(https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=echoes&url=https://forge.puppetlabs.com/echoes/gitolite&title=Puppet%20module%20to%20manage%20Gitolite&description=This%20module%20installs%20and%20configures%20Gitolite.&lang=en_GB&category=software "Puppet module to manage Gitolite installation and configuration")
- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with gitolite
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Contributors
Puppet module to manage Gitolite installation and configuration.
This module installs and configures Gitolite.
WARNING: For RedHat systems, you may need to add an additional repository like the EPEL repository. You can use the module stahnma-epel to do this.
The quickest way to be up and running using the gitolite module is to copy your public SSH key in the files folder of this module. So, you can use this syntax:
class { 'gitolite':
admin_key_source => "puppet:///modules/gitolite/id_rsa.pub",
class { 'gitolite':
admin_key_content => "ssh-dss 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 florent@echoes",
- gitolite: Main class, includes all other classes.
- gitolite::install: Handles the packages.
- gitolite::config: Handles the configuration file.
The following parameters are available in the ::gitolite
Tells Puppet what content of administration SSH key to add to Gitolite. Exclusive with the source
parameter. Valid options: string. Default value: undef
Tells Puppet which path of administration SSH key to add to Gitolite. Exclusive with the content
parameter. Valid options: string. Default value: undef
Tells Puppet whether the LOCAL_CODE
setting of .gitolite.rc
file is enabled. Valid options: boolean. Default value: false
The value of LOCAL_CODE
is $ENV{HOME}/local. This option is only available for Gitolite 3.
For more details, see : http://gitolite.com/gitolite/non-core.html#localcode
This setting of .gitolite.rc
file allows the repo admin to define acceptable gitconfig keys. Valid options: string. Default value: empty
For more details, see : http://gitolite.com/gitolite/rc.html#specific-variables
Tells Puppet which Gitolite group name to manage. Valid options: string. Default value: varies by operating system
Tells Puppet which Gitolite home directory to manage. Valid options: string containing an absolute path. Default value: '/var/lib/gitolite'
Tells Puppet whether the LOCAL_CODE
setting of .gitolite.rc
file is set to a director in the gitolite-admin repository. Must also set allow_local_code
parameter to true. Valid options: boolean. Default value: false
The value of LOCAL_CODE
is $rc{GL_ADMIN_BASE}/local. This option is only available for Gitolite 3.
SECURITY WARNING: Enabling this setting will allow anyone with write access to the gitolite-admin repository to execute arbitrary code on the gitolite server.
Tells Puppet what the path of LOCAL_CODE
setting of .gitolite.rc
file is. Valid options: string. Default value: 'local'
Whether the user/group resources will be managed by this module. Default value: true
Tells Puppet whether the Gitolite package should be installed, and what version. Valid options: 'present', 'latest', or a specific version number. Default value: 'present'
Tells Puppet which Gitolite package to manage. Valid options: string. Default value: varies by operating system
Tells Puppet whether to enable the repo-specific-hooks
feature in .gitolite.rc
. Valid options: boolean. Default value: false
This option is only available for Gitolite 3.
This setting of .gitolite.rc
file controls file permissions for gitolite repositories. Set this to 0027, for example, to allow the group_name
group to read newly created repos. Default value: 0077
Tells Puppet which Gitolite user name to manage. Valid options: string. Default value: varies by operating system
Tells Puppet which Gitolite version to manage. Valid options: '2' or '3'. Default value: varies by operating system
RedHat and Debian family OSes are officially supported. Tested and built on Debian and CentOS.
Echoes Technologies modules on the Puppet Forge are open projects, and community contributions are essential for keeping them great.
The list of contributors can be found at: https://github.com/echoes-tech/puppet-gitolite/graphs/contributors