[nodejs-server] [nodejs-scrapper]
This project scrape for you Upcomings series and movies provided by a famous VOD provider and serve result on a responsive website.
You need two third party API account (freemium): UPLOADCARE & FIREBASE to store Posters and already scraped media.
[Uploadcare-node] [Firebase Admin SDK]
touch src/config-keys.js
Copy the snippet below, and set your own keys
const keys = {
'uploadcare': {
'public_key': 'yourpublickey',
'private_key': 'yourprivatekey'
exports.uploadcare = keys.uploadcare;
touch src/media-store/firebase-key.json
and copy your firebase key json file, uploaded on firebase console (settings => service accounts => adminsdk => generate a new private key)
mkdir public/posters
npm install
node src/refresh-upcoming.js
You can also use prompt mode to add manualy a poster url does not founded by the scraper.
node src/refresh-upcoming.js --prt
By default posters are localy downloaded on /public/posters
folder use option --uploadcare
to store posters in
node src/refresh-upcoming.js --upc
On production it run on port 80
node src/server.js
node src/server.js --dev
Go to localhost:8888