This file aims to guide you to gRPC implementation on your swift project.
- Open Terminal and download official protobuffer compiler
$ curl -LOk
- Unzip and cd to directory
$ unzip -d proto_buffer && cd proto_buffer
- Copy files to paths inside your machine
$ sudo cp bin/protoc /usr/local/bin
$ sudo cp -R include/google/protobuf/ /usr/local/include/google/protobuf
- Protobuf compiler is now ready to use
We need to get *.pb.swift file to run grpc on swift. Now,We will create this file.
- Open Terminal and clone apple's protobuf repo on github
$ git clone
- cd to clone and execute following on Terminal
$ swift build -c release
- You can find the protoc-gen-swift binary file under the .build/realase. Copy this to /usr/local/bin
We also need *.grpc.swift file
- Now clone another grpc repo for swift
$ git clone
- cd to clone and execute the following
$ swift build -c release
- You can find the protoc-gen-grpc-swift binary file under the .build/realase. Copy this to /usr/local/bin
You are ready to create .pb.swift and .grpc.swift file using tge swift compilers we just installed
- Navigate to the path that your proto file exists and run the following command in terminal
$ protoc --swift_out=. your.proto
$ protoc --grpc-swift_out=. your.proto
There are 2 files that the compiler will create inside the directory, your.pb.swift and your.grpc.swift. Now we need to copy the files to our Xcode project. Make sure to check Copy Items if Needed.