version 2.1.12
// FileCopyrightText: Mehdi Sadighian <>
// License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 license
postgresql connection pool and query suite (c++)
test OS : slackware 14.1 64bit, test OS : ubuntu 18.04 TLS 64bit
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libpqxx-dev -y
compile with g++ and link with -lpq -lpqxx -lpthread
#include <cstdio>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "PostgreSQL_ConnectionPool_V2/PostgreSQL_ConnectionPool_V2.h"
using namespace std;
using PGSQL_Settings = PostgresqlConnectionPool::PGSQL_Settings;
using PGSQL_ConnectionPool = PostgresqlConnectionPool::PGSQL_ConnectionPool;
using Select = PostgresqlConnectionPool::PGSQL_ConnectionPool::Select;
int main()
PGSQL_Settings PGSettings;
PGSettings.db_host = "";
PGSettings.db_port = "5432";
PGSettings.db_name = "test";
PGSettings.db_user = "root";
PGSettings.db_password = "testpassword";
PGSettings.max_connections = 20;
PGSettings.GetColumnTypes = true;
PGSQL_ConnectionPool PgsqlConnection(PGSettings);
string Error;
if (!PgsqlConnection.Connect(Error))
cout << Error << endl;
cout << "Cannot Connect To Database...Exiting" << endl;
//Create DataBase
if (!PgsqlConnection.CreateDatabase("test11", Error))
cout << Error << endl;
cout << "Database Creation Success" << endl;
//custom query can be used for create table, insert, delete,update,.... BUT NOT SELECT
//for select use select object
string query;
//create table example
query = "create table t7 (id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL UNIQUE,familyname varchar(256) );";
if (!PgsqlConnection.CustomQuery(query, Error))
cout << Error << endl;
cout << "CustomQuery Success" << endl;
//insert example
query = "insert into t7 (familyname) VALUES (\'\');";
if (!PgsqlConnection.CustomQuery(query, Error))
cout << Error << endl;
cout << "CustomQuery Success" << endl;
//insert retunring id example:
query = "insert into t7 (familyname) VALUES (\'\') RETURNING id;";
string id = PgsqlConnection.InsertReturnID(query, Error);
if (id == "-1")
cout << Error << endl;
cout << "insert retunring id Success, id=" << id << endl;
//Select Example:
query = "select id,familyname from t7;";
//Creare Object, This Will Dispose And Clear itself when goes out of scope
Select PGSelect(&PgsqlConnection, query);
if (PGSelect.Success)
cout << "####\nprint select result example 1:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < PGSelect.GetNumberOfSelectedRows(); i++)
Select::Row& row = PGSelect.GetRow(i);
string& column1 = row[0];
string& column2 = row[1];
cout << column1 << endl;
cout << column2 << endl;
cout << "####\nprint select result example 2:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < PGSelect.GetNumberOfSelectedRows(); i++)
for (auto& column : PGSelect.GetRow(i))
cout << "column value=" << column << endl;
cout << "####\nprint only selected column DataType:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < PGSelect.SelectedColumnsInfo.size(); i++)
auto& node = PGSelect.SelectedColumnsInfo[i];
cout << node->name << endl;
cout << node->type << endl;
cout << node->typeName << endl;
cout << "####\nprint select result and column DataTypes example:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < PGSelect.GetNumberOfSelectedRows(); i++)
Select::Row& row = PGSelect.GetRow(i);
auto& node1 = PGSelect.SelectedColumnsInfo[0];
string& column1 = row[0];
auto& node2 = PGSelect.SelectedColumnsInfo[1];
string& column2 = row[1];
cout << "####" << endl;
cout << "column1 name:" << node1->name << endl;
cout << "column1 value:" << column1 << endl;
cout << "column1 type:" << node1->type << endl;
cout << "column1 typeName:" << node1->typeName << endl;
cout << "####" << endl;
cout << "column2 name:" << node2->name << endl;
cout << "column2 value:" << column2 << endl;
cout << "column2 type:" << node2->type << endl;
cout << "column2 typeName:" << node2->typeName << endl;
//Reselect Using Same Object
//this Will Clear Select Result in Object And Puts New Select Results Into it
query = "select familyname from t7;";
if (PGSelect.Success)
cout << "####\nprint ReSelect result example:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < PGSelect.GetNumberOfSelectedRows(); i++)
for (auto& column : PGSelect.GetRow(i))
cout << "column value=" << column << endl;