This document describes how to deploy the Federated Catalogue on IONOS DCD.
These are the services that are deployed:
- Demo Portal: A demo portal to showcase the Federated Catalogue.
- Federated Catalogue: The Federated Catalogue service.
- Keycloak: An open source identity and access management solution.
- Neo4j: A graph database management system.
- PostgreSQL: Open source object-relational database system.
Before you start deploying the Federated Catalogue, make sure you meet the requirements:
- IONOS DCD Account
- Terraform
- kubectl
- Docker
- Helm
- DNS server and domain name
Set environment variables
# Required configuration
export TF_VAR_domain=''
export IONOS_TOKEN="" # curl -s -u 'USERNAME:PASSWORD' | jq -r '.token'
# Optional configuration
export TF_VAR_datacenter_name='Digital Ecosystems'
export TF_VAR_kubernetes_cluster_name='federated-catalogue'
export TF_VAR_datacenter_location='de/txl'
export IONOS_API_URL=""
export TF_LOG=debug
export IONOS_LOG_LEVEL=debug
# Optional configuration for the Kubernetes resource allocation
export TF_VAR_node_memory=8192
export TF_VAR_node_count=2
export TF_VAR_cores_count=2
You can skip this step if you already have a Kubernetes cluster.
To create the necessary infrastructure run the script build-cloud-landscape
in ../terraform
directory. Terraform will generate the kubeconfig-ionos.yaml
which contain the KUBECONFIG for the cluster.
cd ../terraform-kubernetes-dcd
(Optional) If you already have a Kubernetes cluster and have skipped step1 of this deployment procedure, you must configure the path to the KUBECONFIG like so:
export TF_VAR_kubeconfig="path/to/kubeconfig"
Return to the federated-catalogue
cd ../federated-catalogue
To install the DNS service you must first create secret containing service account credentials for one of the providers ( AWS, GCP, Azure, ... ) and configure it in the values file - ../helm/external-dns/values.yaml
. After that install the service with helm.
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
helm install -n external-dns external-dns bitnami/external-dns -f ../helm/external-dns/values.yaml --create-namespace --version 6.14.1
# wait for external-dns POD to become ready
kubectl wait pods -n external-dns -l --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s
To install the other services run the script
in terraform-kubernetes-dcd
cd terraform-kubernetes-dcd
Documentation for the IONOS Cloud API
Documentation for the IONOSCLOUD Terraform provider