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McDope edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 18 revisions


Don't panic!

Log Analysis

Both and pamusb-agent use the syslog facility to log authentication attempts. This can be useful for GUI-driven applications (for instance GDM) where you don't get to see console output. Messages are logged with the AUTH facility, they are usually written to /var/log/auth.log but may vary depending on the operating system you're using.

# tail -f /var/log/auth.log
pamusb-agent[25429]: Device "sandisk" has been inserted. Performing
pamusb-agent[25429]: Executing "/usr/bin/pamusb-check --quiet
--config=/etc/pamusb.conf --service=pamusb-agent scox"
pam_usb[25485]: Authentication request for user "scox" (pamusb-agent)
pam_usb[25485]: Device "sandisk" is connected (good).
pam_usb[25485]: Access granted.
pamusb-agent[25429]: Authentication succeeded. Unlocking user "scox"...
pamusb-agent[25429]: Unlocked.

Enabling debug

Enabling debug messages may help you find out what's wrong.

To enable them, edit /etc/pamusb.conf and set the following option:

  <option name="debug">true</option>

You can enable debug messages only for a specific user, device or service.

  <service id="sudo">
    <option name="debug">true</option>

Getting 'Access denied' on graphical terminals / when using agent

This can happen if deny_remote is enabled, but unknown_pts_as_local is not. It is caused by non-login-shells (or processes launched from them) having no entry in utmp for their tty or them having no tty at all. See issue #8 ( for more information.

To fix this make sure to enable not only deny_remote but also unknown_pts_as_local (this is the default).

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