Releases: meganz/android
Version 6.2
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Enhancement
- Add back the "Always save to this location" dialog.
- Content Consumption:
- Add reorder option on audio/video playlist.
- 2x grid for All page maximum zoom-in in landscape mode.
- 9x grid for All page zoom-out 1 in landscape mode.
- Maintenance
- Nodes on Home's Documents, Videos and Audio without middle height point on item's second line.
- Refactor SettingsFragmentLollipop.
- Feature
- Backup in file manager.
- New behaviour to pick a folder and upload its content.
- Bug
- Wrong avatar in Homepage after create a new account.
- Possible bug - unable to connect to chatd upon first launch after some inactivity.
- In grid view, the name of the participant does not have the correct margins.
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - FileBrowserFragmentLollipop.
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - CloudDriveExplorerFragmentLollipop.
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - FileBrowserFragmentLollipop.
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - FileBrowserFragmentLollipop.
- Flickering in self feed view.
- NullPointerException in getEmail (MyAccountViewModel).
- Rubbish Bin section available while offline.
- When I hang a meeting as a guest, the app crashes.
- Control when trying to open a meeting link as a guest and the meeting has ended.
- Next keyboard button doesn't work when to login.
- Crash: NullPointerException in onPreDraw (ManagerActivityLollipop).
- Crash: NullPointerException in onUsersUpdate (OptionalMegaGlobalListenerInterface.kt).
- Crash: FileNotFoundException in readFile (TextEditorViewModel.kt).
- Crash: IllegalStateException in provideFirebaseCrashlytics (AnalyticsModule.kt).
- Crash: IllegalStateException at firebase crashlytics.
- Link with expiry date not working.
- MEGA Crashes on Android.
- App gets frozen on black screen.
- Meetings: Can't stop the ringing and vibrate of incoming calls unless joining the call.
- Others
- Upgrade available translations.
SDK: meganz/sdk@8e7a2be (release/v3.9.15)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@0c5ef1d (release/v3.0.8)
Version 6.1.1
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Bug
- Crash: NullPointerException in onPreDraw (ManagerActivityLollipop).
SDK: meganz/sdk@0916f10 (release/v3.9.14)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@07d8754 (release/v3.0.7)
Version 6.1
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Enhancement
- In the image viewer, if the image is downloaded, show the original image instead the preview:
- Remove download notifications for full size images.
- Improved flow of contracts exchanged on chat.
- Remove illustration on "Add phone number" for small devices.
- Remove connect APIs.
- Implement Firebase Performance Monitoring.
- Pluralize
string. - Add back
Open link
options in dropdown menus (Cloud Drive and Chat sections). - Content Consumption:
- Offline icon improving.
- Media Discovery option in the cloud drive folder top:
- Load Images and Videos from a specific folder.
- Media discovery UI page.
- Add "media discovery" page entrance.
- Handle fragment back stack logic.
- Y/M/D navigation bar displayed when user swipe down.
- Support preview a zip inside a zip.
- Display all visual files under Media Discovery.
- Close Media Discovery.
- In the image viewer, if the image is downloaded, show the original image instead the preview:
- Maintenance
- Modify banner's string when user is in a group call ( webclient) and enters simultaneous in the app (iOS / Android).
- Remove folder upload notifications.
- Update Kotlin dependency to 1.6.10.
- Content Consumption:
- Empty state on Photos & Images section.
- Code changes: Java -> Kotlin:
- PhotosFragment convert.
- CUGridViewAdapter convert.
- CuGridViewHolder convert.
- CuViewModel convert.
- CuViewModel refactor.
- Replace CUCard, CUNode, PhotoItemNode with GalleryCard, GalleryItem.
- Unify PhotoBrowseAdapter and CUGridAdapter.
- Meetings: Remove the compatibility warning view.
- Feature
- Improve UI for contact-links sent to chat.
- Bug
- When images are loading show loading icon rather than a wrong sized image.
- Long File names overlaps with access level label in the folder info of incoming shares.
- Some unexpected behaviour when renaming audio files.
- IllegalArgumentException in categoryClickListener.onClick (HomepageFragment.kt).
- Content Consumption:
- CU-blank space at the bottom of the page.
- Switching from Days in Landscape mode takes the user to Enable camera upload page on CU.
- Zoom icons are displayed for Empty state.
- Cannot preview Zip files when it contains a multi-level file structure.
- Handle media discovery page when user rotates the screen:
- Rotate screen, MD page close.
- When switch bottom tab, MD page close.
- Optimise MD UI code controller logic.
- When rotate screen, fab button sometimes appears.
- When rotate screen double times, years, months, days data disappear.
- When switch time tab in MD page, the date titles don't change when zoom.
- Meetings: Dialogue is shown out of place when there are no chats yet.
- Others
- Upgrade available translations.
SDK: meganz/sdk@0916f10 (release/v3.9.14)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@07d8754 (release/v3.0.7)
Version 6.0
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Enhancement
- Remove duplicate options on dropdown when views have FABs
- Unify the grant Permissions procedure
- Add folder's full options on folder's overflow menu/modal
- Remove logs from DB and add them to preferences.
- Content Consuption: Display the Version information on the menu list.
- Maintenance
- Move to the new App Bundle format
- Upgrade Exoplayer library to the latest version available
- Remove all the code related to "Pick from File System" option
- Upgrade Android Gradle to the latest available version
- Request permissions for enabling logs is not needed anymore
- Remove unused permissions
- Update Hilt library version
- Bug
- Chat: disable interaction on "Join call" once the user taps on it to avoid "resource already exists issue""
- Possible Bug: App keeps disabling camera upload
- Broken proximity sensor behaviour
- IllegalStateException in CrashReporterImpl. (CrashReporterImpl.kt) - GMS
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in AddContactActivityLollipop$GetPhoneContactsTask.doInBackground (
- NullPointerException in exportRK (ExportRecoveryKeyViewModel.kt)
- NullPointerException in changeTitle (
- Notification of call in progress is not displayed in Android 11
- Crash: io.reactivex.rxjava3.exceptions.UndeliverableException - GetMyAvatarUseCase
- Crash: - CameraUploadService
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - Pdfium
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - MediaPlayerActivity
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - FolderLinkActivityLollipop
- Crash: - TextEditorViewModel
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - MegaListChatLollipopAdapter
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - FullScreenImageViewerLollipop
- Crash: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - MegaTransfersLollipopAdapter
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - FolderLinkActivityLollipop
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - DragToExitSupport
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - ThumbnailUtilsLollipop
- Crash: java.lang.RuntimeException - SDCardOperator
- Crash: java.lang.NullPointerException - ManagerActivityLollipop
- Main camera fails to disable proximity sensor
- NullPointerException in setToolbarTitle (ManagerActivityLollipop)
- NullPointerException within GetGlobalChangesUseCase
- Others
- Upgrade available translations.
SDK: meganz/sdk@7c4da30 (release/v3.9.13)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@9392fd0 (release/v3.0.6)
Version 5.5
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Enhancement
- "Sort by" improvements.
- Add disable versions warning.
- Remove the ellipsis in "Label...".
- Content Consumption: Stop play music after kill the app thread.
- Meetings: Handle multi calls.
- Maintenance
- Remove contacts order.
- Implement offline sort by.
- Cookie dialog + settings changes.
- Bug
- ZIP folder preview issue.
- Wrong
screen. - UI view of Recents shifted down after accepting contact request.
- Favorite and Label modal bottom sheet options wrongly displayed or hidden.
- Incorrect redirect location from Photos icon in Home page.
- The margins in the bottom panel of a meeting are not correct.
- Creating a group chat from the contact section does not work.
- NPE InMeetingFragment.finishActivityAsGuest.
- Ensure that MegaChatApi::setBackgroundStatus is being called when a call is answered in background.
- Edited rich link messages wrong behaviour.
- "View in folder" option in Completed Transfers section shows a wrong error.
- Truncated "Reset" button text - "Get link" - Localized UI.
- In Homepage and Chat, the status bar remains white after tap on fab button.
- NullPointerException in MegaLogger. (
- ClassCastException in AccountController. (
- Opening chat notification bypasses pin code checking.
- Incorrect content when switching from different categories on Home page.
- Stop incoming call ringing when receiving isRinging false.
- New chat menu in Chat is on but user can navigate to the other menus.
- Show
option in Rubbish Bin section. - Unlock with Fingerprint ID broken.
- Content Consuption:
- If the setting
Open file when downloaded
is disabled, there is no way to open some types of files after download. - Mini player still in the status bar and cannot work after kill the app thread.
- If the setting
- Others
- Upgrade available translations.
SDK: meganz/sdk@927d143 (release/v3.9.12)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@1886681 (release/v3.0.5)
Version 5.4
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Enhancement
- Fingerprint unlock.
- Photos - Phase 2.
- Folder view title mangles the string (converts it to all-uppercase).
- Using quantity-neutral formulations for the strings of uploading/downloading files.
- Support email links without the # prefix.
- Add Firebase crashlytics support for Java.
- Add support for Huawei AppGallery Connect Crash service.
- Update AppCompat library to latest version.
- When searching and no app is installed, warning flashes to fast to be read.
- Content Consumption:
- Card views on Years/Months/Days.
- Rename the current CU tab and Photos (homepage).
- Zoom in/out in the Images section - Zoom in 1x.
- Zoom in/out in the Images section - Zoom out 5x.
- Zoom in/out in the Images section - Zoom out 12x.
- Zoom in/out in the Images section - Default 3x.
- Maintenance
- Allow users to config video uploads quality on Camera uploads settings.
- On light theme, make status bar the same colour has modal bottom sheet (plain white) when the modal is swiped till the top.
- Only collect and upload crash information to Firebase if cookie option accepted.
- Update for supporting M1 CPU laptop.
- Remove Store description strings from repository.
- Content Consuption - Code refactoring:
- Unify repository.
- Unify viewmodel.
- Unify adapter, data class.
- Remove search function completely from ImagesFragment.
- Extract zoom in/out menu items from activity, set them in parent fragment.
- Extract years/months/days/all panel as a component in parent fragment.
- Bug
- Camera uploads remain visible after deleting the folder from cloud drive.
- The bottom options bar disappears from the homepage.
- App crashes when sharing location in chat in landscape mode.
- While editing if the user chooses a GIF- it is redirected to the share extension page.
- RuntimeException caused by NullPointerException in changeFolder (FileStorageActivityLollipop).
- App crashes on trying to download files from node history.
- On pdf preview the fast scroller has no elevation (on both light and dark themes).
- Guest option is not properly shown at first screen.
- File names cut (issue from GitHub).
- Navigation Buttons barely visible when using audio player in some devices.
- Shared folder option - App crashes if Contact permission is granted.
- Call notification not dismissable when the permissions "Appear on top" are disabled (from Android 10).
- NullPointerException in storeDownloadLocationIfNeeded (
- In dark mode, after open or close some modal bottom sheet, the status bar has a wrong color.
- The location disappears when rotating device.
- Remove
extension from not reproducible audio. - PDF file automatically jumps to beginning of document while scrolling down and jumps to end of the document while scrolling up.
- No passcode prompted when opening mega via a new chat message notification.
- Crash when upgrade database.
- On transfers section, if an item is dragged to be reorder, it's background is transparent.
- Files are not visible when upload by "pick from file system".
- Meetings: App keeps on ringing after accepting the call from WebClient.
- Content Consuption: Zoom icons are disabled for default setting on All page.
- Others
- Upgrade available translations.
SDK: meganz/sdk@250d5fc (release/v3.9.11)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@60e8b84 (release/v3.0.4)
Version 5.3.1
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Bug
- Broken behaviour to pick CU local folder on Android 11.
SDK: meganz/sdk@ed87bb0 (v3.9.9)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@0af7cea (v3.0.3)
Version 5.3
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Enhancement
- Add the ability to config app initial start screen.
- Hide recent activity settings.
- Save the view mode and the sort by defined by the user.
- Contacts section, Requests: Scroll to
Sent requests
tab if is not empty andReceived requests
is empty. - Improve the display of the words in "My account" area when the translation contains a larger number of characters.
- Maintenance
- Eliminate the build warnings caused by deprecated 'kotlin-android-extensions'.
- Eliminate the build warnings caused by experimental coroutines declarations.
- Remove MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.
- Bug
- Unable to send a file to multiple chats.
- Attach file in Chat from "From File System > Mega", 0 B file is uploaded.
- The elevation in FileExplorer does not work fine in some situations.
- The status bar of Group info screen does not show elevation in dark mode.
- The one-to-one call allows scrolling of the bottom panel and the UI looks wrong.
- The elevation in FileProvider does not work fine in some situations.
- The bottom panel of New Meeting/Join meeting is not hidden after you have selected an option.
- When hanging up the call from the bottom panel "No moderator" the behaviour is incorrect.
- The elevation in FileStorage does not work fine in some situations.
- NullPointerException in confirmImport (ImportFilesFragment).
- Meetings - Login as a guest option is broken.
- Do not show Toolbar actions while giving the options to choose between internal and external storage.
- NullPointerException in getTitleChat (ChatUtil).
- Others
- Upgrade available translations.
SDK: meganz/sdk@ed87bb0 (v3.9.9)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@0af7cea (v3.0.3)
Version 5.2
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Enhancement
- Improve modal bottom sheet's options visibility if modal sheet height is greater than or equal to 100% of screen height.
- Revise video quality levels.
- Maintenance
- On Settings view there is no elevation on the appBar when content is swiped up/down.
- On C.U. section, the app bar is not raised when progress bar is shown.
- Bug
- User keeps getting the message -"An error occurred when creating the chat".
- Modal bottom sheet behaviour.
- Videos without audio track are not compressed.
- Github issue: Can't open url file (Android 11 and upper).
- In a 1-to-1 call, in landscape mode, the video is sometimes distorted.
- Deleted images don't get deleted while being sent in chat.
- Fab button in homepage doesn't work properly.
- Passcode lock prompt on incoming group calls in locked state.
- Passcode lock is bypassed after answering or rejecting an incoming a call.
- Messages in the chat that do not contain links are processed as if they had links.
- When I am added to a group room that has a call in progress, the incoming call notification should be displayed.
- App asks for preferred download location logged out.
- Search breaks.
- NullPointerException in getPreferencesFromDBv62 (DatabaseHandler).
- Others
- Upgrade available translations.
SDK: meganz/sdk@17f6698 (release/v3.9.8)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@3b83038 (release/v3.0.2)
Version 5.1.1
Supported Android versions
- Android 5.0 – 5.1.1 (Lollipop)
- Android 6.0 – 6.0.1 (Marshmallow)
- Android 7.0 – 7.1.2 (Nougat)
- Android 8.0 – 8.1 (Oreo)
- Android 9.0 (Pie)
- Android 10 ("Q" - Quince Tart)
- Android 11 ("R" - Red Velvet Cake)
Change notes
- Bug
- Disable TLS session resumption feature.
SDK: meganz/sdk@7c37403 (v3.9.7)
MEGAchat: meganz/MEGAchat@61e6a44 (release/v3.0.1a)