch MESH:D000431 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CalibrationStandardEnum#alkanes alkanes skos:closeMatch MESH:D000473 Alkanes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label alkanes nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch MESH:D000535 Aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc MESH
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch MESH:D001554 Benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label benzene mixs MESH
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch MESH:D002118 Calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs MESH
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch MESH:D002734 Chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs MESH
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#cities cities skos:closeMatch MESH:D002947 Cities semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cities nmdc MESH
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch MESH:D003031 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch MESH:D003031 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch MESH:D004247 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc MESH
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch MESH:D004247 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#dust dust skos:closeMatch MESH:D004391 Dust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dust nmdc MESH
-mixs:emulsions emulsions skos:closeMatch MESH:D004655 Emulsions semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label emulsions mixs MESH
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch MESH:D005260 Female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc MESH
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch MESH:D005260 Female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch MESH:D005898 Glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glass nmdc MESH
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch MESH:D006813 Humidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label humidity mixs MESH
-mixs:ph ph skos:closeMatch MESH:D006863 Hydrogen-Ion Concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym ph mixs MESH
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch MESH:D007060 Id semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label id nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#infection infection skos:closeMatch MESH:D007239 Infection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label infection nmdc MESH
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch MESH:D007802 Language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label language nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch MESH:D008050 Lipid A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipid nmdc MESH
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch MESH:D008274 Magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magnesium mixs MESH
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch MESH:D008297 Male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc MESH
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch MESH:D008297 Male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc MESH
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch MESH:D008345 Manganese semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label manganese nmdc MESH
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch MESH:D008697 Methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methane mixs MESH
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch MESH:D010100 Oxygen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oxygen mixs MESH
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch MESH:D010150 Paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch MESH:D010150 Paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc MESH
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch MESH:D010539 Permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs MESH
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#PVC PVC skos:closeMatch MESH:D011143 Polyvinyl Chloride semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym pvc nmdc MESH
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch MESH:D011188 Potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label potassium mixs MESH
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch MESH:D011312 Pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#radon radon skos:closeMatch MESH:D011886 Radon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label radon nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#rain rain skos:closeMatch MESH:D011891 Rain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rain nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch MESH:D012313 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc MESH
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch MESH:D012313 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:D012421 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:D012421 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:D012421 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:D012421 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:D012421 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:D012421 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:D012421 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ProfilePositionEnum#shoulder shoulder skos:closeMatch MESH:D012782 Shoulder semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shoulder nmdc MESH
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Silica Silica skos:closeMatch MESH:D012822 Silicon Dioxide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym silica nmdc MESH
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#Polysiloxane Polysiloxane skos:closeMatch MESH:D012833 Siloxanes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym polysiloxane nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch MESH:D012914 Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow nmdc MESH
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch MESH:D012964 Sodium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sodium mixs MESH
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Software Software skos:closeMatch MESH:D012984 Software semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label software nmdc MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch MESH:D012987 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch MESH:D012987 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stainless+steel stainless steel skos:closeMatch MESH:D013193 Stainless Steel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stainless steel nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch MESH:D013205 Staphylococcal Protein A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym protein nmdc MESH
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch MESH:D013696 Temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc MESH
-mixs:toluene toluene skos:closeMatch MESH:D014050 Toluene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label toluene mixs MESH
-mixs:tan tan skos:closeMatch MESH:D014216 Triacetoneamine-N-Oxyl semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym tan mixs MESH
-mixs:viscosity viscosity skos:closeMatch MESH:D014783 Viscosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label viscosity mixs MESH
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch MESH:D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch MESH:D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc MESH
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch MESH:D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch MESH:D014867 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:D014934 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch MESH:D015032 Zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label zinc nmdc MESH
-mixs:porosity porosity skos:closeMatch MESH:D016062 Porosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label porosity mixs MESH
-mixs:silicate silicate skos:closeMatch MESH:D017640 Silicates semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym silicate mixs MESH
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch MESH:D017753 Ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ecosystem nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampSubtypeEnum#biofilm biofilm skos:closeMatch MESH:D018441 Biofilms semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym biofilm nmdc MESH
-mixs:biomass biomass skos:closeMatch MESH:D018533 Biomass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biomass mixs MESH
-nmdc:Database Database skos:closeMatch MESH:D019991 Database semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label database nmdc MESH
-mixs:gravidity gravidity skos:closeMatch MESH:D020073 Gravidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravidity mixs MESH
-mixs:drawings drawings skos:closeMatch MESH:D020472 Drawings semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label drawings mixs MESH
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#conifers conifers skos:closeMatch MESH:D032482 Coniferophyta semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym conifers nmdc MESH
-nmdc:email email skos:closeMatch MESH:D034742 Electronic Mail semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym email nmdc MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#peat+moss peat moss skos:closeMatch MESH:D044003 Sphagnopsida semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym moss peat nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#particulate+matter particulate matter skos:closeMatch MESH:D052638 Particulate Matter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label matter particulate nmdc MESH
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch MESH:D054712 Salinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label salinity mixs MESH
-nmdc:NucleotideSequencingEnum#metagenome metagenome skos:closeMatch MESH:D054892 Metagenome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenome nmdc MESH
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metabolomics metabolomics skos:closeMatch MESH:D055432 Metabolomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolomics nmdc MESH
-nmdc:MassSpectrometryEnum#metabolome metabolome skos:closeMatch MESH:D055442 Metabolome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolome nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#volatile+organic+compounds volatile organic compounds skos:closeMatch MESH:D055549 Volatile Organic Compounds semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label compounds organic volatile nmdc MESH
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metagenomics metagenomics skos:closeMatch MESH:D056186 Metagenomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomics nmdc MESH
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#airport airport skos:closeMatch MESH:D059028 Airports semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym airport nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#tundra tundra skos:closeMatch MESH:D065929 Tundra semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tundra nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch MESH:D065946 Permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permafrost nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#rainforest rainforest skos:closeMatch MESH:D065947 Rainforest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rainforest nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#meadows meadows skos:closeMatch MESH:D065948 Grassland semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym meadows nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Data+curation Data curation skos:closeMatch MESH:D066289 Data Curation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label curation data nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch MESH:M0000653 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc MESH
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Ethanol Ethanol skos:closeMatch MESH:M0000653 Ethanol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethanol nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CalibrationStandardEnum#alkanes alkanes skos:closeMatch MESH:M0000716 Alkanes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label alkanes nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#aluminum aluminum skos:closeMatch MESH:M0000824 Aluminum semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aluminum nmdc MESH
-mixs:ammonium ammonium skos:closeMatch MESH:M0000984 Ammonium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ammonium mixs MESH
-nmdc:concentration concentration skos:closeMatch MESH:M0001942 Concentration semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label concentration nmdc MESH
-mixs:benzene benzene skos:closeMatch MESH:M0002332 Benzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label benzene mixs MESH
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch MESH:M0003153 Calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs MESH
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Chalk Chalk skos:closeMatch MESH:M0003159 Chalk semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chalk nmdc MESH
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Limestone Limestone skos:closeMatch MESH:M0003160 Limestone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label limestone nmdc MESH
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch MESH:M0004175 Chlorophyll semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs MESH
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#cities cities skos:closeMatch MESH:M0004511 Cities semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cities nmdc MESH
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch MESH:M0004658 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SrLithologyEnum#Coal Coal skos:closeMatch MESH:M0004658 Coal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coal nmdc MESH
-nmdc:BuildOccupTypeEnum#health+care health care skos:closeMatch MESH:M0005783 Health Care semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label care health nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch MESH:M0006644 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc MESH
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch MESH:M0006644 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#dust dust skos:closeMatch MESH:M0006895 Dust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dust nmdc MESH
-mixs:emulsions emulsions skos:closeMatch MESH:M0007329 Emulsions semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label emulsions mixs MESH
-nmdc:VisMediaEnum#equipment equipment skos:closeMatch MESH:M0007625 Equipment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label equipment nmdc MESH
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#female female skos:closeMatch MESH:M0008308 Female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc MESH
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#female female skos:closeMatch MESH:M0008308 Female semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label female nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#glass glass skos:closeMatch MESH:M0009257 Glass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glass nmdc MESH
-mixs:gravity gravity skos:closeMatch MESH:M0009630 Gravity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravity mixs MESH
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Resources Resources skos:closeMatch MESH:M0009893 Resources semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label resources nmdc MESH
-mixs:humidity humidity skos:closeMatch MESH:M0010657 Humidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label humidity mixs MESH
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch MESH:M0010984 Id semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label id nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#infection infection skos:closeMatch MESH:M0011294 Infection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label infection nmdc MESH
-mixs:furniture furniture skos:closeMatch MESH:M0011494 Furniture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label furniture mixs MESH
-nmdc:language language skos:closeMatch MESH:M0012201 Language semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label language nmdc MESH
-nmdc:HandidnessEnum#ambidexterity ambidexterity skos:closeMatch MESH:M0012252 Ambidexterity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ambidexterity nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch MESH:M0012547 Lipid A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipid nmdc MESH
-mixs:magnesium magnesium skos:closeMatch MESH:M0012884 Magnesium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label magnesium mixs MESH
-nmdc:GenderRestroomEnum#male male skos:closeMatch MESH:M0012923 Male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc MESH
-nmdc:HostSexEnum#male male skos:closeMatch MESH:M0012923 Male semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label male nmdc MESH
-nmdc:manganese manganese skos:closeMatch MESH:M0012987 Manganese semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label manganese nmdc MESH
-mixs:methane methane skos:closeMatch MESH:M0013556 Methane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methane mixs MESH
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Supervision Supervision skos:closeMatch MESH:M0015406 Supervision semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label supervision nmdc MESH
-mixs:oxygen oxygen skos:closeMatch MESH:M0015671 Oxygen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oxygen mixs MESH
-nmdc:FloorFinishMatEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch MESH:M0015752 Paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#paint paint skos:closeMatch MESH:M0015752 Paint semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label paint nmdc MESH
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch MESH:M0016368 Permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs MESH
-mixs:potassium potassium skos:closeMatch MESH:M0017374 Potassium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label potassium mixs MESH
-mixs:pressure pressure skos:closeMatch MESH:M0017564 Pressure semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pressure mixs MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#radon radon skos:closeMatch MESH:M0018452 Radon semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label radon nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#rain rain skos:closeMatch MESH:M0018460 Rain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rain nmdc MESH
-nmdc:community community skos:closeMatch MESH:M0018862 Community semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label community nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019139 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc MESH
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019139 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CeilCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019304 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DoorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019304 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:FloorCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019304 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:IntWallCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019304 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:RoomCondtEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019304 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019304 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:WindowCondEnum#rupture rupture skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019304 Rupture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rupture nmdc MESH
-nmdc:ProfilePositionEnum#shoulder shoulder skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019800 Shoulder semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shoulder nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampWeatherEnum#snow snow skos:closeMatch MESH:M0019992 Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow nmdc MESH
-mixs:sodium sodium skos:closeMatch MESH:M0020091 Sodium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sodium mixs MESH
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Software Software skos:closeMatch MESH:M0020123 Software semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label software nmdc MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch MESH:M0020130 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#soil soil skos:closeMatch MESH:M0020130 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#stainless+steel stainless steel skos:closeMatch MESH:M0020409 Stainless Steel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stainless steel nmdc MESH
-nmdc:temperature temperature skos:closeMatch MESH:M0021143 Temperature semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label temperature nmdc MESH
-mixs:toluene toluene skos:closeMatch MESH:M0021638 Toluene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label toluene mixs MESH
-mixs:viscosity viscosity skos:closeMatch MESH:M0022767 Viscosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label viscosity mixs MESH
-nmdc:DNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch MESH:M0022883 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#water water skos:closeMatch MESH:M0022883 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc MESH
-nmdc:RNASampleFormatEnum#Water Water skos:closeMatch MESH:M0022883 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SampleTypeEnum#water water skos:closeMatch MESH:M0022883 Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:M0023004 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:M0023004 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfMaterialEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:M0023004 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-nmdc:WallFinishMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:M0023004 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#wood wood skos:closeMatch MESH:M0023004 Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label wood nmdc MESH
-mixs:xylene xylene skos:closeMatch MESH:M0023073 Xylene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label xylene mixs MESH
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch MESH:M0023131 Zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label zinc nmdc MESH
-mixs:porosity porosity skos:closeMatch MESH:M0024550 Porosity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label porosity mixs MESH
-nmdc:ecosystem ecosystem skos:closeMatch MESH:M0026832 Ecosystem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ecosystem nmdc MESH
-mixs:biomass biomass skos:closeMatch MESH:M0027784 Biomass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biomass mixs MESH
-nmdc:Database Database skos:closeMatch MESH:M0029699 Database semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label database nmdc MESH
-mixs:gravidity gravidity skos:closeMatch MESH:M0029781 Gravidity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gravidity mixs MESH
-mixs:drawings drawings skos:closeMatch MESH:M0030143 Drawings semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label drawings mixs MESH
-nmdc:VisMediaEnum#equipment equipment skos:closeMatch MESH:M0030491 equipment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label equipment nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Methodology Methodology skos:closeMatch MESH:M0030585 methodology semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label methodology nmdc MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#perlite perlite skos:closeMatch MESH:M0044017 Perlite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label perlite nmdc MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#vermiculite vermiculite skos:closeMatch MESH:M0044865 vermiculite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vermiculite nmdc MESH
-mixs:ethylbenzene ethylbenzene skos:closeMatch MESH:M0046113 ethylbenzene semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ethylbenzene mixs MESH
-nmdc:PlantGrowthMedEnum#pumice pumice skos:closeMatch MESH:M0046470 pumice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pumice nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CeilFinishMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch MESH:M0054716 fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc MESH
-nmdc:DoorMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch MESH:M0054716 fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc MESH
-nmdc:WindowMatEnum#fiberglass fiberglass skos:closeMatch MESH:M0054716 fiberglass semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fiberglass nmdc MESH
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Dolomite Dolomite skos:closeMatch MESH:M0090661 dolomite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dolomite nmdc MESH
-mixs:chlorophyll chlorophyll skos:closeMatch MESH:M0100328 chlorophyll a semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label chlorophyll mixs MESH
-nmdc:LithologyEnum#Diatomite Diatomite skos:closeMatch MESH:M0104605 diatomite semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label diatomite nmdc MESH
-nmdc:habitat habitat skos:closeMatch MESH:M0364174 Habitat semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label habitat nmdc MESH
-nmdc:TillageEnum#drill drill skos:closeMatch MESH:M0461613 Drill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label drill nmdc MESH
-nmdc:HcProducedEnum#Oil Oil skos:closeMatch MESH:M0462172 Oil A semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#particulate+matter particulate matter skos:closeMatch MESH:M0488311 Particulate Matter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label matter particulate nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#nutrients nutrients skos:closeMatch MESH:M0490255 Nutrients semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nutrients nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#biocides biocides skos:closeMatch MESH:M0491964 Biocides semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biocides nmdc MESH
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metabolomics metabolomics skos:closeMatch MESH:M0507104 Metabolomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolomics nmdc MESH
-mixs:salinity salinity skos:closeMatch MESH:M0507110 Salinity semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label salinity mixs MESH
-nmdc:MassSpectrometryEnum#metabolome metabolome skos:closeMatch MESH:M0517681 Metabolome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metabolome nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SurfAirContEnum#volatile+organic+compounds volatile organic compounds skos:closeMatch MESH:M0518399 Volatile Organic Compounds semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label compounds organic volatile nmdc MESH
-nmdc:NucleotideSequencingEnum#metagenome metagenome skos:closeMatch MESH:M0523956 Metagenome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenome nmdc MESH
-nmdc:AnalysisTypeEnum#metagenomics metagenomics skos:closeMatch MESH:M0526409 Metagenomics semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label metagenomics nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#rainforest rainforest skos:closeMatch MESH:M0591801 Rainforest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rainforest nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CurLandUseEnum#tundra tundra skos:closeMatch MESH:M0591816 Tundra semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tundra nmdc MESH
-nmdc:SoilHorizonEnum#Permafrost Permafrost skos:closeMatch MESH:M0591856 Permafrost semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permafrost nmdc MESH
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Data+curation Data curation skos:closeMatch MESH:M0593692 Data Curation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label curation data nmdc MESH
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#orange orange skos:closeMatch FOODON:03309832 orange (raw) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym orange nmdc FOODON
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#orange orange skos:closeMatch FOODON:03315106 orange semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label orange nmdc FOODON
-nmdc:JgiContTypeEnum#tube tube skos:closeMatch FOODON:03490200 tube semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tube nmdc FOODON
-nmdc:WallSurfTreatmentEnum#fabric fabric skos:closeMatch FOODON:03500045 food-grade textile surface semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym fabric nmdc FOODON
-nmdc:SeasonUseEnum#Spring Spring skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:74940 Oncorhynchus tshawytscha semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym spring nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:TrainLineEnum#red red skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:8023 Oncorhynchus nerka semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym red nmdc NCBITaxon
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#infection infection skos:closeMatch MONDO:0005550 infectious disease semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym infection nmdc MONDO
-nmdc:id id skos:closeMatch MONDO:0005550 infectious disease semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym id nmdc MONDO
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch STATO:0000047 count semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label count nmdc STATO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#lipid lipid skos:closeMatch BAO:0000171 lipid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lipid nmdc BAO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch BAO:0000175 protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc BAO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch BAO:0000269 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc BAO
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch BAO:0000269 DNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dna nmdc BAO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch BAO:0000270 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc BAO
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch BAO:0000270 RNA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rna nmdc BAO
-mixs:calcium calcium skos:closeMatch BAO:0000874 calcium semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label calcium mixs BAO
-nmdc:InstrumentVendorEnum#gilson gilson skos:closeMatch BAO:0002652 Gilson semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label gilson nmdc BAO
-nmdc:InstrumentVendorEnum#bruker bruker skos:closeMatch BAO:0002654 Bruker semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bruker nmdc BAO
-nmdc:encodes encodes skos:closeMatch BAO:0002659 encodes semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label encodes nmdc BAO
-mixs:permeability permeability skos:closeMatch BAO:0002808 permeability semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label permeability mixs BAO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Instrument Instrument skos:closeMatch BAO:0003118 instrument semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label instrument nmdc BAO
-nmdc:CreditEnum#Software Software skos:closeMatch BAO:0003119 software semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label software nmdc BAO
-nmdc:JgiContTypeEnum#tube tube skos:closeMatch BAO:0010014 tube semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tube nmdc BAO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Study Study skos:closeMatch OBI:0000066 semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch-INVERSE nmdc:basic_classes/:study nmdc OBI
-nmdc:community community skos:closeMatch EUPATH:0022001 community semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label community nmdc EUPATH
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch INO:0000003 pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pathway nmdc INO
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch OMP:0000290 genetic material phenotype semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym rna nmdc OMP
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch OMP:0000290 genetic material phenotype semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym rna nmdc OMP
-nmdc:count count skos:closeMatch PATO:0000070 amount semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym count nmdc PATO
-nmdc:basic_classes/:has_output has_output skos:closeMatch RO:0002234 has_output semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label has_output nmdc RO
-nmdc:SampDisStageEnum#infection infection skos:closeMatch MI:0310 infection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label infection nmdc MI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch MI:0319 deoxyribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym dna nmdc MI
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#DNA DNA skos:closeMatch MI:0319 deoxyribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym dna nmdc MI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch MI:0320 ribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym rna nmdc MI
-nmdc:LibraryTypeEnum#RNA RNA skos:closeMatch MI:0320 ribonucleic acid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym rna nmdc MI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch MI:0326 protein semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label protein nmdc MI
-nmdc:basic_classes/:Doi Doi skos:closeMatch MI:0574 digital object identifier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym doi nmdc MI
-nmdc:url url skos:closeMatch MI:0614 url semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label url nmdc MI
-nmdc:Pathway Pathway skos:closeMatch MI:0619 pathway semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pathway nmdc MI
-nmdc:ExtractionTargetEnum#protein protein skos:closeMatch MI:0861 protein a tag semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym protein nmdc MI
-nmdc:title title skos:closeMatch MI:1091 publication title semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym title nmdc MI
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch MI:2225 zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym zinc nmdc MI
-nmdc:zinc zinc skos:closeMatch MI:2225 zinc semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label zinc nmdc MI
-nmdc:TrainStopLocEnum#end end skos:closeMatch OGG:3000888190 end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc OGG
-nmdc:end end skos:closeMatch OGG:3000888190 end semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label end nmdc OGG
-nmdc:StationaryPhaseEnum#CN CN skos:closeMatch CHEBI:17514 cyanide semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym cn nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:YesNoEnum#no no skos:closeMatch CHEBI:35801 nitroso group semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym no nmdc CHEBI
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#mutant mutant skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25360 mutant semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym mutant nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:BiolStatEnum#mutant mutant skos:closeMatch NCIT:C25360 mutant semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mutant nmdc NCIT
-nmdc:ShadingDeviceTypeEnum#tree tree skos:closeMatch FLOPO:0900033 whole plant arborescent semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym tree nmdc FLOPO
-nmdc:volume volume skos:closeMatch CHEMINF:000222 volume semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volume nmdc CHEMINF
-nmdc:contained_in contained_in skos:closeMatch RO:0001018 contained_in semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label contained_in nmdc RO
-ENVO:00000167 bar skos:closeMatch SIO:000519 bar semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bar ENVO SIO
-ENVO:00002000 slope skos:closeMatch SIO:001184 slope semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label slope ENVO SIO
-ENVO:00000174 isthmus skos:closeMatch UBERON:0003052 midbrain-hindbrain boundary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym isthmus ENVO UBERON
-PO:0025356 bulb skos:closeMatch UBERON:0001896 medulla oblongata semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym bulb PO UBERON
-ENVO:00000011 garden skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5774 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Garden semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000011 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000011 garden skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5774 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Garden semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym garden ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000011 garden skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5774 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Garden semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5774 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000011 garden skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Garden Garden semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000011 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000011 garden skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Garden Garden semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label garden ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000011 garden skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Garden Garden semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:garden ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000014 canal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4401 Engineered > Built environment > Canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000014 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000014 canal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4401 Engineered > Built environment > Canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym canal ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000014 canal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4401 Engineered > Built environment > Canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4401 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000014 canal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Canal Canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000014 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000014 canal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Canal Canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label canal ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000014 canal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Canal Canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:canal ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000015 ocean skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oceanic Oceanic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000015 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000015 ocean skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oceanic Oceanic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ocean ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000015 ocean skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oceanic Oceanic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:oceanic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000016 sea skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4032 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Marginal Sea semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:narrowMatch envo:00000016 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000016 sea skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4032 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Marginal Sea semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:narrowMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4032 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000016 sea skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marginal-Sea Marginal Sea semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:narrowMatch envo:00000016 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000016 sea skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marginal-Sea Marginal Sea semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:narrowMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:marginal-sea ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000020 lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Lake Lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000020 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000020 lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Lake Lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lake ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000020 lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Lake Lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:lake ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4179 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000021 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4179 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym freshwater lake ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4179 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4179 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000022 river skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:River River semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000022 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000022 river skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:River River semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label river ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000022 river skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:River River semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:river ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000023 stream skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Creek Creek semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000023 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000023 stream skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Creek Creek semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:creek ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5237 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000025 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5237 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym reservoir ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5237 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5237 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Reservoir Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000025 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Reservoir Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Reservoir Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:reservoir ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000027 spring skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Spring Spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000027 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000027 spring skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Spring Spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000027 spring skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Spring Spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:spring ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4380 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000033 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4380 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym pond ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4380 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4380 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pond Pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000033 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pond Pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pond ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pond Pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:pond ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4184 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Wetlands > Marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000035 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4184 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Wetlands > Marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym marsh ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4184 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Wetlands > Marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4184 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marsh Marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000035 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marsh Marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label marsh ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marsh Marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:marsh ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000036 irrigation canal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Built-environment-Canal-Irrigation-canal Engineered > Built environment > Canal > Irrigation canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000036 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000036 irrigation canal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Built-environment-Canal-Irrigation-canal Engineered > Built environment > Canal > Irrigation canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym canal irrigation ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000036 irrigation canal skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Engineered-Built-environment-Canal-Irrigation-canal Engineered > Built environment > Canal > Irrigation canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:engineered-built-environment-canal-irrigation-canal ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000036 irrigation canal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Irrigation-canal Irrigation canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000036 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000036 irrigation canal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Irrigation-canal Irrigation canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label canal irrigation ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000036 irrigation canal skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Irrigation-canal Irrigation canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:irrigation-canal ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000039 fjord skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5355 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Fjord semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000039 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000039 fjord skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5355 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Fjord semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym fjord ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000039 fjord skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5355 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Fjord semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5355 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000039 fjord skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Fjord Fjord semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000039 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000039 fjord skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Fjord Fjord semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fjord ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000039 fjord skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Fjord Fjord semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:fjord ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5809 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Peat > Mire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00000044 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5809 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Peat > Mire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5809 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bog Bog semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00000044 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bog Bog semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:bog ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mire Mire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00000044 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mire Mire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:mire ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4015 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000045 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4015 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym estuary ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4015 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4015 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Estuary Estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000045 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Estuary Estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label estuary ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Estuary Estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:estuary ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000051 hot spring skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Thermal-springs Thermal springs semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000051 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000051 hot spring skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Thermal-springs Thermal springs semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:thermal-springs ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000054 saline marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4012 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Salt marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000054 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000054 saline marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4012 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Salt marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4012 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000054 saline marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5590 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Salt marsh sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00000054 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000054 saline marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5590 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Salt marsh sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5590 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000054 saline marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Salt-marsh Salt marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000054 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000054 saline marsh skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Salt-marsh Salt marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:salt-marsh ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000057 mangrove swamp skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4018 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Mangrove swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000057 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000057 mangrove swamp skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4018 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Mangrove swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym mangrove swamp ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000057 mangrove swamp skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4018 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Mangrove swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4018 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000057 mangrove swamp skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mangrove-swamp Mangrove swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000057 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000057 mangrove swamp skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mangrove-swamp Mangrove swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mangrove swamp ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000057 mangrove swamp skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mangrove-swamp Mangrove swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:mangrove-swamp ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000067 cave skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4167 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Groundwater > Cave water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch envo:00000067 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000067 cave skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4167 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Groundwater > Cave water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:broadMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4167 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000067 cave skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4491 Environmental > Terrestrial > Cave semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000067 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000067 cave skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4491 Environmental > Terrestrial > Cave semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym cave ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000067 cave skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4491 Environmental > Terrestrial > Cave semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4491 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000067 cave skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cave Cave semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000067 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000067 cave skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cave Cave semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cave ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000067 cave skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cave Cave semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:cave ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000076 mine skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mine Mine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000076 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000076 mine skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mine Mine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000076 mine skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mine Mine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:mine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000078 farm skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5438 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Farm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000078 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000078 farm skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5438 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Farm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym farm ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000078 farm skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5438 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Farm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5438 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000078 farm skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Farm Farm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000078 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000078 farm skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Farm Farm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label farm ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000078 farm skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Farm Farm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:farm ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000091 beach skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4017 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000091 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000091 beach skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4017 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym beach ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000091 beach skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4017 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4017 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000091 beach skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Beach Beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000091 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000091 beach skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Beach Beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label beach ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000091 beach skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Beach Beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:beach ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000114 agricultural field skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Agricultural-field Agricultural field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000114 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000114 agricultural field skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Agricultural-field Agricultural field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label agricultural field ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000114 agricultural field skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Agricultural-field Agricultural field semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:agricultural-field ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000133 glacier skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Glacier Glacier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000133 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000133 glacier skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Glacier Glacier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glacier ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000133 glacier skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Glacier Glacier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:glacier ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4014 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000150 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4014 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym coral reef ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4014 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4014 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Coral-reef Coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000150 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Coral-reef Coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coral reef ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Coral-reef Coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:coral-reef ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000195 sinkhole skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4653 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Sinkhole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000195 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000195 sinkhole skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4653 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Sinkhole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym sinkhole ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000195 sinkhole skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4653 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Sinkhole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4653 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000195 sinkhole skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sinkhole Sinkhole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000195 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000195 sinkhole skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sinkhole Sinkhole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sinkhole ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000195 sinkhole skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sinkhole Sinkhole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:sinkhole ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000206 marine neritic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4034 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Neritic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000206 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000206 marine neritic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4034 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Neritic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym marine neritic zone ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000206 marine neritic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4034 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Neritic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4034 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000206 marine neritic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Neritic-zone Neritic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000206 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000206 marine neritic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Neritic-zone Neritic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym marine neritic zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000206 marine neritic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Neritic-zone Neritic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:neritic-zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000208 marine pelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4021 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Pelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000208 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000208 marine pelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4021 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Pelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4021 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000208 marine pelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pelagic Pelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000208 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000208 marine pelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pelagic Pelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym marine pelagic zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000208 marine pelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pelagic Pelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:pelagic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000209 marine photic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4004 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Oceanic > Photic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000209 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000209 marine photic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4004 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Oceanic > Photic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4004 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000210 marine aphotic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4010 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Oceanic > Aphotic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000210 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000210 marine aphotic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4010 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Oceanic > Aphotic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4010 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000211 marine bathypelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5338 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Bathypelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000211 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000211 marine bathypelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5338 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Bathypelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5338 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000211 marine bathypelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bathypelagic Bathypelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000211 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000211 marine bathypelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bathypelagic Bathypelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym bathypelagic marine zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000211 marine bathypelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bathypelagic Bathypelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:bathypelagic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000213 marine mesopelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5333 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Mesopelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000213 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000213 marine mesopelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5333 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Mesopelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5333 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000213 marine mesopelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mesopelagic Mesopelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000213 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000213 marine mesopelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mesopelagic Mesopelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym marine mesopelagic zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000213 marine mesopelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mesopelagic Mesopelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:mesopelagic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000214 hadalpelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5344 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Hadalpelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000214 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000214 hadalpelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5344 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Hadalpelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5344 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000214 hadalpelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hadalpelagic Hadalpelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000214 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000214 hadalpelagic zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hadalpelagic Hadalpelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:hadalpelagic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000215 hydrothermal vent skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4027 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Hydrothermal vents semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000215 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000215 hydrothermal vent skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4027 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Hydrothermal vents semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4027 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000215 hydrothermal vent skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hydrothermal-vents Hydrothermal vents semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000215 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000215 hydrothermal vent skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hydrothermal-vents Hydrothermal vents semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:hydrothermal-vents ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000216 fumarole skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4196 Environmental > Terrestrial > Volcanic > Fumaroles semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000216 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000216 fumarole skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4196 Environmental > Terrestrial > Volcanic > Fumaroles semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4196 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000216 fumarole skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Fumaroles Fumaroles semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000216 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000216 fumarole skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Fumaroles Fumaroles semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:fumaroles ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000218 black smoker skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4031 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Hydrothermal vents > Black smokers semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000218 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000218 black smoker skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4031 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Hydrothermal vents > Black smokers semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4031 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000218 black smoker skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Black-smokers Black smokers semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000218 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000218 black smoker skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Black-smokers Black smokers semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:black-smokers ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000220 archipelago skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Marine-Archipelago Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Archipelago semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000220 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000220 archipelago skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Marine-Archipelago Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Archipelago semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym archipelago ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000220 archipelago skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Marine-Archipelago Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Archipelago semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:environmental-aquatic-marine-archipelago ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000220 archipelago skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Archipelago Archipelago semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000220 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000220 archipelago skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Archipelago Archipelago semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label archipelago ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000220 archipelago skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Archipelago Archipelago semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:archipelago ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000232 fen skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Fen Fen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000232 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000232 fen skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Fen Fen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fen ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000232 fen skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Fen Fen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:fen ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000233 swamp ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4182 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Wetlands > Swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000233 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000233 swamp ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4182 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Wetlands > Swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4182 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000233 swamp ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Swamp Swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000233 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000233 swamp ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Swamp Swamp semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:swamp ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000244 abyssal plain skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Abyssal-plane Abyssal plane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000244 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000244 abyssal plain skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Abyssal-plane Abyssal plane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym abyssal plain ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000244 abyssal plain skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Abyssal-plane Abyssal plane semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:abyssal-plane ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000247 volcano skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Volcanic Volcanic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000247 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000247 volcano skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Volcanic Volcanic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym volcano ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000247 volcano skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Volcanic Volcanic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:volcanic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000255 flood plain skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Floodplain Floodplain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000255 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000255 flood plain skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Floodplain Floodplain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:floodplain ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000266 pasture skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Terrestrial-Soil-Pasture Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Pasture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym pasture ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000266 pasture skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pasture Pasture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000266 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000266 pasture skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pasture Pasture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pasture ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000266 pasture skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pasture Pasture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:pasture ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000275 ocean trench skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5389 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Ocean trench semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000275 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000275 ocean trench skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5389 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Ocean trench semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ocean trench ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000275 ocean trench skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5389 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Ocean trench semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5389 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000275 ocean trench skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Ocean-trench Ocean trench semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000275 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000275 ocean trench skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Ocean-trench Ocean trench semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ocean trench ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000275 ocean trench skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Ocean-trench Ocean trench semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:ocean-trench ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5615 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000292 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5615 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym watershed ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5615 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5615 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Watershed Watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000292 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Watershed Watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label watershed ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Watershed Watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:watershed ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000316 intertidal zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4013 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000316 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000316 intertidal zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4013 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym intertidal zone ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000316 intertidal zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4013 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4013 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000316 intertidal zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Intertidal-zone Intertidal zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000316 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000316 intertidal zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Intertidal-zone Intertidal zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label intertidal zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000316 intertidal zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Intertidal-zone Intertidal zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:intertidal-zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000328 vadose zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5820 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Vadose zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000328 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000328 vadose zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5820 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Vadose zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym vadose zone ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000328 vadose zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5820 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Vadose zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5820 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000328 vadose zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Vadose-zone Vadose zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000328 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000328 vadose zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Vadose-zone Vadose zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vadose zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000328 vadose zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Vadose-zone Vadose zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:vadose-zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000394 strait skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4516 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Strait semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000394 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000394 strait skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4516 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Strait semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym strait ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000394 strait skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4516 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Strait semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4516 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000394 strait skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Strait Strait semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000394 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000394 strait skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Strait Strait semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label strait ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000394 strait skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Strait Strait semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:strait ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000402 mud volcano skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mud-volcano Mud volcano semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000402 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000402 mud volcano skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mud-volcano Mud volcano semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mud volcano ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000402 mud volcano skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mud-volcano Mud volcano semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:mud-volcano ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4198 Environmental > Terrestrial semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000446 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4198 Environmental > Terrestrial semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4198 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Terrestrial Terrestrial semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000446 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Terrestrial Terrestrial semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biome terrestrial ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Terrestrial Terrestrial semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:terrestrial ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000447 marine biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4003 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000447 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000447 marine biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4003 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4003 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000447 marine biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marine Marine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000447 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000447 marine biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marine Marine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biome marine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000447 marine biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marine Marine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:marine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000463 harbour skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Harbor Harbor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000463 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000463 harbour skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Harbor Harbor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:harbor ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000475 inlet skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4574 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Inlet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000475 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000475 inlet skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4574 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Inlet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym inlet ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000475 inlet skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4574 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Inlet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4574 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000475 inlet skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Inlet Inlet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000475 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000475 inlet skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Inlet Inlet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label inlet ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000475 inlet skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Inlet Inlet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:inlet ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000475 inlet skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:gulf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym inlet ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000488 glacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4060 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice > Glacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00000488 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000488 glacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4060 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice > Glacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym glacial lake ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000488 glacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4060 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice > Glacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4060 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000488 glacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Glacial-lake Glacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000488 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000488 glacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Glacial-lake Glacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glacial lake ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000488 glacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Glacial-lake Glacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:glacial-lake ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000489 palsa skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5816 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Peat > Palsa semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000489 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000489 palsa skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5816 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Peat > Palsa semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym palsa ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000489 palsa skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5816 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Peat > Palsa semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5816 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000489 palsa skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Palsa Palsa semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000489 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000489 palsa skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Palsa Palsa semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label palsa ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000489 palsa skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Palsa Palsa semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:palsa ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000533 landfill skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4277 Engineered > Solid waste > Landfill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000533 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000533 landfill skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4277 Engineered > Solid waste > Landfill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym landfill ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000533 landfill skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4277 Engineered > Solid waste > Landfill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4277 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000533 landfill skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Landfill Landfill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000533 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000533 landfill skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Landfill Landfill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label landfill ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000533 landfill skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Landfill Landfill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:landfill ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000562 park skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4398 Engineered > Built environment > City > Park semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000562 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000562 park skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4398 Engineered > Built environment > City > Park semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym park ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000562 park skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4398 Engineered > Built environment > City > Park semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4398 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00000562 park skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Park Park semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000562 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000562 park skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Park Park semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label park ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000562 park skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Park Park semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:park ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001996 mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mine-drainage Mine drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00001996 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001996 mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mine-drainage Mine drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label drainage mine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001996 mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mine-drainage Mine drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:mine-drainage ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4164 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Groundwater > Acid Mine Drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00001997 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4164 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Groundwater > Acid Mine Drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym acid drainage mine ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4164 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Groundwater > Acid Mine Drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4164 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5555 Engineered > Wastewater > Industrial wastewater > Mine water > Acid mine drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00001997 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5555 Engineered > Wastewater > Industrial wastewater > Mine water > Acid mine drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym acid drainage mine ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5555 Engineered > Wastewater > Industrial wastewater > Mine water > Acid mine drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5555 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Acid-Mine-Drainage Acid Mine Drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00001997 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Acid-Mine-Drainage Acid Mine Drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label acid drainage mine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Acid-Mine-Drainage Acid Mine Drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:acid-mine-drainage ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Acid-mine-Drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00001997 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Acid-mine-Drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:acid-mine-drainage ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Acid-mine-drainage Acid mine drainage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label acid drainage mine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001997 acid mine drainage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Acid-mine-drainage-material Acid mine drainage material semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym acid drainage mine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001998 soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Soil Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00001998 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001998 soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Soil Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00001998 soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Soil Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:soil ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002001 waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wastewater Wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002001 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002001 waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wastewater Wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym waste water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002001 waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wastewater Wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:wastewater ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5562 Engineered > Built environment > Canal > Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch envo:00002006 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5562 Engineered > Built environment > Canal > Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:broadMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5562 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002006 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Water Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002007 sediment skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5590 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Salt marsh sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00002007 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002007 sediment skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5590 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Intertidal zone > Salt marsh sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5590 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002007 sediment skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sediment Sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002007 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002007 sediment skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sediment Sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002007 sediment skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sediment Sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:sediment ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002010 saline water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5807 Environmental > Aquatic > Non-marine Saline and Alkaline > Salt crystallizer ponds > Saline water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00002010 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002010 saline water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5807 Environmental > Aquatic > Non-marine Saline and Alkaline > Salt crystallizer ponds > Saline water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym saline water ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002010 saline water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5807 Environmental > Aquatic > Non-marine Saline and Alkaline > Salt crystallizer ponds > Saline water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5807 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002010 saline water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Saline-water Saline water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002010 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002010 saline water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Saline-water Saline water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label saline water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002010 saline water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Saline-water Saline water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:saline-water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002011 fresh water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Freshwater Freshwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002011 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002011 fresh water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Freshwater Freshwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:freshwater ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002012 hypersaline water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hypersaline Hypersaline semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002012 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002012 hypersaline water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hypersaline Hypersaline semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym hypersaline water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002012 hypersaline water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hypersaline Hypersaline semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:hypersaline ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002018 sewage skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4662 Engineered > Wastewater > Sewage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002018 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002018 sewage skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4662 Engineered > Wastewater > Sewage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym sewage ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002018 sewage skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4662 Engineered > Wastewater > Sewage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4662 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002018 sewage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sewage Sewage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002018 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002018 sewage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sewage Sewage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sewage ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002018 sewage skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sewage Sewage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:sewage ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002030 aquatic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:3984 Environmental > Aquatic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002030 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002030 aquatic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:3984 Environmental > Aquatic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:3984 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002030 aquatic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Aquatic Aquatic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002030 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002030 aquatic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Aquatic Aquatic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym aquatic biome ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002030 aquatic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Aquatic Aquatic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:aquatic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002034 biofilm skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4201 Environmental > Terrestrial > Rock-dwelling (subaerial biofilms) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00002034 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002034 biofilm skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4201 Environmental > Terrestrial > Rock-dwelling (subaerial biofilms) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4201 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002034 biofilm skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Biofilm Biofilm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002034 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002034 biofilm skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Biofilm Biofilm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biofilm ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002034 biofilm skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Biofilm Biofilm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:biofilm ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002044 sludge skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sludge Sludge semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002044 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002044 sludge skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sludge Sludge semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sludge ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002044 sludge skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sludge Sludge semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:sludge ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002061 oil spill skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil-contaminated Oil-contaminated semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002061 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002061 oil spill skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil-contaminated Oil-contaminated semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym oil spill ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002061 oil spill skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil-contaminated Oil-contaminated semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:oil-contaminated ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002063 oil seep skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4026 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Oil seeps semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002063 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002063 oil seep skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4026 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Oil seeps semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4026 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002063 oil seep skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil-seeps Oil seeps semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002063 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002063 oil seep skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil-seeps Oil seeps semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:oil-seeps ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002130 hypolimnion skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hypolimnion Hypolimnion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002130 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002130 hypolimnion skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hypolimnion Hypolimnion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hypolimnion ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002130 hypolimnion skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hypolimnion Hypolimnion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:hypolimnion ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002131 epilimnion skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Epilimnion Epilimnion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002131 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002131 epilimnion skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Epilimnion Epilimnion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label epilimnion ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002131 epilimnion skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Epilimnion Epilimnion semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:epilimnion ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002141 leachate skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Leachate Leachate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002141 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002141 leachate skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Leachate Leachate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label leachate ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002141 leachate skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Leachate Leachate semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:leachate ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002149 sea water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5606 Engineered > Modeled > Simulated communities (microbial mixture) > Sea water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00002149 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002149 sea water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5606 Engineered > Modeled > Simulated communities (microbial mixture) > Sea water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym sea water ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002149 sea water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5606 Engineered > Modeled > Simulated communities (microbial mixture) > Sea water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5606 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002149 sea water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sea-water Sea water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002149 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002149 sea water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sea-water Sea water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sea water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002149 sea water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sea-water Sea water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:sea-water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002185 oil reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4194 Environmental > Terrestrial > Oil reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002185 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002185 oil reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4194 Environmental > Terrestrial > Oil reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym oil reservoir ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002185 oil reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4194 Environmental > Terrestrial > Oil reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4194 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002185 oil reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil-reservoir Oil reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002185 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002185 oil reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil-reservoir Oil reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil reservoir ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002185 oil reservoir skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oil-reservoir Oil reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:oil-reservoir ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002193 pulp-bleaching waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4266 Engineered > Wastewater > Industrial wastewater > Pulp and paper wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00002193 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002193 pulp-bleaching waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4266 Engineered > Wastewater > Industrial wastewater > Pulp and paper wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4266 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002193 pulp-bleaching waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pulp-and-paper-wastewater Pulp and paper wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00002193 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002193 pulp-bleaching waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pulp-and-paper-wastewater Pulp and paper wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002193 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002193 pulp-bleaching waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pulp-and-paper-wastewater Pulp and paper wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym pulp-bleaching waste water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002193 pulp-bleaching waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pulp-and-paper-wastewater Pulp and paper wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:pulp-and-paper-wastewater ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002193 pulp-bleaching waste water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pulp-and-paper-wastewater Pulp and paper wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:pulp-and-paper-wastewater ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002200 sea ice skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5384 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Sea ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002200 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002200 sea ice skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5384 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Sea ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ice sea ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002200 sea ice skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5384 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Sea ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5384 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002200 sea ice skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sea-ice Sea ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002200 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002200 sea ice skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sea-ice Sea ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ice sea ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002200 sea ice skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Sea-ice Sea ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:sea-ice ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002258 loam skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4241 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Loam semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002258 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002258 loam skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4241 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Loam semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym loam ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002258 loam skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4241 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Loam semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4241 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002258 loam skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Loam Loam semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002258 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002258 loam skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Loam Loam semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label loam ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002258 loam skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Loam Loam semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:loam ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4244 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Loam > Agricultural soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002259 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4244 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Loam > Agricultural soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym agricultural soil ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4244 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Loam > Agricultural soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4244 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Agricultural-soil Agricultural soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002259 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Agricultural-soil Agricultural soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label agricultural soil ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002259 agricultural soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Agricultural-soil Agricultural soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:agricultural-soil ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4205 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Forest Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002261 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4205 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Forest Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym forest soil ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4205 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Forest Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4205 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Forest-Soil Forest Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label forest soil ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Forest-soil Forest soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002261 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Forest-soil Forest soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label forest soil ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Forest-soil Forest soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:forest-soil ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00002262 clay soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4229 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Clay semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002262 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002262 clay soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4229 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Clay semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym clay soil ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00002262 clay soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4229 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Clay semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4229 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00003044 brine skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Brine Brine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00003044 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00003044 brine skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Brine Brine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label brine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00003044 brine skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Brine Brine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:brine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00003064 drinking water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Drinking-water Drinking water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00003064 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00003064 drinking water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Drinking-water Drinking water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label drinking water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00003064 drinking water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Drinking-water Drinking water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:drinking-water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00003096 tap water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5360 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Tap water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00003096 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00003096 tap water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5360 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Tap water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym tap water ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00003096 tap water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5360 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Tap water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5360 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00003096 tap water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Tap-water Tap water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00003096 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00003096 tap water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Tap-water Tap water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tap water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00003096 tap water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Tap-water Tap water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:tap-water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00005741 alpine soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5439 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Alpine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00005741 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00005741 alpine soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5439 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Alpine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5439 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00005742 arable soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Terrestrial-Soil-Arable Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Arable semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00005742 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00005742 arable soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Terrestrial-Soil-Arable Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Arable semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym arable soil ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00005742 arable soil skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Terrestrial-Soil-Arable Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Arable semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:environmental-terrestrial-soil-arable ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rhizosphere Rhizosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00005801 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rhizosphere Rhizosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rhizosphere ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rhizosphere Rhizosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:rhizosphere ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00005802 bulk soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bulk-soil Bulk soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00005802 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00005802 bulk soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bulk-soil Bulk soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bulk soil ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00005802 bulk soil skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bulk-soil Bulk soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:bulk-soil ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00005803 animal habitation skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Terrestrial-Nest Environmental > Terrestrial > Nest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00005803 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00005803 animal habitation skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Terrestrial-Nest Environmental > Terrestrial > Nest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:environmental-terrestrial-nest ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:00005803 animal habitation skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Nest Nest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00005803 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00005803 animal habitation skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Nest Nest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:nest ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00012408 aquifer skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Aquifer Aquifer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00012408 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00012408 aquifer skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Aquifer Aquifer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aquifer ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00012408 aquifer skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Aquifer Aquifer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:aquifer ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000002 water well skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4607 Environmental > Terrestrial > Deep subsurface > Water well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000002 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000002 water well skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4607 Environmental > Terrestrial > Deep subsurface > Water well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym water well ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000002 water well skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4607 Environmental > Terrestrial > Deep subsurface > Water well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4607 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000002 water well skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Water-well Water well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000002 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000002 water well skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Water-well Water well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water well ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000002 water well skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Water-well Water well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:water-well ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000008 microbial mat skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Microbial-mats Microbial mats semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000008 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000008 microbial mat skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Microbial-mats Microbial mats semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:microbial-mats ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Marine-Benthic Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Benthic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:01000024 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Marine-Benthic Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Benthic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:environmental-aquatic-marine-benthic ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Benthic Benthic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000024 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Benthic Benthic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym benthic biome marine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000024 marine benthic biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Benthic Benthic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:benthic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000035 oceanic epipelagic zone biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Epipelagic Epipelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000035 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000035 oceanic epipelagic zone biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Epipelagic Epipelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biome epipelagic oceanic zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000035 oceanic epipelagic zone biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Epipelagic Epipelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:epipelagic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000038 oceanic abyssopelagic zone biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Abyssopelagic Abyssopelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000038 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000038 oceanic abyssopelagic zone biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Abyssopelagic Abyssopelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym abyssopelagic biome oceanic zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000038 oceanic abyssopelagic zone biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Abyssopelagic Abyssopelagic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:abyssopelagic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000140 whale fall skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4000 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Fossil > Whale fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000140 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000140 whale fall skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4000 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Fossil > Whale fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym fall whale ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000140 whale fall skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4000 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Fossil > Whale fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4000 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000140 whale fall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Whale-fall Whale fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000140 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000140 whale fall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Whale-fall Whale fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fall whale ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000140 whale fall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Whale-fall Whale fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:whale-fall ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000142 wood fall skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5712 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Benthic > Wood fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000142 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000142 wood fall skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5712 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Benthic > Wood fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym fall wood ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000142 wood fall skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5712 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Benthic > Wood fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5712 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000142 wood fall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood-fall Wood fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000142 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000142 wood fall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood-fall Wood fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fall wood ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000142 wood fall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood-fall Wood fall semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:wood-fall ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000173 anoxic water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Anoxic-zone Anoxic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000173 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000173 anoxic water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Anoxic-zone Anoxic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym anoxic water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000173 anoxic water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Anoxic-zone Anoxic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:anoxic-zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000174 forest biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Forest Forest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym biome forest ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000177 grassland biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Grasslands Grasslands semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000177 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000177 grassland biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Grasslands Grasslands semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:grasslands ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4217 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Boreal forest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000250 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4217 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Unclassified > Boreal forest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4217 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Boreal-forest Boreal forest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:01000250 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000250 subpolar coniferous forest biome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Boreal-forest Boreal forest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:boreal-forest ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000263 cold seep skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4023 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Cold seeps semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000263 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000263 cold seep skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4023 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Cold seeps semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4023 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000263 cold seep skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cold-seeps Cold seeps semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000263 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000263 cold seep skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cold-seeps Cold seeps semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:cold-seeps ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000277 water ice skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4061 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:01000277 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000277 water ice skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4061 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4061 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000277 water ice skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Ice Ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000277 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000277 water ice skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Ice Ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:ice ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000297 freshwater river skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4512 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > River semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000297 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000297 freshwater river skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4512 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > River semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym freshwater river ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000297 freshwater river skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4512 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > River semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4512 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000298 continental margin skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Marine-Continental-margin Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Continental margin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000298 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000298 continental margin skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Marine-Continental-margin Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Continental margin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym continental margin ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000298 continental margin skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Marine-Continental-margin Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Continental margin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:environmental-aquatic-marine-continental-margin ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000298 continental margin skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Continental-margin Continental margin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000298 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000298 continental margin skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Continental-margin Continental margin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label continental margin ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000298 continental margin skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Continental-margin Continental margin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:continental-margin ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5544 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice > Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000406 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5544 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice > Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym snow ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5544 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice > Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5544 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Snow Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000406 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Snow Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Snow Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:snow ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000407 littoral zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4178 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lentic > Littoral zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000407 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000407 littoral zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4178 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lentic > Littoral zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym littoral zone ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000407 littoral zone skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4178 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lentic > Littoral zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4178 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000407 littoral zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Littoral-zone Littoral zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000407 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000407 littoral zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Littoral-zone Littoral zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label littoral zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000407 littoral zone skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Littoral-zone Littoral zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:littoral-zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000417 house skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4405 Engineered > Built environment > House semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000417 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000417 house skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4405 Engineered > Built environment > House semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym house ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000417 house skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4405 Engineered > Built environment > House semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4405 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000417 house skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:House House semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000417 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000417 house skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:House House semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label house ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000417 house skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:House House semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:house ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000617 lentic water body skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Lentic Lentic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000617 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000617 lentic water body skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Lentic Lentic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym body lentic water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000617 lentic water body skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Lentic Lentic semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:lentic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000628 plant litter skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4541 Environmental > Terrestrial > Plant litter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000628 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000628 plant litter skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4541 Environmental > Terrestrial > Plant litter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym litter plant ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000628 plant litter skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4541 Environmental > Terrestrial > Plant litter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4541 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000628 plant litter skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Plant-litter Plant litter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000628 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000628 plant litter skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Plant-litter Plant litter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label litter plant ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000628 plant litter skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Plant-litter Plant litter semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:plant-litter ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000687 coast skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Coastal Coastal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000687 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000687 coast skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Coastal Coastal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym coast ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000687 coast skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Coastal Coastal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:coastal ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000749 oceanic crust skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4636 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Oceanic > Oceanic crust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000749 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000749 oceanic crust skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4636 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Oceanic > Oceanic crust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym crust oceanic ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000749 oceanic crust skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4636 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Oceanic > Oceanic crust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4636 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000749 oceanic crust skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oceanic-crust Oceanic crust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000749 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000749 oceanic crust skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oceanic-crust Oceanic crust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label crust oceanic ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000749 oceanic crust skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Oceanic-crust Oceanic crust semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:oceanic-crust ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000871 puddle of water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5747 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Puddle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000871 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000871 puddle of water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5747 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Puddle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5747 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000871 puddle of water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Puddle Puddle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000871 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000871 puddle of water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Puddle Puddle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym puddle water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000871 puddle of water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Puddle Puddle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:puddle ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000905 shrimp pond skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5363 Environmental > Aquatic > Aquaculture > Shrimp pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000905 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000905 shrimp pond skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5363 Environmental > Aquatic > Aquaculture > Shrimp pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym pond shrimp ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000905 shrimp pond skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5363 Environmental > Aquatic > Aquaculture > Shrimp pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5363 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000905 shrimp pond skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Shrimp-pond Shrimp pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000905 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000905 shrimp pond skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Shrimp-pond Shrimp pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pond shrimp ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000905 shrimp pond skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Shrimp-pond Shrimp pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:shrimp-pond ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000964 industrial wastewater skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4267 Engineered > Wastewater > Industrial wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000964 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000964 industrial wastewater skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4267 Engineered > Wastewater > Industrial wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym industrial wastewater ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000964 industrial wastewater skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4267 Engineered > Wastewater > Industrial wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4267 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01000964 industrial wastewater skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Industrial-wastewater Industrial wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000964 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000964 industrial wastewater skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Industrial-wastewater Industrial wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label industrial wastewater ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01000964 industrial wastewater skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Industrial-wastewater Industrial wastewater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:industrial-wastewater ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001004 groundwater skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4165 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Groundwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01001004 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01001004 groundwater skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4165 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Groundwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym groundwater ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01001004 groundwater skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4165 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Groundwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4165 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01001004 groundwater skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Groundwater Groundwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01001004 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001004 groundwater skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Groundwater Groundwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label groundwater ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001004 groundwater skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Groundwater Groundwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:groundwater ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001064 hypoxic water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hypoxic-zone Hypoxic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01001064 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001064 hypoxic water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hypoxic-zone Hypoxic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym hypoxic water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001064 hypoxic water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Hypoxic-zone Hypoxic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:hypoxic-zone ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001072 anoxic lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5392 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lake > Anoxic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01001072 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01001072 anoxic lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5392 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lake > Anoxic zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5392 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5809 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Peat > Mire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:01001209 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5809 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Peat > Mire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5809 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bog Bog semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:01001209 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bog Bog semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:bog ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mire Mire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:narrowMatch envo:01001209 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Mire Mire semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:narrowMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:mire ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wetlands Wetlands semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01001209 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001209 wetland ecosystem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wetlands Wetlands semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:wetlands ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001267 stormwater skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4189 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Storm water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01001267 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01001267 stormwater skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4189 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Storm water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4189 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:01001267 stormwater skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Storm-water Storm water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01001267 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001267 stormwater skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Storm-water Storm water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:storm-water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001357 desert skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Desert Desert semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01001357 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001357 desert skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Desert Desert semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label desert ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001357 desert skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Desert Desert semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:desert ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:01001511 freshwater ice skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4061 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym freshwater ice ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:02000139 desert spring skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Freshwater-Desert-springs Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Desert springs semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:02000139 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:02000139 desert spring skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:Environmental-Aquatic-Freshwater-Desert-springs Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Desert springs semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:environmental-aquatic-freshwater-desert-springs ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:02000139 desert spring skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Desert-springs Desert springs semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:02000139 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:02000139 desert spring skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Desert-springs Desert springs semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:desert-springs ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:02000145 subterranean lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4562 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Subterranean lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:02000145 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:02000145 subterranean lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4562 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Subterranean lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym lake subterranean ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:02000145 subterranean lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4562 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Subterranean lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4562 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:02000145 subterranean lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Subterranean-lake Subterranean lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:02000145 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:02000145 subterranean lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Subterranean-lake Subterranean lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lake subterranean ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:02000145 subterranean lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Subterranean-lake Subterranean lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:subterranean-lake ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03000040 melt pond skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5628 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Sea ice > Melt pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03000040 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03000040 melt pond skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5628 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Sea ice > Melt pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym melt pond ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03000040 melt pond skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5628 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Sea ice > Melt pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5628 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03000040 melt pond skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Melt-pond Melt pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03000040 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03000040 melt pond skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Melt-pond Melt pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label melt pond ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03000040 melt pond skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Melt-pond Melt pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:melt-pond ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03000120 subglacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4737 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Subglacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03000120 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03000120 subglacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4737 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Subglacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym lake subglacial ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03000120 subglacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4737 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Subglacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4737 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03000120 subglacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Subglacial-lake Subglacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03000120 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03000120 subglacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Subglacial-lake Subglacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lake subglacial ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03000120 subglacial lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Subglacial-lake Subglacial lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:subglacial-lake ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600002 cooling water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5710 Engineered > Built environment > Nuclear test reactor > Cooling water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:03600002 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600002 cooling water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5710 Engineered > Built environment > Nuclear test reactor > Cooling water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym cooling water ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600002 cooling water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5710 Engineered > Built environment > Nuclear test reactor > Cooling water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5710 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600002 cooling water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cooling-water Cooling water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600002 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600002 cooling water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cooling-water Cooling water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cooling water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600002 cooling water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cooling-water Cooling water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:cooling-water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600009 interstitial water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5662 Engineered > Bioreactor > Sulphur Autotrophic Denitrification > Interstitial water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:03600009 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600009 interstitial water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5662 Engineered > Bioreactor > Sulphur Autotrophic Denitrification > Interstitial water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym interstitial water ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600009 interstitial water skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5662 Engineered > Bioreactor > Sulphur Autotrophic Denitrification > Interstitial water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5662 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600009 interstitial water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Interstitial-water Interstitial water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600009 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600009 interstitial water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Interstitial-water Interstitial water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label interstitial water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600009 interstitial water skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Interstitial-water Interstitial water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:interstitial-water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600041 marine lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5342 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Marine lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600041 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600041 marine lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5342 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Marine lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym lake marine ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600041 marine lake skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5342 Environmental > Aquatic > Marine > Marine lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5342 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600041 marine lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marine-lake Marine lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600041 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600041 marine lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marine-lake Marine lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lake marine ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600041 marine lake skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Marine-lake Marine lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:marine-lake ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600052 water tap skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5360 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Tap water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym tap water ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600052 water tap skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Tap-water Tap water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tap water ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600071 cyanobacterial bloom skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5356 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lake > Cyanobacterial bloom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600071 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600071 cyanobacterial bloom skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5356 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lake > Cyanobacterial bloom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym bloom cyanobacterial ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600071 cyanobacterial bloom skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5356 Environmental > Aquatic > Freshwater > Lake > Cyanobacterial bloom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5356 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600071 cyanobacterial bloom skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cyanobacterial-bloom Cyanobacterial bloom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600071 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600071 cyanobacterial bloom skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cyanobacterial-bloom Cyanobacterial bloom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym bloom cyanobacterial ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600071 cyanobacterial bloom skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cyanobacterial-bloom Cyanobacterial bloom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bloom cyanobacterial ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600071 cyanobacterial bloom skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cyanobacterial-bloom Cyanobacterial bloom semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:cyanobacterial-bloom ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600074 aquaculture farm skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:3965 Environmental > Aquatic > Aquaculture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600074 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600074 aquaculture farm skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:3965 Environmental > Aquatic > Aquaculture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:3965 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600074 aquaculture farm skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Aquaculture Aquaculture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600074 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600074 aquaculture farm skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Aquaculture Aquaculture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:aquaculture ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600087 greenhouse skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5777 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Greenhouse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600087 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600087 greenhouse skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5777 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Greenhouse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym greenhouse ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600087 greenhouse skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5777 Environmental > Terrestrial > Soil > Greenhouse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5777 ENVO GOLDTERMS
-ENVO:03600087 greenhouse skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Greenhouse Greenhouse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:03600087 ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600087 greenhouse skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Greenhouse Greenhouse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label greenhouse ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:03600087 greenhouse skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Greenhouse Greenhouse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:greenhouse ENVO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000100 valley skos:closeMatch PATO:0002078 hollow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label hollow ENVO PATO
-ENVO:00000015 ocean skos:closeMatch envthes:21811 ocean semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000015 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000015 ocean skos:closeMatch envthes:21811 ocean semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ocean ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000015 ocean skos:closeMatch envthes:21811 ocean semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21811 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000020 lake skos:closeMatch envthes:20915 lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000020 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000020 lake skos:closeMatch envthes:20915 lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lake ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000020 lake skos:closeMatch envthes:20915 lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:20915 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000022 river skos:closeMatch envthes:20916 river semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000022 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000022 river skos:closeMatch envthes:20916 river semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label river ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000022 river skos:closeMatch envthes:20916 river semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:20916 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000023 stream skos:closeMatch envthes:21796 stream semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000023 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000023 stream skos:closeMatch envthes:21796 stream semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stream ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000023 stream skos:closeMatch envthes:21796 stream semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21796 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch envthes:21792 Weiher semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000033 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch envthes:21792 Weiher semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21792 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch envthes:21801 marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000035 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch envthes:21801 marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label marsh ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch envthes:21801 marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21801 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch envthes:21803 peatland semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000044 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch envthes:21803 peatland semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label peatland ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch envthes:21803 peatland semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21803 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch envthes:21889 peat bog semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000044 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch envthes:21889 peat bog semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21889 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch envthes:21807 estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000045 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch envthes:21807 estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label estuary ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch envthes:21807 estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21807 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000054 saline marsh skos:closeMatch envthes:21802 salt marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000054 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000054 saline marsh skos:closeMatch envthes:21802 salt marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21802 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch envthes:21805 coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000150 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch envthes:21805 coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coral reef ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch envthes:21805 coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21805 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000170 dune skos:closeMatch envthes:21885 dune semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000170 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000170 dune skos:closeMatch envthes:21885 dune semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dune ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000170 dune skos:closeMatch envthes:21885 dune semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21885 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000223 continental shelf skos:closeMatch envthes:21816 continental shelf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000223 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000223 continental shelf skos:closeMatch envthes:21816 continental shelf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label continental shelf ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000223 continental shelf skos:closeMatch envthes:21816 continental shelf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21816 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000255 flood plain skos:closeMatch envthes:21799 floodplain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000255 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000255 flood plain skos:closeMatch envthes:21799 floodplain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21799 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000291 drainage basin skos:closeMatch envthes:10092 (surinkimo) baseinas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000291 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000291 drainage basin skos:closeMatch envthes:10092 (surinkimo) baseinas semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:10092 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch envthes:20534 watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000292 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch envthes:20534 watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label watershed ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch envthes:20534 watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:20534 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00001998 soil skos:closeMatch envthes:24 Boden semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00001998 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00001998 soil skos:closeMatch envthes:24 Boden semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:24 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch envthes:20538 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002006 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch envthes:20538 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:20538 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002007 sediment skos:closeMatch envthes:20899 sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002019 brackish water skos:closeMatch envthes:20539 Brackwasser semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002019 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002019 brackish water skos:closeMatch envthes:20539 Brackwasser semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:20539 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002042 surface water skos:closeMatch envthes:30264 surface water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label surface water ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002149 sea water skos:closeMatch envthes:20921 seawater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002149 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002149 sea water skos:closeMatch envthes:20921 seawater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:20921 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002150 coastal sea water skos:closeMatch envthes:21814 coastal water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002150 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002150 coastal sea water skos:closeMatch envthes:21814 coastal water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21814 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002229 arenosol skos:closeMatch envthes:21917 sandy soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002229 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002229 arenosol skos:closeMatch envthes:21917 sandy soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21917 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch envthes:20913 forest soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00002261 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch envthes:20913 forest soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label forest soil ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00002261 forest soil skos:closeMatch envthes:20913 forest soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:20913 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00005778 tropical soil skos:closeMatch envthes:21918 tropical soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00005778 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00005778 tropical soil skos:closeMatch envthes:21918 tropical soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil tropical ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00005778 tropical soil skos:closeMatch envthes:21918 tropical soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21918 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere skos:closeMatch envthes:21924 rhizosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00005801 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere skos:closeMatch envthes:21924 rhizosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rhizosphere ENVO envthes
-ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere skos:closeMatch envthes:21924 rhizosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21924 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01000336 shrub layer skos:closeMatch envthes:36 shrub layer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000336 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01000336 shrub layer skos:closeMatch envthes:36 shrub layer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label layer shrub ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01000336 shrub layer skos:closeMatch envthes:36 shrub layer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:36 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch envthes:20923 Schnee semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01000406 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch envthes:20923 Schnee semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:20923 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01000599 river water skos:closeMatch envthes:30284 river water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label river water ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01001191 water surface skos:closeMatch envthes:30264 surface water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label surface water ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01001357 desert skos:closeMatch envthes:21817 desert semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:01001357 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01001357 desert skos:closeMatch envthes:21817 desert semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label desert ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01001357 desert skos:closeMatch envthes:21817 desert semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:21817 ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01001582 forest floor skos:closeMatch envthes:20912 forest floor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label floor forest ENVO envthes
-ENVO:01001803 tropical forest skos:closeMatch envthes:21850 tropical forest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label forest tropical ENVO envthes
-PO:0004518 bark skos:closeMatch envthes:20573 bark semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bark PO envthes
-PO:0004542 rhizome skos:closeMatch envthes:10108 rhizome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rhizome PO envthes
-PO:0008037 seedling skos:closeMatch envthes:20698 seedling semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label seedling PO envthes
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch envthes:20576 fruit semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0009001 PO envthes
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch envthes:20576 fruit semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fruit PO envthes
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch envthes:20576 fruit semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID envthes:20576 PO envthes
-PO:0009005 root skos:closeMatch envthes:20579 root semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label root PO envthes
-PO:0009010 seed skos:closeMatch envthes:20583 seed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label seed PO envthes
-PO:0009046 flower skos:closeMatch envthes:20574 flower semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label flower PO envthes
-PO:0009047 stem skos:closeMatch envthes:20584 stem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stem PO envthes
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch envthes:20577 leaf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label leaf PO envthes
-PO:0025281 pollen skos:closeMatch envthes:20578 Pollen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pollen PO envthes
-ENVO:00000014 canal skos:closeMatch PO:0025132 canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label canal ENVO PO
-ENVO:00000141 bank skos:closeMatch comet:bank bank semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bank ENVO comet
-ENVO:00000014 canal skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Canal canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label canal ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000015 ocean skos:closeMatch sweet:realm/Ocean ocean semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ocean ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000020 lake skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Lake lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label lake ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000021 freshwater lake skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/FreshwaterLake freshwater lake semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label freshwater lake ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000022 river skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/River river semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label river ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000023 stream skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Stream stream semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stream ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Reservoir reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSciComponent/Reservoir reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000026 well skos:closeMatch sweet:matrEquipment/Well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000026 well skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMathFunction/Well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000026 well skos:closeMatch sweet:stateOrdinal/Well well semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label well ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000027 spring skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Spring spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000027 spring skos:closeMatch sweet:reprTimeSeason/Spring spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000032 bay skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Bay bay semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bay ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Pond pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pond ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000035 marsh skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Marsh marsh semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label marsh ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000039 fjord skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Fjord fjord semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fjord ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000044 peatland skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Peatland peatland semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label peatland ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Estuary estuary semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label estuary ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000050 geyser skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandVolcanic/Geyser geyser semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label geyser ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000067 cave skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandFluvial/Cave cave semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cave ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000068 tunnel skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandFluvial/Tunnel tunnel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tunnel ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000076 mine skos:closeMatch sweet:matrFacility/Mine mine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mine ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000078 farm skos:closeMatch sweet:matrFacility/Farm farm semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label farm ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000081 mountain skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Mountain mountain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mountain ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000083 hill skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Hill hill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hill ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000086 plain skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandform/Plain plain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label plain ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000087 cliff skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Cliff cliff semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cliff ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000091 beach skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/Beach beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label beach ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000096 caldera skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandVolcanic/Caldera caldera semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label caldera ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000098 island skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/Island island semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label island ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000100 valley skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandFluvial/Valley valley semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label valley ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000101 delta skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/Delta delta semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label delta ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000117 plantation skos:closeMatch sweet:matrFacility/Plantation plantation semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label plantation ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000133 glacier skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/Glacier glacier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch envo:00000133 ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000133 glacier skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/Glacier glacier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label glacier ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000133 glacier skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/Glacier glacier semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID sweet:realmcryo/glacier ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000141 bank skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydro/Bank bank semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bank ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000150 coral reef skos:closeMatch sweet:realmBiolBiome/CoralReef coral reef semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label coral reef ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000155 cirque skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandGlacial/Cirque cirque semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cirque ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000167 bar skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/Bar bar semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bar ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000170 dune skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandAeolian/Dune dune semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dune ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000174 isthmus skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/Isthmus isthmus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label isthmus ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000175 karst skos:closeMatch sweet:phenGeolGeomorphology/Karst karst semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label karst ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000178 levee skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydro/Levee levee semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label levee ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000179 mesa skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Mesa mesa semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mesa ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000182 plateau skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Plateau plateau semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label plateau ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000215 hydrothermal vent skos:closeMatch sweet:realmOceanFloor/HydrothermalVent hydrothermal vent semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hydrothermal vent ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000216 fumarole skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandVolcanic/Fumarole fumarole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fumarole ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000223 continental shelf skos:closeMatch sweet:realmOceanFloor/ContinentalShelf continental shelf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label continental shelf ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000244 abyssal plain skos:closeMatch sweet:realmOceanFloor/AbyssalPlain abyssal plain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label abyssal plain ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000247 volcano skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandVolcanic/Volcano volcano semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volcano ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000255 flood plain skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandFluvial/FloodPlain flood plain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label flood plain ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000258 alluvial plain skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandFluvial/AlluvialPlain alluvial plain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label alluvial plain ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000262 steppe skos:closeMatch sweet:realmBiolBiome/Steppe steppe semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label steppe ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000266 pasture skos:closeMatch sweet:realmBiolBiome/Pasture pasture semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pasture ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000283 ridge skos:closeMatch sweet:phenFluidDynamics/Ridge ridge semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ridge ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000283 ridge skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Ridge ridge semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ridge ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000283 ridge skos:closeMatch sweet:reprSpaceGeometry/Ridge ridge semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ridge ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000287 butte skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Butte butte semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label butte ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000291 drainage basin skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandFluvial/DrainageBasin drainage basin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label basin drainage ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000292 watershed skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandFluvial/Watershed watershed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label watershed ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000304 shore skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/Shore shore semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shore ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000316 intertidal zone skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/IntertidalZone intertidal zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label intertidal zone ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000328 vadose zone skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydro/VadoseZone vadose zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vadose zone ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000384 river bed skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandFluvial/RiverBed river bed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bed river ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000394 strait skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Strait strait semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label strait ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000426 ocean floor skos:closeMatch sweet:realmOceanFloor/OceanFloor ocean floor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label floor ocean ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000446 terrestrial biome skos:closeMatch sweet:realmBiolBiome/TerrestrialBiome terrestrial biome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label biome terrestrial ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000475 inlet skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Inlet inlet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label inlet ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000482 sea floor skos:closeMatch sweet:realmOceanFloor/SeaFloor sea floor semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label floor sea ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000486 shoreline skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/Shoreline shoreline semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label shoreline ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000514 crater skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandform/Crater crater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label crater ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000516 hummock skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandOrographic/Hummock hummock semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label hummock ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00000562 park skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandProtected/Park park semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label park ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00001998 soil skos:closeMatch sweet:matrSediment/Soil soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002000 slope skos:closeMatch sweet:reprMathOperation/Slope slope semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label slope ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/LiquidWater liquid water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label liquid water ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002007 sediment skos:closeMatch sweet:matrSediment/Sediment sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002010 saline water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/SalineWater saline water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label saline water ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002011 fresh water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/FreshWater fresh water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fresh water ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002018 sewage skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/Sewage sewage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sewage ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002019 brackish water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/BrackishWater brackish water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label brackish water ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002042 surface water skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydro/SurfaceWater surface water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label surface water ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002061 oil spill skos:closeMatch sweet:phenEnvirImpact/OilSpill oil spill semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label oil spill ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002149 sea water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/SeaWater sea water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sea water ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002200 sea ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/SeaIce sea ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:00002200 ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002200 sea ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/SeaIce sea ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ice sea ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002200 sea ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/SeaIce sea ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID sweet:realmcryo/seaice ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002236 cryosol skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/Cryosol cryosol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cryosol ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002254 vertisol skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/Vertisol vertisol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label vertisol ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00002258 loam skos:closeMatch sweet:matrSediment/Loam loam semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label loam ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00003044 brine skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/Brine brine semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label brine ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00003064 drinking water skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/DrinkingWater drinking water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label drinking water ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00005792 underground water skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydro/UndergroundWater underground water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label underground water ENVO sweet
-ENVO:00012408 aquifer skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydro/Aquifer aquifer semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label aquifer ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01000263 cold seep skos:closeMatch sweet:realmOceanFloor/ColdSeep cold seep semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label cold seep ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01000298 continental margin skos:closeMatch sweet:realmGeolContinental/ContinentalMargin continental margin semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label continental margin ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/Snow snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01000407 littoral zone skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandCoastal/LittoralZone littoral zone semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label littoral zone ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01000600 rainwater skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/Rainwater rainwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rainwater ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01000671 dike skos:closeMatch sweet:realmGeol/Dike dike semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dike ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01000671 dike skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydro/Dike dike semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label dike ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01001004 groundwater skos:closeMatch sweet:matrWater/Groundwater groundwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label groundwater ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01001191 water surface skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydro/SurfaceWater surface water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label surface water ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01001357 desert skos:closeMatch sweet:realmLandAeolian/Desert desert semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label desert ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01001397 ultisol skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/Ultisol ultisol semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ultisol ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01001512 congelation sea ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/CongelationIce congelation ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:01001512 ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01001512 congelation sea ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/CongelationIce congelation ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID sweet:realmcryo/congelationice ENVO sweet
-ENVO:01001803 tropical forest skos:closeMatch sweet:realmBiolBiome/TropicalForest tropical forest semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label forest tropical ENVO sweet
-ENVO:02000059 surface soil skos:closeMatch sweet:realmSoil/SurfaceSoil surface soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil surface ENVO sweet
-ENVO:03000046 frazil ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/FrazilIce frazil ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:03000046 ENVO sweet
-ENVO:03000046 frazil ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/FrazilIce frazil ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label frazil ice ENVO sweet
-ENVO:03000046 frazil ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/FrazilIce frazil ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID sweet:realmcryo/frazilice ENVO sweet
-ENVO:03000071 first year ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/SeasonalIce seasonal ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch envo:03000071 ENVO sweet
-ENVO:03000071 first year ice skos:closeMatch sweet:realmCryo/SeasonalIce seasonal ice semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID sweet:realmcryo/seasonalice ENVO sweet
-ENVO:03000117 channel skos:closeMatch sweet:realmHydroBody/Channel channel semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label channel ENVO sweet
-ENVO:06105211 runoff skos:closeMatch sweet:phenHydro/Runoff runoff semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label runoff ENVO sweet
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch sweet:matrPlant/Fruit fruit semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fruit PO sweet
-PO:0009005 root skos:closeMatch sweet:matrPlant/Root root semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label root PO sweet
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch sweet:matrPlant/Leaf leaf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label leaf PO sweet
-PO:0025281 pollen skos:closeMatch sweet:matrAerosol/Pollen pollen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pollen PO sweet
-PO:0025281 pollen skos:closeMatch sweet:matrPlant/Pollen pollen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pollen PO sweet
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch MS:1000067 reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir ENVO MS
-ENVO:00000014 canal skos:closeMatch schema:Canal Canal semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label canal ENVO schema
-ENVO:00000025 reservoir skos:closeMatch schema:Reservoir Reservoir semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label reservoir ENVO schema
-ENVO:00000033 pond skos:closeMatch schema:Pond Pond semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pond ENVO schema
-ENVO:00000081 mountain skos:closeMatch schema:Mountain Mountain semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label mountain ENVO schema
-ENVO:00000091 beach skos:closeMatch schema:Beach Beach semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label beach ENVO schema
-ENVO:00000247 volcano skos:closeMatch schema:Volcano Volcano semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label volcano ENVO schema
-ENVO:00000562 park skos:closeMatch schema:Park Park semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label park ENVO schema
-ENVO:01000417 house skos:closeMatch schema:House House semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label house ENVO schema
-ENVO:00000027 spring skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:74940 Oncorhynchus tshawytscha semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasBroadSynonym spring ENVO NCBITaxon
-ENVO:00000027 spring skos:closeMatch NCIT:C94731 Spring semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring ENVO NCIT
-ENVO:00000016 sea skos:closeMatch OMIT:0035157 SEA semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sea ENVO OMIT
-ENVO:00001998 soil skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013874 Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil ENVO OMIT
-ENVO:00002001 waste water skos:closeMatch OMIT:0028035 Waste Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label waste water ENVO OMIT
-ENVO:00002011 fresh water skos:closeMatch OMIT:0006821 Fresh Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fresh water ENVO OMIT
-ENVO:00002018 sewage skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013618 Sewage semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sewage ENVO OMIT
-ENVO:00003064 drinking water skos:closeMatch OMIT:0027835 Drinking Water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label drinking water ENVO OMIT
-ENVO:00005801 rhizosphere skos:closeMatch OMIT:0027202 Rhizosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rhizosphere ENVO OMIT
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch OMIT:0013802 Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow ENVO OMIT
-ENVO:01001004 groundwater skos:closeMatch OMIT:0027802 Groundwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label groundwater ENVO OMIT
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch FOODON:00002340 water food product semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasBroadSynonym oio:hasNarrowSynonym water ENVO FOODON
-ENVO:03600065 spring water skos:closeMatch FOODON:03307813 spring water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label spring water ENVO FOODON
-ENVO:00000020 lake skos:closeMatch PATO:0000600 increased width semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasRelatedSynonym broad ENVO PATO
-ENVO:00000020 lake skos:closeMatch PATO:0002359 broad semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label broad ENVO PATO
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch UBERON:0000165 mouth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasBroadSynonym rdfs:label mouth ENVO UBERON
-ENVO:00000045 estuary skos:closeMatch UBERON:0000166 oral opening semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasBroadSynonym oio:hasRelatedSynonym mouth ENVO UBERON
-ENVO:00000170 dune skos:closeMatch UBERON:0004529 anatomical projection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasBroadSynonym oio:hasNarrowSynonym ridge ENVO UBERON
-ENVO:00000223 continental shelf skos:closeMatch UBERON:0004529 anatomical projection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasBroadSynonym oio:hasNarrowSynonym shelf ENVO UBERON
-ENVO:00000275 ocean trench skos:closeMatch PATO:0001596 increased depth semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym deep ENVO PATO
-ENVO:00000283 ridge skos:closeMatch UBERON:0004529 anatomical projection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasNarrowSynonym ridge ENVO UBERON
-ENVO:00000283 ridge skos:closeMatch UBERON:0004529 anatomical projection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasNarrowSynonym ridge ENVO UBERON
-ENVO:00000283 ridge skos:closeMatch UBERON:0004529 anatomical projection semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasNarrowSynonym ridge ENVO UBERON
-ENVO:00000305 peninsula skos:closeMatch UBERON:0000033 head semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label head ENVO UBERON
-ENVO:03501370 stagnant water skos:closeMatch PATO:0001823 wet semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym rdfs:label wet ENVO PATO
-ENVO:01001369 tidal mangrove shrubland skos:closeMatch PCO:0000047 tidal mangrove shrubland community semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasDbXref oio:hasDbXref https://cmecscatalog.org/cmecs/classification/unit/577.html ENVO PCO
-PO:0009005 root skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:1 root semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label root PO NCBITaxon
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasBroadSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym water ENVO CHEBI
-ENVO:00002006 liquid water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasBroadSynonym rdfs:label water ENVO CHEBI
-ENVO:00002000 slope skos:closeMatch ECOSIM:SL slope semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label slope ENVO ECOSIM
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Leaf Leaf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label leaf PO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:01000722 meltwater skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:MeltWater MeltWater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label meltwater ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:01000722 meltwater skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Meltwater Meltwater semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label meltwater ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-PO:0009005 root skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Root Root semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label root PO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-PO:0003023 root nodule skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:RootNodule Root nodule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nodule root PO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:06105211 runoff skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Runoff Runoff semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label runoff ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:00002007 sediment skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Sediment Sediment semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label sediment ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-PO:0009010 seed skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Seed Seed semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label seed PO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:00002000 slope skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Slope Slope semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label slope ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Snow Snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:00001998 soil skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Soil Soil semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:02000059 surface soil skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:SoilSurface Soil surface semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label soil surface ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-PO:0009047 stem skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:Stem Stem semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label stem PO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:00002042 surface water skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:SurfaceWater Surface water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label surface water ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-ENVO:01001191 water surface skos:closeMatch ECOSIMCONCEPT:SurfaceWater Surface water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label surface water ENVO ECOSIMCONCEPT
-PO:0004542 rhizome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:3943 Host-associated > Plants > Rhizome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym rhizome PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0004542 rhizome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:3943 Host-associated > Plants > Rhizome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:3943 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0004542 rhizome skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:3943 Host-associated > Plants > Rhizome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0004542 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0009005 root skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4466 Host-associated > Plants > Roots semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4466 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0009005 root skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4466 Host-associated > Plants > Roots semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0009005 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0003023 root nodule skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4523 Host-associated > Plants > Roots > Nodule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4523 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0003023 root nodule skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4523 Host-associated > Plants > Roots > Nodule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0003023 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0009010 seed skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4572 Host-associated > Plants > Seeds semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:4572 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0009010 seed skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:4572 Host-associated > Plants > Seeds semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0009010 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5269 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Leaf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym leaf PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5269 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Leaf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5269 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5269 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Leaf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025034 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025417 xylem vessel skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5270 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Leaf > Xylem vessels semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5270 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025417 xylem vessel skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5270 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Leaf > Xylem vessels semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025417 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0005052 plant callus skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5277 Host-associated > Plants > Plant callus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym callus plant PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0005052 plant callus skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5277 Host-associated > Plants > Plant callus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5277 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0005052 plant callus skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5277 Host-associated > Plants > Plant callus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0005052 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0020038 petiole skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5320 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Petiole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym petiole PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0020038 petiole skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5320 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Petiole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5320 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0020038 petiole skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5320 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Petiole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0020038 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025356 bulb skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5416 Host-associated > Plants > Rhizome > Bulb semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym bulb PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025356 bulb skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5416 Host-associated > Plants > Rhizome > Bulb semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5416 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025356 bulb skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5416 Host-associated > Plants > Rhizome > Bulb semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025356 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025623 ear infructescence axis skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5740 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Cob semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5740 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0025623 ear infructescence axis skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5740 Host-associated > Plants > Phyllosphere > Cob semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025623 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0030078 rhizoid skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5796 Host-associated > Plants > Rhizoid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym rhizoid PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0030078 rhizoid skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5796 Host-associated > Plants > Rhizoid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldterms:5796 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0030078 rhizoid skos:closeMatch GOLDTERMS:5796 Host-associated > Plants > Rhizoid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0030078 PO GOLDTERMS
-PO:0009046 flower skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Anthosphere Anthosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym flower PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009046 flower skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Anthosphere Anthosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:anthosphere PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009046 flower skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Anthosphere Anthosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0009046 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0004518 bark skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bark Bark semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:bark PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0004518 bark skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bark Bark semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bark PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0004518 bark skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bark Bark semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0004518 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025356 bulb skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bulb Bulb semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:bulb PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025356 bulb skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bulb Bulb semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label bulb PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025356 bulb skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Bulb Bulb semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025356 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Carposphere Carposphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym fruit PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Carposphere Carposphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:carposphere PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Carposphere Carposphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0009001 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009047 stem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Caulosphere Caulosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym stem PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009047 stem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Caulosphere Caulosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:caulosphere PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009047 stem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Caulosphere Caulosphere semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0009047 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025623 ear infructescence axis skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cob Cob semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:cob PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025623 ear infructescence axis skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Cob Cob semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025623 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025626 plant gall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Galls Galls semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym gall plant PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025626 plant gall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Galls Galls semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:galls PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025626 plant gall skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Galls Galls semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025626 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Leaf Leaf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:leaf PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Leaf Leaf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label leaf PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Leaf Leaf semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025034 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0003023 root nodule skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Nodule Nodule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:broadMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:nodule PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0003023 root nodule skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Nodule Nodule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:broadMatch po:0003023 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0020038 petiole skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Petiole Petiole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:petiole PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0020038 petiole skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Petiole Petiole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label petiole PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0020038 petiole skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Petiole Petiole semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0020038 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0005052 plant callus skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Plant-callus Plant callus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:plant-callus PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0005052 plant callus skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Plant-callus Plant callus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label callus plant PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0005052 plant callus skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Plant-callus Plant callus semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0005052 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025281 pollen skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pollen Pollen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:pollen PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025281 pollen skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pollen Pollen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pollen PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025281 pollen skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Pollen Pollen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025281 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0030078 rhizoid skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rhizoid Rhizoid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:rhizoid PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0030078 rhizoid skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rhizoid Rhizoid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rhizoid PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0030078 rhizoid skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rhizoid Rhizoid semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0030078 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0004542 rhizome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rhizome Rhizome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:rhizome PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0004542 rhizome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rhizome Rhizome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rhizome PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0004542 rhizome skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Rhizome Rhizome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0004542 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009005 root skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Roots Roots semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:roots PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009005 root skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Roots Roots semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0009005 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0020031 radicle skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Seed-radicle Seed radicle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:seed-radicle PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0020031 radicle skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Seed-radicle Seed radicle semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch po:0020031 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009010 seed skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Seeds Seeds semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:seeds PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0009010 seed skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Seeds Seeds semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0009010 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025522 tuber skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Stem-tuber Stem tuber semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:closeMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:stem-tuber PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025522 tuber skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Stem-tuber Stem tuber semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:closeMatch po:0025522 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0005848 secondary xylem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:wood PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0005848 secondary xylem skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Wood Wood semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0005848 PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025417 xylem vessel skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Xylem-vessels Xylem vessels semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 skos:exactMatch-INVERSE rdf:ID goldvocab:xylem-vessels PO GOLDVOCAB
-PO:0025417 xylem vessel skos:closeMatch GOLDVOCAB:Xylem-vessels Xylem vessels semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdf:ID skos:exactMatch po:0025417 PO GOLDVOCAB
-ENVO:00000170 dune skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000196 bund semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasBroadSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym ridge ENVO AGRO
-ENVO:00000178 levee skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000196 bund semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym dyke ENVO AGRO
-ENVO:00000178 levee skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000196 bund semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym levee ENVO AGRO
-ENVO:00000178 levee skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000196 bund semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym levee ENVO AGRO
-ENVO:00000283 ridge skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000196 bund semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasExactSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym ridge ENVO AGRO
-ENVO:00000283 ridge skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000196 bund semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 oio:hasRelatedSynonym oio:hasExactSynonym ridge ENVO AGRO
-ENVO:00000283 ridge skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000196 bund semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym ridge ENVO AGRO
-ENVO:03600087 greenhouse skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000363 greenhouse semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label greenhouse ENVO AGRO
-PO:0008037 seedling skos:closeMatch AGRO:00000548 seedling semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label seedling PO AGRO
-ENVO:00002006 water skos:closeMatch CHEBI:15377 water semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label water ENVO CHEBI
-ENVO:01000406 snow skos:closeMatch ECSO:#http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01000406 snow semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label snow ENVO ECSO
-ENVO:00000015 ocean skos:closeMatch ECSO:00001154 Ocean semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label ocean ENVO ECSO
-PO:0025522 tuber skos:closeMatch FOODON:00001146 solanaceous root food product semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym tuber PO FOODON
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch FOODON:03304644 fruit (raw) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym fruit PO FOODON
-PO:0025522 tuber skos:closeMatch NCBITaxon:36048 Tuber semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label tuber PO NCBITaxon
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch OMIT:0006840 Fruit semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label fruit PO OMIT
-PO:0025281 pollen skos:closeMatch OMIT:0012028 Pollen semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label pollen PO OMIT
-PO:0004542 rhizome skos:closeMatch OMIT:0021289 Rhizome semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label rhizome PO OMIT
-PO:0009001 fruit skos:closeMatch FOODON:03304644 fruit (whole, raw) semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym fruit PO FOODON
-PO:0003023 root nodule skos:closeMatch ENVO:01000164 root nodule semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label rdfs:label nodule root PO ENVO
-PO:0009047 stem skos:closeMatch CHMO:0000086 scanning transmission electron microscopy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym stem PO CHMO
-PO:0025034 leaf skos:closeMatch CHMO:0000284 laser-enhanced atomic fluorescence spectroscopy semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasExactSynonym leaf PO CHMO
-PO:0009047 stem skos:closeMatch CHMO:0002649 scanning transmission electron microscope semapv:LexicalMatching oaklib 0.5 rdfs:label oio:hasRelatedSynonym stem PO CHMO
diff --git a/notebooks/build_mixs_slot_rank_template.ipynb b/notebooks/mixs-slot-ranking/build_mixs_slot_rank_template.ipynb
similarity index 80%
rename from notebooks/build_mixs_slot_rank_template.ipynb
rename to notebooks/mixs-slot-ranking/build_mixs_slot_rank_template.ipynb
index 8a0bda8..ba41d77 100644
--- a/notebooks/build_mixs_slot_rank_template.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/mixs-slot-ranking/build_mixs_slot_rank_template.ipynb
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:40.929310Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:40.453732Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:18.612922Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:18.127251Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -22,19 +22,19 @@
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true,
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:40.935847Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:40.933157Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:18.619128Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:18.616589Z"
- "source": "schema_url = \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GenomicsStandardsConsortium/mixs/refs/heads/main/src/mixs/schema/mixs.yaml\"\n",
+ "source": "schema_url = \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GenomicsStandardsConsortium/mixs/refs/heads/main/src/mixs/schema/mixs.yaml\"",
"outputs": [],
"execution_count": 2
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:41.078063Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:41.075314Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:19.211163Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:19.207939Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:42.509771Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:41.117318Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:21.078479Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:19.758867Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:44.070475Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:44.059654Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:21.091425Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:21.081498Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:45.650626Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:45.648018Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:22.375072Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:22.372584Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -86,22 +86,29 @@
"execution_count": 6
- "metadata": {
- "ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:43:20.620952Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:42:47.216068Z"
- }
- },
+ "metadata": {},
"cell_type": "code",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null,
"source": [
"class_slot_rank_rows = []\n",
"class_ancestry_rows = []\n",
"checklist_tally = 0\n",
"extension_tally = 0\n",
- "combination_tally = 0\n",
- "\n",
+ "combination_tally = 0"
+ ],
+ "id": "a222697d514774af"
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:51.416450Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:20:23.658359Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
"# ~ 40 seconds\n",
- "\n",
"for cn in schema_classnames:\n",
" ic = schema_view.induced_class(cn)\n",
" ic_parent = ic.is_a\n",
@@ -136,8 +143,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:43:22.557972Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:43:22.477529Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:21:11.300634Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:21:11.216805Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -156,8 +163,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:43:26.077996Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:43:26.074448Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:21:12.761765Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:21:12.758270Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -191,8 +198,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-19T14:43:26.090962Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-19T14:43:26.084595Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:21:17.571398Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:21:17.566273Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -207,6 +214,14 @@
"id": "94208893560e6edc",
"outputs": [],
"execution_count": 10
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {},
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "source": "",
+ "id": "507a80779671d638"
"metadata": {
diff --git a/notebooks/mixs_class_ancestry.tsv b/notebooks/mixs-slot-ranking/mixs_class_ancestry.tsv
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/mixs_class_ancestry.tsv
rename to notebooks/mixs-slot-ranking/mixs_class_ancestry.tsv
diff --git a/notebooks/mixs_slot_rank_template.tsv b/notebooks/mixs-slot-ranking/mixs_slot_rank_template.tsv
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/mixs_slot_rank_template.tsv
rename to notebooks/mixs-slot-ranking/mixs_slot_rank_template.tsv
diff --git a/notebooks/aggregate_lexmatch_results.ipynb b/notebooks/multi-lexmatch/aggregate_lexmatch_results.ipynb
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/aggregate_lexmatch_results.ipynb
rename to notebooks/multi-lexmatch/aggregate_lexmatch_results.ipynb
diff --git a/notebooks/env_triad_pvs_sheet.tsv b/notebooks/multi-lexmatch/env_triad_pvs_sheet.tsv
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/env_triad_pvs_sheet.tsv
rename to notebooks/multi-lexmatch/env_triad_pvs_sheet.tsv
diff --git a/notebooks/fetch_bioportal_class_counts.ipynb b/notebooks/multi-lexmatch/fetch_bioportal_class_counts.ipynb
similarity index 99%
rename from notebooks/fetch_bioportal_class_counts.ipynb
rename to notebooks/multi-lexmatch/fetch_bioportal_class_counts.ipynb
index e424866..dfc4842 100644
--- a/notebooks/fetch_bioportal_class_counts.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/multi-lexmatch/fetch_bioportal_class_counts.ipynb
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"# Your BioPortal API key\n",
- "API_KEY = 'e4043787-8e9c-4fc8-a0a0-54fd01b6be9d'\n",
+ "API_KEY = ''\n",
"BASE_URL = 'https://data.bioontology.org'\n",
"# Save the ontology class counts as a TSV file\n",
diff --git a/notebooks/obo_ontologies.tsv b/notebooks/multi-lexmatch/obo_ontologies.tsv
similarity index 100%
rename from notebooks/obo_ontologies.tsv
rename to notebooks/multi-lexmatch/obo_ontologies.tsv
diff --git a/notebooks/parse_bbop_sqlite_s3_catalog.ipynb b/notebooks/multi-lexmatch/parse_bbop_sqlite_s3_catalog.ipynb
similarity index 98%
rename from notebooks/parse_bbop_sqlite_s3_catalog.ipynb
rename to notebooks/multi-lexmatch/parse_bbop_sqlite_s3_catalog.ipynb
index 9758582..bdee80b 100644
--- a/notebooks/parse_bbop_sqlite_s3_catalog.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/multi-lexmatch/parse_bbop_sqlite_s3_catalog.ipynb
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true,
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.250937Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.137160Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:33.224522Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:33.108412Z"
"source": [
@@ -25,11 +25,30 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.258127Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.255093Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:35.805583Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:35.803054Z"
"cell_type": "code",
+ "source": [
+ "# TSV inputs\n",
+ "obo_ontologies_tsv = \"obo_ontologies.tsv\"\n",
+ "bioportal_ontologies_tsv = \"bioportal_ontology_class_counts.tsv\""
+ ],
+ "id": "96f314ebdab9edd3",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "metadata": {
+ "ExecuteTime": {
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:33.232939Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:33.228857Z"
+ }
+ },
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "outputs": [],
+ "execution_count": 2,
"source": [
"# Fetch XML from the web\n",
"s3_url = \"https://s3.amazonaws.com/bbop-sqlite\"\n",
@@ -43,31 +62,13 @@
"tsv_output = \"bbop-sem-sql-catalog-filtered.tsv\""
- "id": "c3286db357491cff",
- "outputs": [],
- "execution_count": 2
- },
- {
- "metadata": {
- "ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.381728Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.379100Z"
- }
- },
- "cell_type": "code",
- "source": [
- "obo_ontologies_tsv = \"obo_ontologies.tsv\"\n",
- "bioportal_ontologies_tsv = \"bioportal_ontology_class_counts.tsv\""
- ],
- "id": "96f314ebdab9edd3",
- "outputs": [],
- "execution_count": 3
+ "id": "c3286db357491cff"
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.459541Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.453463Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:36.495724Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:36.489360Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -85,14 +86,28 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.500196Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-24T13:10:57.495768Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:37.646245Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:25:37.371298Z"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "obo_ontologies = read_tsv_to_dicts(obo_ontologies_tsv)",
"id": "86a913e7b6d3b9e5",
- "outputs": [],
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "ename": "FileNotFoundError",
+ "evalue": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'obo_ontologies.tsv'",
+ "output_type": "error",
+ "traceback": [
+ "\u001B[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001B[0m",
+ "\u001B[0;31mFileNotFoundError\u001B[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
+ "Cell \u001B[0;32mIn[5], line 1\u001B[0m\n\u001B[0;32m----> 1\u001B[0m obo_ontologies \u001B[38;5;241m=\u001B[39m \u001B[43mread_tsv_to_dicts\u001B[49m\u001B[43m(\u001B[49m\u001B[43mobo_ontologies_tsv\u001B[49m\u001B[43m)\u001B[49m\n",
+ "Cell \u001B[0;32mIn[4], line 2\u001B[0m, in \u001B[0;36mread_tsv_to_dicts\u001B[0;34m(filepath)\u001B[0m\n\u001B[1;32m 1\u001B[0m \u001B[38;5;28;01mdef\u001B[39;00m\u001B[38;5;250m \u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;21mread_tsv_to_dicts\u001B[39m(filepath):\n\u001B[0;32m----> 2\u001B[0m \u001B[38;5;28;01mwith\u001B[39;00m \u001B[38;5;28;43mopen\u001B[39;49m\u001B[43m(\u001B[49m\u001B[43mfilepath\u001B[49m\u001B[43m,\u001B[49m\u001B[43m \u001B[49m\u001B[43mmode\u001B[49m\u001B[38;5;241;43m=\u001B[39;49m\u001B[38;5;124;43m'\u001B[39;49m\u001B[38;5;124;43mr\u001B[39;49m\u001B[38;5;124;43m'\u001B[39;49m\u001B[43m,\u001B[49m\u001B[43m \u001B[49m\u001B[43mnewline\u001B[49m\u001B[38;5;241;43m=\u001B[39;49m\u001B[38;5;124;43m'\u001B[39;49m\u001B[38;5;124;43m'\u001B[39;49m\u001B[43m,\u001B[49m\u001B[43m \u001B[49m\u001B[43mencoding\u001B[49m\u001B[38;5;241;43m=\u001B[39;49m\u001B[38;5;124;43m'\u001B[39;49m\u001B[38;5;124;43mutf-8\u001B[39;49m\u001B[38;5;124;43m'\u001B[39;49m\u001B[43m)\u001B[49m \u001B[38;5;28;01mas\u001B[39;00m file:\n\u001B[1;32m 3\u001B[0m reader \u001B[38;5;241m=\u001B[39m csv\u001B[38;5;241m.\u001B[39mDictReader(file, delimiter\u001B[38;5;241m=\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124m'\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;130;01m\\t\u001B[39;00m\u001B[38;5;124m'\u001B[39m) \u001B[38;5;66;03m# Use '\\t' as the delimiter for TSV\u001B[39;00m\n\u001B[1;32m 4\u001B[0m data \u001B[38;5;241m=\u001B[39m [row \u001B[38;5;28;01mfor\u001B[39;00m row \u001B[38;5;129;01min\u001B[39;00m reader] \u001B[38;5;66;03m# Convert each row into a dictionary\u001B[39;00m\n",
+ "File \u001B[0;32m~/gitrepos/external-metadata-awareness/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:324\u001B[0m, in \u001B[0;36m_modified_open\u001B[0;34m(file, *args, **kwargs)\u001B[0m\n\u001B[1;32m 317\u001B[0m \u001B[38;5;28;01mif\u001B[39;00m file \u001B[38;5;129;01min\u001B[39;00m {\u001B[38;5;241m0\u001B[39m, \u001B[38;5;241m1\u001B[39m, \u001B[38;5;241m2\u001B[39m}:\n\u001B[1;32m 318\u001B[0m \u001B[38;5;28;01mraise\u001B[39;00m \u001B[38;5;167;01mValueError\u001B[39;00m(\n\u001B[1;32m 319\u001B[0m \u001B[38;5;124mf\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124m\"\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124mIPython won\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124m'\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124mt let you open fd=\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;132;01m{\u001B[39;00mfile\u001B[38;5;132;01m}\u001B[39;00m\u001B[38;5;124m by default \u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124m\"\u001B[39m\n\u001B[1;32m 320\u001B[0m \u001B[38;5;124m\"\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124mas it is likely to crash IPython. If you know what you are doing, \u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124m\"\u001B[39m\n\u001B[1;32m 321\u001B[0m \u001B[38;5;124m\"\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124myou can use builtins\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124m'\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124m open.\u001B[39m\u001B[38;5;124m\"\u001B[39m\n\u001B[1;32m 322\u001B[0m )\n\u001B[0;32m--> 324\u001B[0m \u001B[38;5;28;01mreturn\u001B[39;00m \u001B[43mio_open\u001B[49m\u001B[43m(\u001B[49m\u001B[43mfile\u001B[49m\u001B[43m,\u001B[49m\u001B[43m \u001B[49m\u001B[38;5;241;43m*\u001B[39;49m\u001B[43margs\u001B[49m\u001B[43m,\u001B[49m\u001B[43m \u001B[49m\u001B[38;5;241;43m*\u001B[39;49m\u001B[38;5;241;43m*\u001B[39;49m\u001B[43mkwargs\u001B[49m\u001B[43m)\u001B[49m\n",
+ "\u001B[0;31mFileNotFoundError\u001B[0m: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'obo_ontologies.tsv'"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
"execution_count": 5
diff --git a/notebooks/parse_obo_ontologies_yaml.ipynb b/notebooks/multi-lexmatch/parse_obo_ontologies_yaml.ipynb
similarity index 80%
rename from notebooks/parse_obo_ontologies_yaml.ipynb
rename to notebooks/multi-lexmatch/parse_obo_ontologies_yaml.ipynb
index af193e3..0d0b330 100644
--- a/notebooks/parse_obo_ontologies_yaml.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/multi-lexmatch/parse_obo_ontologies_yaml.ipynb
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
"metadata": {
"collapsed": true,
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:57.411407Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:57.306902Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:46.359665Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:46.256877Z"
"source": [
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:57.418099Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:57.415475Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:46.365983Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:46.363372Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:58.827509Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:57.545465Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:47.430004Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:46.490988Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:58.837522Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:58.834440Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:47.441922Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:47.438290Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@
"metadata": {
"ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:58.881563Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-21T12:50:58.876595Z"
+ "end_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:47.485051Z",
+ "start_time": "2025-02-25T23:26:47.479183Z"
"cell_type": "code",
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
" writer.writeheader()\n",
" writer.writerows(ontologies_list)\n",
- "print(f\"Fetched and saved {len(tsv_output)} entries to {tsv_output}\")"
+ "print(f\"Saved to {tsv_output}\")"
"id": "1d42776d3419c58f",
"outputs": [
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "Fetched and saved 18 entries to obo_ontologies.tsv\n"
+ "Saved to obo_ontologies.tsv\n"
diff --git a/notebooks/nmdc_metadata_gh_dl.ipynb b/notebooks/nmdc_metadata_gh_dl.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index 35d0627..0000000
--- a/notebooks/nmdc_metadata_gh_dl.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "metadata": {
- "ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-18T21:16:14.184475Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-18T21:16:14.180159Z"
- }
- },
- "cell_type": "code",
- "source": [
- "import requests\n",
- "import os\n",
- "import json\n",
- "import time\n",
- "from datetime import datetime, timedelta\n",
- "\n",
- "# Replace with your GitHub username and personal access token (PAT)\n",
- "# Generate a PAT with \"repo\" scope (or finer-grained scopes if possible)\n",
- "GITHUB_USERNAME = \"turbomam\"\n",
- "GITHUB_TOKEN = \"\"\n",
- "\n",
- "# Replace with the repository you want to analyze\n",
- "REPO_OWNER = \"microbiomedata\" # e.g., \"facebook\"\n",
- "REPO_NAME = \"nmdc-metadata\" # e.g., \"react\""
- ],
- "id": "f44756e298facf58",
- "outputs": [],
- "execution_count": 8
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "id": "initial_id",
- "metadata": {
- "collapsed": true,
- "ExecuteTime": {
- "end_time": "2025-02-18T21:20:12.730146Z",
- "start_time": "2025-02-18T21:17:25.664338Z"
- }
- },
- "source": [
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "# Output directory\n",
- "OUTPUT_DIR = \"github_data\"\n",
- "\n",
- "if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):\n",
- " os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR)\n",
- "\n",
- "def download_data(api_url, data_type, filename):\n",
- " \"\"\"Downloads issues, pull requests, or comments with enhanced status messages.\"\"\"\n",
- "\n",
- " all_data = []\n",
- " page = 1\n",
- " start_time = datetime.now()\n",
- "\n",
- " while True:\n",
- " url_with_params = f\"{api_url}?page={page}&per_page=100&state=all\"\n",
- " response = requests.get(url_with_params, headers=headers)\n",
- "\n",
- " if response.status_code == 200:\n",
- " data = response.json()\n",
- " if not data:\n",
- " break\n",
- "\n",
- " all_data.extend(data)\n",
- "\n",
- " if data_type!= \"comments\":\n",
- " now = datetime.now()\n",
- " elapsed_time = now - start_time\n",
- " items_downloaded = len(all_data)\n",
- " rate = items_downloaded / elapsed_time.total_seconds() if elapsed_time.total_seconds() > 0 else 0\n",
- " time_remaining = timedelta(seconds=(total_items - items_downloaded) / rate) if rate > 0 and total_items > items_downloaded else \"Unknown\"\n",
- " print(\n",
- " f\"Downloaded page {page} of {data_type} ({items_downloaded} {data_type} so far). \"\n",
- " f\"Elapsed: {elapsed_time}, Rate: {rate:.2f} {data_type}/sec, Time Remaining: {time_remaining}.\"\n",
- " )\n",
- " page += 1\n",
- "\n",
- " elif response.status_code == 403: # rate limit handling\n",
- " print(\"Rate limit hit. Waiting...\")\n",
- " rate_limit_reset = int(response.headers.get(\"X-RateLimit-Reset\"))\n",
- " wait_time = rate_limit_reset - time.time() + 10 # add 10 seconds buffer\n",
- " if wait_time > 0:\n",
- " print(f\"Waiting for {wait_time:.1f} seconds...\")\n",
- " time.sleep(wait_time)\n",
- " continue\n",
- " else:\n",
- " raise Exception(\"Rate limit reset time in the past\")\n",
- "\n",
- " else:\n",
- " print(f\"Error downloading {data_type}: {response.status_code} - {response.text}\")\n",
- " return None\n",
- "\n",
- " if data_type!= \"comments\":\n",
- " for item in all_data:\n",
- " comments_url = item.get(\"comments_url\")\n",
- " if comments_url:\n",
- " comments = download_data(comments_url, \"comments\", None)\n",
- " if comments is not None:\n",
- " item[\"comments\"] = comments\n",
- " else:\n",
- " print(f\"Failed to download comments for {data_type} #{item.get('number') or item.get('id')}\")\n",
- "\n",
- " return all_data\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- "if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n",
- " headers = {\n",
- " \"Authorization\": f\"token {GITHUB_TOKEN}\",\n",
- " \"Accept\": \"application/vnd.github.v3+json\",\n",
- " }\n",
- "\n",
- " API_URL = f\"https://api.github.com/repos/{REPO_OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}/issues\"\n",
- "\n",
- " # Use the search API to get the total count\n",
- " search_url = f\"https://api.github.com/search/issues?q=repo:{REPO_OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}\"\n",
- " total_items_response = requests.get(search_url, headers=headers)\n",
- " if total_items_response.status_code == 200:\n",
- " total_items = total_items_response.json()[\"total_count\"]\n",
- " else:\n",
- " total_items = 0\n",
- " print(\"Could not retrieve total number of items. Progress estimation will not work.\")\n",
- "\n",
- "\n",
- " # Download Issues\n",
- " issues = download_data(API_URL, \"issues\", f\"{REPO_OWNER}_{REPO_NAME}_issues.json\")\n",
- " if issues:\n",
- " with open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f\"{REPO_OWNER}_{REPO_NAME}_issues.json\"), \"w\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as f:\n",
- " json.dump(issues, f, indent=4)\n",
- " print(\"Issues and comments saved.\")\n",
- " else:\n",
- " print(\"Failed to download issues or comments.\")\n",
- "\n",
- " # Download Pull Requests\n",
- " pulls_url = f\"https://api.github.com/repos/{REPO_OWNER}/{REPO_NAME}/pulls\"\n",
- " pulls = download_data(pulls_url, \"pull requests\", f\"{REPO_OWNER}_{REPO_NAME}_pulls.json\")\n",
- " if pulls:\n",
- " with open(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, f\"{REPO_OWNER}_{REPO_NAME}_pulls.json\"), \"w\", encoding=\"utf-8\") as f:\n",
- " json.dump(pulls, f, indent=4)\n",
- " print(\"Pull requests and comments saved.\")\n",
- " else:\n",
- " print(\"Failed to download pull requests or comments.\")"
- ],
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Could not retrieve total number of items. Progress estimation will not work.\n",
- "Downloaded page 1 of issues (100 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:00.635497, Rate: 157.36 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
- "Downloaded page 2 of issues (200 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:01.253279, Rate: 159.58 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
- "Downloaded page 3 of issues (300 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:01.804811, Rate: 166.22 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
- "Downloaded page 4 of issues (400 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:02.391352, Rate: 167.27 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
- "Downloaded page 5 of issues (433 issues so far). Elapsed: 0:00:02.736660, Rate: 158.22 issues/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
- "Issues and comments saved.\n",
- "Downloaded page 1 of pull requests (100 pull requests so far). Elapsed: 0:00:00.752086, Rate: 132.96 pull requests/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
- "Downloaded page 2 of pull requests (138 pull requests so far). Elapsed: 0:00:01.170873, Rate: 117.86 pull requests/sec, Time Remaining: Unknown.\n",
- "Pull requests and comments saved.\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "execution_count": 10
- },
- {
- "metadata": {},
- "cell_type": "code",
- "outputs": [],
- "execution_count": null,
- "source": "",
- "id": "6e0a598b4a1a7b20"
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "Python 3",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 2
- },
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- "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
- "pygments_lexer": "ipython2",
- "version": "2.7.6"
- }
- },
- "nbformat": 4,
- "nbformat_minor": 5
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+# NMDC External Metadata Awareness
+## Background
+NMDC brings unique value to environmental microbial research by
+- emphasizing multi-omics experiments
+- processing data with standardized workflows
+- describing relevant material entities and processes with a LinkML schema
+But NMDC is not the source of any of that data or metadata, and the NMDC schema is strongly influenced by external
+standards and ontologies.
+## High Level Goals
+We have developed the NMDC schema to ensure that our metadata is FAIR, meaning that once a user has basic familiarity
+with the Data Portal or our APIs, they should be able to retrieve metadata about study X as easily as they can retrieve
+metadata about study Y. They should also be able to generate trustworthy summaries of the metadata across studies. None
+of that should require any prior familiarity with any of those studies.
+NMDC launched a Value Set Squad in August 2024 to formalize which ontology terms (especially from EnvO) are suitable for
+populating MIxS' `env_broad_scale`, `env_local_scale` and `env_medium` fields, in the context of a particular MIxS
+Extension (aka environment). See more below.
+## Challenges
+We haven't completely achieved that goal yet, which means that some NMDC team members need the ability to retrieve the
+external metadata in their native form, analyze them systematically, and possibly integrate subsets of two or more
+metadata sources. We also need the ability to compare these external metadata against the schemas that accompany them.
+The interpretation of metadata can be especially challenging when the values that are allowed for a particular slot or
+field come from some hierarchy in an ontology.
+## Individual vs Collaborative Approaches
+There is no shortage of expertise on our various metadata sources within NMDC. However, if person A asks their colleague
+B about some metadata, and B does some web searches followed by a mashup analysis on their laptop, then A (or someone
+else) won't be in a better position to build on that in the future. That means that external metadata exploration
+requires automation and the use of machine-readable file formats. This doesn't mean that B's web searching skills aren't
+valuable. It just means that B and A are responsible for converting the successful web search strategy into something
+that can be automated.
+## How to Contribute
+This repo uses the following technologies:
+- Linux/MacOS command line tools like `yq` and `runoak`
+- Python scripts
+- Makefiles, which show how the command line tools and Python scripts can be chained together to achieve a goal (usually
+ a final output file)
+Everyone is welcome to contribute to the Python scripts and Makefile targets, although that is not necessary.
+The greatest contribution that an NMDC team member can make is to add value-added file to the `contributed` directory.
+Ideally, these files would be in a machine-readable format like TSV, CSV, YAML, or JSON. Contributors who have XLSX
+files or Google Sheets are asked to save them as TSV or CSV. Please be aware of any knowledge that is captured in a way
+that would be lost upon conversion to TSV or CSV, like color coding or comments. See Mark for help.
+### TSV vs CSV
+Many LinkML-related tools like `runoak` generate TSV output even when CSV is requested. However, many of the LLM web
+interfaces will accept CSV uploads but reject TSV uploads. In a similar vein, YAML files are usually easier to read, but
+LLMs are more likely to accept JSON files. This means that conversion between formats is a common task in the Makefiles.
+### Role of LLMs
+Large language models like ChatGPT can provide valuable insights about the metadata and their standards, but there are
+many caveats about loading data and prompts into LLMs and about interpreting their output. NMDC team members are
+encouraged to experiment with LLMs for metadata and schema exploration, even if it is through a web interface. However,
+all use of LLMs in this repo will be automated with the `llm` command line tool.
+While many vendors provide a free tier for using their LLMs, those are usually not sufficient for NMDC metadata/schema
+exploration tasks. That's partially due to the fact that the free tiers don't use the most advanced models, but also due
+to the fact that the free (or even less expensive) models are more limited in the number of tokens (words or portions of
+words) they will accept as input, and the number of tokens they will emit as a response.
+https://artificialanalysis.ai/ provides a nice analysis of the available LLM vendors and models, along with some quality
+metrics, token limits, and pricing.
+Your institution may provide some level of free access to the more advanced LLMs. Most BBOP team members have access to
+a LBL-paid OpenAI/GPT account for API access (but not web access). LBL also provides the CBORG multi-model
+interface https://cborg.lbl.gov/
+The LLMs that Mark has found most useful are Anthropic Claude Sonnet 3.5 (200k tokens input), OpenAI GPT 4 and 4o (
+128k), and Google Gemini 1.5 pro (2M).
+The time and financial cost of developing LLM methods is not trivial, and there's no guarantee that the results will be
+accurate, comprehensive, or repeatable. In the long run, the best use of LLMs may be in interpreting input data in order
+to generate code that solves a problem algorithmically.
+## Value set task
+NMDC follows the MIxS practice of requiring Biosamples to be annotated with a triad of environmental context
+fields, [env_broad_scale](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0000012/), [env_local_scale](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0000013/),
+and [env_medium](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0000014/). The EnvO repo
+provides general [guidance for using
+EnvO terms to fill these fields](https://github.com/EnvironmentOntology/envo/wiki/Using-ENVO-with-MIxS) (and that
+guidance is mirrored very closely by the descriptions of the MIxS fields
+linked above).
+For example, the guidance for `env_broad_scale` is to use an identifier for some subclass
+of [biome](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/envo/classes/http%253A%252F%252Fpurl.obolibrary.org%252Fobo%252FENVO_00000428).
+But MIxS recognizes that Biosamples come from a wide variety of environments, which it models
+as [Extensions](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/#extensions). [mediterranean sea biome](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/envo/classes/http%253A%252F%252Fpurl.obolibrary.org%252Fobo%252FENVO_01000047?lang=en)
+and [broadleaf forest biome](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/envo/classes/http%253A%252F%252Fpurl.obolibrary.org%252Fobo%252FENVO_01000197?lang=en)
+are both subclasses of `biome`, but we **intuitively** wouldn't expect
+a [Soil](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0016012/) sample to have a `env_broad_scale` annotation
+of `mediterranean sea biome`, nor would we **intuitively** expect
+a [Water](https://genomicsstandardsconsortium.github.io/mixs/0016014/) sample to have a `env_broad_scale` annotation
+of `broadleaf forest biome`.
+[NMDC's prioritization of environments (as MIxS Extensions)](https://github.com/microbiomedata/issues/issues/468)
+The problem here is that **intuition** shouldn't be required for either providing metadata about Biosamples, or for
+searching over Biosample metadata. NMDC should take a stance on which ontology terms are appropriate for each
+combination of a MIxS environmental context field and a MIxS Extension, and NMDC should provide metadata submission and
+search tools that are aware of those per-Extension guidance sets.
+The construction of value sets is intended to support submitters in faithfully describing their Biosamples, even in the
+context of innovative science, while also supporting data searchers. There will inevitably be some tension between these
+two goals.
+EnvO has 127 `biome` subclasses, including an `aquatic biome` with 55 subclasses of its own. Should we include all of
+them in the Water/env_broad_scale value set? For how many of our Water-environment studies
+will [marine white smoker biome](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols4/ontologies/envo/classes/http%253A%252F%252Fpurl.obolibrary.org%252Fobo%252FENVO_01000052?lang=en)
+be relevant? If it is relevant for one, should we all of its siblings in the value set too, or leave it
+Analogously, there are 71 subclasses of `biome` that are not subclasses of `aquatic biome`. Should we include all of
+them in a Soil/env_broad_scale value set? Even `subtropical moist broadleaf forest biome`?
+There have been multiple previous attempts to define NMDC value sets for these fields, either in a standalone manner, or
+in the context of something else like the highly curated but less machine-actionable GOLD ecosystem paths. The methods
+have been variously ML-based, completely manual, SPARQL-based, etc. The outputs of these efforts may be spread across
+many GitHub repos and Google Docs.
+Value sets for the three MIxS environmental context fields, for the Soil environment, have been retained as static
+enumerations in the NMDC submission-schema.
+## Implementation Questions
+- Should the submission of ontology terms for these fields be absolutely limited to the value sets, or should a string
+ pattern be allowed as a fallback?
+ - If submitters provide a term outside of the value set, are they responsible for providing the term ID, the label,
+ or both?
+ - If we are validating on a pattern only, and the ID and label don't match, how will we know which one the submitter
+ really meant?
+- Should any attempt be made to display the ontology term value sets in a hierarchical view? If so, and there are
+ multiple paths from a term up to its root, should all of those paths be shown?
+- Should they be saved as LinkML static enumerations, LinkML dynamic enumerations, or something else?
+- If LinkML enumerations, should the permissible values be saved as IDs, labels, or both (in label [id] format?)
+- What's a reasonable maximum number or permissible values for each value set?
+Note that this repo provides tooling for manually reviewing the ontology terms that have been associated with each NMDC
+## Value Set Google Sheets
+- [Soil-value-sets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UUA-WfZG2-UMtIuX5TPsE7hCfPFaOCHhjUYwZPjiAjQ/edit?gid=0#gid=0)
+## MIxS Environmental Triad Notes
+- There are many other MIxS fields that are about the Biosample's environment, and that take ontology class IDs as
+ their values. Don't assume that all knowledge about the environmental context has to be captured in the triad slots.
+## Requesting New Terms from the Source for the Value Set
+In some cases it may be necessary to request new terms from EnvO (or another ontology) to reflect the true environmental
+context of a sample.
+## System Dependencies:
+_Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and MacOS Sonoma 12.0.1. Not all dependencies are required for all tools in this repo._
+- [yq](https://github.com/mikefarah/yq) (Mike Farah/GO)
+ - [go](https://go.dev/)
+- [robot](https://robot.obolibrary.org/)
+ - Java
+- wget
+- completed `local/.env`, based on `local/.env.template`
+- ssh tunnel to the BBOP/NMDC Postgres server on NERSC
+- LBL CBORG llm users will want to create a extra-openai-models.yaml file (at ~/Library/Application
+ Support/io.datasette.llm/ on MacOS)
+- [yamlfmt](https://github.com/google/yamlfmt)
+ - [go](https://go.dev/)
+- [jq](https://github.com/jqlang/jq)
+- [gh CLI](https://cli.github.com/)
+- [efetch](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK179288/)?
+## Related resources
+- https://github.com/microbiomedata/nmdc-ontology
+- https://github.com/microbiomedata/submission-schema
+- ~~https://github.com/turbomam/llm-github~~
+ - https://github.com/linkml/linkml-store
+- ~~https://github.com/microbiomedata/context-collaboration~~
+- ~~https://github.com/turbomam/biosample-xmldb-sqldb~~
+## Ideas
+- Try [litellm](https://litellm.vercel.app/) as a proxy for [llm](https://llm.datasette.io/en/stable/)?
+ - llm, especially when configured to use CBORG, should be adequate for this purpose
+- Extract `Extension`s with [linkml-map](https://linkml.io/linkml-map/) instead of yq?
+ - No `robot extract`-like CLI yet. Would require custom Python scripting.
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