This project contains the Groovy bindings for creating osquery extensions in Groovy. The extension can register table, config or logger plugins. Plugin can quickly enable the integration of data which is not yet available as a part of base osquery.
Osquery must be installed on the computer you are running this software. Osquery should be run as the same user the user which runs the code shown here.
Consider the following example:
import net.melastmohican.osquery.TablePlugin
import net.melastmohican.osquery.TablePlugin.TableColumn
class MyTablePlugin extends TablePlugin {
List<TableColumn> columns() {
new TableColumn("foo", "TEXT"),
new TableColumn("baz", "TEXT")
def name() {
def generate() {
["foo" : "bar","baz": "baz"],
["foo" : "bar","baz": "baz"]
import net.melastmohican.osquery.BasePlugin
import net.melastmohican.osquery.PluginManager
BasePlugin plugin = new MyTablePlugin()
PluginManager pm = PluginManager.getInstance()
pm.startExtension("MyTablePlugin", "0.0.1", "2.2.1", "2.2.1")
To test this code start an osquery shell:
osqueryi --nodisable_extensions
osquery> select value from osquery_flags where name = 'extensions_socket';
value |
/Users/USERNAME/.osquery/shell.em |
Then start the Groovy extension:
groovy Main.groovy -Dextension.socket=/Users/USERNAME/.osquery/shell.em MyTablePlugin
This will register a table called "mytable". As you can see, the table will return two rows:
osquery> select * from mytable;
foo | baz |
bar | baz |
bar | baz |
The same Thrift bindings can be used to create a Groovy client for the osqueryd or osqueryi's extension socket.
ClientManager cm = new ClientManager()
ExtensionManager.Client client = cm.getClient()
println "select timestamp from time"
ExtensionResponse res = client.query("select timestamp from time")
println res.response