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SOCRaTEs: Simulink Oracles for CPS RequiremenTs with uncErtainty

Menghi Claudio, Nejati Shiva, Khouloud Gaaloul, Lionel Briand


  • Section Publications provides an overview of the publications that describe the theoretical foundations of this work.

  • Section Overview provides an overview on SOCRaTEs.

  • Section Installation and Project Creation describes how to install SOCRaTEs and how to create your first SOCRaTEs project.

  • Section Using SOCRaTEs describes how to use SOCRaTEs.

  • Finally Section Tutorial provides a tutorial that describes how to use SOCRaTEs on a set of simple examples.


  • Generating Automated and Online Test Oracles for Simulink Models with Continuous and Uncertain Behaviors
    Menghi Claudio, Nejati Shiva, Khouloud Gaaloul, Lionel Briand
    Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE'19
    (ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award)
    Online Appendix


Figure 1 shows an overview of SOCRaTeS (Simulink Oracles for CPS RequiremenTs with uncErtainty), our approach to generate automated test oracles for CPS models. SOCRaTeS takes three inputs: (1) a CPS model with parameters or inputs involving uncertainties, (2) a set of functional requirements for the CPS model and (3) a set of test inputs that are developed by engineers to test the CPS model with respects to its requirements. SOCRaTeS makes the following assumptions about its inputs:

  • The CPS model is described in Simulink (1). Simulink allows specifying dynamic systems, it is executable and allows engineers to test their models as early as possible.

  • Functional requirements are described in a signal logic-based language (2). We present our requirements language later in this document.

  • A set of test inputs exercising requirements are provided (3). We assume engineers have a set of test inputs for their CPS model. The test inputs may be generated manually, randomly or based on any test generation framework proposed in the literature. SOCRaTeS is agnostic to the selected test generation method.

SOCRaTeS automatically converts functional requirements into oracles specified in Simulink (4). The oracles evaluate test outputs of the CPS model in an automated and online manner and generate fitness values that provide engineers with a degree of satisfaction or failure for each test input (5). Engineers can stop running a test in the middle when SOCRaTeS concludes that the test fitness is going to remain below a given threshold for the rest of its execution.

An Overview on SOCRaTEs.

Installation and Project Creation


The following software must be installed on your laptop to run Socrates

Exporting Socrates

Socrates can be exported from source code as a single jar file. Using the exported jar file, users have an alternative to run requirement translation in pure Command-Line style.

The detailed instructions are introduced in

The following sections are the instructions for socrates usage in Eclipse.

Installing Socrates

Socrates can be installed by performing the following steps:

  • Download the last version of SOCRaTEs from

  • Click on Help > Install new Software > Add > Local

  • Select the Plugin folder;

  • Uncheck Group items by category;

  • Select Socrates SDK feature;

  • Click on Next > Next > I accept > Finish.

Creating a New Project

To create a new project perform the following steps:

  • File > New > Project;

  • Select Project from General;

  • Click on Finish;

Using SOCRaTEs

Creating a file with your Requirements

  • Create a file .socrates (File > New > File);

  • When asked to convert into an Xtext project click on Yes.

Generating the .m files using Socrates

  • copy the file demo.socrates within your workspace.

  • Change the file (e.g., add a new blank line) and save it

  • When you save the file a file .m is automatically created in the folder src-gen/ModelName.

Adding the oracles into your model

  • Open the Simulink model test

  • Copy the file Test_Req.m into your workspace

  • Run Test_Req in Matlab

  • tollerableriskTest_Req=0;

  • Run your simulation


We consider four different scenarios obtained by considering two different models and two requirements.

The Considered Models

The first model generates a sine wave with amplitude 2 and frequency 1 rad/s that is represented in Figure 2.

The signal e generated from the model Model 1.

The second model generates a sine wave with amplitude 0.5 and frequency 1 rad/s that is represented in Figure 3.

The signal e generated from the model Model 2.

The Considered Requirements

The first requirement (Test_Forall) specifies that always the signal e should not exceed the value 1. The requirement Test_Forall is reported in Figure 4.

The requirement Test_Forall.

The second requirement (Test_Exists) specifies that there exists a time instant in which the signal e exceeds the value 1. The requirement Test_Exists is reported in Figure 5.

The requirement Test_Exists.

Replicating the Scenarios

To replicate the scenario

  • open Matlab

  • rename the selected model into Test.slx

  • open the file Test.slx in Simulink

  • open SOCRaTEs

  • create a new proect as previously described

  • add the file tutorial.socrates to your project

  • add an empty line to the file tutorial.socrates and save it

  • copy the .m file associated with the desired requirement from src-gen/Test to the Matlab workspace

  • run the .m file

  • set the value of the tollerableriskTest_Forall and tollerableriskTest_Exists variables to $0$

  • run the Simulink simulator

Scenario 1

In scenario 1 the model Model 1 and the requirement Test_Forall are considered. The evaluation of the oracle over time is presented in Figure 6.

The evaluation of the oracle for the requirement Test_Forall and the model Model 1.

The oracle stops as soon as the requirement is detected to be violated. The variable result_Test_Forall.Data contains the final result that for this simulation is: -0.0109. Note that the result is negative. The property is indeed violated.

Scenario 2

In scenario 2 the model Model 2 and the requirement Test_Forall are considered. The evaluation of the oracle over time is presented in Figure 7.

The evaluation of the oracle for the requirement Test_Forall and the model Model 2.

The variable result_Test_Forall.Data contains the final result that for this simulation is: 0.3333. Note that the result is positive. The property is indeed satisfied.

Scenario 3

In scenario 3 the model Model 1 and the requirement Test_Exists are considered. The evaluation of the oracle over time is presented in Figure 8.

The evaluation of the oracle for the requirement Test_Exists and the model Model 1.

The variable result_Test_Exists.Data contains the final result that for this simulation is: 0.5. Note that the result is positive. The property is indeed satisfied.

Scenario 4

In scenario 4 the model Model 2 and the requirement Test_Exists are considered. The evaluation of the oracle over time is presented in Figure 9.

The evaluation of the oracle for the requirement Test_Exists and the model Model 2.

The variable result_Test_Exists.Data contains the final result that for this simulation is: -0.3333. Note that the result is negative, and the simulation stops as soon as the upper-bound of the interval constrained by the exist operator is reached. The property is indeed not satisfied.

Developers corner

Instruction to install SOCRaTEs