Take a look at the Cookbook to browse the components.
For this example, I will add the Input Number component to an APEX page as a plugin.
You can download and install this demo application here:
Page in demo application: Page 3
Add a new input item in a new region. Put the following in the region text.
<input id="inputnumber-id"/>
Create the following static file and upload it to your static application files.
require(['ojs/ojcore', 'jquery', 'ojs/ojinputnumber'],
function(oj, $)
$('#inputnumber-id').ojInputNumber({'value': 10, 'max':100, 'min':0, 'step':2});
To make it work, we need to load the file above and the Alta UI css file.
[require jet]#APP_IMAGES#widget.jetInputNumber.js
Well done, you've just added your first JET component on your APEX page!
Page in demo application: Page 4
To make this item reusable across applications, we wrap our code in a plugin.
- Name: JET Input Number
- Internal name: JET.INPUT_NUMBER
- Render procedure: render
procedure render (
p_item in apex_plugin.t_item,
p_plugin in apex_plugin.t_plugin,
p_param in apex_plugin.t_item_render_param,
p_result in out nocopy apex_plugin.t_item_render_result )
htp.prn('<input id="' || p_item.name || '"/>');
apex_javascript.add_onload_code (
p_code => 'jetInputNumber.init({id: "' || p_item.name || '"});',
p_key => 'jetInputNumber' );
end render;
[require jet]#PLUGIN_FILES#widget.jetInputNumber.js
The file widget.jetInputNumber.js
is changed a little bit to receive the item ID as a parameter.
var jetInputNumber = {
init: function(options) {
require(['ojs/ojcore', 'jquery', 'ojs/ojinputnumber'], function(oj, $) {
$('#' + options.id).ojInputNumber({'value': 10, 'max':100, 'min':0, 'step':2});
Upload this file in your plugin.
Well done, now you're ready to use the plugin!
Ofcourse, this is the most basic plugin and you should add more properties in the plugin to make it useful.