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This project is trying to make load of a module easily, we can write the module in C/C++, hook and unhook function in the loaded module, and call the function directly. It also procide the functionality to access functions in a exsting module. I tested this project on linux/x86, linux/x64, android/arm32, android/ar64, windows/x86 and windows/x64. Note, it has a issue on windows/x64.



We need a linux machine to compile this project. We should install the following software

  1. Compilers
    • gcc/g++;
    • NDK (for android compiling);
    • x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc, i686-x64-mingw32-gcc (for windows coompiling)
    • llvm , for parsing of c/c++ code
# how to install llvm 14 
chmod +x
sudo ./ 14

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/ /usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-14/lib
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-14/lib
  1. Python packages
    • lief
    • jinja2
    • PyClang. For installing PyClang, this page really helps me out.

Build instructions

// download code 
git clone
cd frida-mod
export NDKPATH=<The path to your NDK>
export WIN_HOST_IP=<IP address of your windows machine>
make # this will compile all codes


The main test code is in the file index.ts. It primaryly does the followsing things:

  • Call function sprintf in exsiting module;
  • Load a module we writed in C++, and call function add in this module;

Linux x64

make run_linux_x64

Linux x86

# need to run frida-server-<version>-linux-x86 first, 
#  and run command `sudo sysctl kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=0`
make run_linux_x86

Android arm64

For android testing, you need a rooted Android device, and connect this device to you PC via USB. And start frida-server on it.

adb push c/libs/arm64-v8a/exe_arm /data/local/tmp/exe_arm64
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/exe_arm64
# and run `exe_arm64` on your android device
make run_arm64

Android arm32

adb push c/libs/armeabi-v7a/exe_arm /data/local/tmp/exe_arm32
adb shell chmod +x /data/local/tmp/exe_arm32
# and run `exe_arm32` on your android device
make run_arm32

windows x64

# confirm your linux macine can connect to your windows machine via local netowrk.
# cp file `c/bins/win64.exe` to your windows machine
# start frida-sever on your windows machine,  with command `frida-server -l`
# start `win64.exe` on your windows machine.
make run_win64

windows x32

# confirm your linux macine can connect to your windows machine via local netowrk.
# cp file `c/bins/win32.exe` to your windows machine
# start frida-sever on your windows machine,  with command `frida-server -l`
# start `win32.exe` on your windows machine.
make run_win32


Frida module utils, writen in typescript






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