This software is an encrypt/decrypt engine with multiple layer of encryption using seeds and user authorization.
Can generate and use 'seedfiles' for convinience
Encyption dialog
Advanced settings dialog
-> install cmake to build and run the app with ease
cd build ; cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . ; cmake --build . --config Release
-> use Visual Studio 2022 in the folder with .sln file to build and release the GUI
dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained
zEncrypter.exe -c
Create a file named '' using the following options
-> command = Command to run
-> available commands : enc : Encrypt, dec : Decrypt, pdif : Print differences of two files, gensf : Generate a seedfile, readsf : Read a seedfile
-> filepath = Relative path of the file to encrypt/decrypt
-> fileout = Relative path of the output file
-> id = Id of the encrypter
-> pass = Password of the encrypter
-> seedfile = Set a seedfile to be used (You must be the owner!)
-> addseed = Add a seed
-> mangling = Enable/disable mangling ( 0 : disable, 1 : enable )
-> check = Enable/disable data loss check ( 0 : disable, 1 : enable )
-> add '#' at the beginning of a line to ignore the line