- Updated internal Rubocop version to 0.58.2 for Ruby 2.5 support - @michaelherold.
- #10: Updated to 0.28.0 of Haml-Lint - @andyw8.
- Updated the Ruby version to 2.5.1 - @michaelherold.
- Updated internally used gems to mitigate a security warning. This does not affect the security status of the engine at all - @michaelherold.
- #8: Updated to 0.27.0 of Haml-Lint - @michaelherold.
- #7: Updated to v0.3.1 of the CodeClimate engine specification - @michaelherold.
- #6: Added missing categories and remediation points and set a default category for unknown linters - @michaelherold.
- The basic functionality of the engine - @michaelherold.
- Version 0.24.0 of Haml-Lint - @michaelherold.