This is a collection of utilities to help with wardriving visualizations. It includes:
- A simple and suboptimal ruby script to convert Marauder's output to KML/GeoJSON.
- A simple web interface to visualize the data, using Leaflet.js and OpenStreetMap.
The ruby script uses nokogiri, json and optparse gems. You can install them with:
$ gem install nokogiri json optparse
If you wish to run the tests, you will also need the minitest gem. After installing it, you can run the tests with:
$ ruby test/test_marauder_to_geodata.rb
The web interface is self-contained and should work out of the box.
$ ruby marauder_to_geodata.rb --input <input_file> --output <output_file.<kml|json>>
- `input_file` is the log file generated by Marauder.
- `output_file` is the file where the GeoJSON or KML data will be saved.
The script ignores the log lines that don't have the expected format, such as:
#wardrive -serial
Starting Wardrive. Stop with stopscan
After generating the GeoJSON file, edit the script.js file to point to the GeoJSON file, in line:
Then, open the index.html file in your browser.