I'm a full-stack software engineer with a passion for creating high-quality software that is both scalable and maintainable . Typically, JavaScript/TypeScript is my favorite language to code with. Its libraries and frameworks, such as ReactJS, NextJS, ExpressJS, and NestJS, are my specialties.
During my leisure time, I love to pen down my thoughts and insights on my blog and share them with others.
I also have a passion for exploring and learning about new technologies.
Programming & Scripting Languages:
Frontend Technologies :
Backend Technologies :
APIs :
Databases :
Dev tools :
From: 23 May 2023 - To: 02 February 2025
Total Time: 1,064 hrs 22 mins
JavaScript 459 hrs 22 mins >>>>>>>>>>>-------------- 43.16 %
TypeScript 430 hrs 23 mins >>>>>>>>>>--------------- 40.44 %
JSON 40 hrs 57 mins >------------------------ 03.85 %
Go 38 hrs 17 mins >------------------------ 03.60 %
YAML 26 hrs 26 mins >------------------------ 02.49 %
Markdown 18 hrs ------------------------- 01.69 %
Bash 10 hrs 38 mins ------------------------- 01.00 %
Rust 7 hrs 17 mins ------------------------- 00.69 %
Other 7 hrs 16 mins ------------------------- 00.68 %
CSS 4 hrs 55 mins ------------------------- 00.46 %