A complete NinjaVanAPI for order tracking. (ORDER TRACKING only, for bulk and single trackingId info)
1 - Open NinjaVanAccessTokenRequest.php, provide your client_id and client_secret before requesting/running the file
2 - Request new Token using NinjaVanAccessTokenRequest.php included.
3 - Based on your need, make an HTTP request to either NinjaVanOrderTracking.php or NinjaVanOrderTrackingBulk.php
4 - Provide a single parameter 'tracking_id' with tracking id as the value if request is made to NinjaVanOrderTracking.php and single parameter 'tracking_id' with array (without key) of tracking ids as the value if request is made to NinjaVanOrderTrackingBulk.php.
5 - Basically, after you provide your client id and client secret to NinjaVanAccessTokenRequest.php, you can ignore this file and straight away make your reqeust to either NinjaVanOrderTracking.php or NinjaVanOrderTrackingBulk.php
Reference for NinjaVanOrderTrackingBulk : https://confluence.ninjavan.co/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=819251
Reference for NinjaVanOrderTracking:
- Reference link : https://ninjaorderapibeta.docs.apiary.io/#reference/0//{countrycode}/3.0/orders/get?console=1
- Reference link 2 : https://confluence.ninjavan.co/display/NV/Order+Tracking+API
Thank you!