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ViperLang compiler for Lisp-like language written in Rust

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🐍 Viper: Language & Compiler
Rust MIT License


Viper is a simple programming language modeled after Lisp and ML. The language and compiler were written as an educational exercise to learn about programming language and compiler design. The compiler is written in Rust and designed to produce machine code for x86-64 Linux systems.


Viper has many standard programming language features, including:

  • Arithmetic functionality
  • Variable binding
  • Scoping / shadowing
  • Functions
  • Heap-allocated structs / records
  • Garbage collection
  • Classes and objects with single inheritance, dynamic dispatch
  • Command-line input

Example Code

A Viper "hello world" program declares and adds two variables;

    ((x 1) (y 2)) ;; declare variables x, y in a let block
    (+ x y)       ;; add them together and return the result

Below you can find examples which are meant to demonstrate specific language features.

Binary Search Tree

The following Viper program declares a BST record and writes some functions to build an initial tree, insert values, and search the tree, with nodes allocated on the heap and garbage collected in the end:

;; declare the BST node record
(record bst_node ((val int) (left bst_node) (right bst_node)))

;; write the insert function to insert a value in the BST
(fun insert_value ((val int) (root bst_node)) bst_node
        (= root NULL)
        (bst_node val NULL NULL)
            ((curr_val (lookup root val)))
                    (< val curr_val)
                    (set! root left (insert_value val (lookup root left)))
                        (= val curr_val)
                        (set! root right (insert_value val (lookup root right)))

;; write the search function to check if a value is in the BST
(fun search_value ((val int) (root bst_node)) bool
        (= root NULL) 
            ((curr_val (lookup root val)))
                (= curr_val val)
                (if (< val curr_val)
                    (search_value val (lookup root left))
                    (search_value val (lookup root right))

;; the main expression builds a sample BST and inserts the user input
    ((root (bst_node 10 (bst_node 3 NULL NULL) (bst_node 20 NULL NULL))))
        ;; should return T/F depending on if the user input is in the tree already
        (print (search_value input root))
        (set! root (insert_value input root))
        ;; should always return T since we just inserted it
        (print (search_value input root))

Collections via OOP

The following Viper program declares a linked list record type as well as two classes: one defining an Array and another defining a Set. The Array and Set hold a linked list as an instance variable; the Array class is a simple implementation of a singly-linked list, while the Set is as well, except it overrides the insert method from its parent to ensure no duplicates are ever inserted.

(record linked_list_node  ((val int) (next linked_list_node)))

(class Array Object
        (list_head linked_list_node)

        (fun insert ((val int)) int
            (let ((head (lookup self list_head)))
                        (= head NULL)
                        (set! self list_head (linked_list_node val NULL))
                        (set! self list_head (linked_list_node val head))
        (fun contains_helper ((curr linked_list_node) (key int)) bool
                (= curr NULL)
                    (= key (lookup curr val))
                    (call self contains_helper (lookup curr next) key)
        (fun contains ((key int)) bool
            (call self contains_helper (lookup self list_head) key)
        (fun print_helper ((curr linked_list_node)) int
                (= curr NULL)
                    (print (lookup curr val))
                    (call self print_helper (lookup curr next))
        (fun print_array () int
            (call self print_helper (lookup self list_head))

(class Set Array
        (fun insert ((val int)) int
            (let ((head (lookup self list_head)))
                        (= head NULL)
                        (set! self list_head (linked_list_node val NULL))
                            (= (call self contains val) true)
                            (set! self list_head (linked_list_node val head))

        (my_array (Array NULL))
        (my_set (Set NULL))
        (i 0)
                (call my_array insert 111)
                (call my_set insert 333)
                (set! i (add1 i))
            (= i 5)

        (call my_array print_array)
        (call my_set print_array)


Limitations and Future Work

Viper is not fully feature-complete, with the following as notable points for future work and improvement:

  • Comments
  • Peephole optimization via register allocation, constant folding, constant propagation
  • Cycle-detection in the reference counter-based GC system
  • Remove redundant load/stores, instruction optimization
  • Cross-platform compilation / support for ARM processors


ViperLang compiler for Lisp-like language written in Rust






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