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Probabilistic NEMO (with NEMOv3.5 and NEMOv4.0). This includes additional/modified NEMO modules to perform ensemble simulations (members running in parallel) and to explicitly simulate model uncertainties (with stochastic parameterizations).
Ensemble simulations are performed by defining one MPI communicator for each instance of the NEMO code (ensemble members), as described in Bessières et al. (2017). The code includes the possibility of defining cross-members comunicators to allow the exchange of information between members (for instance to compute ensemble statistics).
Stochastic parameterizations are implemented as described in Brankart et al. (2015). They include:
- the simulation of uncertainties resulting from the effect of unresolved scales in the seawater equation of state (Brankart, 2013),
- the simulation of uncertainties in the PISCES biogeochemical model (Garnier et al., 2016),
- the simulation of location uncertainties resulting from unresolved processes (Leroux, 2022).
Applications of these tools can be found for instance in Candille et al. (2015), Germineaud et al. (2019), Tissier et al. (2019), Zanna et al. (2019), Santana-Falcon et al. (2020).