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mbsoftlab edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 15 revisions


The TemplateEngine replaces values from properties of C# classes in template strings. The C# class with the data holding properties is called the TemplateDataModel class. The string with the placeholders is called a string template or template string.

You can bind the value from your C-property to your string template by using ${YourPropertyName}. You can set a custom delimiters. Use the OpeningDelimiter and CloseingDelimiter properties to handle this.

Also you can access parameterless public methods of TemplateDataModell classes by using ${MethodName()} in your template.

The default is ${ for the start delimiter and } for the end delimiter.

Since Version 1.0.8 the Razor language is suporrted by RazorTemplateEngine.

'TemplateEngine' Example

 Person person = new Person
     FirstName = "Jo",

string template = "<MyTag>${FirstName}, ${LastName}</MyTag>";

TemplateEngine templateEngine = new TemplateEngine(person,template);
string outputString = templateEngine.CreateStringFromTemplate();

Console.Write(outputString); // Output: <MyTag>Jo, Doe</MyTag> 

'RazorTemplateEngine' Example


  Person person = new Person
      FirstName = "Jo",
      Emails = new List<string>(){"","",""}
  ITemplateEngine<Person> templateEngine = new RazorTemplateEngine<Person>();
  string templateFileContent = templateEngine.CreateStringFromTemplate(person);
  var htmlFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "temp.html");
  File.WriteAllText(htmlFileName, templateFileContent);


namespace TemplateEngineVisualStudioCodeExample
    public class Person: TemplateDataModel<Person>
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public List<string> Emails { get; set; }


@inherits TemplateEngineVisualStudioCodeExample.Person

<p>Hallo @Model.FirstName. This are your Emails:</p>
@foreach (var email in @Model.Emails)

Install Package

NuGet Package:

PM> Install-Package MbSoftLab.TemplateEngine.Core

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